Radioactive source structure
The geometric design and materials of the new GZP3 60Co source were provided by the manufacturer and are shown schematically in Fig. 1. The new GZP3 HDR afterloading system comprises of different two 60Co sources affixed to three channels in the system. It is composed of a central cylindrical active core made of 60Co with a density of 8.9 g/cm3, 0.5 mm in radius, 1 mm in length for channels 1and 2, and 2 mm in length for channels 3. The radioactive 60Co is distributed uniformly throughout the core. The active core is encapsulated in a 2.1 mm in diameter and 5.8 mm in length cylinder made of stainless steel for channels 1 and 2. The mass density and composition of the materials are shown in Table 1.
Table 1
Chemical composition and density of the materials in the Monte Carlo simulations
Mass density (g/cm3)
Composition (element/weight fraction)
Cobalt:cobalt−60 source
Stainless steel 1 (0Cr18Ni10Ti): steel spring cover, steel coupling
C/0.001, Si/0.007, Mn/0.01, Cr/0.18, Ni/0.1, Ti/0.004, Fe/0.698
Stainless steel 2 (0Cr18Ni9):steel wire rope
C/0.001, Si/0.007, Mn/0.01, Cr/0.18, Ni/0.09, Fe/0.712
C/0.00017, N/0.7552, O/0.2318, Ar/0.01283
Water:phantom material
H/0.111901, O/0.888099
Dose calculation formalism |
The dose calculation formalism proposed by AAPM TG43 report has been followed [8]. According to this formalism, the dose rate, Ḋ(r, θ), at point (r, θ) in the medium, where r is the distance in cm form the active source center and θ is the polar angle relative to the longitudinal axis of the source, is expressed as:
$$\dot{\text{D}}\left(\text{r,θ}\right)\text{=}{\text{S}}_{\text{k}}\text{ }\text{Λ}\frac{\text{G(r,θ)}}{\text{G(}{\text{r}}_{\text{0}}\text{,}{\text{θ}}_{\text{0}}\text{)}}\text{g(r)}\text{ }\text{F(r,θ)}$$
Where Sk is the source air kerma strength in units of U (1U = 1µGy m2 h− 1=1cGy cm2 h− 1). The reference distance r0 and angle θ0 were 1 cm and π/2, respectively.
Λ is the dose rate constant defined as the ratio of dose rate to water at the reference point (r0, θ0) and air kerma strength,
G(r,θ) is the geometry factor, defined as
$$\text{G(r, θ)=}\left\{\begin{array}{c}\frac{\text{1}}{{\text{r}}^{\text{2}}}\text{ }\text{ }\text{ }\text{ }\text{ }\text{ }\text{ }\text{ }\text{ }\text{ }\text{ }\text{f}\text{o}\text{r}\text{ }\text{p}\text{o}\text{i}\text{n}\text{t}\text{ }\text{s}\text{o}\text{u}\text{r}\text{c}\text{e}\text{ }\text{a}\text{p}\text{p}\text{r}\text{o}\text{x}\text{i}\text{m}\text{a}\text{t}\text{i}\text{o}\text{n}\text{ }\text{ }\\ \\ \frac{\text{β}}{\text{L}\text{ }\text{r}\text{sin}\text{θ}}\text{ }\text{ }\text{ }\text{ }\text{ }\text{f}\text{o}\text{r}\text{ }\text{l}\text{i}\text{n}\text{e}\text{ }\text{s}\text{o}\text{u}\text{r}\text{c}\text{e}\text{ }\text{a}\text{p}\text{p}\text{r}\text{o}\text{x}\text{i}\text{m}\text{a}\text{t}\text{i}\text{o}\text{n}\text{ }\text{ }\text{ }\text{ }\text{ }\text{ }\text{ }\text{ }\text{ }\end{array}\right.$$
where L is the active length of the source, and β is the angle subtended by the active source with respect to the point (r,θ).
