SSN Cluster analysis of DepBRleg with AKRs
AKRs are traditionally classified into families based on sequence identity and phylogenetic analysis. The nomenclature system consists of the root symbol AKR, followed by an arabic numeral designating the family and an alphabet representing the subfamily18. The number of AKRs in the protein database continues to expand and to date, 18 families have been identified. Protein sequences in each family share at least 40% sequence identity while sub-families share 60% sequence identity19. We used a protein sequence similarity network (SSN)20 as an alternate, less computationally demanding method to determine sequence relationships of DepBRleg with other AKR family members. For ease of computation, sequences were iteratively clustered to produce a 40% representative node network and filtered based on sequence length. The total number of sequences following the reduction of the initial dataset is 878. In this network, nodes represent protein sequences sharing 40% or more sequence identity and edges represent the pairwise alignments between protein sequences. Edges were drawn between nodes if they exceeded the prescribed stringency threshold or BLAST E-value of e-57.
Previous phylogenetic analysis showed that AKRs can be divided into two large groups with AKR1-AKR5 forming one branch of the phylogenetic tree and the other AKRs forming a separate branch21. This is generally reflected in the SSN topology where AKR1 to AKR5 family members cluster together (Fig. 2A). At this stringency threshold, there was good delineation of AKR7-11 and AKR 13-15 into distinct, isofunctional clusters. DepBRleg and its homologs from D. mutans 17-2-E-810 and AKR18A1 from Sphingomonas S3-422 clustered with AKR6, AKR12, and AKR14 families. At higher stringency thresholds (e-67), DepBRleg and its closest homologs resolve into a single isofunctional cluster (Fig. 2B). Curiously, in-vitro assays previously revealed that AKR18A1 reduces 3-keto-DON to DON rather than 3-epi-DON22. The enzyme also reduces the C7 ketone group of the estrogenic mycotoxin, zearalenone (ZEN) to produce α-zearalenol (α-ZOL) and β-zearalenol (β-ZOL). Aside from this, AKR18A1’s substrate specificity towards other endogenous aldehydes and ketones has not been examined, nor has its crystal structure been solved.
Besides AKR18A1, the next closest homologs of DepBRleg identified from this SSN analysis were AKR12 family members based on the first stringency cut-off threshold (e-57). As per AKR classification rules, DepBRleg is not an AKR12 family member as it shares less than 40% sequence identity with enzymes from this family. In addition, these AKR12 members are involved in the biosynthetic pathways of polyketide macrolide antibiotics such as tylosin, erythromycin, and avermectin23–25. A genome neighborhood diagram (GND) of DepBRleg revealed the presence of a putative monoamine oxidase (MAO) upstream of the DepBRleg gene along with several putative spermidine/putrescine transporter genes downstream of DepBRleg (Fig. 2C). The neighboring genes reported for the depB homolog in D. mutans 17-2-E-8 differ from depBRleg but are also not polyketide synthesis genes10.
Substrate specificity profile of DepBRleg
Recombinant N-terminal His-tagged DepBRleg was purified to homogeneity by Ni-NTA chromatography. A band corresponding to a molecular weight of approximately 39 kDa was observed on a 10% SDS-PAGE gel (See Supplementary Fig. S1). The substrate specificity of the purified enzyme towards 3-keto-DON and a variety of aliphatic and aromatic carbonyl compounds was assessed by steady-state kinetics (Table 1). DepBRleg possesses the highest specificity constant (kcat/Km) with the diketone 9,10-phenanthrenequinone (9,10-PQ) on the order of 31 times higher relative to 3-keto-DON and 4 x 107 times higher relative to the smaller diketone, isatin. DepBRleg is also active towards endogenous toxic aldehydes derived from oxidative stress responses such as lipid peroxidation26,27. These aldehydes include acrolein, methylglyoxal, 4-oxo-2-nonenal, 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, hexanal, and butanal. Among the aldehydes, DepBRleg displayed higher specificity constants for the smaller unsaturated aldehydes such as acrolein and methylglyoxal, although the Km for methylglyoxal was too high to be determined reliably. Nearly comparable specificity constants were observed for 4-oxo-2-nonenal, 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (Km too high to be reliably determined), and butanal, but not for hexanal. DepBRleg was also determined to reduce the mycotoxin patulin but not citrinin. Both these mycotoxins are produced by Penicillium expansum which is the causative agent of blue mold rot in apples28. LC-MS/MS analysis indicated that patulin was indeed transformed to E-ascladiol, a by-product previously reported to be significantly less cytotoxic compared to patulin29,30. The mechanistic basis for this transformation has been proposed to involve the spontaneous opening of the hemiacetal ring of patulin followed by the reduction of the aldehyde to the alcohol31 (See Supplementary Fig. S2 for LC-MS/MS results).
