The results of total organic carbon and metals were compared with current Brazilian regulations, in particular IBAMA Normative Instruction 01/2018, which, despite being revoked in 2019, was used as a reference for having specific conditions for disposal of drilling cuttings generated in offshore operations and drilling fluids used in these operations. The main regulations consulted are mentioned below. A summary of the maximum discharge limits is presented in Table 2.
IBAMA Normative Instruction 01: Regulates the disposal of fluids, cuttings and cement pastes from offshore well drilling activities (Brazil, 2018);
CONAMA Resolution 430: Establishes conditions and standards for effluent releases (Brazil, 2011);
CONAMA Resolution 357: Establishes parameters for the classification of water bodies (Brazil, 2005);
ABNT Standard NBR 10.004/2004: Classifies solid waste potential risks according to its potential risks to the environment and health.
ABNT Standard NBR 10.006/2004: Classifies solid waste according to its potential risks (inert/non-inert) to the environment and public health, so that these wastes can be handled and disposed of properly.
Table 2
Maximum limits for discharge according to rules and regulations of Brazilian environmental agencies
Normative Instruction 01/2018 IBAMA
ABNT NBR 10.004/2004
CONAMA 430/2011
CONAMA 393/2007
CONAMA 357/2005
Class 1 saline water framework
Maximum limit
Maximum limit
Maximum limit
Maximum limit
Maximum limit
WF (a),
NAF (b), WBCF (c)
WF (a),
NAF (b), WBCF (c)
WF(a), WBCF (c)
5 a 9
WF (a),
NAF (b), WBCF (c)
Less than 40°C
Sedimentable Materials
1 mL L− 1
0.05 mg L− 1
0.1 mg L− 1
0.005 mg L− 1
0.2 mg L− 1
1.5 mg L− 1
0.01 mg L− 1
0.5 mg L− 1
0.01 mg L− 1
0.7 mg L− 1
5.0 mg L− 1
1.0 mg L− 1
3 mg kg− 1
0.005 mg L− 1
0.2 mg L− 1
0.005 mg L− 1
0.05 mg L− 1
0.1 mg L− 1 for Cr+ 6 and 1.0 mg L− 1 for Cr3+
0.05 mg L− 1
2 mg L− 1
1.0 mg L− 1
0.005 mg L− 1
0.3 mg L− 1
15.0 mg L− 1
0.3 mg L− 1
1 mg kg− 1
0.001 mg L− 1
0.01 mg L− 1
0.0002 mg L− 1
0.1 mg L− 1
1.0 mg L− 1
0.1 mg L− 1
200 mg L− 1
2.0 mg L− 1
0.025 mg L− 1
0.01 mg L− 1
0.5 mg L− 1
0.01 mg L− 1
0.01 mg L− 1
0.3 mg L− 1
0.01 mg L− 1
4.0 mg L− 1
5 mg/L
5.0 mg L− 1
0.09 mg L− 1
(a)WF: water-based drilling fluids (b) NAF: non-aqueous drilling fluids (c) WBCF: aqueous-based complementary fluids |
3.1 Granulometric characterization of drilling cuttings samples
The granulometric distribution of the drilling cuttings, previously dried in an oven at 600 ºC until constant weight, varied widely in all samples analyzed. The largest proportion of the samples was composed of the fine sand fraction (4.75 − 0.425 mm), (51-77.6%), followed by the coarse sand fraction (≥ 4.75 mm) (9.3–42.7%), silt (0.425 − 0.075 mm) (3,7-11.4%), and clay (< 0.005 mm) (1-3.2%) (Fig. 1). These results show that the pre-salt cuttings samples collected were not composed exclusively of clay particles, but by a mixture of this fraction with larger particles such as coarse and fine sand and silt. The irregular distribution of cuttings samples can be associated with the type of bit used in the well drilling process, type of rock and fluid adhered in the samples.
