Forest structure
Pre-wildfire average (+SE) live tree density and BA were 964+59/ha (range 713-1,122/ha) and 42.5+2.9 (range 34+51 m2/ha) across watersheds, respectively, and did not differ among FSCs assigned after the burn (p>0.58).
Tree mortality and snag density
Initial (Y1) tree mortality in burned watersheds ranged from an average of 3% (0.1% BA) in L, to 7% (1% BA) in LM and 52% (25% BA) in H; by Y5, 11% (3% BA) of trees in L, 33% (15% BA) in LM, and 74% (48% BA) in H had died. In comparison, 7% (3% BA) of trees in unburned watersheds died over the 5-year study period, and tree mortality rates did not differ between NB and L. The percentage of trees killed by (and dying subsequent to) wildfire differed among years and was greater in H than all other FSCs, greater in MH than NB, L, LM, and M, greater in M than NB and L, and greater in LM than L (Table 1, Fig. 1). A FSC x year interaction effect and partitioned F-tests (SLICE option) indicated that tree mortality increased over time in all FSCs except L and differed among some FSCs within all years. Within H and MH, the percentage of dead trees was lower in Y1 than Y2, Y3 and Y5, and lower in Y2 than Y5. Within LM, the percentage of dead trees was lower in Y1 than all subsequent years and lower in Y2 and Y3 than Y5. Within M, the percentage of dead trees was lower in Y1 than Y3 or Y5 and lower in Y2 and Y3 than Y5. Within NB, the percentage of dead trees was lower in Y1 and Y2 than Y3 or Y5. In Y1, the percentage of dead trees was greater in H than all other FSCs, greater in MH and M than NB, L and LM, and greater in LM than NB. In Y2, Y3 and Y5, the percentage of dead trees was greater in H than all FSCs except MH, greater in MH than NB, L, LM, and M, greater in M than NB and L, and greater in LM than NB; in Y3 and Y5 there was additionally a greater percentage of dead trees in LM than L. The percentage of tree BA killed by or dying subsequent to wildfire differed among years and was greater in H and MH than L, LM, M and NB; no significant FSC x year interaction effect was detected (Table 1, Fig. 1).
The density (no/ha) of trees killed by wildfire or dying subsequently differed among years and was greater in H than all other FSCs, greater in MH than NB, LM and L, and greater in M than NB (Table 1; Fig. 1). A FSC x year interaction effect and partitioned F-tests indicated that tree mortality increased over time within all FSCs except L and differed among some FSCs during all years. Within H, L and M, mortality was lower in Y1 than all subsequent years, and lower in Y2 and Y3 than Y5. Within MH, mortality was lower in Y1 than all subsequent years and lower in Y2 than Y5; within NB mortality was lower in Y1 and Y2 than Y3 and Y5. Tree mortality was higher in H than all other FSCs within all post-wildfire years. Additionally, in Y1 mortality was greater in MH than NB and L. In Y2 and Y3, mortality was greater in MH than NB, L and LM, and greater in M than NB. In Y5, mortality was greater in LM, M and MH than NB and greater in MH than L (Table 1, Fig. 1). Tree BA (m2/ha) mortality differed among years and was greater in H and MH than L, LM, M and NB (Table 1; Fig. 1). A FSC x year interaction effect and partitioned F-tests indicated that cumulative BA mortality increased over time within LM, M, MH, and H and differed among some FSCs in all years. Within H, BA mortality was lower in Y1 than all subsequent years and lower in Y2 than Y5. Within MH, BA mortality was lower in Y1 than all subsequent years, and lower in Y2 and Y3 than Y5. Within M, BA mortality was lower in Y1, Y2 and Y3 than Y5, and within LM it was lower in Y1 and Y2 than Y5. In Y1 BA mortality was greater in H than all other FSCs. In Y2, Y3 and Y5 BA mortality was greater in H than all other FSCs except MH, and greater in MH than NB, L, LM and M; in Y5 it was also greater in M than NB (Table 1, Fig. 1).
In Y5, snag density was greater in H than NB, L and LM, greater in MH than NB or L, and greater in M than NB (p<0.0001) (Fig. 2).