g(r) is the radial dose function, defined as
$$\text{g(r)=}\frac{\dot{\text{D}}\text{(r,}{\text{θ}}_{\text{0}}\text{)}\text{ }\text{G(}{\text{r}}_{\text{0}}\text{,}{\text{θ}}_{\text{0}}\text{)}}{\dot{\text{D}}\text{(}{\text{r}}_{\text{0}}\text{,}{\text{θ}}_{\text{0}}\text{)}\text{ }\text{G(r,}{\text{θ}}_{\text{0}}\text{)}}$$
and F(r,θ) is the dose anisotropy function, defined as
$$\text{F(r,θ)=}\frac{\dot{\text{D}}\text{(r,θ)}\text{ }\text{G(r,}{\text{θ}}_{\text{0}}\text{)}}{\dot{\text{D}}\text{(r,}{\text{θ}}_{\text{0}}\text{)}\text{ }\text{G(r,θ)}}$$
Monte Carlo calculations
In this study, we employed the Monte Carlo codes Geant4 (version 10.4) [10] and EGSnrc [11] to derive all dosimetric parameters of the new GZP3 60Co source, following the formalism described by TG43 and TG43U1. These MC codes, which have been successfully and widely used in dosimetric studies of brachytherapy [12–15]. Different MC codes used different physics models, different cross sections data in the transport of electrons. The low energy physics model of Geant4 has been used. This physics model uses the EPDL97 cross sections [16] for photons and EEDL [17] for electrons. For the EGSnrc, the photon cross sections from the XCOM database [18] are used. The cutoff energy was set to 10 keV for both photons and electrons. The 60Co spectrum was obtained form NuDat database, taking only the two gamma photons with 1.17 and 1.33 MeV energies in the simulation [19]. The contribution of the β spectrum to the dose was not considered in the simulation due to the absorption with stainless steel cover around the metallic 60Co, which the total dose of electrons to be less than 1% at distances greater than 1.0 mm from the source [20, 21].
In order to obtain the dose distribution in water, the 60Co source was located at the center of a spherical liquid water phantom with a 30 cm radius in the simulation, which acts as an unbounded phantom [22]. Three different grid sizes were used to score the absorbed dose at distances from the center of the source r (ranging from 0.25 to 10.0 cm) and polar angle (ranging from 5˚ to 180˚). The first one, composed of cylindrical rings with 0.025 cm thick and 0.005 cm high, for 0 cm < r ≤ 1.0 cm, the second one, composed of cylindrical rings with 0.05 cm thick and 0.05 cm high, for 1 cm < r < 3.0 cm and the second one, and the third one, composed of cylindrical rings with 0.1 cm thick and 0.1 cm high, for 3.0 cm ≤ r ≤ 10.0 cm. In the coordinate system, θ, y, and z are representative of the polar angle, radial and axial coordinates, respectively. The coordinate axis used are shown in Fig. 1. The absorbed dose to the water was calculated in Geant4 using the function of GetTotalEnergyDeposit, whereas in EGSnrc it was used the tally afforded within the DOSRZnrc package. The absorbed dose were calculated to obtained for radial dose function and anisotropy function in spherical (r, θ) and cylindrical (y, z) coordinates. When z = 0, we set up the cylindrical rings at y in the ranging from 0.25 cm to 10 cm to obtain the dose, and then used equation g(r) to calculated the radial dose function. Simultaneously, we obtained the dose for 5˚ ≤ θ ≤ 180˚ and 0.25 cm ≤ r ≤ 10.0 cm, and then calculated the anisotropy function by equation F(r, θ).
Due to the high energy of the 60Co, electronic equilibrium is reached up a distance of about 1.0 cm. The differences between dose and kerma are 1.5% at 0.5 cm from the source, less than 0.5% at 0.7 cm and negligible at distances greater than 1.0 cm [20]. Thus, the dose cannot be approximated by kerma at very small distances (< 0.5 cm), unlike 192Ir and 137Cs sources. In order to speed up calculations and to reduce statistical uncertainty and the computation time, kerma has been obtained for r > 0.7 cm. To estimate the air-kerma strength the 60Co source was located in the center of a 3 × 3 × 3 m3 air phantom. As TG43U1 recommended [9], the air used in this simulation is composition with 40% humidity. The cylindrical ring was used to scored for kerma of 0.1 cm in height and 0.1 cm in diameter.
The number of photon histories was 5 × 109 to obtain dose values and 2 × 109 photon histories to obtain kerma values.