This study investigated the habitat suitability and connectivity pathways of N. derjugini population cores on a fine scale using the maximum entropy model. The results show that the model could predict the species' habitats, so it is proposed as a suitable model for modeling on such a scale. The ancestors of the genus Neurergus were distributed in Europe and the Mediterranean. Then, due to the favorable climate, some of this genus moved to the southern parts. The displacement to the south has expanded the species' distribution range to the habitats in the Zagros forest and adjacent areas in Turkey and Iraq (Steinfartz et al., 2000). The current distribution range of N. derjugini is enclosed in the Zagros highlands.
By preserving the connections made between the population cores in this area and due to the effect of high topographic diversity (Odunuga and Badru, 2015) and vegetation cover (Kalota, 2017) on moderating temperature, these areas can act as a suitable climatic refuge not only for this species but also for N. kaiseri (Ashrafzadeh et al., 2019) and Salamandra infraimmaculata (Ahsani et al., 2018) and even plant species (Olea europaea and Myrtus communis) (Malekoutian et al., 2020). These cases support the view that uneven topography, which causes species to displace at short distances and thus modify changing conditions, can inhibit the biotic effects of climate change (Ackerly et al., 2010). Among the habitat variables, slope percentage, altitude variation, and cluster hillshade had the highest impact, and CTI, landform dominance, and NDVI had the lowest impact. Based on the research findings on this study scale, "slope" is the most critical parameter for N. derjugini. This is while this habitat variable has been used neither in other studies on this species (Vaissi and Sharifi, 2019; Afroosheh et al., 2019) nor even in the release studies (Vaissi, 2021). With increasing the slope up to 400%, the habitat suitability increases, and from this point on, the suitability declines. Habitat suitability rises with increasing altitude diversity. This factor is a significant stimulus in the formation of microclimates and even landforms. Landform diversity has even been recognized as one of the components of temperature reduction (Rastandeh et al., 2019). Therefore, in combination with the two criteria of slope and elevation, this parameter plays a critical role in the habitat suitability of N. derjugini. Many studies have identified the relationship between altitude and slope as a descriptor of salamanders' habitat (Gherghel and Papeş, 2015). The cluster hillshade showed that habitat suitability decreases as radiation to the surface increases.
Plain areas will not have high habitat suitability for the species due to lower elevation, and more radiation received. Direct sunlight in areas without topography can cause higher temperatures and thus reduce the amount of moisture available, which is different from the favorable conditions for this and other salamander species (Hernandez et al., 2017). Moreover, low radiation can affect the durability of snow at higher altitudes and thus the water supply of streams and springs (Sharifi et al., 2009). Increasing the height up to 1500 m increases the habitat suitability of N. derjugini, which is emphasized in similar studies (Najafimajd and Keya, 2010; Afroosheh et al., 2016). However, from this point on, the suitability declines. In research by Sharifi et al. (2017) on the same species, the results showed that the optimum height for the species is up to 2057 m, which is different from the findings of this study and may be due to the spatial resolution of the data used. Areas with altitudes above 1,500 m may be unfavorable to the species for the reasons such as extreme cold and frost conditions. Height is generally considered a limiting factor for distribution (Lomolino, 2001). For the eastern populations of Plethodon salamanders, altitude is also a factor limiting the distribution range. The N. derjugini populations during the mid-Holocene and LGM periods tended to lower altitudes for finding glacial refugees (Afroosheh et al., 2019).
The CTI in the response curves showed that by decreasing the value of this index from 2 to lower values, the species' habitat suitability would fall. Then, by increasing the value from 4 onwards, the suitability would rise again. This shape of the response curve shows the difference in the environmental conditions of the two distribution ranges. Parts of the presence points in the Zagros highlands have higher humidity and altitude than in Iraq, which was previously mentioned in the study by Sharifi and Vaissi (2014). High humidity is essential for most salamander species in this mountain range, such as Salamandra infraimmaculata and N. derjugini (Ahsani et al., 2018). According to Ahsani et al. (2018) and Ashrafzadeh et al. (2019), physical parameters play an influential role in preventing distribution.
Therefore, it can be acknowledged that the distribution of N. derjugini in Iran is limited by physical factors, which is consistent with the north-south hypothesis (Darwin, 1859; MacArthur, 1972). This fine-scale study (30 × 30 m) is different from other studies on N. derjugini in terms of spatial resolution (Ashrafzadeh et al., 2019; Sharifi et al., 2017; Afroosheh et al., 2019; Malekoutian et al., 2020; Ahsani et al., 2018; Vaissi., 2021) that investigated the relationship between presence points and habitat variables in broad-scale (bioclimatic). This group of macroecological studies is very applicable in discovering the relationships that are difficult to calculate by local analyses (Ficetola et al., 2018). However, the modeling with broad-scale data for specialized species such as salamanders may not include many species characteristics in the predictions. These specialized features have not been considered in the mentioned studies and even in the study of creating protected areas (Vaissi, 2021). In a study by Ficetola et al. (2018) to examine the differences between broad- and fine-scales, the results showed that the microhabitat scale is more appropriate to use for the study on salamanders. In a multi-scale study of Neurergus kaiseri by Goudarzi et al. (2021), the results showed that fine-scale models effectively reduce uncertainty. For species with local distributions, local factors play a vital role in their habitat and displacement. Sometimes, these factors create constraints for species displacement that can only be detected on a fine scale. In the different scenarios, regardless of the physical structures of the landscape, there were found populations with no connection, indicating the absence of a favorable MC. This distribution limit can only be detected on a fine scale (Fig. 4). This study used drainage basins to investigate the potential of population cores for binding connected. Drainage basins are a suitable study unit for water-dependent amphibians due to a single outflow and the collection of water from all waterways. Since the boundaries between these basins are determined by parameters such as rainfall, water flow, and altitude, gene flow and the formation of local populations of N. derjugini are possible to occur in these basins. In a study by Malekoutian et al. (2020) on this species using Mitochondrial DNA sequence, the results showed that 3 populations could be identified for this species. Consistency of these results with the present study's findings, reporting the northern population in Basin 1, the central population in Basin 2, and the downstream population in Basin 3, indicates that the population connection trend in the basins can be independent. In Scenario 1, where there was no emphasis on MC, many of the corridors crossed areas that may pose a threat to the species (Fig. 7).
