Iran, with 2.8 million hectares of orchards, is one of the countries with high potential in fruit production. Annually, for various reasons such as climate stress, pest infestation, disease outbreaks, damage caused by insects and birds, etc., product losses are caused and irreparable damage is done to fruit trees. One of the operational strategies in the world to reduce these injuries is the using of net coverings in the gardens.
In order to create optimal conditions in the controlled environments, it is necessary to measure and determine changes in climatic conditions, including temperature, humidity, light intensity and wind velocity. Based on this, it is possible to select the net with the appropriate mesh and color according to the need.
Light is one of the non-living factors of the ecosystem that plays an important role in food production. Many studies have been done on the effect of light and plant growth. Light is the most important factor in plant growth; the lack of light affects the external shape of the plant and its growth rate. A plant that grows in the dark usually has long, slender stems and the leaves do not spread. Both leaves and stems will be free of chlorophyll. If such a plant is exposed to light, the longitudinal growth of its stem will be reduced.
The effect of day and night or light period on the growth and formation of flowers or other phenomena is due to the existence of a property in the plant called photoperiodism. In plants, for example, flowering can be accelerated by changing the duration of light in the greenhouse and protected culture. This issue is very important in floriculture and gardening. In addition, the growth of seeds in some plants, the production of greens and the falling of leaves in autumn depend on changes in light radiation. Plants are divided into three classes in terms of sensitivity to light period:
Indifferent plants that are not sensitive to day and night to form flowers. Like some varieties of tomatoes and cloves.
Short-day plants that bloom on short days and if they are exposed to long daylight, their flowering will stop. Short-day plants grow vegetatively on long summer days and do not flower until autumn and winter, when the days get shorter like chrysanthemums.
Long day plants only flower in the long light period and if the light period is short, they only have vegetative growth. Such as marshmallow, spinach and iris.
The interval between the length of day suitable for vegetative growth and the length of day that produces flowers and seeds for a plant is called the critical period of light. Short-day plants flower on days shorter than the critical day length, and long-day plants flower on days longer than the critical day length.
Plants are also divided into three groups in terms of tolerance to light:
Shade-loving and
plants that need moderate light intensity.
Light usually has a direct effect on the intensity of transpiration. Usually during the day, the aerial openings of the leaves are open. This causes water vapor in the leaves to enter the atmosphere. At night, when the pores are closed, the amount of transpiration is greatly reduced.
The light waves that reach the earth from the sun have different wavelengths in which only waves between 380 nm (purple) and 760 nm (red) are visible and form the visible spectrum.
Natural light is important in terms of quantity, quality and duration of radiation. The quantity or intensity of light is the amount of light waves that reach the surface unit per unit time, and its unit of measurement is a candle or lux foot. In most parts of Iran, the light intensity is sufficient and sometimes several times higher than the plant needs. Qualitatively, different lights do different things in the plant; For example, a plant is not able to photosynthesize in green light, while red and blue light maximize photosynthesis, or blue-purple light is needed to produce red in apples or purple in eggplant.
The amount of light emitted to parts of the earth depends on the duration of the radiation and the angle of radiation. Due to the sphericity of the earth, sunlight shines at different angles at different times of the day. That is, it is projected vertically to the ground at the equator and completely diagonally at the poles. Therefore, sunlight travels more or less a distance in the atmosphere depending on its angle of radiation, and therefore the amount of energy received by the earth varies in different places and in different seasons. The duration of radiation has a direct effect on the growth and flowering of a large number of plants, which will be discussed in this section.
Temperature is one of the important factors in plant growth and development. Temperature, along with light, carbon dioxide, moisture, and nutrients, affect the growth and eventual production of crops.
All these factors must be balanced. Temperature affects the plant in the long run and in the short run. Plants are made up of different components that have different reactions to temperature.
The temperature of the fruit corresponds to the temperature of the air; as the temperature rises, so does the fruit, and vice versa. In contrast, the temperature of the flowers is higher than the temperature of the leaves or air, and the petals sweat compared to the leaves. The temperature of the plant at the top of the canopy will change more compared to the lowest part of the canopy. The upper bouts featured two cutaways, for easier access to the higher frets. The lower bouts featured two cutaways, for easier access to the higher levels.
The relative humidity of the environment depends on the temperature and wind speed. Higher temperatures usually lead to increased transpiration. When the air is not moving, the air around the leaves accumulates with water vapor, which reduces the evaporation process. If the air is saturated with water, a layer of water will form on the leaves and around them, which provides a good environment for pathogens that can attack the plant.
