Specimen acquisition and Computer assisted-software
SOMATOM Definition Flash dual-source CT machine (Siemens Healthineers, Forchheim, Germany) was selected to scan the lumbar vertebral body of subjects, including L3-L4-L5 body. Parameters were set as: 120 KV, 205.50 mAs, layer thickness: 1 mm, all DICOM images (521px×512px) in 336 layers for each subject; All methods were performed in accordance with the relevant guidelines and regulations15. CT data was imported into Materialise's Interactive Medical Image Control System (MIMICS) 17.0 software (Materialise, Leuven, Belgium), the region of interest (ROI) were extracted using both "Thresholding" and "region growing" module. All 3D models of lumbar were automatically produced by "calulate 3D from mask" functional block, and then was imported into the 3matic software for surgical simulation and anatomical parameters measurement. The screw was designed using SolidWorks 2012 X 64 edition(Dassault Systems SolidWorksCorp., Waltham MA). The computer workstation: Lenovo thinkpad, Windows 7-64 bit operating system, processor Intel (R) Core(TM) i7-4600, running memory 8GB, 256 SSD hard disk.
The CT data of lumbar from subjects was collected in the outpatient and inpatient departments of Shaanxi Provincial People’s Hospital. The inclusion criteria: Patients without/ with history of trauma but without fracture or dislocation from lower lumbar spine. The exclusion criteria are: (i) the vertebral body of patient have suffered from fracture, (ii) the patient has congenital or acquired skeletal deformity; (iii) patients with destruction of vertebral bone caused by tumor or infection (spinal tuberculosis).
Calibration of coordinate system
Object coordinate system(OCS) of veterbral was format to the World coordinate system(WCS), to keep each vertebral body has the same three dimension position in software. Origin point (0,0,0)was defined as the centerpoint of each vertebrate (except attachment) in World coordinate system(WCS), XY plane (axial plane)、YZ plane (sagittal plane)、ZX plane (coronal plane) was generated separately(see Fig1a).
Simulating DR of standard vertebral body
Mark function of 3-matic was used to separate the vertebral body and lumbar pedicle, to caculate the center of gravity of separated vertebral body, then both center point and vertebral body was aligned with Origin point. On the top view, the upper surface of vertebral body was aligned to XY plane, then translate and rotate function were executed repeatedly to normalize the vertebral body, all according to guideline of standardized lumbar DR16(see Fig. 1B and 1C).
Standardized lumbar DR
Antero-posterior view(AP): pedicles and transverse processes on both sides display symmetrically, all the edges of the vertebral body show overlap well, but no double layered wall; Lateral view: all the edges of the vertebral body show overlap well, but no double layered wall(see Fig.1B and 1C).
Center point of pedicle
On the back view, parallel to XY plane, plane1 was produced when through the bottom of superior wall of pedicle; In the same approach, plane2 was created through the top of inferior wall of pedicle; Mid plane 1 was produced based on plane1 and plane2, In the same approach, parallel to YZ plane, plane3 and plane4 were generated based on inner wall and outer wall of pedicle, mid plane 2 between plane3 and plane4 was produced. Line 1(L1) was created by midplane1 and midplane2(see Fig.1D). Projection point onto vertebrate was created as point 1(P1), then P1 was aligned with articular process border shadow; A new plane 5 parallel to XZ plane was created through the top of inferior vertebral notches, center point(C1) of pedicle is the point which P1 was projected to the plane 5(see Fig. 2A).
Line 2(L2) was created by plane 4 and midplane 1, which is projected to vertebrate, the projection point(P2) is the entry point of pedicle screw placement. Plane 6 was created through C1 point and parallel to YZ plane, Point 3(P3) was set as P2 project onto plane 6 (see Fig. 2B). Under left view, P3 point was duplicated and meanwhile translated to heaviest color area of transverse process (P4) (see Fig. 2C).
Measurement approach
A sketch was created on the XY plane in 3matic, the five point (C1/P1/P2/P3/P4)was projected onto this sketch, new five point were created correspondingly(see Fig. 2D), distance between two points was measured.
Algorithm of TPA
According to the definition of TPA published previously17, assessment method can be expressed as following: Under the standard AP view, the width of pedicle is marked as 2b, and the length of pedicle under lateral view is marked as L2, L2=a2+a3,then, the estimated formula of TPA is expressed as α≈ATAN(b/L2). Measurement diagram in lumbar model and DR were revealed in Fig.3.
However, how to determine the length of the pedicle under the lateral view? We developed the formula as following: L2≈a3+ ½(a1+a2) (see Fig.4)
TAN-TPA was expressed as α=DEGREES(ATAN(b/(a2+a3))
DR-TPA was expressed as β=DEGREES(ATAN(b/L2))
TPA (γ) was measured using 3matic software.
Statistical analysis
All measurements of vertebral body in this study included left and right, and each vertebral body was measured by the same orthopaedic surgeon. All data was collected and putted into Microsoft Excel 2016, SPSS17.0 statistical software package (SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 17.0. Chicago: SPSS Inc.) was employed to determine the statistical results. If the data is normal distribution and the equal variance, independent sample t-test was used to identity the difference of two groups, the paired t test is used for analyzing the difference between left and right of pedicles, and the results are expressed as the mean ± standard error (`x±SEM). The difference among multiple samples was tested by the LSD multiple comparison method; if the three groups of data were not normal or the variance was unequal, the Kruskal-Wallis H nonparametric test was used. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)was used to test the consistency, all statistical tests were two-sided, and P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.