Crystallization and structure determination of DepBRleg
DepBRleg was successfully crystallized, and its structure was solved by molecular replacement using an AKR from Polaromonas sp. JS666 as a search model (PDB ID: 4XK2). Structural and refinement statistics are summarized in Table 2.
Table 2. X-ray diffraction data and refinement statistics.
Data collection
Space group
P4 21 2
Cell dimensions
a, b, c (Å)
159.45, 159.45, 163.90
α, β, γ (°)
90.00, 90.00, 90.00
Resolution (Å)
46.45 - 2.5 (2.589 - 2.5)*
Total reflections
1202979 (120250)
No. of unique reflections
73419 (7223)
0.2617 (2.503)
I / σI
11.52 (1.30)
Completeness (%)
99.81 (99.81)
16.4 (16.6)
Resolution (Å)
No. reflections
73312 (7214)
Rwork / Rfree
No. atoms
Wilson B-factors
R.m.s deviations
Bond lengths (Å)
Bond angles (°)
Ramachandran statistics
Favored (%)
Allowed (%)
Outliers (%)
Four protomers of DepBRleg are present in the asymmetric unit designated as chains A, B, C, and D. Overall, the three-dimensional structure of each protomer adopts the classic triose-phosphate isomerase (TIM) barrel fold (α/β)8, except that the presence of Pro-204 in the region that would otherwise form strand β7 disrupts the hydrogen bonding pattern leaving this region as an extended loop. Two auxiliary helices designated as H1 and H2 are found at the periphery of the barrel, while the N-terminal end of the barrel is capped by an N-terminal β-hairpin loop. The TIM barrel scaffold contains βα loops that connect β-strands to α-helices and the αβ loops that connect α-helices to β-strands. βα loops are longer than αβ loops and impart structural and hence functional diversity to TIM barrel proteins such as AKRs32. The β3α3 loop (designated as Loop A) and the C-terminal loop (designated as Loop C) are proposed to govern substrate binding in AKRs while the primary role of the longer β7H1 loop (designated as Loop B) is for coenzyme binding33 (Fig. 3A). Due to a lack of clear electron density, the following residues within loop B could not be modeled: Chain A (214-241), Chain B (217-244), Chain C (219-245), and Chain D (218-245).
A pair of protomers (A and C, B and D) associate together forming a dimer with an average interface area of 2362.9 Å2, stabilized by 24 hydrogen bonds and 13 salt bridges. Dimerization involves 3D domain swapping with the exchange of the α-helix of loop C which interacts with loop A on the associating protomer. These dimers interact around the crystallographic four-fold symmetry axis to form a D4 symmetric octamer (Fig. 3B), with key interactions mediated by the N-terminal β-hairpin, α3, α4, and the β4α4 loop. PISA34 estimates that these interactions bury 748.6 Å2 and result in a solvation-free energy gain of -809.8 kcal/mol. The absolute molecular weight of DepBRleg was determined experimentally by SEC-MALS to be 325.6 ± 12.1 kDa which is consistent with the 317.5 kDa predicted for a DepBRleg octamer. (See Supplementary Fig. S3).
The closest structural homologs of DepBRleg, are the functionally uncharacterized AKRs from the structural genomics initiative, Polaromonas sp. AKR (PDB ID: 4XK2, 44% sequence identity, 1.6Å RMSD), an Escherichia coli AKR, Tas (PDB ID: 1LQA, 35% sequence identity, 2.0Å RMSD), that has broad substrate specificity35, the beta subunit of the voltage-gated potassium channel from Rattus norvegicus (AKR6A2; PDB ID: 3EAU, 32% sequence identity, 2.1Å RMSD), E. coli AKR14A1 (PDB ID: 4AUB, 35% sequence identity, 2.4Å RMSD) that is specific towards methylglyoxal and diketones such as isatin36 and mithramycin side chain reductase from Streptomyces argillaceus (PDB ID: 6OW0, 33% sequence identity, 2.3Å RMSD). Mithramycin side chain reductase is a ketoreductase that reduces the 4’ ketone side chain of mithramycin DK, an intermediate in the biosynthesis of the tricyclic antitumor polyketide, mithramycin37.
