We have evaluated the effects of purging on the minimum effective population size required to avoid extinction in the long-term. By simulating populations under two sets of mutational parameters consistent with empirical data and under a simulation model that allowed the action of purging, we evaluated whether the minimum effective population size obtained under a purging model fits the classic rule of thumb Ne = 500 (Franklin 1980) commonly applied in conservation, or, instead, the more recent modification to Ne = 1000 suggested by Frankham et al. (2014). Our results suggest that the classic rule is fairly robust for a wide range of populations with moderately large reproductive rates, although species with low reproductive rates will need MVPs closer to those suggested by Frankham et al. (2014), or even larger. According to our simulations, a (conservative) minimum effective population size around Ne ≈ 400 individuals would be needed for populations or species with a reproductive rate of at least K = 5 or larger to persist in the long term with a 99% probability, at least for the period covered by the simulations, i.e., 1000 generations. Similar conclusions were reached based on the consideration of genetic diversity, with a minimum Ne ≈ 400 allowing for the retention of 90% of observed heterozygosity (at both neutral and deleterious loci) for 40 generations.
Results were somewhat more optimistic under the mutational Model I than under Model II, although similar conclusions were reached in terms of minimum Ne. Although mean parameters (mainly selection coefficient \(\stackrel{-}{s}\) and dominance coefficient \(\stackrel{-}{h}\)) did not differ substantially between the models, they did differ in their distribution, with more severe deleterious alleles and greater dominance under Model II. Thus, although the inbreeding load was adjusted by modifying the mutation rate to encompass an initial inbreeding load of about B ≈ 6 lethal equivalents (on the order of that found in wild populations of mammals and birds; O’Grady et al. 2006), less intense inbreeding depression was observed under Model I than under Model II, with a consequent smaller reduction in population size in the first generations and, therefore, a lower risk of extinction and larger times to extinction. However, similar minimum Ne values for a viable population in the long term were obtained from the two models (Ne ≈ 300 for Model I and Ne ≈ 400 for Model II), probably as a consequence of purging, as more severe deleterious alleles are more efficiently removed. According to theory, genetic drift overwhelms selection for values of Ned < 1, where d is the purging coefficient, which measures the magnitude of purging (García-Dorado 2012, 2015). Thus, purging is expected to be efficient for values Ned > 1, and for a given Ne, purging is more efficient and quicker for larger d values (García-Dorado 2012, 2015; Pérez-Pereira et al. 2021a). Then, more drastic population size reductions, such as those occurred under Model II, should lead to efficient purging of highly deleterious mutations (García-Dorado 2015). For instance, Yang et al. (2018) found fewer loss-of-function variants in the critically endangered Ostrya rehderiana (with a long history of population decline) compared to its close relative O. chinensis, which (according to the authors) could have helped the population to survive long periods of time at low effective population sizes despite the high genetic load and low levels of genetic diversity found in this species.
Both models showed evidence of purging with a fitness rebound, relative to the mean fitness of the population at generation 0, once the populations passed the phase of inbreeding depression (see Fig. 2 as an example for a reproductive rate K = 4, but an increase in fitness was also observed for other K values; not shown). Note that populations that underwent a considerable rate of extinctions, which generally occurred to a larger extent under Model II, were possibly subject to purging both within lines (which is the case commonly referred to as purging) and between lines due to extinctions, i.e., lines with lower fitness and therefore larger B were “purged” (became extinct), surviving those lines that had higher fitness and lower B. In any case, those lines that passed the phase of inbreeding depression would carry lower B values in the long term and, thus, would be more resilient to future inbreeding, for example in the case of future bottlenecks. This would explain why we did not find large differences when evaluating extinction probability over a period of 40 versus 1,000 generations (Fig. 4), as the first 40 generations are the main determinant of the persistence of a population over time, and therefore of the establishment of the MVP, at least under constant environmental conditions considered in the simulations herein. Thus, using a standardized period of 40 generations to evaluate long-term MVPs, as suggested in previous studies (Traill et al. 2007; Frankham et al. 2014) seems reasonable.
Evidence of purging was also found in small lines (Ne ≤ 30) with high reproductive rates (above K ≈ 8), showing longer times to extinction under Model II than Model I, the opposite to the rest of results found and discussed above. In those lines, the lower proportion of extinctions observed under Model II suggests that the difference between the two models was mainly due to a more efficient purging within lines in model II. Thus, purging can be effective even for small effective sizes (Ne ≤ 30), the clearest consequence being a reduction in the minimum K necessary for lines of such small sizes to persist with a 99% probability in the long term.