3.2 Determination of metal concentration of drilling cuttings samples
Figure 2 presents data on the concentration of the metals Al, Fe, Si, Ni, Zn, Pb, Cu, Mn, Cr, Si and Ba in pre-salt cuttings containing aqueous and non-aqueous fluids adhered. The concentrations of As, Hg, Cd, V and Mo were below the limit of quantification, which were 0.199 mg Kg− 1, 0.139 mg Kg− 1; 1.88 mg Kg− 1, 13.7 mg Kg− 1 and 27.27 mg Kg− 1, respectively. Al, Fe and Ba were the metals present in the highest concentrations in these samples. The high concentration of Ba in these cuttings is commonly associated with the use of barite as a weighting material in the preparation of fluids. Barite is considered a carrier of several metals of environmental concern, since the high concentration of Ba in these samples normally coincides with high concentrations of other toxic metals in these samples (Neff, 2008). It has often been assumed that the toxicity of barite is directly comparable to other suspended particulate materials, due to the perceived low bioavailability of the metals associated with this component.
However, some studies point to greater toxicity of barite in relation to these particulate materials (Junttila et al, 2018). In general, the greatest concentrations of Ba, Al, Fe, Cu, Pb, Mn, Si and Zn were found in cuttings samples containing non-aqueous fluids, but the highest concentrations of Ni and Cr were found in samples containing aqueous fluids. The 7-NAF sample had the highest concentration of Ba and also the highest concentration of most other metals.
Several studies have indicated that drilling fluids are also carriers of contamination by metals (Stuckman et al., 2019; Araka et al., 2019; Kogbara et al., 2017; Pozebon et al., 2005; Terzaghi et al., 1998). Since the fluid impregnated in the cuttings is not totally removed in the secondary treatment, they may contain contaminants. Neff (2008) pointed out that many of the metals detected in drilling fluids are present as trace impurities in samples of barite and bentonite as well as the rock formations from which these cuttings originate. The higher concentration of metals in samples containing non-aqueous fluids can be explained by two aspects: (i) in general, non-aqueous based fluids have a higher concentration of barite in their formulation, while WBDFs contain around 15% barite, and NADFs contain around 33% of this component; and (ii) NADFs are constantly recycled and reused until loss of rheological properties, so it is possible to assume a progressive increase in the concentration of metals in these fluids as a function of time. However, these aspects have not been explored in the literature.
3.3 Determination of total organic carbon content (TOC)
The percentage of total organic carbon (TOC) is a fundamental parameter that describes the abundance of organic matter in drilling cuttings. The total organic carbon consists of the sum of contamination derived from fluids (polymers, emulsifiers, paraffins, olefins, esters, ethers, acetals) and contamination due to the presence of formation oil in these samples (total HTP petroleum hydrocarbons, mixture of aliphatic and aromatic substances and PAHs). IBAMA Normative Instruction 01/2018 specifies restrictions on the offshore disposal of cuttings adhered in non-aqueous based drilling fluids, in relation to the content of adhered organic base. Currently, this disposal is only allowed if the adhered organic base content is less than 4.9% by mass (accumulated average per well) in the case of n-paraffins, internal olefins (IOs), linear alpha olefins (LAOs), polyalpha olefins (PAOs) and treated mineral oil-based fluids, or 9.4% organic base in the case of esters, ethers and acetals.
Figure 3 shows the TOC results for the pre-salt cuttings with aqueous and non-aqueous fluids adhered. Considering that the total organic carbon content is related to the content of organic base adhered to the samples, determined by applying the retort method, this parameter was expressed as a percentage and the results achieved correlated with the limit of organic base adhered to these samples according to NI 01/2018. The TOC values ranged from 0.34% (3-WF) to 6.35% (7-NAF). In general, samples containing non-aqueous fluids adhered had a higher TOC content than samples with aqueous fluids adhered, which is probably related to the greater sorption of these fluids by the cutting particles. Considering the relationship between content of adhered organic based fluid and content, it is possible to suppose that only the 7-NAF sample contained organic compounds above the limit imposed by NI 01/2018 (4.9%), which may be related to less efficient drying of this sample on the platform or the presence of contamination by formation oil from the production zone retained in the pores of this sample.
