This study is a clinical trial and 78 samples were included in the study, of which 39 samples were in the intervention group, which were statistically analyzed as group A, and 39 samples in the control group, which are introduced as group B. In this study, 40 patients (51.3%) were male and 38 patients (48.7%) were female, who were equally divided into groups A and B.
The age of participants in interview group was 48/15 ± 66/48 and 36/19 ± 84/51 in control group. (Table4-1)
Table 4.1
Descriptive Statistics of demographic characteristics, history of systemic disease, smoking, drug and alcohol use, radiation dose, radiation time
| Intervention Control | p-value |
Mean (standard deviation) |
Age | 48.66(15.48) | 51.84(19.36) | 0.426 |
Radiation dose | 6392.31(1271.01) | 6923.07(1886.16) | 0.149 |
Radiation time | 25.58(6.23) | 25.38(6.21) | 0.855 |
Frequency (percentage) |
History of systemic disease | No | 34(87.2) | 33(84.6) | 0.745 |
Yes | 5(12.8) | 6(15.4) |
Use drugs | No | 36(92.3) | 37(94.9) | 0.5 |
Yes 3(7.7) 2(5.1) |
67 (85.9%) had no history of systemic disease and only 11 (14.1%) had systemic disease, which showed no statistically significant difference between the two groups (P = 0.745). Smoking was also observed in 22 (28.2%) patients, which was divided equally between the two groups (11 smokers in each group) and had a non-significant difference (P = 0.999). Also, drug use was reported only in 5 (6.4%) people, which was a non-significant difference between the two groups (P = 0.5). These patients had only a history of drug use and had stopped using drugs 6 months ago.. In none of the patients chemotherapy was combined with radiotherapy, and in case they receive chemotherapy at the same time they were excluded from the study. Also none of the patients had mucositis before entering the study. Evaluation of mucositis, dry mouth, pain, sleep pattern and comfort in using mouthwash on days 1, 5, 10 and 14 after using mouthwash between patients in the two groups was performed by khi-deux test and the results are shown in Tables 4 − 2 to 4–6.
Table 4.2
Comparison of mucosal grade in two groups at different times
Degree of mucositis groups | Review days |
151014 |
Absence of mucositis | control | 39(100) | 30(76.9) | 18(46.2) | 13(33.3) |
intervention | 39(100) | 33(84.6) | 27(69.2) | 26(66.7) |
Feeling of burning, erythema and redness (grade 1) | control | 0 | 9(23.1) | 15(38.5) | 7(17.9) |
intervention | 0 | 6(15.4) | 11(28.2) | 10(25.6) |
Local erythema and ulcers and inability to swallow hard foods (grade 2) | control | 0 | 0 | 6(15.4) | 19(48.7) |
intervention | 0 | 0 | 1(2.6) | 3(7.7) |
Wounds with diffuse erythema and inability to swallow (grade 3) | control | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
intervention | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Progression of the mucosa to the extent that nourishment is possible (Grade 4) | control | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
intervention | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
During the study, patients showed no mucosal disease on the first day. On the 5th day, 33 (84.6%) patients in the intervention group and 30 (76.9%) patients in the control group (placebo) were without mucositis. At this time, 6 (15.4%) people in the intervention group and 9 (23.1%) people in the control group had burning sensation and red erythema (grade1 mucositis). This degree of mucositis at 5 days did not cause a statistically significant difference between the two groups (P = 0.389). On the 10th day, 27 (69.2%) patients in the intervention group and 18 (46.2%) patients in the control group did not have mucositis and only 1 (2.6%) in the intervention group and 6 (15.4%) in the control group had local erythema and ulcers and inability to swallow solid foods (grade 2 mucositis). At this time, there was a significant relationship between amount of mucositis in the two groups (P = 0.05). On day 14, 3 (7.7%) in the intervention group and 19 (48.7%) in the control group had local erythema and ulcers and inability to swallow solid foods (grade 2 mucositis). There was a statistically significant difference between the two groups (P < 0.001).
Differences between mucositis at different times were also compared by Friedman test and the result showed that there was a difference between different times in terms of different stages of mucositis (P < 0.001).