As purging removes or reduces the frequency of deleterious alleles, an increase in the frequency of wild-type homozygote genotypes would be expected and, therefore, a decrease in observed heterozygosity (H) for those loci. In agreement with theory (García-Dorado 2012, 2015), the efficiency of purging increased with larger effective sizes, as shown by the higher reduction of H for deleterious alleles compared to the model without purging (i.e., neutral, where H was only reduced by drift) for increasing values of Ne at the end of the simulations (t = 1,000; Fig. 6). It should be noted that purging is more effective for larger populations in which inbreeding progresses slowly, but the consequences become apparent later in time. This may have implications on the criteria to establish MVPs based on genetic diversity retention when deleterious alleles are included as part of genetic diversity contributing to evolutionary potential, on the basis that the deleterious effect may be environment-dependent (Cheptou and Donohue 2011; Frankham et al. 2014). In our simulations, we used the objective of retaining 90% of genetic diversity in conservation programs (Frankham et al. 2010, 2014) as a guidance to establish the minimum Ne for maintaining adaptive potential in the long term. When we measured H for deleterious alleles at generation t = 40 (for consistency with the suggested time period to evaluate extinction probability), the conclusion was consistent with that reached for neutral genetic diversity and for extinction probability (Ne ≈ 400), but differed when measured at generation t = 1000, when the consequences of purging were apparent, and a larger MVP would be needed than that derived in the absence of purging (i.e., neutral model).
Although our results are in general agreement with the classic recommendation of Ne = 500 (Franklin 1980), we have found a dependence of the MVP on the reproductive rate of the population. Populations with very high reproductive rates were able to persist in the long term even with effective sizes as small as Ne < 60, while populations with very low reproductive rates (K < 5) would need minimum effective sizes larger than the value of Ne = 1000 suggested by Frankham et al. (2014). However, given the reproductive rates commonly found in nature, at least for mammals, birds and reptiles (Vance et al. 2003; Brook et al. 2006; Traill et al. 2007; Rytwinski & Fahrig 2011; Quesnelle et al. 2014), the minimum Ne = 500 could apply to a wide range of species. The reproductive rates analysed by these authors, which are summarised in Figure S2, were calculated as total number of eggs laid (mean clutch size × mean number of clutches) or young born (mean litter size × mean number of litters) per female per year. The median values of reproductive rates for mammals, birds and reptiles were 6, 3 and 14.4, respectively. To our knowledge, these estimates do not account for the probability of survival to reproductive age. In this sense, these estimates are comparable to our K used in simulations, as all the offspring expected for a given fitness value (fecundity) of the parents are produced, regardless of whether or not each of the offspring subsequently survives. However, these estimates are not fully comparable to our K values, as we evaluate offspring production per generation and assumed discrete generations, instead of offspring production per year for species with overlapping generations. Another aspect to consider is that the realized fecundity of a population could be lower than its reproductive rate due to mortality before reaching reproductive age, mortality that could be increased under harsher environment conditions than those simulated here. For instance, amphibians and reptiles often lay thousands of eggs, while only a few can hatch and survive to reproductive age. Thus, some proportion of the species or populations included in Figure S2 could be more comparable to lower K values in our simulations, giving more weight to the fraction of populations that would best fit the MVP suggested by Frankham et al. (2014).
Brook et al. (2006) and Traill et al. (2007) have also reported a certain tendency of larger MVPs for lower reproductive rates, especially for mammals, birds, amphibians and insects (for which more data was available; see the supplementary material in the respective references). However, they found little correlation between variation in MVPs and life-history predictors of MVPs among taxa (including reproductive rate, body weight and generation length, among others), although life-history predictors did correlate with the IUCN threat status. Along with the large variation in MVP found within-species, empirical data suggest that the MVP of a particular species or population is rather environment-context specific (Flather et al. 2011a).