Shrub cover
Shrub cover immediately after wildfires (Y1) ranged from 4-10% among FSCs in burned watersheds, compared to 35% in unburned watersheds. Post-wildfire shrub recovery was rapid and most pronounced in H and MH, averaging 75% and 64% cover, respectively, by Y5 and exceeding all other FSCs (21%-44%) as top-killed trees and shrubs resprouted and Rubus spp. responded to the open conditions (Fig. 3). Percent shrub cover was greater in H, MH, and NB than L, LM and M and differed among years (Table 1, Fig. 3). A FSC x year interaction effect and partitioned F-tests indicated that percent shrub cover increased over time within all FSCs and differed among some FSCs during all years. Within H, percent shrub cover increased each year post-wildfire; within MH, it was lower in Y1 and Y2 than all subsequent years. Within L, LM and M, shrub cover was lower in Y1 than Y3 or Y5 and lower in Y2 than Y5. Within NB, shrub cover was lower in Y1 and Y2 than Y3. In Y1, shrub cover was greater in NB than all burned FSCs and greater in H than L; in Y2, it was greater in H, MH, and NB than L, and greater in NB than LM or M. In Y3, shrub cover was greater in H than L, LM, M and MH, greater in M and NB than L, and greater in MH and NB than LM or M. In Y5, percent shrub cover was greater in H and MH than all other FSCs and greater in NB than L (Table 1, Fig. 3).
Leaf litter cover
Leaf litter cover was initially (Y1) reduced in all FSCs (<27%) compared to NB (85%) but was rapidly replenished as leaves fell from deciduous trees each fall; by Y5, leaf litter cover was >86% in all FSCs except H (67%) and MH (71%) (Fig. 3). Percent leaf litter cover differed among years and was greater in NB than all other FSCs and lower in H than all FSCs except MH; a FSC x year interaction effect and partitioned F-tests indicated that leaf litter cover changed over time within all FSCs and differed among some FSCs in Y1, Y2, and Y5 (Table 1, Fig. 3). Within H, leaf litter cover was lower in Y1 and Y2 than all subsequent years; within MH, it was lower in Y1 than all subsequent years and lower in Y2 than Y3. Within L, leaf litter cover was lower in Y1 than all subsequent years and lower in Y2 than Y5. Within LM and M, leaf litter cover was lower in Y1 than all subsequent years, and within NB it was lower in Y1 and Y2 than Y3, and lower in Y3 than Y5. In Y1, leaf litter cover was greater in NB than all other FSCs. In Y2 and Y5, leaf litter cover was greater in L, LM, M and NB than H, and greater in NB than MH; in Y5, it was additionally greater in L than MH.
Canopy cover
Percent canopy cover (measured at breast height) decreased by Y2 in all burned FSCs corresponding with delayed tree mortality but remained >90% throughout the study period in all FSCs except MH (79% in Y2) and H (57% in Y2). Canopy cover slowly increased as shrub cover increased and exceeded breast height but remained lower in H (73%) and MH (87%) than other FSCs (>95%) by Y5 (Fig. 3). Canopy cover differed among years and was lower in H than all FSCs except MH, lower in MH than NB, L and M, and lower in M than NB. A FSC x year effect and partitioned F-tests indicated that percent canopy cover changed over time within all FSCs and differed among some FSCs within Y2, Y3 and Y5 (Table 1, Fig. 3). Within H, canopy cover was greater in Y1 and Y2 than all subsequent years; within MH, it was greater in Y1 than all subsequent years and greater in Y3 than Y5. Within L, canopy cover was greater in Y1 than Y2 or Y3. Within LM and M, canopy cover was greater in Y1 than all subsequent years. Canopy cover was lower in H than all other FSCs during all post-wildfire years except Y2 when it did not differ from MH. In Y2 and Y5, canopy cover was lower in MH than L or LM; in Y3, it was lower in MH than NB, L, LM and M.
Breeding birds
We detected 47 species of breeding birds within the 25-m radius point counts over the 5-year study period. Total breeding bird abundance differed among years and was greater in H than NB or L and greater in MH than L (Table 2; Fig. 4). A FSC x year interaction effect and partitioned F-tests indicated that total abundance changed over time within all FSCs except NB and L and differed among FSCs in Y4 and Y5. Within H and MH, total abundance was lower in Y1 than Y3, Y4 and Y5, and lower in Y2 than Y4 and Y5. Within M, total abundance was lower in Y1, Y2 and Y3 than Y4, and in LM, abundance was lower in Y1 and Y3 than Y4 or Y5. In Y4, abundance was greater in LM, M, MH, and H than L and NB. In Y5, abundance was greater in H than NB, L or M and greater in LM and MH than NB. Stepwise multiple regression (Y5 only) indicated that total bird abundance was positively correlated with the percentage of dead trees (Table 3).
Species richness was greater in H than NB or L and differed among years (Table 2, Fig. 4). A FSC x year interaction effect and partitioned F-tests indicated that species richness changed over time in H, MH, and LM and differed among FSCs in Y4 and Y5. Within H, species richness was lower in Y1 than Y3, Y4, and Y5 and lower in Y2 and Y3 than Y5. Within MH, richness was lower in Y1 than Y3, Y4, and Y5 and lower in Y2 than Y5. Within LM, richness was lower in Y1 than Y4 or Y5 and lower in Y3 than Y4. In Y4, species richness was greater in H than NB or L, greater in LM, M and MH than L, and greater in LM and M than NB. In Y5, richness was greater in H than NB, L, LM or M and greater in LM and MH than NB. Stepwise multiple regression indicated that species richness was positively correlated with the percentage of dead trees, and negatively correlated with percent canopy cover (Table 3).