Every plant has the best growth in a specific temperature range, since plant growth is a direct result of the difference between the materials made in photosynthesis and the materials used in respiration, the appropriate temperature range of plant growth can be in the form of temperatures at which photosynthesis maximum and balanced breathing, defined. Plants that have a relatively high temperature range are called warm season crops (such as tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers) and plants that have a lower temperature range are called cold season crops (e.g. Spinach and Cabbage varieties), therefore, the cold growing season in the northern hemisphere is spring and in the southern hemisphere is autumn.
In addition to the difference in temperature range of different plants, there are differences between different parts of a plant in terms of cold tolerance. For example, the wood of the apple tree can withstand cold up to -35 degrees Celsius, but its roots are destroyed at -10 degrees, or in the peach tree, the flower buds are destroyed by less cold than the leaf buds.
Some plant processes such as respiration, photosynthesis, fruit ripening and maturity are directly affected by temperature. In addition, flowering and fruiting of flowers are closely related to temperature. The minimum temperature for plant growth varies according to the type and stage of plant growth.
Most plants need a lower temperature at night and a higher temperature during the day for best growth, and uniform temperatures at night and during the day are not suitable for them. Also, their temperature needs are different in different seasons.
Anti insect screens and shading nets are widely used in agriculture. These nets have positive effects on product quality and quantity.
The application of these types of protections have reduced the intensity of radiation and wind velocity by 15 to 39 percent and 50 to 87 percent, respectively.
Increased in relative humidity from 2 to 22%, decreased in temperature by 2.3 to 2.5 degrees Celsius and decrease in evapotranspiration from 17.4 to 50% have been the effects of using shade net on orchards (Mahmood et al., 2018 and Ajmi et al., 2018).
The results of Mditshwa et al. research showed that depending on the type of nets, color and density of its texture, the relative humidity of the shading net increased by 3.2–12.9% and the radiation intensity, temperature and wind velocity were decresead 9–46%, 1.3–7.6% and 2.5–17.7% respectively. Decreased activity of bees and pollination under canopies is one of the issues that should be seriously considered.
The effect of shading net on morphology, growth and production of banana fruits in two fruiting periods in Jordan was investigated. In this regard, the plant was covered by black nets with different densities. The results indicated that the use of shading net was reduced photosynthesis by 30–80% compared to the conditions of non-shade garden.
Also, the weight of a cluster in the first stage of fruiting has decreased from 7–32% under the shading net condition. In the second stage of production, flowering was delayed for 6, 9 and 15 days and also the weight of the cluster is reduced by 8 to 55% (Israeli et al., 1995).
Climate changes and their impacts on citrus in South Africa is very worrying. One of these problems is the excessive increase of the maximum temperature and the decrease of the excessive minimum temperature, which reduces the size of the fruits and increases the water requirement. Also, the appearance of the fruit will be unfavorable due to wind, hail and sunburn. Covering trees with shading net is a method that increases crop quality and reduces water requirements, but reduces production (Stander and Cronje, 2016).
The effects of applying three types of shading nets (25% white shade, 50% and 75% black shade) on the growth and fertility of dragon fruit were investigated. All types of shading nets were reduced sunburn and enhanced color by reducing brightness and chromate content. Fruit length increased significantly but fruit width did not increase significantly in 50 and 75% coatings. Also, the skin and flesh of the fruits in these two types of coatings are red (Chang et al., 2016).
The use of shading net is an effective way to achieve a suitable environment for plant growth, production level and product quality. Combined application of shading net and cool air flow in areas with intense sunlight is able to maintain the ambient temperature by 5–10 degrees Celsius less than the outside temperature, increase the relative humidity by 15–20 percent and reduce the intensity of radiation by 30–50 percent.
The using of shading net in cold climate reduces heat loss and maintains the greenhouse temperature by 5 degrees Celsius more than the outside environment. This will reduce the energy required for heating by 15–20% (Ahmed et al., 2016).
Some nets are used to prevent pests, insects and other invertebrates from entering the garden environment. The shading net converts sunlight into specific wavelengths and provides the potential to influence plant morphology and physiology.
The effects of different lattice patterns and its color on light quality in product production have been investigated by Kotilainen et al. The measurements showed that there were large differences in both of sunlight reflection and the spectral ratio received in the shading net with different material, texture and appearance (Kotilainen et al., 2018).
The effects of shading net on quantitative and qualitative changes in radiation in avocado showed that the use of 20% shading net reduced photosynthetic active radiation by 25%, 36% and 9% in white, blue and red nets.
Research by Tinyane et al. in 2018 showed that blue and white shading net reduce temperature by about 26 percent and red canopies by about 7.4 percent. In their supplementary research, they reported that the color of the coating had a significant effect on the shading net temperature. The results of their research showed that the relative humidity was 2.9–3.24% higher than the open space. The environment under the white shading net had the highest relative humidity and the red shading net had the lowest relative humidity (Tinyane et al., 2018).