Our key objective in the present study was to test the hypothesis that air pollution suppresses rainfall forming processes. Overall, we found support for this hypothesis but with some nuances. Specifically, some pollutants, e.g., PM10, show a parallel dynamic relationship with rainfall such that the increase in PM10 corresponds to the decrease of rainfall and vice versa. Further pollutants, essentially three colourless gases (CO, SO2, NO) also show negative correlation with rainfall (quantity or occurrence). How could these negative relationships be explained?
Air pollutants or aerosols, particularly particulate matters (here PM10), play the role of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) which attract cloud droplets by adsorption. Then, adsorbed droplets may collide and coalesce to form larger drops that are big enough to fall as rain. It is worth mentioning that cloud droplets form when humid air rises and becomes supersaturated with liquid water. Then, water vapour condenses onto surfaces provided by CCN aerosols32. Aerosol particles, acting as CCN, lead to numerous smaller cloud droplets in areas of elevated air pollution concentration.11,22,33−35 The smaller droplet size then suppresses precipitation formation due to a reduction of the droplet collision–coalescence process, which leads to a longer cloud lifetime as well as reduction and delay in precipitation occurrence35.
If the collision and coalescence of droplets are prevented (e.g., due to temperature inversion), then there wouldn’t be rain (rain prevention) or instead of being prevented, if they rather occur rarely or infrequently, there might be rain but in small quantity (rain reduction), thus leading to the negative relationships we found between PM10 concentrations and rainfall amount/occurrence.11,21,22 Such negative relationships have been reported in some early studies which invoked a suppression effect of air pollutants on rainfall11,12,14,15 in various parts of the world, including Romania16, Israel17, the US18 and Australia11,19,20. More recently, Barthlott et al.35 investigated the importance of aerosols and cloud droplet size distribution for convective clouds and precipitation in Germany. The study found a significant decrease in precipitation with increasing aerosol load, due to suppression of the warm-rain formation processes34,35.
Interestingly, our study revealed a parallel temporal dynamic between PM10 and rainfall such that an increase in PM10 corresponds to a decrease in rainfall and when the rainfall increases, there is a concomitant fall in PM10 concentrations (rainfall scavenging). This coupling dynamic of both pollutants and rainfall could only be explained by firstly the beneficial effects of PM10 on rain formation processes as explained above, i.e., adsorption of cloud droplets on CCN (here PM10), collision and coalescence of droplets causing rainfall, and secondly the negative scavenging effects of rainfall wiping out PM10 from the atmosphere, thus causing the fall of atmospheric PM10 concentrations concomitantly to the increase of rainfall. Various studies have showed that atmospheric pollutants concentrations can be naturally controlled by precipitation through the process of wet removal from the atmosphere36–38. Specifically, Zhou et al.38 showed a size-dependency of the effectiveness of the removal of aerosol particles by rainfall. They showed that it is relatively easier for the rain to remove particles of sizes 2.5–10 µm from the atmosphere while those of 0.2–2 µm were more difficult to be removed38. They also indicated that the efficiency of aerosol removal was significantly affected by precipitation intensity such that short-term heavy precipitation helped remove particles of diameter < 2.2 µm, but long-term weak precipitation facilitated the removal of particles > 2.2 µm. The complexity of the removal effectiveness is further confirmed in a recent study which showed that the removal of aerosol particles by rainfall is influenced by meteorological conditions, raindrop diameter, and aerosol particle size38.
