4.1 Effect of different environmental variables
a.The effect of different temperatures on the oxidative degradation of phenanthrene. The Fig. 2 showed that the oxidative degradation of phenanthrene was greatly affected by temperature, the higher the temperature, the higher the degradation efficiency of phenanthrene. When the reaction time was 16h, the degradation efficiencies of phenanthrene at 25, 40, 60, and 80°C were 33.31%, 71.33%, 89.80%, and 94.08% respectively. When the temperature was 25℃, the degradation effect of phenanthrene is not obvious. When the temperature was increased to 40℃, the degradation effect of phenanthrene was significantly increased. When the temperature is further increased to 60℃, phenanthrene begins to be rapidly oxidized and degraded. However, when the temperature was increased to 80°C, the degradation efficiency of phenanthrene did not increase significantly, and there was no obvious difference compared with 60°C(p > 0.05). The residual amount of Na2S2O8 was 23.97×103mg/L at 25°C, 15.77×103mg/L at 40°C, 10.64×103mg/L at 60°C, and 2.95×103mg/L at 80°C. When the reaction temperature increased from 60°C to 80°C, the reaction efficiency of the oxidation system decreased from 52.77–36.01%(the reaction efficiency was the ratio of phenanthrene degradation in the oxidation system to sodium persulfate decomposition).Therefore, the excessive reaction temperature will have a negative impact on the Na2S2O8 oxidation system, and the reaction efficiency of the oxidation system will decrease when the consumption of reaction raw materials was significantly increased.
In the system of phenanthrene degradation by oxidation of thermally activated Na2S2O8, it is due to the generation of SO4−· by Na2S2O8 at a certain temperature, not due to the oxidation of Na2S2O8. However, at 25°C, the content of phenanthrene in the soil was reduced because of the solubilization of C12-MADS, which dissolved phenanthrene in the soil into the aqueous phase. When the temperature was low, Na2S2O8 cannot be activated and SO4−· was not generated. The excessive temperature can cause the waste of resources and have limitations in practical applications. Therefore, it is very important to select the appropriate temperature for phenanthrene degradation by thermally activated Na2S2O8. The experimental results showed that 60°C was the optimal temperature for activation. Meanwhile, with the increase of reaction time, the oxidation degradation efficiency of phenanthrene increased and then gradually tended to be flat.
The experimental data were fitted according to the quasi-first-order kinetic equation(Eq. (2)), in which Ci and C0 are the concentration(mg/L) of phenanthrene in the oxidation system at time t and time zero of the reaction, respectively, and k is the kinetic constant(h− 1) of the quasi-first-order reaction. The quasi-first-order reaction kinetic constant k of phenanthrene at different temperatures can be obtained, and the results are shown in Table 3. It can be seen from the table that the quasi-first-order reaction kinetic equation can well describe the phenanthrene oxidation process in soil at different temperatures, and the k also gradually increases with the growth of temperature(Fig. 3), which indicates that the better the thermal activation of sodium persulfate to degrade phenanthrene.
Table 3
Kinetic parameters of the oxidation of phenanthrene at different temperatures
k(h− 1)
The activation energy of the phenanthrene oxidation process of Na2S2O8 can be calculated by using the Arrhenius equation(Eq. (3)) through the temperature and quasi-first-order reaction kinetic constant k.
A is the pre-exponential factor(frequency factor), Ea is the activation energy of the reaction(J/mol), R is the molar gas constant(8.341J/K mol), and T is the thermodynamic temperature(K).
According to the Arrhenius equation, the apparent reaction rate k at different temperatures is fitted with the reaction temperature of the system, and it is found that lnk is linear with 1/T, as shown in Fig. 4. The activation energy Ea was 117.77 kJ/mol(R2 = 0.9947). The activation energy Ea obtained in this p aper is similar to obtained by Ghauch and other researchers(Ghauch &Tuqan 2012) at 40°C ~ 70°C when Bisoprolol(bisoprolol) is oxidized by heat-activated persulfate =(119.8 ± 10.8) kJ/mol.
b. The effect of different water-soil ratios on the oxidative degradation of phenanthrene. Figure 5 showed that the removal efficiency of phenanthrene under different water-soil ratios at a Na2S2O8 concentration of 2.5×104 mg/L and at temperature of 60°C. When the mass ratio(water-soil ratio) of deionized water to phenanthrene contaminated soil ranged from 5:1 to 20:1, the phenanthrene removal efficiency gradually increased with the growth of water-soil ratio. But the water-soil ratio increased to 30:1, the phenanthrene removal efficiency no longer continued to increase. The reaction was 16h, it could be seen that the phenanthrene removal efficiencies were 68.95%(5:1), 74.60%(10:1), 89.80%(20:1), and 90.01%(30:1) under different water-soil ratios, and when the water-soil ratio increased from 20:1 to 30:1, the phenanthrene removal efficiency increased by only 0.21% when the water-soil ratio increased from 20:1 to 30:1. This showed that with the increase of the mass ratio of water and phenanthrene polluted soil in the system, the mass of Na2S2O8 involved in the reaction also increases, the water and soil mixing was more uniform, and the oxidative degradation efficiency of phenanthrene in the soil also went up.