We are aware that our results could be considered too optimistic (small MVP), even if compared to the classic recommendation. Although our results indicate that purging is capable of reducing the MVP for long-term survival, in agreement with simulations of similar nature for short-term survival (Caballero et al. 2017) and theoretical expectations (García-Dorado 2015), our simulation design had some limitations. First, environment effects (included in our parameter A = 0.3) were assumed to be constant over time, which is rather unrealistic considering for example the gradual environmental changes associated with climate change. Deterministic factors, such as reductions in population size by overexploitation or human-driven habitat loss, or stochastic factors such as catastrophes (e.g., fires) have not been taken into account either. These factors could increase the risk of extinction and therefore the estimates of MVP. However, the absence of environmental stochasticity has made it possible to evaluate the consequences of purging with less noises that could cloud the conclusions drawn from this study. Thus, our results could be applied to populations in more or less stable environmental conditions where the deterministic threats (such as habitat loss or deterioration) have been removed or considerably reduced by conservation efforts. Our simulation results are probably applicable to a limited number of populations, so further studies encompassing the joint effects of purging and environmental stochasticity would be needed for a practical purpose. Other factors such as adaptation to environmental changes and population regulation by density-dependence are also worthy of study given their impact on the risk of extinction (Vinton and Vasseur 2020). For instance, Brook et al. (2006) found smaller MVPs under three (negative) density-dependence models than under two density-independent models, the MVPs for the latter being around two orders of magnitude larger than those for the former. The possible explanation given by the authors is that density dependence implies an endogenous control of the population that gives more long-term stability and therefore less susceptibility to fluctuations by environmental changes. Thus, the incorporation of density-dependence together with environmental fluctuations in our simulations should provide estimates not too far from those we have obtained in the present study, although more studies are needed in this regard.
Despite the fact that an important fraction of drivers of extinction risk has not been taken into account in our study, we observed a larger proportion of extinctions and shorter times to extinction than those found in the study performed by Kyriazis et al. (2020). These authors considered demographic stochasticity as a density-dependence function (Haller and Messer 2019), environmental stochasticity determining the carrying capacity each generation, and probability of random natural catastrophes. Their mutational parameters (U = 0.21, \(\stackrel{-}{s}\) = 0.0161, β = 0.186, h = 0.25 for alleles with s < 0.02 and h = 0 otherwise) could be compared with those of our Model I. For instance, Kyriazis et al. (2020) obtained times to extinction about 100 and 1,500 generations for lines of carrying capacity N = 25 and 50 (Ne ≈ 17 and 35 according to their ratio Ne/N ≈ 0.7), respectively, values that we reached only with reproductive rates around K ≈ 50 or greater when Ne = 15, but in no case when Ne = 30 (it would require a reproductive rate greater than 60). Thus, although our results are optimistic, we would expect MVP estimates to be even more so if evaluated under the conditions simulated by Kyriazis et al. (2020). One factor that could account at least for part of the differences in extinction rates observed in theirs and our studies is the different models of reproduction simulated in both studies. They considered overlapping generations and despite each mating results in only one offspring, each individual could mate multiple times not only in the same generation but also in later generations if that individual was still alive. This system seems, therefore, to be equivalent to one of high reproductive rates in our simulation model. Another aspect to note is that Kyriazis et al. (2020) ran simulations under the non-Wright-Fisher model of SLiM 3 (Haller and Messer 2019), which is more flexible in terms of ecological patterns, as the possibility of introducing population density-dependence (the probability of survival depends on individual fitness scaled by a factor K/N, where K is the carrying capacity and N the actual number of individuals). However, as noted in the SLiM 3 manual (Haller and Messer 2016), the implemented density-dependence model is an oversimplification and produces very high absolute fitness values when the density of the population is low. It does not consider possible Allee effects, under which a low population density below a given threshold has a negative effect on fitness (e.g. low densities may impose a difficulty when looking for a mate). In this sense, the SLiM 3 manual states “In a model that includes deleterious mutations or other fitness-decreasing effects, however, this density-dependence equation’s oversimplification of biological reality will matter, masking or completely eliminating those other fitness effects when at low density and thus making it virtually impossible for extinction to occur” (last revised 13 February 2022, for SLiM version 3.7.1). It is not clear from Kyriazis et al. (2020) if this aspect has been considered, as it would affect the level of extinctions observed. In any case, further analysis about the joint effects of purging, ecological and environmental factors on the establishment of MVPs are needed, as noted above.