Diversity in certain loop regions was observed among these structural homologs. Differences in the conformation of loop B and the auxiliary helices, H1 and H2 could be due to conformational changes upon binding of NADP(H) and/or substrates. Loop B in the apo-structures of DepBRleg and Polaromonas sp. AKR is disordered, but clear electron densities for this region were observed for the NADP+ binary complexes of the other structural homologs. This is in agreement with the finding that loop B becomes ordered upon coenzyme binding 38. In addition to these conformational differences, variations in loop length are also evident, particularly for the E.coli Tas protein which possesses a long α4β4 loop (24 residues) compared with DepBRleg (8 residues). The length and structure of DepBRleg loop C (26 residues) also differed with AKR6A2 (6 residues), Tas (5 residues), AKR14A1 (10 residues), and mithramycin side chain reductase (6 residues). In the hydroxysteroid reductase subfamily of AKRs truncation of this loop led to reduced specific activity towards steroid substrates, therefore the diversity in loop lengths among these AKRs likely contributes to corresponding differences in substrate specificity39.
Coenzyme binding site
DepBRleg reduced 3-keto-DON using NADH and NADPH as coenzymes, although the catalytic efficiency with NADH was 40-times lower than with NADPH. The dissociation constant (Kd) for NADH, as determined by tryptophan fluorescence quenching experiments, was about 6-fold higher than NADPH. In contrast, most AKRs are NADPH specific with NADPH dissociation constants on average, 1000-fold lower than NADH40. DepBRleg, therefore, shares the rare dual coenzyme specificity with a small number of enzymes from different AKR families, including the hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (AKR1C)41,42, xylose reductases (AKR2B)43–45, beta subunit of voltage-gated potassium ion channels (AKR6A)46, aflatoxin reductases (AKR7A)47, and pyridoxal dehydrogenases (AKR15A)48. The structural basis for NADH specificity was studied for Candida tenuis xylose reductase (AKR2B5), revealing a key Glu-227 residue on loop B which forms bidentate hydrogen bonds with the 2’ and 3’ hydroxyl groups of the adenosine moiety of NAD+44. In DepBRleg, this residue is also conserved and corresponds to Glu-222. In the NADP+ bound complex of AKR2B5, the 2’ monophosphate of NADP+ interacts with a positively charged Arg-280, the peptide backbone of Asn-276, and Ser-275. These residues are not strictly conserved in DepBRleg and are instead replaced with Gln-294, Arg-290, and Ala-288, underscoring the general variability in NADP+ interactions among the AKRs.
Although NADP+ was present at 400 µM during the crystallization of DepBRleg, there was no electron density corresponding to this coenzyme. The putative coenzyme binding pocket was suitably defined and superimposed well with coenzyme binding sites of AKR binary complexes. AKRs bind NADPH in an extended anti-conformation to achieve the stereospecificity of hydride transfer33. An aromatic residue typically forms π-stacking interactions with the nicotinamide ring while the carboxamide moiety is oriented by highly conserved glutamine, serine, and asparagine residues. In DepBRleg, these residues correspond to Trp-206, Gln-178, Ser-152, and Asn-153 respectively. In AKR6A2, the closest structural homolog of DepBRleg, the 2’monophosphate of NADP+ interacts with the side chains of Gln-62, Lys-254, Ser-325, and Gln-329, and (Fig. 4). In DepBRleg, these residues correspond to Glu-26, Lys-217, Arg-290, and Gln-294 respectively. To examine the conservation of these residues, a multiple sequence alignment was constructed with AKR family representatives. Lys-217 which is present on loop B is not strictly conserved and is often substituted for a basic residue or a smaller hydrophobic residue. Arg-290 is partially conserved across the AKR families and this position is often frequented by a basic residue or a polar hydrophilic residue. Gln-294 is strictly conserved across AKR6A2, AKR7A1, AKR9A1, AKR11A1, AKR14A1, AKR15A1, and AKR18A1 but for the other families, it is replaced with either a basic or aromatic residue (Fig. 4B). Lastly, Glu-26 was the least conserved and was therefore not selected for further analysis.
