In this study, as a result of reviewing 35 policy documents and 23 interviews with key informants, we categorized and described the results in the MSF, including problem stream, policy stream, and political stream.
Problem Stream
High Prevalence of Inadequate PA
According to studies, there is an uptrend in the prevalence of insufficient PA in Iran (reference), and society is not ready to change behavior. In a national study conducted in 2020 with the STEPS approach in people aged 18-64 in Iran, 34.5% of adults had low levels of PA (STEPS and Central Bank). Inadequate PA has always been a problem over the years. Stakeholders have tried to promote this behavior in society as one of the practical and effective solutions to reduce the burden of chronic non-communicable diseases by passing laws (legislation), policies, programs, and activities. However, according to the statistics provided, the policies and plans made in this regard in the country have not been successful and have not led to an increase in physical activity behavior.
Barriers to PA
There are several individual and contextual barriers that prevent citizens from engaging in PA from the interviewee's perspective. Depression and frustration, listlessness and lethargy, lack of mood and motivation, life worries (concerns of life), lack of life skills, and misconceptions about sports were among the most important things that key informants mentioned as individual barriers to not engaging in physical activities.
"…There is a hidden depression in our society: "Who is in the mood? I'm not! This is not laziness, this is not necessarily the same deep depression, but it is the depression and gloom that now exists in our society "(P5)
Perceived environmental factors
Urban and peripheral infrastructure is not based on the needs and expectations of people. Certain groups, such as the disabled, in the design of urban and residential complexes are not provided with suitable infrastructure for PA including cycling line, hiking, and other indoor sports activities. One of the senior managers of stakeholder organizations in this regard said:
“… Unfortunately, we have not done well in discussing the design of physical infrastructure so far. Our physical infrastructure is not proportional to the needs of the day and society's expectations of our sports structure. Residential complexes do not have adequate space for residents' sports and physical activity.” (P18)
Changes in people's lifestyles
The growth of urbanization, technological innovation, tendency towards sedentary jobs and leisure, and increasing use of private transportation vehicles in the current situation lead to changes in lifestyle patterns,reduced PA, and increased sedentary behavior, especially in the middle-aged people. This can be a serious threat to the health, economy, and labor of the society and can even have undesirable security consequences which requires the attention of the government.
"... The proportion of bicycle use for urbanized Iranians has decreased by 11 percent in the last 15 years, and the use of personal cars has increased by 30 percent, while in 2018, the use of the Internet by the people with a significant growth reached 64%, and 61.6% of households were members of social networks. (Central Bank Report, 2018)"
COVID-19 restrictions and international sanctions
The Covid-19 restrictions on jobs also in addition to sanctions have led to rampant inflation in society and, as a result, imposed heavy economic pressure on the people and government. It has affected all aspects of PA and sports from various stages of policy-making to public participation. One of the senior executives said:
"... The high cost of exercise is considered one of the components affecting people's preferences in physical activity. In recent years, the issue of rampant inflation caused by sanctions has also exacerbated this problem by multiplying sports equipment and services and club spending." (P13)
"… During the Covid-19 outbreak, sports venues and parks were forced to close, or their activities were restricted. In the current situation, this is not in the club owner's interest Neither the government can provide more support, nor the people are willing to attend or incur more costs." (P16)
Managerial-structural factors
There are several obstacles and challenges in the management of physical activities in related organizations, including manpower problems, technical problems, equipment and facilities, financial problems, planning, and implementation problems. Moreover, the existence of structural problems has led to the lack of a unified trusteeship and also the lack of a coherent inter-sectoral structure for the development and coordination of the implementation of physical activity policies.
"…The multiplicity of decision-making centers in the field of macro-sports policy in our country is really an annoying issue. This means that while there are several programs, we could not get a significant output from these programs, so all of these are due to the lack of a strong tutelage in the field of sports. (P18)
"... For example, in this non-communicable document, we have written the goals and strategies well, but we have problems in the main activities that should lead us to these goals. When writing activities, in documenting (compilation of documents), everything becomes a slogan-like activity, and, as a result, good executive operations are not performed to achieve these goals." (P3)
Policy Stream
Reviewing documents and analyzing key informant interviews shows that there are the following strategies to reduce sedentary lifestyle in the community:
Integration of PA services into primary health care
PA has been integrated into the primary health care delivery system as one of the basic interventions for non-communicable diseases (IraPEN), and it is offered in health centers and health houses through the national health information system (SIB: an abbreviation for the Persian equivalent of ‘integrated health system’) for people over 30 years old. The level of individuals’ PA was assessed by using a questionnaire designed in the SIB and, then, depending on the individual's condition, necessary care and advice, and training, follow-up is provided by health care providers and family physicians. However, the technical skills of service providers, high volume of job processes, technical problems of executive instructions, and incomplete service delivery cycles are among the challenges of providing this service in health centers.
