Research Article
Classification of elderly pain severity from automated video clip facial action units analysis: A study from a Thai data repository
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facial action coding system
chronic pain
the elderly
1.1 Overview
Pain severity data are crucial for pain management decision-making. However, the accuracy of the assessment of pain in older patients is still challenging. Although self-reported pain ratings are the golden standard, elderly patients have limited cognitive and physical functions, making assessing their pain difficult. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic and caregiver shortage have made hospital visits challenging. Therefore, home-based pain management becomes essential for these patients. Machine learning integration that can provide automated and continuous pain monitoring at home might be the ideal solution.
Despite their availability, complicated objective pain measurements, such as MRI and heart rate variability, are not feasible and present ethical challenges in the actual clinical setting. Although facial expression is a visible, informative feature associated with pain severity, several limitations inhibit its real-life application. Furthermore, in the typical clinical setting, patients with chronic pain typically experience persistent and spontaneous pain without physical pain stimuli. In a laboratory setting, getting the appropriate lighting and facial angle is challenging. These factors may impact the performance of the model. The challenge of developing an efficient model necessitates the use of databases that contain samples from different environments where pain may occur and are encrypted according to standards that enable sharing among international collaborations [1].
1.2 Background
The original facial activity measurement system, the facial action coding system (FACS), [2] requires manual coding, making it time-consuming and costly. Efforts have been made to develop an automated facial analysis algorithm to overcome this limitation. Numerous studies have been conducted to define pain-related facial action units (Faus) using automated computer vision. Prkachin et al. conducted a benchmark study on pain-related FAUs with the help of picture frames from 129 people experiencing shoulder pain. They rated facial pain during illicit acute pain by motion [3]. They adopted Ekman's coding and used four certified human coders who classified each picture frame into 1–5 levels based on the pain intensity (1 = trace to 5 = maximum). They listed six action units (AUs) that were significantly associated with pain, including brow lowering (AU4), orbital tightening (AU6 and AU7), levator contraction (AU9 and AU10), and eye closure (AU43). A prediction model was proposed using the sum of AU4, AU6, or AU7, whichever is higher, AU9 or AU10, whichever is higher, and AU43 for each AU (Pain = AU4 + AU6 or AU7 + AU9 or AU10 + AU43) [4]. A recent systematic review summarized the following AUs as consistently reported as having a connection to pain: AU4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 25, 26, 27, and 43 [5].
OpenFace©, a well-known open-source algorithm [6] was trained using a dataset dominated by young, healthy Caucasian persons. Patients with shoulder pain were videotaped in a laboratory setting as they experienced illicit pain, according to the widely used UNBC McMaster pain dataset [3]. However, aging-related wrinkles [7], cognitive impairment [8], and gender or ethnic-related skin fairness [9] might cause the model’s representational bias. Furthermore, OpenFace© cannot distinguish AU24–27, which uses the same muscle as AU23 and AU43 (eye closure), and AU45. For each AU, the OpenFace generates values representing the algorithm's level of confidence that the AU is present. The per-frame label representing an integer value from zero to five is estimated from either classification or regression and the data from computer vision detect FAUs as a time series of continuous values. For each AU, the earlier studies used two methods to estimate points from the time series. The first method used mean measurements for different AUs [4], whereas the second method used time series to determine the area under the FAU pulse curve [10]. Compared with human FACS coding, the accuracy of the OpenFace© is 90% for constrained images and 80% for real-world images. However, the validity of OpenFace© for detecting pain in the faces of elderly and dementia patients is still debatable. According to one study that used manual code FACs, OpenFace© has a precision of only 54% for AU4 and 70.4% for AU43 [8]. Meanwhile, the Delaware database project uses OpenFace© to analyze individuals under 30 with a higher proportion of non-Caucasian ethnicity and discovered that it has a precision of 98% for AU4 and 73% for AU45 [11].
Recent studies have attempted to apply other algorithms to clinical pain management. For example, Algamadhi et al. [12] developed a facial expressions-based automatic pain assessment system (FEAPAS) to notify the medical staff when a patient is experiencing severe pain and to record the incident and pain level. The convolutional neural networks (CNNs) algorithm was optimized using the UNBC McMaster pain dataset and demonstrated an accuracy of 99% and 90.5% for the trained and test (unseen) datasets, respectively. However, the author also mentioned the different datasets to confirm the algorithm's performance. According to Lautenbacher et al., the currently available automated facial recognition algorithms, that is, Facereader7©, OpenFace©, and Affdex SDK © have comparable outcomes with a lack of robustness (0.3%–0.4%) and inconsistency between manual and automatic AU detection. Additionally, the discrepancy between laboratory-based eliciting of responses and automatic AU coding significantly increases when the facial expression occurs during spontaneous (emotional) eliciting [13].
1.3 Purpose
Despite a rapid increase in literature on automated facial pain recognition, most of the studies have been conducted in western countries, which may imply that the Asian population is underrepresented. Although Asian ethnic people are represented in some studies’ datasets, this approach only addresses the different physical prototypes and ignores cultural and institutional aspects of health care. According to the communal coping model (CCM) of catastrophizing theoretical framework, personal perception of pain may influence the degree of pain expression to communicate information to others [14]. Stereotypically, people in Asian countries are generally reserved in their expression of pain owing to their religious beliefs and the uniformity of their societies [15]. The current algorithm’s reliability in classifying pain in people from Asian countries at a level comparable to that of people from western countries is still debatable. Therefore, our study aims to evaluate the model’s accuracy using data from OpenFace© in classifying the level of pain in Asian elderly patients who are receiving chronic pain treatment in an Asian country.
