The clay paragenesis of the studied deposits provides information concerning climate conditions and paleoenvironment sedimentation.
Haria Formation (upper Maastrichtian–lower Paleocene deposit
The calcite contents are very important throughout all sections but seem to decrease above the K/T and toward the summit of the Haria Formation. The phyllosilicate contents show an inverse image and appear with average contents in all the units, indicating contributions of continental runoff. These contributions of clastic material can come from the approximate emerged zones. A marine regression beginning at the end of the Cretaceous (Hallam et al., 1991; Hallam, 1991) may also play a role in this increase in continental outflow. The appearance of quartz in the petrographic study in the basal part of the lifted section as well as above the K/Pg boundary of Haria Formation, is marked in the washing refusals and also noted in the mineralogical study.
The samples studied around the K/Pg boundary appear to be poor in calcite and relatively rich in quartz and phyllosilicates. Ultimately, the calcite content decreases sharply. As the main sources of this mineral are limestone, nannoplankton, and foraminifera, a biological crisis may be suggested at the K/Pg boundary, thereby reducing carbonate production (Millot, 1964; Slansky, 1980; Singer, 1984; Thiry, 2000; Jamoussi et al., 2003; El–Ayyat, 2013).
The smectite content is very high in all of the studied sections, but a fall in favor of kaolinite and illite is observed a few meters around the boundary while a slight decrease is observed in the middle part of deposits considered to be of Maastrichtian age (lower part of the Haria Formation). The smectite indicates a warm climate with contrasting seasons. Its fine, flake-like structure renders it conducive to distal transport. This clay is therefore concentrated in the center of ocean Basins and is representative of a deep depositional environment.
A slight increase in interstratified and illite contents is observed in the middle part of the Haria Formation and above the K/Pg boundary indicating paleoclimatic conditions, favoring mechanical rather than chemical alteration. The high content of these minerals therefore indicates a colder climate with less precipitation, thus promoting physical deterioration. The effect of a drop in sea level (Hallam et al., 1991; Hallam, 1992) or a rapprochement of the coasts can thus be observed across the Maastrichtian–Danian transition (Hallam et al., 1992).
Kaolinite requires more intense precipitation, favoring chemical alteration. Climate change may therefore explain the increase in the levels of this mineral in the lower part of this formation until the Cretaceous–Paleogene transition. Kaolinite seems to increase quite gradually throughout the Maastrichtian–Danian transition, suggesting increasing humidification of the climate. In summary, the first zone with a hot and humid climate with contrast seasons can be defined from the base of the Haria Formation to the K/Pg boundary.
Throughout the Maastrichtian–Danian interval, the assembly of clay minerals highlights the transition from a hot and humid climate with a marked seasonality alternating between wet and dry periods, associated with a dominance of smectite, to a drier and cooler climate, favoring mechanical alteration and kaolinite formation. A few meters above the K/Pg boundary, the simultaneous supply of illite and kaolinite in large quantities indicates significant terrigenous contributions, revealing a greater erosion of continental relief.
A colder and drier climate is established from the first centimeters of the Danian deposits (middle part of Haria Formation), favoring an increase in physical alteration. A significant increase in kaolinite and illite at the expense of smectite in the basal part of Paleogene deposits shows the possibility of significant terrigenous contributions, indicating a more significant alteration of continental relief and perhaps a decrease in distance from the coast.
The upper part of the Haria Formation shows richness in smectite and illite with little kaolinite, which seems to show a proximal and stable environment again dominated by a semi–arid climate with alternating dry and humid periods, favoring the formation of smectite.
Finally, the mineralogical assemblages generally go in the direction of a hot and humid climate with a season contrasted with the Upper Cretaceous, which becomes colder and drier at the beginning of the Paleogene.
Spatial distribution of mineralogical assemblages
The mineralogical profiles of the sections located in the center of the Gafsa Basin (OT section) generally contain less smectite than those studied in the east (JO and JC section) and west (M Tamerza section). Correlatively, the proportion of illites increases very strongly in the Jebel Ong section. The interstratified terms of the transformation from smectite to illite, are observed in eastern sectors (OJ and JC sections) while they are absent in the sections of the western region (Tamerza). This difference indicates that the transformation from smectite to illite is more complete in the eastern sectors. This succession must be compared with the increasing influence of bathymetry and depositional environment according to an east–west oriented gradient. In summary, the clay assemblages of the Haria Formation have undergone increasing diagenesis toward the east. This is marked by a clear transition from smectite to interstratified illite in the marl.