Junttila et al. (2018) characterized contaminated sediments and cuttings from different drilling depths. They observed a relationship between the concentration of metals and the TOC content of the samples. Samples with higher TOC also showed higher concentrations of Cu, Hg and Pb. In this present study, we observed that the cuttings containing non-aqueous based fluid adhered, in addition to having a higher content of TOC, also contained higher concentrations of most metals. The 7-NAF sample containing 6.35% TOC also showed higher contents of the metals Ba, Fe, Pb, Cu, Si, Mn, Zn, which may be related to the higher concentration of barite in this sample, and interaction between the adhered base and the metals through sorption processes that would keep these metals attached to the cuttings.
3.4 Static sheen test of drilling cuttings samples
The static sheen test assesses contamination of the fluid with free oil according to the procotol “EPA 40: Protection of Environmental - Part 435 - Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category - Appendix 1 to Subpart A of Part 435 - Static Sheen Test (EPA Method 1617)” (USEPA, EPA-821-R-11-004, December 2011). Prohibition of free oil is intended to minimize the formation of sheen on the surface of the receiving water.
According to IBAMA Normative Instruction 1/2018, all water-based drilling and complementary fluids and/or drilling cuttings impregnated with water-based and non-aqueous fluids must meet the standard for disposal overboard of absence of gloss in the static sheen test. We applied the sheen test to the leachates obtained after 7 days of contact between these samples and the aqueous and saline solutions (Table 3). We observed that the samples 3-NAF, 4-WF, 5-WF, 8-NAF and 9-NAF generated turbidity in aqueous and saline media, indicating leaching of insoluble contaminants from these media. The cuttings samples with non-aqueous fluids 8-NAF, 9-NAF and 10-NAF formed a glossy film on the surface of the medium, which may indicate the presence of oil in these samples. However, for these same samples, smaller particles of the cuttings itself were observed floating during the sheen test and in the leaching tests. CONAMA Resolution 430 (Brazil, 2011) specifies that effluents must be discharged only when floating materials are virtually absent. The presence of free oil in water-based fluids and cuttings is usually easily identified. However, for cuttings containing adhered synthetic-based fluids, the presence of oleaginous compounds and barite itself present in the composition of these SBFs can mask the presence of O&G and crude oil contaminants, generating a false negative result (USEPA, EPA-821-B-00-013, December 2000).
Table 3 - Physical aspect of saline and aqueous leachates – Static iridescence test.
Observation effects on the surface
Effect on surface (brightness, increased reflectance and film or free oil drops)
Floating Material
VA- Virtually Absent; VP- Virtually Present.
3.5 Determination of physicochemical parameters of saline and aqueous leachates.
The saline and aqueous leachates were evaluated regarding the physicochemical parameters total dissolved solids (TDS), pH, salinity and conductivity. Physicochemical analyses play the most important role in measuring the remobilization of metals from sediments (Acosta et al., 2011; Liu & Shen, 2014). The evaluation of the physicochemical parameters of the leachates was carried out by using the coarse cuttings samples, without grinding. The results presented in Fig. 4 already discounted the blank of each parameter. Parameters of the blank test were (i) saline leachate: conductivity: 95.5 mS cm− 1, salinity: 66.48 g L− 1, TDS: 48 g L− 1 and (ii) aqueous leachate: conductivity: 0.002 mS cm− 1, salinity: 0.008 g L− 1, TDS: 0.002 g L− 1. The aqueous leachates did not show significant variations in the conductivity and salinity parameters at the beginning and end of the leaching test (Fig. 4-a and Fig. 4-b). However, for saline leachates, there were significant variations in these parameters at the end of the contact time, which may be related to greater leaching of inorganic contaminants such as carbonate, bicarbonate, chloride, sulfate, phosphate, nitrate, calcium, magnesium, sodium and metal ions in this medium of higher ionic concentration. Total suspended solids (SST) make up most of the pollutant loads from drilling activities, consisting of cuttings particles and solids present in the composition of fluids. The analyzed samples had a large increase in the TDS parameter (Fig. 4-c) at the end of the leaching tests, probably reflecting the leaching of cuttings particles containing a high proportion of silt and clay, in addition to the leaching of barite particles and the clays used in the preparation of fluids for saline media (USEPA, EPA-821-B-00-013, December 2000).