Crossing over rangelands can lead to moisture loss as areas with sparse vegetation cover typically have high surface temperatures. Moreover, due to sparse vegetation cover, open spaces can increase the risk of hunting by birds, reptiles, and mammals. Any response from the species is somehow a cost that affects habitat use and movement potential (Winandy et al., 2017). Three parameters of humidity, temperature, and predation are considered the primary factors that affect amphibians' movement (Joly, 2019). However, amphibians use the narrow structural elements of the landscape, such as hedgerows, ditches, field margins, road verges, and channeled agricultural and headwater streams, to move. (Pope et al., 2000; Mazerolle ,2005). In the studies by Afroosheh et al. (2019) on N. derjugini and Ashrafzadeh et al. (2019) on Neurergus kaiseri, no particular emphasis is made on the MC. Keeley et al. (2016) showed that using the habitat suitability map as a proxy performed better for the generalized species (Ovis canadensis nelsoni) than the specialized species (Cervus canadensis). Therefore, the reverse of habitat suitability is a weak proxy for specialized species such as N. derjugini. According to the metrics of flow intensity, EucD, and CWD, Basin 3 has more suitable corridors containing the highest current flow among the population cores. This could be attributed to the closer proximity of the population cores and the greater roughness of the basin. The proximity of population cores and suitable MCs such as valleys and waterways have led to a high quality of the corridors. The population cores in Basin 1 under all studied scenarios did not have suitable corridors due to the long distance between the population cores, reducing the possibility of genetic exchange. Therefore, this basin is more at risk than the other two basins. Afroosheh et al. (2019) reported little correlation between the northern populations of N. derjugini, which is similar to the findings of this study. Scenario 3 investigated the connection paths only in the landform classes of canyons (deeply-incised streams), mid-slope drainages (shallow valleys), upland drainages (headwaters), and u-shaped valleys that, compared to Scenario 2, provided a more limited context for the species movement. In this scenario, the corridors identified along the transit routes are more in compliance with the species' habitats (Fig. 7). Based on the research findings, landform and then slope position classes can quantify the species' movement paths more efficiently, in a way that is more in line with the ecological and biological characteristics of the species. In most areas identified as corridors, there was suitable vegetation cover in the context. Although the NDVI had little effect in this study, Scenario 3, by compliance with the four landform classes, included this variable appropriately in the modeling. Areas such as waterways and valleys in mountainous regions can be considered a kind of riparian ecosystem. Vegetation cover, water, and moisture in these areas can play a significant role in facilitating movements (Gregory et al., 1991; Naiman and Decamps, 1997). Considering the maximum distance that can be traversed on land (300 to 1000 m) for different amphibian species (Pittman et al., 2014), the identified corridors (Tables 1 to 3) have the potential to be used in terms of length. However, the distance for N. derjugini was measured to be 49.19 ± 71.75 m (Sharifi and Afroosheh, 2014), which is less than the mentioned mileage distance. So what is clear is that the potential of using the corridors identified in the scenarios depends to a large extent on the existence of stepping stones along the corridors. The pools along the potential corridors of Scenarios 2 and 3 can be considered stepping stones, providing the best conditions for connecting the population cores. Also, the species has adapted to use these areas (Öz et al ., 2002). Rainfall (Mazerolle, 2001; Todd and Winne, 2006) and snowmelt, and water flow in canals can all contribute to creating these areas, which differ from the role of runoff (Costa et al., 2016). The displacement between these habitat spots is considered part of the away mod stage (Pittman et al., 2014), in which the species shows the least response to terrestrial habitat quality. Accordingly, the presence of these stepping stones can help increase the distribution range at this stage. These conditions have also been observed in the distribution of ringed salamanders (Ambystoma annulatum) (Boone et al., 2006). In a study by Ribeiro et al. (2011), the results also showed that the relationship between pool networks was effective on amphibian richness and communication and the presence of some species. In all scenarios used, there were detected populations that had no connection with other population cores. These populations are usually present in springs (Afroosheh et al., 2016), and due to the lack of communication and unfavorable environmental conditions, they may become extinct. This is not only experienced by N. derjugini (Sharifi and Vaissi, 2014) but also by many amphibian populations (Hecnar and M'Closkey, 1996; Trenham, 2003). Therefore, the protection of populations in this basin can be by integrating in-situ and ex-situ conservation methods and even captive breeding. Considering the limitations that amphibians have for propagation and communication between habitat cores, the role of structural connectivity is prominent, which can be defined based on the degree of specialization in maintaining habitat connectivity.
If the suitability map can be interpreted as a reflection of the habitat needs of the species and the degree of specialization of functional connection (Valerio et al., 2019), then it can be said that the approach of this study is to integrate the structural and functional features of the landscape to facilitate the connection between population cores.