Table 4.3
Comparison of dry mouth in two groups at different times
Intensity of dry mouth groups | Review days |
15 10 14 |
No dry mouth | control | 39(100) | 25(64.1) | 13(33.3) | 11(28.2) |
intervention | 39(100) | 32(82.1) | 22(56.4) | 13(33.3) |
Very mild | control | 0 | 8(20.5) | 9(23.1) | 3(7.7) |
intervention | 0 | 7(17.9) | 16(41) | 20(51.3) |
mild | control | 0 | 6(15.4) | 7(17.9) | 11(28.2) |
intervention | 0 | 0 | 1(2.6) | 6(15.4) |
moderate | control | 0 | 0 | 9(23.1) | 12(30.8) |
intervention | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
severe | control | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
intervention | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
The study of dry mouth showed that in the intervention group in the first days all the patients had no dry mouth, on the 5th, 10th, 14th day, 82.1%,56.4%,33.3% had no dry mouth respectively. In control group all the patients had no dry mouth too. on the 5th, 10th, 14th day, 64.1%, 33.3%, 28.2% had no dry mouth respectively. According to Friedman test, in both groups, there was a change in the severity of dry mouth over time (P < 0.001). On the first day, all patients had no dry mouth and the two groups were similar. But on the fifth day (P = 0.031), the tenth day (P = 0.001) and the fourteenth (P = 0.001), the intervention group had less dry mouth than the control group.
Table 4.4
Comparison of pain in two groups at different times
Intensity of pain groups | Review days |
15 10 14 |
Without pain | control | 39(100) | 24(61.5) | 11(28.2) | 10(25.6) |
intervention | 39(100) | 27(69.2) | 19(48.7) | 8(20.5) |
Pain degree 1 | control | 0 | 3(7.7) | 4(10.3) | 3(7.7) |
intervention | 0 | 8(20.5) | 13(33.3) | 19(48.7) |
Pain degree 2 | control | 0 | 12(30.8) | 10(25.6) | 5(12.8) |
intervention | 0 | 4(10.3) | 6(15.4) | 10(25.6) |
Pain degree 3 | control | 0 | 0 | 7(17.9) | 10(25.6) |
intervention | 0 | 0 | 1(2.6) | 2(5.1) |
Pain degree 4 | control | 0 | 0 | 7(17.9) | 11(28.2) |
intervention | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
On the first day, all the patients of both group had no pain. But in intervention group, on the fifth day 69.2%, on the tenth day 48.7% and on the fourteenth day 20.5% had no pain and in control group, 61.5% on the fifth day, 28.2% on the tenth day and 25.6% on the fourteenth day had no pain. According to Friedman test, there was a change in pain in both groups over time (P < 0.001). on the fifth (P = 0.04), tenth (P = 0.001) fourteenth day (P = 0.001), the intervention group had less pain than the control group.
Table 4.5
Comparison of sleep status in two groups at different times
Sleep status groups | Review days |
15 10 14 |
Comfortable sleep | control | 39(100) | 37(94.9) | 26(66.7) | 17(43.6) |
intervention | 39(100) | 39(100) | 35(89.7) | 26(66.7) |
Waking up occasionally | control | 0 | 2(5.1) | 13(33.3) | 21(53.8) |
intervention | 0 | 0 | 4(10.3) | 13(33.3) |
Waking up constantly | control | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1(2.6) |
intervention | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Sleep disturbance | control | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
intervention | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
The study of sleep status showed that in the intervention group in the first and fifth days all patients had comfortable sleep, on the tenth day 89.7% and on the fourteenth day 66.7% had sleep. In the control group, all patients had comfortable sleep in the first days, 49.9% on the fifth day, 66.7% on the tenth day and 43.6% on the fourteenth day. According to Friedman test in both groups, there was a change in sleep status over time (P < 0.001).
On the first and fifth days (P = 0.247), the two groups were similar in terms of sleep status, but on the tenth (P = 0.014) and fourteenth (P = 0.042) days, the intervention group had a better sleep status than the control group.
Table 4.6
Compare the convenience of using mouthwash in two groups at different times
Amount of convenience groups | Review days |
15 10 14 |
Without problem | control | 38(97.4) | 38(97.4) | 38(97.4) | 38(97.4) |
intervention | 31(79.5) | 31(79.5) | 31(79.5) | 31(79.5) |
Slight discomfort when consuming | control | 1(2.6) | 1(2.6) | 1(2.6) | 1(2.6) |
intervention | 8(20.5) | 7(17.9) | 7(17.9) | 7(17.9) |
Severe discomfort when consuming | control | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
intervention | 0 | 1(2.6) | 1(2.6) | 1(2.6) |
Impossible to consumption | control | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
intervention | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
The convenience of using mouthwash showed that 79.5% of the patients in the intervention group and 97.4% of the patients in the control group had no problems in using mouthwash during the whole follow-up period (2 weeks). According to Friedman test in both groups, there was no change in the ease of using mouthwash over time. According to the Chi-square test, the two groups did not have a significant difference in the ease of using mouthwash on each of the follow-up days.