pH is a key parameter that controls the behavior of metal ion transfer in sediments. The extent of release of these ions depends strongly on the overall pH of the solubilization environment (Stuckman et al., 2019). According to Peng et al. (2009), the decrease in sediment pH favors competition between H+ ions and dissolved metals by ligands such as OH−, CO32−, SO42−, Cl−, S2− and phosphates. Subsequently, there is a decrease in the adsorption ability and bioavailability of the metals, followed by an increase in the mobility of heavy metals. Sometimes just a few pH units lower can cause the percentage of heavy metals attached to sediment particles to fall from almost 100–0%. There was significant pH variation from acidic to neutral to basic in the leaching tests in aqueous medium as a function of contact time (Fig. 4-d). This result may indicate the leaching of inorganic contaminants such as carbonate, bicarbonate and phosphate in sufficient concentration to cause the pH variation of the medium. According to petroleum industry standards, all drilling fluids and complementary fluids during the activity must meet the temperature limit ≤ 40ºC and pH between 5 and 9. In general, all saline leachates had pH below 9, indicating that these cuttings could be discharged in the sea if the other discharge parameters were also attained. The samples 1-WF, 3-WF, 4-WF, 6-NAF, 7-NAF and 8-NAF generated aqueous leachates with pH above 9, indicating a greater need for control in the disposal of these cuttings in landfills. No correlation was observed between variations in the parameters conductivity, salinity, TDS and pH and the type of fluid adhered to the drilling cuttings, as well as granulometric distribution of the samples, concentrations of metals (determined through acid digestion of the samples) and contents of total organic carbon of solid samples.
3.6 Leaching tests in saline medium
Discharge into the ocean is the main cuttings management strategy in offshore operations (Almeida et al., 2017). As already mentioned, these residues return to the platform where they are separated from the fluids by a solids control systems, followed by treatment in dryers aiming at reducing the content of adhered organic base material below the limit established by environmental legislation. Therefore, the performance of this equipment is monitored by tests of static sheen and retort (Petri Junior et al. 2017; Santos & Veloso, 2013). When the cuttings meet the parameters set out in environmental legislation, they are discarded at sea. This strategy is adopted in several oil producing countries.
The environmental impact of releasing drilling waste into the sea is influenced by several factors, such as: physical-chemical properties of these wastes (size of the particulate material, density, type and concentration of contaminants, degree of solubility of the contaminants in saline environment), volume of waste discharged, discharge flow, total water column depth, prevailing current velocity, deposition rate and plume type (Lelchate et al., 2020). Studies of leaching of contaminants from drilling cuttings in saline environments are scarce in the literature, despite the great importance of ascertaining the environmental impact of discharging these residues into the sea.
In this work, saline leaching tests were performed using an adaptation of the ABNT Standard NBR 10.004/2004 and ABNT Standard NBR 10.006/2004 standard to assess the mobility and potential bioavailability of contaminants present in solid residues in aqueous solution. Since there are no regulatory parameters for bioavailability of contaminants, we used the parameters established in IBAMA Normative Instruction (TOC, an indirect measure of the adhered organic base and metals content) for evaluation and compared the results with the limits established in CONAMA Resolution 430 (Brazil,2011), which contains standards for discharge of industrial or domestic effluents, and CONAMA Resolution 393 (Brazil, 2007), which defines the parameters for disposal of produced water at sea. In addition, we compared the results with the standards established for the classification of Class I saline waters, according to CONAMA Resolution 357 (Brazil, 2005). This last analysis was carried out considering CONAMA Resolution 393 (Brazil, 2007), which establishes that saline water will be considered as will be considered Class 1 Saline Water in the area where the platform is located when there are no specific parameters.