All recombinant N-terminal His-tagged DepBRleg coenzyme variants were purified by Ni-NTA chromatography with expected molecular weights of 39 kDa (See Supplementary Fig. S1). Replacements of Lys-217, Arg-290, and Gln-294 for negatively charged glutamate significantly altered the Kd for NADPH relative to wild type DepBRleg, with no significant effect on the Kd of NADH. Among these variants, the R290E variant displayed an 11-fold increase, followed closely by Q294E with a 9-fold increase and finally K217E with only a 6-fold change (Table 3). Substitutions for neutral residues as in the case for R290N displayed a moderate change in the Kd by 5-fold, while for K217M, the Kd change relative to the wild type was more pronounced with a nearly 7-fold change. Overall, for all the mutants, there was no appreciable change in Kd for NADH.
Table 3. Apparent coenzyme dissociation constants for purified recombinant DepBRleg and coenzyme variants.
Kd (µM)
11.4 ± 0.84
67.3 ± 2.5
123 ± 6.2
119 ± 9.8
59.5 ± 4.2
77.7 ± 3.6
97.9 ± 13
91.2 ± 10
68.6 ± 8.7
87.1 ± 3.4
74.1 ± 4.6
82.9 ± 3.0
Substrate-binding site
The catalytic mechanism of AKRs involves a stereospecific 4-pro-R hydride transfer from the nicotinamide ring of the coenzyme to the substrate carbonyl carbon, followed by protonation of the carbonyl oxygen by a tyrosyl residue49. This is facilitated by a proton relay with histidine or a lysine-aspartate pair40. In DepBRleg, these catalytic residues are conserved: Asp-48, Tyr-53, Lys-81, and His-122. A water molecule occupies the position equivalent to the carbonyl oxygen group of the substrate and forms hydrogen bonds (2.6 – 2.9 Å) to the side chains of both His-122 and Tyr-5349. DepBRleg’s substrate-binding pocket is lined with the following residues: Met-21, Asp-48, Val-52, Tyr-53, Lys-81, Arg-83, Phe-84, His-122, Ala-123, Ser-152, Asn-153 and Gln-180. Overall, DepBRleg’s substrate-binding pocket is slightly larger and more hydrophobic in comparison with the NADP+- cortisone bound complex of AKR6A2. The physiological substrate of AKR6A2 is unknown, however, much like DepBRleg it also displays broad substrate specificity with aldehyde and ketone substrates50.
The stereospecificity of hydride transfer is strictly conserved in AKRs. In DepBRleg, the residues Ser-152, Asn-153, and Gln-178 are critical for maintaining the anti-conformation of the nicotinamide ring to achieve this stereospecificity51. However, hydride attack may occur either on the re-face or si-face of the prochiral carbonyl group. We determined by HPLC analysis that DepBRleg reduced 3-keto-DON to produce a diastereomeric ratio of 67.2% for 3-epi-DON and 32.8% for DON (See Supplementary Fig. S4 for HPLC chromatograms). To examine the molecular basis for this diastereoselectivity, we superimposed apo-DepBRleg with the recently solved Debaryomyces nepalensis xylose reductase (PDB ID: 5ZCM) complexed with a DTT-NADP+ adduct 52. In this complex, the geometry of the C4N of NADP+ strongly resembles the puckered ring conformation of reduced NADPH. 3-keto-DON was then modeled into this complex in an orientation poised for hydride transfer to the re-face to produce 3-epi-DON. The carbonyl oxygen of 3-keto-DON was placed within hydrogen-bonding distance of Tyr-53 and His-122, while Arg-343 from Loop C was re-positioned to provide hydrogen bond contacts with the C8 ketone of 3-keto-DON. Phe-84, which is present on Loop A could potentially stack with the cyclohexene ring of 3-keto-DON (Fig. 5A). This residue corresponds to Trp-86 in Thermotoga maritima AKR, an enzyme that catalyzes the reduction of ethyl 2-oxo-4-phenylbutyrate to the R- and S-enantiomer of ethyl-2-hydroxy-4-phenylbutyrate53. In that study, the replacement of Trp-86 with smaller amino acids alleviates space constraints and enabled the enzyme to increase the production of the R-alcohol53. To produce DON, 3-keto-DON would require a 180° flip in the substrate-binding pocket (Fig. 5B). An observation gleaned from sequence analysis with other AKRs, is the presence of a bulky residue following the catalytic histidine (Fig. 5C). However, in DepBRleg this position is occupied by Ala-123 which eliminates any space constraints allowing for the accommodation of the C15 primary alcohol of 3-keto-DON. We note that in AKR18A1 which reduces 3-keto-DON to DON, a glycine residue occupies the positions corresponding to Phe-84 and Ala-123 providing a great deal of flexibility in its respective active site.