RN is the classical treatment for localized renal cell carcinoma. Ideally, it should not cause CKD if the contralateral kidney is well preserved since good renal function can be maintained in renal transplant patients. However, opponents proposed that the kidney transplant patients were all well selected and their clinical outcome couldn’t be used to predict the outcome of RN patient, who are usually elder lies with decreased renal function preservation. Some of them have underlying chronic disease which will cause worsening kidney function over time5. In addition, pathology examination of radical nephrectomy always shows some kidney disease in the “no-tumor part”6, which may be associated with CKD after RN7. Therefore, the probability of CKD after radical nephrectomy is often higher than expected.
Previously, Minato8 found that the incidence of CKD 3-year after radical nephrectomy was 37%. Jeon9 found that 41.7% T1a patients will suffer from CKD after nephrectomy. In our study, it shows that 43.4% patients had CKD postoperatively after a relatively long follow-up. We also found that only 26 patients (13.7%) with normal immediate postoperative (within one week) eGFR would develop CKD within 5 years. Xu10 also showed that the incidence of CKD was much higher in patients who developed postoperative acute kidney injury than patients who didn’t (18.64% vs. 5.94%), which means acute kidney injury after nephrectomy may be a new nomogram to predict postoperative renal function.
Spontaneous recovery of kidney function was observed in 40 (21.2%) patients who had CKD after RN in our study. We consider that their kidney functions maybe haven’t been damaged seriously by functional compensation worked. Their postoperative eGFR value, as observed, were usually more than 50ml/min/1.73m2. In our study, 155 patients were followed up for more than 6 years, among whom, 78 patients didn’t get CKD all the time. Thus, we found that if CKD didn’t happen within 5 years after surgery, it would not happen in following time. And we considered that the kidney function will be compensatory recovery within 5 years after nephrectomy. So the routine check examination for kidney function would not be necessary since the 5th years, possibly avoiding the unnecessary cost on the related items.
Previous studies showed that, age, race, sex, diabetes, hypertension, smoking, obesity, proteinuria and some clinical factors were risk factors for chronic kidney disease11,12,13,14. In our study, there were significant differences between CKD group and no-CKD group in age, sex, preoperative GFR value, preoperative contralateral GFR value, β2-microglobulin, tumor size and postoperative eGFR value. Multiple regression analysis showed that age, preoperative contralateral GFR value and postoperative eGFR value were independent risk factors of CKD postoperatively.
The preoperative evaluation of kidney function was very important for renal cancer patients. We consider preoperative radionuclide renal imaging was useful for the evaluation of the contralateral kidney function and for the prediction of the risk of acute renal failure after surgery. In our study, approximately 50% of patients developed postoperative CKD if their contralateral GFR value was less than 40ml/min/1.73m2. If the contralateral GFR value was less than 30ml/min/1.73m2, the incidence increased to nearly 70%.
According to the data of United States Renal Data System15, about 60% patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD) were older than 75 years old. In our study, both the univariate analysis and the multiple regression analysis showed that age was one of the risk factors of postoperative CKD (P༜0.001). Our stratified analysis showed that the risk of CKD was increased with age. Moreover, there was a high incidence of CKD among patients older than 75 years old. So, the selection of proper surgery plan and preoperative suggestion seemed to be very important for elders. Thus, we conclude that careful patient selection in elderly patient group was very important.
Our univariate analysis showed that “tumor size” was significantly different between CKD group and no-CKD group, However, multiple regression analysis not confirming that “tumor size” was an independent risk factor. Clinically, it was sometimes hard to choose the surgery plan for relatively small volume renal tumor, especially those endogenous or parapelvic tumors. In our study, we analyzed the patients of T1-2N0M0 stage, with the 5-years incidence of CKD for T1a、T1b、T2 stage as 42.6%, 44% and 31.7% respectively, and the P value was 0.036. That is, the incidence of CKD in patients with localized renal cell carcinoma decreases with increased size of tumor. In other words, the incidence of CKD was higher at T1a stage than at T1b stage. Several studies16,17 also reported a higher risk of postoperative CKD in patients with small size tumors compared with larger tumors. As most renal cell carcinoma was slow growing, we hypotheses was that, the compensation of contralateral kidney was more developed before RN in bigger ipsilateral tumor size, and patients were able to tolerate loss of nephrons during RN better. Recently, Robert18 found a significant interaction between age and tumor size, that is, tumor size may not have a protective effect on postoperative renal function, but this needs to be confirmed by further studies. Given that tumor size and age play important roles, partial nephrectomy may be a better choice for T1a stage or elder patients in order to decrease the incidence of postoperative CKD. However, it must be weighed against the increase of the perioperative risk especially for elderlies.