Figure 5 shows the concentrations of metals in saline leachates. The concentrations of As, Hg, Mn, Cr, Mo, Cd, Al and V were below the detection limit of the FAAS equipment, for all analyzed cuttings samples.
Microstructural analysis by X-ray diffraction (XRD) showed that many samples contained aluminosilicate minerals due to the high content of SiO2 and Al2O3, in addition to the presence of CaO, BaO, Fe2O3, SO3, K2O, MgO, Na2O, TiO2, SrO and SO42−, as also found by Xie et al., (2022), Piszcz-Karaś et al. (2019), Abbe et al. (2011), and Leonard & Stegemann, 2010). The mineral impurities in barite included SiO2, CaCO3, SrSO4, FeO3, which are also abundant in the marine environment. In some situations, barite is replaced by hematite (Fe2O3) in the preparation of WBDF to be used in deep water drilling (USEPA, EPA-821-B-00-013, December 2000). The presence of Si, Fe and Al in the cuttings samples or leachate is not considered a reason for environmental concern because these metals are natural constituents of rocks and sediments.
Si and Ba were found in high concentrations in the pre-salt samples with adhered fluid (Fig. 3-a) and also in the saline leachates derived from these samples (Fig. 5-a). The Si concentration in saline leachates ranged from 6.46 mg L− 1 to 56.08 mg L− 1, whereas the concentration of Ba in these leachates ranged from 2.24 mg L− 1 to 14.98 mg L− 1. The solubility of barite in seawater has been reported to be around 80 µg L− 1 (Bakhtyar & Gagnon, 2011). Thus, the Ba carried from the cuttings samples and present in the saline leachates was probably in the form of BaSO4, which is considered a non-bioavailable form of this metal (Sørheim, 2000). The highest concentration of Ba was found in the saline leachate obtained from the 8-NAF sample, which also had the highest clay fraction content, indicating there may be a correlation between the size of cuttings particles and BaSO4 leaching in the saline solutions. The 8-NAF cuttings sample also showed turbidity, gloss effect, increased reflectance and presence of floating material in the static iridescence test.
Barite contains high concentrations of barium and a range of heavy metal and metalloid impurities (such as arsenic, chromium, copper, lead, nickel and zinc) in low concentrations. In mineralized forms, these are environmentally unavailable sulfide salts thus, barite can be considered a carrier of these contaminants of environmental concern (Edge et al., 2016). Some works have described a relationship between the concentration of Ba in cuttings and concentration of other metals in these samples (Lourenço et al., 2013).
It was not possible to observe a correlation between the content of Ba leached from the cuttings samples and the content of the other metals also leached. However, it was possible to observe a trend of higher concentration of metals in saline leachates derived from cuttings containing non-aqueous based fluids. In general, NADFs contain a higher content of barite than WBDFs (IPIECA/IOGP, 2009). These latter fluids are reused until their rheological properties are lost. Fine solid particles such as barite and clays are also reused in the preparation of other fluids. It is possible that the recycling of fluids and fine particles led to the progressive increase in the concentration of metals found in these media. Furthermore, it is also possible to assume that organic bases can act as adsorbents of these metal ions.
Fe, when analyzed directly in solid cuttings, was present in high concentration (Fig. 3-a). However, the results of this metal in the saline solution showed concentrations below the legal limits according to CONAMA Resolution 430 (Brazil, 2011) and Resolution 357 (Brazil, 2005).
The Cd concentration in the saline leachate ranged from 0.04 to 0.15 mg L− 1; the Cu concentration ranged from 0.03 to 0.42 mg L− 1; the Ni concentration varied from 0.24 to 0.93 mg L− 1; and the Zn concentration ranged from 0.17 to 0.63 mg L− 1. Pb was found only in sample 6-NAF. The other samples contained concentrations of this metal below detection limit. The concentration of Pb in sample 6-NAF was 0.88 mg L− 1. In general, the saline solution derived from sample 6-NAF, containing non-aqueous fluid, had higher concentration of most of these metals.