We used a set of mutational parameters following empirical data or other simulation studies. However, other sets of mutational parameters can be found in the recent literature, as those used by Kardos et al. (2021) or Pérez-Pereira et al. (2021b). Kardos et al. (2021) applied a haploid mutation rate of U = 0.6 based on Drosophila data, mean selection coefficient \(\stackrel{-}{s}\) = 0.05 with shape parameter β = 0.5 based on mutation accumulation experiments, and assumed an exponential model for the sh relationship where h = 0.5e−13s. In contrast, the results of Pérez-Pereira et al. (2021b) from Drosophila experiments were more consistent with simulations assuming a mutational model of large deleterious effects arisen at a low mutation rate (U = 0.02). The set of parameters that gave better approximations was a mean selection coefficient \(\stackrel{-}{s}\) = 0.3 (β = 0.2) and a mean dominance coefficient \(\stackrel{-}{h}\) = 0.25, where h of a particular locus was obtained from a uniform distribution between zero and e−ks, as in our models I and II. Analysing these models could also be worthwhile, as they could lead to differences in terms of inbreeding depression and purging. On the one hand, for a given \(\stackrel{-}{s}\), larger h values would result in less inbreeding depression, and therefore would probably result in even more optimistic results in terms of MVP. On the other hand, for a given \(\stackrel{-}{h}\), larger s values should lead to more inbreeding depression, but purging should also be more efficient, so a trend to lower MVPs than expected should also be observed. In this sense, our analysed models could be considered rather conservative. One aspect to take into account is that we assumed that inbreeding depression was uniquely caused by partially recessive deleterious mutations exposed in homozygosis and we ignored the possible contribution of overdominant mutations, which are not affected by purging, and thus should increase our estimates of MVP. However, most evidence indicates that the contribution of overdominance to inbreeding depression is minor compared to partial dominance (see, e.g., Hedrick 2012; Yang et al. 2017).
One issue of special relevance in the establishment of MVPs is the translation of effective population sizes (Ne) to actual number of individuals (N), and vice versa. Although Ne values provide more information about the genetic health of a population, the study of MVPs usually relies on N, which is more treatable on a conservation practical level (Frankham 2021). Until now, a ratio Ne/N = 0.1 has been commonly used as a rule of thumb to convert between Ne and N values. The ratio was the average value found by Frankham (1995) in a study that included around 100 species of animals and plants, although recent analysis provided larger ratios (mean Ne/N = 0.35 and median 0.3; Hoban et al. 2020). In any case, there is a huge variability of Ne/N ratios among taxa (and even within-species; Jamieson and Allendorf 2012), which makes it difficult to establish general rules, when defining both a standard Ne/N ratio and an MVP applicable to any taxon or population. In our simulations we obtained the values of Ne and presented the results as a function of them. Ideally, in conservation practice Ne/N ratios should be obtained by directly estimating Ne in the particular species, which is commonly quantified from changes in allele frequencies due to drift from one generation to another (the variance effective size, NeV) or from linkage disequilibrium between loci (NeLD) (see Wang et al. 2016). In this regard, it is important to note that a minimum Ne = 500 refers to the global effective size (i.e., metapopulation) rather than the local effective size (Jamieson and Allendorf 2012), and it has been shown that estimates of local NeV and NeLD can underestimate both the local and global Wright’s inbreeding effective size (NeI, which measures the increase of inbreeding and is the estimate more relevant for the minimum Ne) in substructured populations (Hössjer et al. 2016; Ryman et al. 2019). Thus, when appropriate estimates of Ne cannot be obtained, or a ratio Ne/N taxon-specific is not available, then the standard ratio Ne/N = 0.1 could be used as a conservative criterion (Hoban et al. 2020; Laikre et al. 2021).
To summarize, our simulation results suggest that purging may have an important role on the persistence of a population, providing MVPs for long-term survival that can be lower and thus more optimistic than those obtained in the absence of purging. We have obtained a minimum Ne (∼ 400) close to the classic rule Ne = 500 when the reproductive rates were not too small, but otherwise that value seems to be more in line with a minimum Ne of 1000, or larger, as suggested by Frankham et al. (2014). In general terms, our results suggest that the classic rule may be appropriate for a wide range of species, and thus supports its use on the IUCN Criteria to categorize threatened species as critically endangered (CR), endangered (EN) or vulnerable (VU) (where criterion C is based on adult population size of declining populations and criterion D on adult population size of stable populations; IUCN 2012), as well as its presence on the recent indicators suggested by Hoban et al. (2020) for the “post-2020” framework for biodiversity conservation by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). As a concluding remark, in relation to the suitability of using a standard MVP given the variability at different scales observed among and within species, we concur with the statement of Hoban et al. (2020): “(…) these thresholds are minimum guidelines for risk assessment; Neabove a threshold doesn't necessarily mean that conservation intervention is no longer required nor does Nebelow a threshold signify lost hope for recovery.”