In the study area, smectite are probably of pedogenetic origin, since there are no known volcanic influences in the region during the Cretaceous and clay minerals are deposited in an open marine environment, not subject to chemical containment. Pedogenetic smectite is currently formed in hot climates with strong seasonal contrasts in humidity and the lower parts of poorly drained watersheds with little accentuated morphology (Millot, 1964; Paquet, 1970; Slansky, 1980; Singer, 1984; Thiry, 2000). The abundance of these minerals in the upper Maastrichtian reflects a warm climate with contrasting seasonal humidity as well as great stability of the continental margins allowing active pedogenesis. The relay of smectite via illite through the upper Maastrichtian–lower Danian suggests active erosion of the emerged areas since the illite characterizes deep rocks of the continental substrate. Moreover, this resumption of erosion marked by local presence of conglomerates would be linked to major tectonic movements in the internal zones.
In the Tamerza region, kaolinite is practically absent. The rarity of this mineral does not seem to be due to the diagenetic imprint, since abundant smectite is more sensitive than kaolinite to increases in pressure and temperature (Messadi et al., 2016). The very low proportions of kaolinite are most relatable to unfavorable climatic conditions at significant distance from the terrigenous sources, since this mineral is deposited preferentially near the shores and on carbonate platforms.
The deposition of marls from the upper Maastrichtian–lower Danian interval (Haria Formation) takes place in an open sea environment, in a distal marine or oceanic setting with low hydrodynamic energy and where the grains of clay are gradually deposited. The depositional environment was probably quite deep, of the circalittoral type evolving to lagoonal.
The relative abundance of smectite during the upper Maastrichtian, indicates stability of the emergent lands subjected to an active pedogenesis developed in hot climates with strong seasonal contrasts of humidity. However, the decrease of smectite in favor of illite and kaolinite in the upper Maastrichtian–lower Danian, reflects a significant resumption of erosion, coinciding with active tectonism and leading to numerous resedimentation phenomena.
The lower part of the Haria Formation “Maastrichtian” (Adatte et al., 2002) shows the presence of kaolinite in all the central sections with the eastern basin record suggestive of a hot and humid climate at that time.
The virtual absence of kaolinite in the Haria Formation in the Tamerza section suggests that the coastline was very far from this area of the Basin. The abundance of smectite in the two adjacent sections of the study area (Tamerza and JC sections) is explained by the deepening of the environment. In the other two sections (OT and JO), the presence of interstratified illite is noted, suggesting the diagenetic influence confirmed by the large percentages of ankerite (> 50%). The spatial distribution of the mineralogical assemblages shows that the depositional environment in the two sections—those of Tamerza and Jebel Chamsi are the deepest, which has already been confirmed by the study of the collected faunistic associations (Messadi et al., 2016).
In conclusion, the K/Pg boundary, the mineralogical associations show richness in kaolinite, enrichment in quartz, and the absence of other clay minerals suggestive of a hot and humid climate and a regressive trend which continues throughout the lower Danian with the presence of minerals of confinement (palygorskite and sepiolite) in the central Basin section (OT).
The upper part of Danian is characterized by the presence of kaolinite and illite which suggests a hot and humid climate with the intensification of erosion. The presence of smectite in the western part is explained by the deepening environment of deposition.
The summit of the Haria Formation (considered to be of upper Danian or Selandian) is characterized by the dominance of smectite, decrease in illite, and the appearance of kaolinite in low grades. This indicates a seasonality or possibly an alternation between dry and wet seasons.
The combination of clay minerals from upper Maastrichtian shows dominance of smectite, reflecting a semi–arid climate with contrasting seasons. A colder and drier climate, favoring physical alteration, is observed in the first deposits of the Paleogene. The Danian deposits show a decrease in smectite in favor of illite and kaolinite, which could indicate a period of intensified detritus.
Thelja Formation and its equivalent in Chamsi section
The presence of significant levels of kaolinite at the base of the Thelja Formation indicates a climatic change compared to the Haria Formation and can therefore explain the increase in the contents of this mineral in the lower part of this unit toward a wetter climate with more intense precipitation, favoring chemical alteration.