Comparing these data with the limits specified in Brazilian environmental regulations (Table 2) reveals that the concentrations of Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn were below the limit established in CONAMA Resolution 430 (Brazil, 2011), which establishes parameters for the disposal of effluents, but above the limits established in CONAMA Resolution 357 (Brazil, 2005), regarding the classification of class I saline water (more restrictive rules). The concentration of Pb in saline leachate derived from sample 6-NAF was above the regulatory threshold. As these metals are of environmental concern. These findings suggest the need for treatment to minimize the impacts caused by these materials when discharged in marine environments.
The TOC levels in the saline leachates are shown in Fig. 6. There was no correlation between the TOC content of the solid cuttings samples (Fig. 3) and the TOC content of the saline leachates. As previously mentioned, while the TOC content in the cuttings is related to the combination of organic components present in the fluids and contamination of the samples by formation oil, the TOC content in saline leachates is related to the greater or lesser tendency of these organic compounds to solubilize in this medium. There was a tendency of higher concentration of TOC in saline leachates derived from samples containing aqueous-based fluids, which may be related to a greater tendency of leaching of polymers and emulsifiers (components of the fluids) in this medium.
3.7 Leaching tests in aqueous medium
The cuttings samples were also subjected to leaching tests with distilled water for 7 days to classify these residues as inert or non-inert, according to ABNT Standard NBR 10.004/2004 and ABNT Standard NBR 10.006/2004. In this study, the samples were treated with aqueous solutions and the leachate generated was analyzed and compared to the maximum limits established with this standard. This analysis is required for classification of Class II wastes (non-hazardous wastes) as inert or non-inert, by simulating the leaching of contaminants in an aqueous medium such as rainwater or their release when sent to sanitary landfills.
The concentrations of As, Hg, Mn, Cr, Mo, Cd, Al, Ni, Fe, Pb, Ba, Cu, Zn and V in the aqueous leachate were below the detection limit of the equipment for all cuttings samples analyzed.
There were high concentrations of Ba and Si in aqueous leachates derived from cuttings (Fig. 7-a). The presence of Si was identified in all leachates analyzed, while the presence of Ba was identified in five of these samples. The concentration of Ba varied from 4.2 mg L− 1 to 17.5 mg L− 1, being highest in sample 6-NAF, containing non-aqueous fluid. The concentration of Ba in these aqueous solutions was higher than the limit established in ABNT Standard NBR 10.004/2004 and ABNT Standard NBR 10.006/2004 (0.7 mg L− 1). Like in saline leachates, Ba is probably carried to aqueous leachates as BaSO4, considered a non-bioavailable form of this metal.
It was also possible to observe the presence of Cu and Zn in these aqueous leachates (Fig. 7-b). The presence of Cu was identified in five samples (three samples derived from cuttings containing non-aqueous fluid and two samples derived from cuttings containing aqueous fluid). The Cu concentration in these samples ranged from 0.13 mg L− 1 to 0.37 mg L− 1, being highest in the aqueous leachate derived from sample 5-NAF. The presence of Zn was observed in two samples, with concentrations of 0.35 mg L− 1 and 0.44 mg L− 1, both derived from cuttings containing non-aqueous fluid. The concentrations of these metals in the aqueous leachates were lower than the limit recommended in ABNT Standard NBR 10.004/2004 and specified in CONAMA Resolution 430 (Brazil, 2011), but above the limits established in CONAMA Resolution 357 (Brazil, 2005), regarding the classification of class I saline water.
The aqueous leachates derived from the cuttings showed TOC concentrations ranging from 0.08 mg L− 1 to 18.72 mg L− 1 (Fig. 8). The TOC contents in the saline leachates were much higher than the TOC contents in the aqueous leachates, indicating greater leaching of the organic components of the fluids and organic contaminants present in these samples in the saline environment. The highest concentration of TOC was observed in the aqueous leachate derived from sample 6-NAF, containing adherent non-aqueous fluid, but the aqueous leachate derived from samples 2-WF and 5-WF also had high concentrations of TOC.