This study revealed that almost all G6PD deficient participants were above the age of fourteen. This was the same as the study performed by Nguetse and his colleagues (P = 0.29). Likewise, a study performed in Saudi Arabia also revealed that G6PD deficiency was increased as age getting increased [28, 6].
This research also revealed that males and females had an equally likely chance of being G6PD deficient (AOR, 0.8, 95% CI, 0.423–1.498, P = 0.5). This was in concordant with a study performed in Southwest Ethiopia (AOR, 1.4, P > 0.05) [29]. Contrarily, a study performed in Saudi Arabia and Egypt showed that males had a high chance of being G6PD deficient than females. This is true that since it is an X-linked disorder, males can have the chance of receiving the deficient gene during the inheritance of a single X-chromosome copy [28, 30, 8].
All malaria-positive cases had an insignificant association with G6PD deficiency despite the high odds value (AOR, 2.6; 95% CI, 0.47–14.26; P = 0.3). Similarly, research performed by Getasew Shitaye and his colleagues revealed a negative association of G6PD deficiency with malaria parasites (P = 0.9) [15]. By far, the natural selection pressure exerted by malaria parasites led to rising in G6PD deficiency [31, 6]. This disagreement could be due to the methodological difference.
This study revealed that the prevalence rate of Glucose-6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase deficiency was 4.8% using a quantitative rapid point-of-care CareStart biosensor machine. Since we were searching, other studies were not found there, and we didn’t get the local prevalence rate of G6PD deficiency. However, a study performed in Southwest Ethiopia around Gambela (average altitude of 300–500 meters above sea level) revealed a 7.3% prevalence rate of G6PD deficiency [8]. Thus, the altitude difference and malaria endemicity pattern of both areas, we suggested that the G6PD deficient prevalence rate might be different. Similarly, a review paper performed in Southwest Ethiopia stated that the G6PD deficiency prevalence was above 1–3% [9]. Relatively, broader parts of the country were included by Shitaye and his colleagues and revealed an overall prevalence rate of 1.4% G6PD deficiency [15].
The logistics regression output between the G6PD enzyme level and the parasite load was P = 0.2, the association was statistically not significant. This is the same with Lo and her colleagues and contrarily with Tsegaye and his colleagues (P < 0.0001) [14, 8]. G6PD deficiency is associated with hypo-parasitemia [26, 32–34]. Male hemizygotes and female homozygotes had a high protective effect against severe malaria (P = 0.0006), and cerebral malaria (P = 0.0005) [35]. Male hemizygotes and female heterozygotes have a reduced risk of cerebral malaria [36].
Of the participants, the common mutation, 376 (A◊G and A◊T) was detected in 3 (0.35%) of the participants. G267 + 119C/T (G◊C) was detected in 9 (1.05%) while G1116A (G◊A & G◊T) was detected in 3 (0.35%) of the participants. In Southwest Ethiopia, a Nationwide study revealed 6.1% and 8.9% of A376G genomic mutation respectively while almost correlated result with this study was found in G267 + 119C/T and G1116A gene mutations which were 1.2% [10, 14]. Especially, in this research almost included participants had G267 + 119C/T gene mutation (69.2%) than other variants. Of these, three of the participants were heterozygous while homozygous and hemizygous were equally three in each participant. One mutation in G1116T was also heterozygous while surprisingly, one heterozygous participant had a double mutation in her G6PD gene.
This study also revealed new nucleotide substitution at the position of 376 (A◊T) and 1116 (G◊T) in Ethiopia. 376 (A◊T) was first isolated in Mexico (126 Asn◊Tyr) named San Luis Potosi [37]. This finding didn’t show G6PD A− (G202A) and Mediterranean (C543T) variants among sequenced samples. However, G6PD A− was a common variant in Africa [38] and in Ethiopia, 3.5% of G6PD A− was detected around Southwest Ethiopia [14] while no mutation was detected for the Mediterranean variant in Ethiopia.
Likewise, this finding was searching the associated factors between genomic mutation and gender, phenotypic G6PD result, and malaria positivity which resulted in a non-significant association (Table 5). This was also the same with Lo and her colleagues [14]. Thus, the number of samples has highly influenced this analysis at large so we recommend performing genomic analysis with increased sample size.
Conclusion and recommendation
This finding revealed a modest prevalence rate of G6PD deficiency rate. In a place where the prevalence rate of male G6PD deficiency is greater than 3–5%, mass screening should be performed before administration [39]. In case of this finding, the clinicians have to consider the risk of hemolysis during primaquine treatment in the study area. Genotypically, almost all included study participants had G267 + 119C/T G6PD gene mutation, and rarely A376G and G1116A had been shown in the study area. Genotypic analysis with broader samples could be important to identify the distribution of dominant variants in the study site. G6PD genotypic mutation was not significantly associated with phenotypic G6PD enzyme level. Since genetic mutation is a gradual and recurring situation, continuous assessment of a given population could be mandatory.