Table 4 showed the kinetic parameters of phenanthrene oxidation process under different water-soil ratios. It can be seen that with the increase of water-soil ratio, the quasi-first-order reaction kinetic constant k also increases. From the k value, it can also be seen that when the water-soil ratio increases from 5:1 to 20:1, the reaction rate was significantly increased, and the oxidation degradation effect of phenanthrene was also increased, which was because the water-soil mixture was uniform, and the SO4− · in the system had sufficient contact with phenanthrene in the soil, which leads to the increase of k.
Table 4
Kinetic parameters of the oxidation of phenanthrene at different soil to water ratio
Water-soil ratio
Quasi-first-order reaction kinetic constant k(h− 1)
5: 1
10: 1
20: 1
30: 1
c. Effect of different pH on oxidative degradation of phenanthrene. The effect of different pH on the oxidative degradation of phenanthrene was investigated at a system temperature of 60°C, Na2S2O8 concentration of 2.5×104mg/L, and C12-MADS concentration of 5×103 mg/L. The results in Fig. 6 shows that when the pH was 6–8, the removal efficiency of phenanthrene decreased from 89.80–31.64% at 16 h with the increase of pH. The results illustrate that the higher pH of the system was more unfavorable to the oxidative degradation of Na2S2O8. Thus, alkaline conditions are not conducive to the oxidative degradation of phenanthrene, because alkaline conditions SO4−· will produce OH ·(Eq. (4)) with OH− in solution (Furman et al. 2010), and these two free radicals will react with each other(Eq. (5)), thereby reducing the removal efficiency of phenanthrene. Under acidic conditions, it is conducive to the decomposition of Na2S2O8 to play a catalytic role, and the lower the pH of the system, the easier it is to decompose Na2S2O8 to produce SO4−· under heating conditions. Zeng and other researchers(Zeng et al. 2018) found that the decolorization rate of methyl violet decrease with the increase of pH in the study of oxidation of methyl violet by heat-activated sodium persulfate.
Without adjusting the pH, the pH in the system was 3.7, and the pH decreased to 1.8 as the reaction progressed, which maybe caused by the production of some acidic substances and H + in the system. The degradation efficiency of phenanthrene in the system without pH adjustment was significantly higher than that in the system with buffer solution. The oxidation efficiency of SO4−· is reduced because PO3 − 4competes with phenanthrene production in the SO·− 4reaction and system. At the same time, due to the low pH of the system without pH adjustment, it is beneficial to promote the decomposition of Na2S2O8 to produce SO4−·(Deng et al. 2013).
4.2 Effect of Sodium Persulfate on Soil in Oxidative Degradation of Phenanthrene
The effects on soil during phenanthrene oxidation by sodium persulfate were shown in Fig. 7, Fig. 8, and Fig. 9. It can be seen from Fig. 8 that the pH of the soil gradually decreases with the progress of the oxidation reaction. In the process of phenanthrene oxidation with sodium persulfate, the pH decreased rapidly within 1 hour after reaction, and decreased slowly at the later stage, from pH = 6.89 to pH = 2.95, while the pH of the control group changed relatively little before and after reaction. Since Na2S2O8 would react with water to generate a large amount of H + after dissolving in water,SO4−· would be produced in the activation process, and some S2O2- 8 would remain in the soil after reaction, thus resulting in that the soil system was acidic.
Soil organic matter is an important component of soil solid phase. Although organic matter is a small part of the whole soil, it has a great impact on soil formation and soil fertility, and is also of great significance for environmental protection and sustainable agricultural and forestry development. It can be seen from the results in Fig. 8, with the progress of oxidation reaction, the content of organic matter in the soil gradually decreases. Since Na2S2O8 will not only react with phenanthrene in the soil during the oxidative degradation process, but also consume the organic matter in the soil (Di et al. 2018) .
The cation exchange capacity of the original soil was 24.67mol/kg, which decreased to 16.82 mol/kg after adding 20 mL deionized water and heating at 60°C for 1 h. The cation exchange capacity in the soil changed to 0.92 mol/kg after 16 h of reaction after adding C12-MADS and Na2S2O8. The cation exchange capacity will change with the change of soil pH and the pH of soil will directly affect the dissociation of H + in the functional groups on the colloidal surface, thus affecting the amount of variable charge, the lower the pH of soil, the lower its cation exchange capacity. At the same time, with the increase of temperature, the H+ content in the solution increases, the negative charge on the surface of soil colloidal particles decreases, and their cation exchange capacity also decreases. The amount of organic matter content will also have an effect on the size of cation exchange capacity in the soil, which is because the humus in the organic matter contains a large number of functional groups such as -COOH and -OH. When they decompose H+, they will bring the negative charge to the surface of soil colloids. Also, due to the large dispersion of humus and a large number of absorption surfaces, the cation exchange capacity of the soil with high organic matter content is also higher than that of the soil with low organic matter content.
The above results showed that in the process of enhancing Na2S2O8 phenanthrene oxide by surfactants would affect the soil, cause the destruction of soil structure to a certain extent, and acidify the soil. The decrease of organic matter content would also have a negative impact on soil fertility and affect the soil´s function. At the same time, the existence of soil organic matter also led to the increase of oxidant dosage, which increased the cost of remediation.