Similar to our finding for PM10, we also found that gaseous pollutants (CO, SO2, NO) showed negative effects on rainfall (quantity and occurrence). We put forward two possible explanations. First is temperature inversion, which is characterised by a layer of cool air in the troposphere being overlain by a layer of warmer air (the opposite characterises the normal conditions). We suggest that pollutants, including gaseous pollutants, cause the temperature increase of the air layer covering underneath the cool air in the troposphere (temperature inversion). As a support for this is a recent study that demonstrated that when PM10 is low, rainfall is above normal and temperature inversion is less intense than normal whereas high PM10 corresponds to below-normal rainfall and stronger than normal temperature inversion39. These findings suggest that pollutants, not only decrease rainfall but they also cause intense temperature inversion. We further suggest that this abnormality, i.e., the inversion, may act as a cap or barrier preventing the upward movement of the air as well as the diffusion of particle matters. In so doing, temperature inversion prevents convective clouds to grow high enough to produce rain, thus justifying the negative effects we found for gaseous pollutants on rainfall. Secondly, gaseous pollutants can naturally be converted into airborne particle matters through nucleation and condensation40–43 and this gas-to-particle conversion can be facilitated by atmospheric base species such as ammonia (NH3) especially at lower gas-phase acid concentrations43. The conversion of gas to particle therefore increases the amount of particle matters in the air, which may, following the same processes presented above for PM10, lead to rain prevention.
The negative effects of gaseous pollutants on rain were also reported elsewhere, e.g., India, where Shukla et al.44 reported that SO2 and NOx, from various households and industrial activities decrease or prevent rainfall. Interestingly, the removal of gaseous pollutants from the atmosphere can occur naturally when the atmospheric gases are absorbed and particulate matters are trapped in rain droplets falling on the ground (i.e., rainfall scavenging)44–48. Again, the efficiency of this rainfall scavenging process depends on the rain droplet size and rainfall intensity, thus the relationship between the rainfall and gaseous pollutants may vary depending on the properties of the precipitation and pollutants in the atmosphere49.
Surprisingly, we also found that, as opposed to PM10, PM2.5 correlates positively with rainfall, but this positive effect is only found when PM2.5 is included in a multi-variate (rather than univariate) model where other pollutants are added. This suggests that the positive effect of PM2.5 is aided by other pollutants. Other studies also reported that PM2.5 effects are mediated by other pollutants: a reduction in CO2 by 10 000 t results in a reduction in PM2.5 by 3.3 t50. How is the aided effect of PM2.5 possible? Zhou et al.38 showed that it is easier for rain to scavenge particles of sizes 2.5–10 µm from the atmosphere than those of 0.2–2 µm (except in case of heavy rain) (see also37. This means that PM2.5 persists longer in the air than PM10 when rains fall. As such, while PM10 have been scavenged by precipitation and PM2.5 persists, the collision-coalescence process of droplets35 around PM2.5 becomes more efficient, leading to rain formation, and thus the positive effect of PM2.5 observed in our study.
Overall, our study confirms the hypothesis that pollutants may prevent or reduce rainfall. What appears to be the contribution of our study is our finding that PM2.5 may promote rainfall instead of preventing it, but this positive effect may be aided by other pollutants. Our study therefore reveals the ground for cloud seedings to provoke rainfall. However, poor air quality in our study area, driven by dust and gaseous pollutants generated by thermoelectric power plants, coal mining fields and other industrial activities, is a public health concern that needs to be addressed. On this front, several environmental management initiatives have been undertaken by the South Africa’s Department of Environmental Affairs since 2006, including identification of industries causing concerning levels of atmospheric emission, setting of atmospheric emissions limits and standard, improved air quality monitoring programs, and awareness workshops promoting effective implementation of the Air Quality Management Plan29,51. Unfortunately, there is still no compliance that meet the acceptable standard of emissions29. This is not surprising given the need for economic growth which, unfortunately, relies on coal-based dirty energy that increases pollution. For example, a recent study reported a decrease in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) following a decrease in PM2.5 in China (Hao et al. 2018). While we call for a ‘just transition’ towards clean energy across the globe, we highlight that in the context of urgent need for economic development which calls for industrialisation in the global south, we can only rely on technology progress, e.g., emission purification technologies, if we are to strike a trade-off between economic growth and environmental sustainability (see also52,53).