Abundance of ground- and tree-nesters did not differ among FSCs or years and no FSC x year interaction effects were detected (Table 2, Fig. 5); stepwise multiple regression showed no correlations between ground- or tree-nesters and forest structure attributes (Table 3). Cavity-nester abundance differed among years and was greater in H, MH and M than NB or L; no FSC x year interaction effect was detected (Table 2; Fig. 5). Stepwise multiple regression showed a weak positive correlation between cavity-nester abundance and snag density (Table 3). Primary cavity-nester (woodpeckers) abundance differed among years but not among FSCs, and no FSC x year interaction effect was detected (Table 2; Fig. 6). Stepwise multiple regression showed a weak positive relationship between primary cavity-nester abundance and percent shrub cover (Table 3). Secondary cavity-nester abundance was greater in H than L and NB, greater in M and MH than NB, and greater in M than L; year or FSC x year effects were not detected (Table 2; Fig. 6). Stepwise multiple regression showed no significant relationship between secondary cavity-nester abundance and any tested forest structure variable (Table 3).
Shrub-nester abundance differed among years and was greater in H than NB, L, LM and M (Table 2; Fig. 5). A FSC x year interaction effect with partitioned F-tests indicated that shrub-nester abundance changed over time within H, MH and LM and differed among FSCs in Y4 and Y5. Within H, shrub-nester abundance was lower in Y1 and Y2 than Y3, Y4, or Y5 and lower in Y3 and Y4 than Y5. Within MH, shrub-nester abundance was lower in Y1 and Y2 than all subsequent years, and within LM, abundance was lower in Y1, Y2, and Y3 than Y5. In Y3, shrub-nester abundance was greater in H than NB or L; in Y5, it was greater in H than all other FSCs and greater in LM and MH than NB. Stepwise multiple regression indicated that shrub-nester abundance was positively correlated with the percentage of dead trees and negatively correlated with percent canopy cover (Table 3).
Six of the 18 species analyzed responded differently among FSCs and (or) showed a FSC x year interaction effect; a year effect was detected for several species (Table 2; Fig. 7). Indigo bunting abundance differed among years and was greater in H than all other FSCs except MH; no FSC x year interaction effect was detected. Chestnut-sided warbler abundance differed among years and was greater in H than all other FSCs and greater in MH than NB. A FSC x year interaction effect and partitioned F-tests indicated that within H, chestnut-sided warbler abundance was lower in Y1, Y2, and Y3 than Y4 and Y5. In Y4, chestnut-sided warbler abundance was greater in H than all other FSCs and greater in MH than NB; in Y5, abundance was greater in H than all other FSCs except MH and greater in MH than NB. Eastern towhee abundance differed among years, and was greater in H than all other FSCs and greater in MH than NB. A FSC x year interaction effect and partitioned F-tests indicated that within H, eastern towhee abundance was lower in Y1 and Y2 than Y3, Y4, and Y5; within MH, abundance was lower in Y1 than Y3 and Y5, and lower in Y2 and Y4 than Y5. In Y3, eastern towhee abundance was greater in H than NB, L and LM; in Y4, it was greater in H than all other FSCs, and in Y5 it was greater in H than all other FSCs except MH, and greater in MH than NB. White-breasted nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis) abundance was greater in M and MH than H, LM, L and NB; no year or FSC x year interaction effects were detected. Blue-headed vireo (Vireo solitarius) abundance did not differ among FSCs or years, but a FSC x year interaction effect with partitioned F-tests indicated that in Y5 abundance was greater in H than NB and greater in LM than L, MH and NB. Hooded warbler abundance did not differ among FSCs, but a FSC x year interaction effect and partitioned F tests indicated that within H and MH abundance was greater in Y5 than all other years. In Y5, hooded warbler abundance was greater in H than NB, LM and M, and greater in MH than NB, L, LM and M.
Stepwise multiple regression (Y5 only) indicated that 12 of the 18 species analyzed were significantly correlated with one or more forest structure attributes but correlations were weak (R2<0.15) for all except Carolina chickadee (Poecile carolinensis), chestnut-sided warbler, eastern towhee, and indigo bunting (R2>0.28) (Table 3). Carolina chickadee abundance was positively correlated with percentage of dead BA and percent canopy cover, and negatively correlated with snag density. Chestnut-sided warbler abundance was positively correlated with percentage of dead BA. Eastern towhee abundance was positively correlated with percentage of dead trees and percent shrub cover. Indigo bunting abundance was negatively correlated with percent canopy cover.