The middle part shows smectite and illite enrichment indicating a hot and arid climate. However, the presence of smectite indicates a hot climate with contrasting seasons. The presence of the smectite-kaolinite association in the uppermost part of this formation indicates the appearance of the colder and wetter seasons in the Thanetian deposits.
The spatial distribution of the mineralogical assemblages of the Thelja Formation shows the richness in smectite in the Tamerza section in comparison with the other sections, which suggests that this locality represents the deepest part of the Basin while these features may be linked to the confinement of the environment in the middle and upper part of the regional succession.
The illite is present in all sections the minimal occurrence percentage in Jebel Ong and Jebel Chamsi sections indicates a location close to the source of sediment supply. The increase in these percentages follows regressive sedimentary evolution. On the other hand, intervals particularly rich in smectite underline a tendency to toward a deepening marine setting. Its fine structure, in flakes allows distal transport. Smectite-rich clay is therefore concentrated in the center of ocean Basins and is representative of a deep depositional environment. This is also attested by a relative enrichment in planktonic organisms (Adatte et al., 2002; Messadi et al., 2016).
The study of the vertical evolution of the Thelja Formation with the preponderance of illite over smectite reveals that from the middle part to the top of this formation, illite becomes increasingly abundant. The enrichment levels in illite are accompanied by the abundance of gypsum, but also by the depletion of smectite and fossil deposits reflecting difficult conditions for the development of organisms. This clear regressive character confirms the evolution of the facies, already observed in the field. Furthermore, the presence of smectite and the absence of kaolinite, at least at the base of this unit, provides information on an arid climate (Slansky, 1980; Singer, 1984; Thiry, 2000; Jamoussi et al., 2003, ElAyyat, 2013, Messadi et al, 2016).
The enrichment of smectite within the upper levels of the Thelja Formation with smectites indicates deepening. Furthermore, the presence of clinoptilolite also suggests environmental containment conditions (Sassi, 1974). This confinement which took place in a deep environment translates into the dwarfism of the planktonic microfauna (Messadi et al, 2016). The presence of quartz indicates a detrital origin of these clays (Millot, 1964).
Chouabine Formation and its equivalent in the Jebel Chamsi
Mineralogical analysis of the samples from the upper Paleocene–lower Eocene interval from sections of the Chouabine Formation reveals the presence of five types of clay minerals: smectite, illite, kaolinite, sepiolite, and palygorskite. Associated minerals are represented by calcite, quartz, phosphate, CT opal, clinoptilolite, feldspars, and dolomite. Depending on the clay and non–clay mineral distribution, four distinct mineral zones can be defined.
Zone 1, lower part of the Chouabine Formation
The clay fraction in this zone shows dominance of smectite, a low level of illite and kaolinite. However, the absence of kaolinite in the Tamerza section and the absence of smectite in the Oued Thelja section with rates high in sepiolite, suggest to a very arid climate.
Zone 2, lower part of the Chouabine Formation (excluding basal 2 m)
This zone is marked by an increase in the smectite content but lower than at the base of the formation and the absence of kaolinite and illite except in the Tamerza section. The absence of smectite in the Oued Thelja section, and replaced by large percentages of sepiolite, suggests a hot and humid climate with contrasting seasons.
Zone, 3 middle part of the Chouabine Formation
This zone is marked by the richness in sepiolite and palyorskite and the absence of smectite and kaolinite in the Tamerza and Oued Thelja sections but with these minerals present in low concentrations in the two other sections (OJ and JC). The illite is present in Tamerza and Jebel Ong with low values indicative of a very arid climate.
Zone 4, upper part of the Chouabine Formation
Sepiolite and palygorskite are always abundant in association with illite in the Tamerza section and smectite in the Oued Thelja section as well as with kaolinite in the Jebel Ong and Chamsi sections suggest a hot and humid climate with mixed seasons. The presence of high percentages of sepiolite and palygorskite require periods of tectonic latency which are essential to avoid a supply of coarse detrital elements. However, a progressive depression of subsidence favors the confinement. The distribution of the clay fraction shows a predominance of smectite, sepiolite, and palygorskite along the sections. We note the appearance of kaolinite in the base of the Oued Thelja section and the top and basal part of the Chamsi and Jebel Ong sections at low concentrations. The associated minerals are mainly represented by calcite, quartz, phosphate, CT opal, clinoptilolite, and feldspar, and are present throughout all sections. The dolomite appears only at the top of unit C1 of the Jebel Ong section, the top of unit C2 of the Oued Thelja section, and at the top of unit C1 of the Tamerza section.