One of the participants at the executive level in this regard said:
"... I do not think health care providers or even our doctors can teach clients the right exercises, because they do not have its knowledge. The existing instructions are not really enough and, on the other hand, there is not enough time. The number of clients is also high. Even some clients do not have time to sit. "(P7)
Holding national and global calendar campaigns and events
National and global calendar occasions provide an opportunity for public sports to be considered by officials and managers of institutions and organizations in the form of campaigns, festivals, and competitions.
Participants stated the lack of purpose, cross-sectioning, lack of public attractiveness, and low cost-effectiveness of these programs as campaign challenges and calendar events.
"…A while ago, Ministry of Education held collective and group programs for mountaineering. Now it is canceled." (P15)
Existence of a legal structure to promote PA in society
There are different legal structures in Iran in order to promote and develop public sports and PA in different strata, which are:
- Workers' Sports Federation and the corresponding workers' sports delegations in the provinces and cities
In order to encourage, persuade, and popularize sports among workers and various segments of the society, the Federation of Workers' Sports with the cooperation and interaction of the Ministry of Sports and Youth and also Ministry of Cooperation, Labor, and Social Welfare was approved in November 2012 and according to Article 22 of its constitution, Workers' sport was created.
Despite the high potential, these federations and sports delegations have not been able to lead different sections of society towards PA and sports. The focus of workers' sports federations, or in a way, the majority of federations in Iran, is on the championship sports of these groups, and has provided the ground for a serious deviation in the direction of the credits of these federations.One of the participants in this regard said:
"…With the creation of the federation, we distanced ourselves from workers' sports day by day. We created the workers' sports federation to gather two and more people and claim that our workers' sports have a place in the world, and our performance is good. The missing loop of workers' sports should be sought in the heart of factories and some workers' units for what was forgotten. How many workers exercise regularly? Is morning exercise held in factories? "(P19)
- Public Sports Federation and corresponding public sports delegations in provinces and cities
Public sports were established in 1983 in the country's sports organization and, in 1992, the public sports’ federation was established. Following that, between 1999 and 2003, sports delegations were formed in different provinces, whose most important task is the development and implementation of a public sports action plan in the country.
However, the superiority of the championship approach over the public is seen even in the goals and programs of this federation like other federations:
- "Public sports in sports delegations have a professional and championship approach. The nature that the federations and the ministry ask us is professional sports. For us, the goal is to send our athletes to the Olympics and the national team." (P14)
- Existence of defined sections responsible for the program in governmental and non-governmental organizations
These sections, which are mostly based on the regulations for the development and generalization of sports of government employees and also the executive regulations of Article 154 in government organizations and production and industrial units, are part of the units that are mostly marginal and their limited activities are also heroic.
- the Supreme Council for Health and Food Security in the country
The Supreme Council for Health and Food Security was established in 2008 to expand coordination and inter-sectoral cooperation in order to maintain and promote community health and to adopt macro-policies and strategies in the field of public health. The council includes the president as chairman, the minister of health and medical education as secretary, and nine ministers and parliament speakers. This council is formed in the provinces under the name of Health and Food Safety Working Group of the province chaired by the Governor and with the participation of the heads of the province's stakeholders where the president of the University of Medical Sciences is the secretary of the council. The secretariat of the working group is also in the University of Medical Sciences.
Lack of active presence of managers in provincial council meetings and failure to fully implement the resolutions have always been matters of concern. On the other hand, the existence of some national plans, issues and emergencies of the health sector, and environmental health problems have always been a priority in PA, and it make these councils, despite their high potential, not to have a good support position in PA policy.
"...We have held every meeting for a non-communicable document in the governor, but no one has participated. Even the deputy did not attend; rather, they sent an expert who has no decision-making position. "(P3)
Political stream
This study, reviewed the political streams in PA after the Islamic Revolution of Iran (1978).
