Cell line and mouse model
For our study, we used the CT26 cell line, which is a mouse epithelial colon adenocarcinoma line. To culture CT26 cells, RPMI-1640 medium was used with 100 U/mL penicillin, 100 µg/mL streptomycin, 20% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (FBS) and 1% L-glutamine. All cells were maintained at 37 ° C in 5% CO2. These cells were also free from Mycoplasma infection.
All experiments on animals as well as their care were performed with the approval of the ethics committee of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences with the approval number: IR.SBMU.MSP.REC.1397.616. BALB/c mice 5–6 weeks old were purchased (Pasteur Institute of Iran, Tehran, Iran) and kept in standard conditions with 12 hour light/dark cycle and free access to food and water.
Tumor challenge
For in vivo injection, mice were anesthetized by intraperitoneal (IP) injection with ketamine (100 mg/kg) and xylazine (12.5 mg/kg). Then 1 × 106 CT26 tumor cells were injected subcutaneously into the right flank of the anesthetized mice (15).
The BED equivalent of 40 Gy was delivered with three different RT regimens, including ablative (15 Gy × 1), hypo-fractionated (10 Gy × 2) and hyper-fractionated (3 Gy × 10), the dose in each regimen was calculated based on LQ models.
14 days after tumor cell injection the mice were randomly divided into 3 treatment groups (each group consisting of at least 12 mice) plus 1 group as a control. 18 days after the initial inoculation, when the size of tumors reached at least 300–400 mm3, all groups except the control group started the irradiation. The Ablative RT regimen was a single fraction of 15 Gy on day 18, the hypo-fractionated RT regimen was 2 fractions of 10 Gy delivered on days 18 and 28, and the conventional (hyper-fractionated) RT regimen was 10 fractions of 3 Gy delivered daily from day 18 to day 31 as shown in Fig. 1.
The anesthetized mice were treated with radiation using a linear clinical accelerator (6 MV photons, Elekta synergy linear accelerator, Stockholm, SE), with ethical considerations taken to to minimize their suffering. Since only the tumor area should be irradiated, the mouse body except the irradiated field was protected by a 9 cm thick lead plate. RT was delivered to a 3×3 cm2 field with 5-mm margins at 350 Gy/min with 6 MV X-rays using tangential beam delivery. A layer of Superflab Bolus Material of 1.5 cm was placed on the tumor and the radiation source was adjusted to a distance of 100 cm from the skin.
At the end of the treatment period, the mice were sacrificed at specific times, 2 days, 20 days, and finally when their tumor size reached 2cm2, and their tumor tissues were isolated. The tissue was divided into two parts. One part of the tissue was prepared for flow cytometry analysis, while the remaining part was immediately fixed in formalin. After the fixation process, the tumor tissues were embedded into paraffin wax blocks.
Flow cytometry analysis
Isolated tumor tissue was digested with type I collagenase in RPMI-1640 and incubated at 37 ° C for 2 hours. The cell mixture was filtered through a 70 µm cell strainer and then centrifuged at 1,500 rpm for 10 min. These cells were stained by specific antibodies. Cells were suspended in flow cytometry staining buffer containing PBS + 5% FBS and analyzed by flow cytometry (BD FACS Calibur flow cytometer, Becton Dickinson, USA) using fluorochrome-labeled antibodies against PD-L1 (Biolegend, 155404), IFN-γ (clone XMG1.2), CD8 (clone 53–6.7) and IgG1 isotype control (clone RTK2071) (Biolegend, San Diego, California). The CD8 is a surface antigen, so fluorescent antibody was added to the cells followed by 30 min incubated at 4 ° C and finally washed twice with staining buffer. IFN-γ is an intracellular marker, so cells were fixed and permeablized by True-Nucleatm Transcription Factor Buffer Set (BioLegend) kit before adding the fluorescent antibody. After reading the samples by flow cytometry, the results were analyzed with FlowJo 7.6.1 software (16).
PD-L1 Immunohistochemical Analysis
Tumor sections (4 µm thick) were cut from formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tumor blocks, and mounted on positively charged glass slides. For the deparaffinization step, tumor slides were placed twice in xylene for 10 minutes at room temperature. Subsequently, sections were immersed successively in absolute ethanol, 90% ethanol, 70% ethanol, 50% ethanol followed by one rinse with water. For antigen retrieval sections were incubated with Tris-EDTA buffer, pH 9.0 for 30 minutes at 95°C and then cooled down for 40 minutes. Endogenous peroxidase and proteins were blocked. Slides were incubated with primary antibody against PD-L1 (ab233482 anti-mouse IgG1) for 1 hour at a concentration of 10 µg/mL according to a standard protocol. After washing in TBS buffer, the secondary antibody (envision Dako, K4006) that was conjugated with HRP was applied for 30 minutes at room temperature. After each incubation step, the slides were washed with TBS buffer. Incubated in substrate solution for 5 minutes and washed with distilled water, then counterstained with hematoxylin for 1 minute. Finally dehydrated in graded ethanol, cleared in xylene, mounted on a coverslip and examined with a light micrscope. The staining results were interpreted by experienced pathologists who were blinded to the groups. Cancer cells that showed membranous and cytoplasmic staining for PD-L1 were considered positive cells. When tumor cell staining with any intensity was 1–5%, 5–10%, or 10–20% in each section containing approximately 100 tumor cells, the samples were classified 1+, 2+, and 3 + respectively.
Tonsil and placenta tissues were stained as negative and positive controls with and without primary antibody.
Statistical Analysis
Descriptive statistics were analyzed using the independent t-test, and the post hoc test for one-way ANOVA analysis of variance carried out by GraphPad Prism version 5 (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA, USA).