The vertical distribution shows that this formation is characterized by a particular richness in smectite at its base, indicating a significant environment deepening which confirm the major marine transgression at the base of the Chouabine Formation. In addition, we noted a paucity this mineral from the base to the top implying changes in terms of depositional environment more than hose otherwise due to climatic variance. The smectite decreased in favor of illite and palygorskite reflecting a relative decrease in the water deepening. This is also evidenced by the decrease in the percentages of benthic foraminifera and the presence of lumachellic limestone deposits toward the summit (Messadi et al., 2019). In addition, the presence of clinoptilolite reflects the slightly anoxic character of marine waters required for the genesis of phosphates (Slansky, 1980).
Laterally (west to east), the base of the Chouabine Formation is characterized by the richness of smectite with percentages that decrease and its absence in the center of the basin which is characterized by high levels of sepiolite. These two minerals are associated with illite in the Tamerza section, with kaolinite in the Oued Thelja section, Jebel Ong, and Chamsi sections with increasing in its percentages toward Jebel Chamsi. In the lower part of the Chouabine Formation, smectite and sepiolite remain dominant, but with lower percentages than at the base, which is marked by the absence of kaolinite except in the Chamsi section. The middle part shows the re–appearance of high smectite value, but it is characterized by richness in sepiolite and palygorskite with maximum values in the central part of the Basin (OT section) and, decreasing in the Tamerza section. This part of the basin wide succession is characterized by the presence of smectite associated with palygorskite in the Jebel Ong section and associated with kaolinite in Jebel Chamsi section.
The decrease in kaolinite and illite in the middle part of this formation is linked to climate change from wetter to arider conditions lending to the transformation of smectite into illite in supratidal environments following the alternation of dry and wet periods (Singer, 1984; De Coninck et al., 1985). The illite comes from recycling of the substratum, whereas the kaolinite results from the reorganization of the lands (De Coninck et al., 1985). The increase of erosion during periods of low sea level can involve an increase in illite content compared to kaolinite. The reappearance of kaolinite in the middle and top part of this formation is probably linked to arid-to-wetter climate change, and / or to the reworking of the kaolinite stored in the most proximal environments of the platform during the flooding of the second transgressive cycle of the lower Ypresian (Messadi et al., 2019). Therefore, the reworking of kaolinite stored in the most proximal depositional environments of the platform during major flooding remains the most likely solution. The increase in kaolinite is generally associated with an increase in the amount of quartz. In this case, the quantity of quartz remains low and relatively constant. Indeed, the Gafsa Basin Ypresien is characterized by a strong increase in the available space and significant carbonate production in its central portion. The upper part of the Chouabine Formation is marked by the re–appearance of smectite in the sections of Tamerza and Oued Thelja associated with palygorskite. There the two other sections show the presence of palygorskite and sepiolite, which is associated with kaolinite in the Jebel Chamsi section.
In the top part of this formation, the relative enrichment in smectite reflects a slight deepening of the marine environment. Its association with dolomite and, above all, sepiolite indicates that the environment was still slightly reduced. Kaolinite is generally characteristic of hot and humid regions, while illite indicates a temperate and arid climate (Singer, 1985; Chamley, 1989). Consequently, the increase in kaolinite in the Chamsi section is probably linked to the change in the depositional environment more than an instance of climate change from drier to wetter. In general, the mineralogical association shows the richness of the Tamerza section in smectite and associated illite and sepiolite showing an evolution in a deep marine environment in the form of two transgressive cycles. The Oued Thelja section shows the richness in smectite at the base and progressing to high values in sepiolite and palygorskite with an evolution reflecting two transgressive cycles in a confined environment representing the deepest part of the Basin (Oued Thelja section). The Jebel Ong section shows the presence of smectite in the basal and middle parts, highlighting the limits of two transgressive cycles. This mineral is associated with Kaolinite and illite. The Jebel Chamsi section shows a similar evolution to that of the Jebel Ong, but with the absence of the illite constituting the shallowest part while deeper still than at Jebel Ong.
