2.1. Samples
Positive fecal samples of Eimeria spp. were selected from naturally infected animals and stored in 2.0 mL microtubes at -20°C in the Veterinary Parasitology Laboratory of Henan Agricultural University.
Positive fecal samples of Giardia duodenalis, Blastocystis, Microsporidia, and Cryptosporidium parvum, detected by PCR, were used to evaluate the specificity of the primers developed in this study.
2.2. Primer design
The primers were designed from the 18S rRNA gene sequences of Eimeria spp. and deposited at GenBank with the following accession numbers: MW512853.1 (Eimeria sp. strain 20Q68-2), MN473507.1 (Eimeria parva isolate IQ-Deer No.36), MN473485.1 (E. parva isolate IQ-Deer No.14), MN473478.1 (E. parva isolate IQ-Deer No.7), MN473490.1 (Eimeria intricata isolate IQ-Deer No.19), LC507796.1 (Eimeria hirci), LC507795.1 (E. hirci), MW577425.1 (Eimeria arloingi strain 10), MW577427.1 (Eimeria christenseni strain 12), KX519412.1 (Eimeria ninakohlyakimovae), MW512852.1 (Eimeria sp. isolate 20Q68-1), MT337428.1 (Eimeria sp. isolate 5–12), MN149906.1 (Eimeria sp. isolate TW4), MT801036.1 (Eimeria sp. voucher SX2), MT801027.1 (Eimeria sp. voucher LX1), and MT801017.1 (Eimeria sp. voucher DJY4). After the selection of the sequences, the primers were aligned using the MEGA7 program (www.megasoftware.net). Following the alignment, a specific site was selected and used for primer design, which was performed with Primer Premier 5.0 (www.premierbiosoft.com/primerdesign). The primers obtained were named Eimeria 18S-F (5′-CAGGCTTGTCGCCCTGA-3′) and Eimeria 18S-R (5′-TTCGCAGTAGTTCGTCTTT-3′), with an amplicon of 168 bp.
2.3. DNA extraction
DNA extraction steps are performed in accordance with product instructions of the Stool DNA Kit (E.Z.N.A Stool DNA Kit, OMEGA, Bozeman, MT, USA).
2.4. Preparation of plasmid standard
Endpoint PCR was used with primer sets to obtain the PCR product of Eimeria spp. The reaction mixture (25 µL) contained 2.5 µL PCR buffer (10×), 2.0 µL dNTPs (2 mM each), 1.0 µL MgCl2 (25 mM), 1.0 µL forward and reverse primers (10 µM), 0.2 µL DNA polymerase (1U·µL− 1), 1.0 µL of genomic DNA purified from Eimeria spp., and 17.3 µL of PCR double-distilled water. PCR was carried out under the following conditions: an initial denaturation at 94°C for 4 min, followed by 35 cycles of 45 s at 94°C, 35 s at 55°C, and 1 min at 72°C. The final extension step was set for 7 min at 72°C. The PCR amplicon was purified from agarose gel, cloned into a pMD18-T vector, and transformed into Escherichia coli DH5α. Recombinant clones were selected by blue/white screening. The recombinant plasmid DNA was extracted using the SanPrep column plasmid DNA small amount extraction kit (Sangon Biotech, Shanghai, China) and sent to Shanghai Sangon Biotech for sequencing. Recombinant plasmids with the correct sequence of the Eimeria spp. amplicon (hereafter pMD18T-168) was used as the standard in qPCR.
2.5. Construction of standard curves for plasmid copy number determination
The pMD18T-168 plasmid was used to generate standard dilution series and the development of the qPCR test. The concentration of the plasmid standard solution was measured using NanoDrop 1000 (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA), and the corresponding copy number was calculated. A tenfold dilution series of pMD18T-168, ranging from 3.43×103 to 3.43×108 copies/µL, was made and used to construct a standard curve. The reaction mixture contained 1.0 µL of plasmid DNA dilution, 1.0 µL Eimeria18S-F (500 nmol/L), 1.0 µL Eimeria18S-R (500 nmol/L), 10.0 µL of THUNDERBIRD® Next SYBR® qPCR Mix (TOYOBO, Osaka, Japan), and PCR double-distilled water to a final volume of 20 µL. An initial denaturation at 95°C for 30 s was followed by 40 cycles of 5 s at 95°C, 10 s at 56℃ and 15 s at 72°C. Threshold cycle (Ct) values in dilutions were measured in triplicate and plotted against the logarithm of their initial copy number. Each standard curve was generated by linear regression of the plotted points, and standard curve parameters were obtained. Ct was calculated under default settings for the qPCR soft system Software (ver. 4.0, Analytik).
2.6. Standardization of the qPCR
Each assay designed included negative and positive controls and the standard curve. The negative control was the PCR reaction without template DNA. The positive control was a PCR reaction containing guide (g)DNA of Eimeria spp. All controls and samples were assayed at least three times. The specificity of Eimeria spp. qPCR was evaluated by performing the method using gDNA from G. duodenalis, Blastocystis, Microsporidia, and C. parvum simultaneously. The analytical sensitivity (i.e., limit of detection) was established using eight replicates of serially diluted pMD18T-168 plasmid at 3.43×107, 106 105, 104 103, 102, 101, and 100 copies/reaction. gDNA was extracted from 10,000 coccidia oocysts, and diluted into five gradients of 10,000, 1,000, 100, 10, and 1 oocyst(s) according to the tenfold dilution series. The established qPCR was used to detect gDNA to determine the sensitivity of the method. The interassay precision of the qPCR was defined as the coefficient of variation (CV) of Ct values obtained for each copy number/reaction in three different assays performed on 3 different days.
2.7. Determination of parasite load in lamb feces by qPCR
The developed qPCR method and McMaster counting method were used to monitor the Eimeria spp. infection quantity of four naturally infected lambs for 4 weeks and to compare the difference between two methods.
2.8. Statistical analysis
Data are presented as mean ± S.D. The pMD18T-168 DNA levels are presented as a log unit. GraphPad Prism (www.graphpad-prism.cn) was used for statistical analysis.