1. The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran
The constitution is the highest legal document of a country and the official framework for drafting basic laws. Constitutions are at the top of the legal hierarchy. Given the importance of physical education, it is explicitly emphasized in the third paragraph of the third principle of Constitution:
The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran is obliged to use all its means to achieve the goals mentioned in the second principle for the following matters:
Paragraph 3: Free education and physical training for all people at all levels as well as facilitation and generalization in higher education.
2. Support of the Supreme Leader
The promotion of PA in Iran is supported by the Supreme Leader, who is at the highest level of governance in Iran. He has given guidance for the promotion of PA and public sports in the form of general policies in various fields. (Table 1)
3. Support of the Parliament
In Iran, the parliament has the task of legislating and overseeing the implementation of laws., whose members have been elected by the people. Parliament has enacted the laws related to the implementation of general policies, as well as PA, and has notified the president for implementation.
4. Support of the President and the Cabinet
In Iran, the president is the second highest official after the Supreme Leader, who is primarily responsible for formulating government policies and programs as well as implementing them. In the field of PA, several by-laws and directives have been prepared, approved, and announced by the president and the cabinet. (Table 1).
5. Support of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution
The Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution is considered the supreme authority for policy-making, decision-making, coordination and directing cultural, educational, and research affairs within the framework of the general policies. In the field of PA, it has five independent resolutions for women's PA.
6. Support from various organizations and ministries
There are several internal documents, programs, and directives about promotion of PA in various institutions and organizations. On the other hand, we are faced with a number of documents, directives, and decision-making authorities for promoting PA.
7. Resolutions of the Islamic Council of the city
According to the constitution of Iran, these councils are policy-making authorities which can make decisions in the region under their protection in accordance with Islamic norms and laws. In the field of PA, in the five-year metropolitan development plans, there are approvals in promoting PA policies which are implemented by municipalities .
8. Impacts of International Organizations
In May 2004, the 57th World Health Assembly adopted Resolution No. WHA57.17 - the Global Strategy for Diet, Physical Activity, and Health. It was also recommended that member states develop national physical activity programs and policies to increase the level of physical activity in their population (20). In addition, in May 2008, the 61st World Health Assembly adopted Resolution No. WHA61.14 in the framework of the Action Plan for the Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases, which encouraged member states to implement national guidelines on PA for health (20).
The Moscow Declaration on Non-Communicable Diseases was signed by the Ministers of Health in May 2011. In addition, The UN Political Statement on Non-Communicable Diseases was approved by the Heads of State in September 2011, and the State pledged to formulate or strengthen multi-sectoral national policies and programs to prevent and control non-communicable diseases based on national indicators and conditions by 2013(7) .
In May 2013, the World Health Assembly adopted the WHO Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (2013-2020) to fulfill these commitments. According this plan, countries pledged to control and evaluate non-communicable diseases by targeting four key risk factors, including a 10 percent reduction in the prevalence of inadequate PA. Establishing a surveillance system for risk factors of non-communicable diseases since 2004, compiling the National Document for Non-Communicable Diseases in 2015, and keeping the National PA Plan in 2016 were taken by the Iranian health system following these commitments.
Policy windows
Attention to the issue of PA in Iran has two sources, the first of which originates from the principles of the constitution and the general policies of government, and the second is the impact of international events and Iran's commitments to international organizations, especially the WHO.
General health policies announced by the Supreme Leader and Iran's participation in the international forums and countries' commitments to adopt policies for promoting PA in society as a strategy to combat the burden of non-communicable diseases and attract the attention of policymakers has created policy windows to reconsider PA in Iran, which led to the development of a national document on non-communicable diseases and the subsequent national program of PA in Iran. Despite the fact that all three streams are coming together, and the policy windows is open, perceived subjective barriers and various underlying factors that were mentioned in the previous section, hinder the usage of the current policy windows. On the other hand, the developed policies do not have the necessary efficiency and effectiveness. It seems that the main problems in cross-sectoral cooperation for the implementation of health policies can be not only due to the weak support of the Ministry of Sports and other ministries in the field of policy, but also due to the political structure and administrative bureaucracy of the country. It has hindered the facilitation of inter-sectoral cooperation among organizations and ministries. On the other hand, differences in missions, and goals of executive organizations have led to different approaches and sometimes conflicts of interest.