Comparison with worldwide paleoclimate
Climatic conditions were caused by an overall change in the mode of ocean circulation reflected in patterns of clay deposition. Indeed, until the Upper Cretaceous–Lower Eocene, the Tethys had a major role in the global ocean circulation and sediment input. Global warming constitutes a potential source of deep water masses, as well as head and salinity, during the brief episode of reversal of ocean circulation. In addition, the southern Tethyan margin was located in the northern tropical zone and was subject to upwelling episodes under a warm climate (Bolle et al., 1999). Constituting a part of the southern Tethyan margin, Tunisia was under the control of synsedimentary tectonics and climatic conditions. Several authors (Salaj, 1980; Marie et al., 1982; Amiri et al., 2005) have reported that during the Paleocene interval, synsedimentary tectonics were activated since the Campanian in both central and northeastern areas, leading to complex paleotopography where horsts limit subsidence areas. These features advocate for an evident change in climate as compared to previous works carried out on the southern Tethyan margin (Scheibner and Speijer, 2008). These substantial changes were noticed overall in the world (Scheibner and Speijer, 2008). Since the pioneering work of Shackleton & Kennett (1975), the Cenozoic and more particularly the Paleogene, has been a period in which the paleoclimatic evolution has been, particular focus of study. The Paleogene experienced almost continuous cooling which, was in all environments, interrupted by only occasional warming (Tivollier & Létolle, 1968; Shackleton & Kennett, 1975; Buchardt, 1978; Miller et al., 1987; Zachos et al., 1993, 1994, 2001, 2003; Lear et al., 2000). The first climatic anomaly known in the Paleogene occurred at the Paleocene–Eocene boundary known as the PETM (Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum ~ 55 Ma, Zachos et al., 2008). This occured during the warming phase initiated from the climax of the EECO (Early Eocene Climatic Optimum), which constitutes the hottest period of the Paleogene with ocean temperatures between 10 and 12°C. During this period, the ice is supposed to be absent or very reduced on Earth, and we therefore speak of the 'Greenhouse' period (Zachos et al., 2001). The temperatures were not only high, but the climatic bands, especially the tropic zones, extended to higher latitudes than today. These climatic characteristics of the Paleocene and lower Eocene were not only highlighted from studies of isotopic geochemistry (Saito & Van Donk, 1974; Barnet et al., 2019). Tropical type vegetation has been observed up to 45° N, along with assemblages of tropical planktonic Foraminifera. Alligator fossils have also been identified on Ellesmere Island in west Greenland (Estes, 1975; 78 ° N). Finally, the mineralogical assemblages also go in the direction of a hot and humid climate at the beginning of the Cenozoic with kaolinite found in the sediments around Antarctica and latitude up to 45 ° N (Robert & Chamley, 1991). The cooling that followed this climatic optimum was accompanied by a 7 ° C decrease in bottom water temperatures, which led to the glaciation of the Eocene-Oligocene boundary (~ 34 Ma), marking the start of the, Icehouse period that we still know today (Zachos et al., 2001). Between these two climatic extremes, cooling takes place is still little understood and poorly documented, even if recent studies have brought significant constraints on the climatic evolution of the middle and upper Eocene (Lear et al., 2000; Bohaty & Zachos, 2003; Tripati et al., 2005; Burgess et al., 2008; Bohaty et al., 2009).
During the Paleocene, marine limestone and shale accumulated in much of the Sahara, and the African plate was located approximately 10–20 ° N of latitude south of its modern position. The climate in the Sahara at this time is thought to have been generally hot and humid (Bellion, 1989), although studies of Paleocene strata in southern Tunisia suggest that there was variability from a warm and humid climate during the early Paleocene to a warm and arid climate during the Paleocene–Eocene transition (Keller et al., 1998; Bolle et al., 1999). Other studies cite evidence for a major transgression in the Sahara that culminated in a sea level highstand during the late Paleocene (Reyment, 1980; Bellion, 1989). This transgression would be coincident with a global warming trend that began during the late Paleocene and ended during the early Eocene (Miller et al., 1987; Zachos et al., 2001). In addition, a very abrupt and brief episode of global warming during the LPTM (Late Paleocene Thermal Maximum) occurred near the Paleocene–Eocene boundary, superimposed on the general Paleocene–Eocene warming trend (Zachos et al., 1993, 2001).