2.1. Study Design
This is a prospective registry-building and facial expression study on elderly Thai people with chronic pain. The Chiang Mai University Institutional Review Board (CMU IRB no 05429) approved the research, and patients or the designated caregivers provided consent for participation. The G* Power [16] determined that a sample size of at least 246 samples is necessary to estimate the proportion of severe pain in the target population with 95% confidence, an error margin of 5%, and unlimited population size. The assumed severe pain proportion was 0.2, which was based on a previous study of the same population [17].
2.2 Study population
Cases were collected from the pain clinic, internal medicine ward, orthopedic ward, and nursing home institute of Chiang Mai University Hospital between May 2018 and December 2019. In Thailand, patients older than 55 years are eligible for retirement health care benefits; therefore, this age is appropriate for recruitment purposes regarding logistic feasibility. Other criteria included a chronic history (more than three months) and ongoing pain during the assessment. The participants in this study were patients or caregivers who could communicate in Thai. The clinic’s screening nurse asked patients and/or caregivers who either had visited for the first time or had returned for follow-up care if they would be interested in participating in the study. The clinics allowed our research assistant to discuss the study with prospective participants, explain its procedures, express confidence in the video clip data, and request for written consent. Approximately 20% of the invited patients declined to owe to lack time or frailty. Because all participants were volunteers, potential coercion was avoided. The volunteer spent less than 30 min completing the questionnaire and recording a 10 s video for which they were paid approximately 7 USD (200 Baths).
2.3 Data collection
Research assistants recruited participants on weekdays between 9 AM and 4 PM. The data collection questionnaire consisted of demographic questions, and the cognitive status of each patient was evaluated using the minimal mental status (MMSE) Thai 2002 [18]. The facial expression data were recorded using a Samsung S9 phone’s camera for 10 s at a one-meter distance. Patients who could communicate were asked to report their level of pain just before the video clip was recorded. The pain information includes the location, quality, and self-rating severity of the pain using the visual analog scale and Wong-Baker face scale. We recorded the video of non-communicable patients during bed bathing, moving, or having their blood pressure taken, to observe if these procedures illicit pain behavior. A research assistant trained in pain assessment in dementia (PAINTED) was assigned to rate the video clips of both patients who can and cannot communicate The PAINAD is a simple score based on five observational domains of pain behavior, including breathing, negative vocalization, facial expression, body language, and consolation [19]. A total of 255 samples were finally used for the data analysis after 35 could not participate owing to death or discharge from the ward before data collection, and nine were excluded because the patient did not give consent to participate in the study. Details of the study flow are shown in Figure 1.
2.4 Importing and preparing the dataset
Next, background noise, such as frames where patients were talking, was manually removed from the videos from the mobile camera feed. OpenFace© was used to automatically code the video clips into 18 FACS-based AUs. The data are kept as a data repository for further research.
Pain severity was identified as the target class variable of this study using a self-rating WBS. The ratings were as follows: mild between zero and two, moderate between four and six and severe between eight and ten. A trained research assistant used a PAINAD rating to categorize the pain level of patients who could not communicate. A one-hot encoding [20] was used to perform pre-modeling. The ratings were as follows: mild between zero and one, moderate between two and four, and severe above five [17]. The FAU-time series data of each action unit, which represented each patient’s facial movement over time, were generated using the OpenFace© and were transformed into two forms: 1) the average movement intensity [21] and 2) the area under the curve (AUC) surrounding the maximum peak [10]. The AUC of each action unit was calculated using the data from 22 frames (0.03 s per frame) around the maximum peak. These two datasets were then examined to see if the AUs were related to the level of pain and if they could be used as characteristics to classify the pain intensity.
Demographic data, such as age, gender, and dementia, were identified as missing values. One case was deleted owing to a lack of MMSE information. Age was categorized into four groups: less than 60, 61 to 70, 71 to 80, and over 80. Gender was coded as 0 for females and 1 for males. Dementia was classified using the MMSE cut point, with a score of 18 or lower for those who only completed a lower education level and a score of 22 for those who completed a higher education level.
2.5 Descriptive analysis
The statistical analysis and the production of figures were performed using R studio version 1.3 [22] and MATLAB version 7.0 [23], respectively. Demographic data were summarized as percentages, means, medians, and standard deviations. Each AU grouping was compared with the group of facial anatomical movements using correlation analysis with a correlation of 0.3. The correlation of each FAU to pain severity was explored using one-way ANOVA with a defined statistical p-value < 0.05.
2.6 Classification models and model evaluation
The WEKA software [24] was used for data mining. A total of 255 samples were split into training and test data sets in the ratio of 70: 30 (180: 75). The unbalanced data were sampled using the synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE). Ten-fold cross-validation was used to select attributes. The models were built using five commonly used classification machine learning techniques, including the generalized linear model, the multilayer perception, which is a subtype of the artificial neural network, J48 decision tree, naïve Bayes, k-nearest neighbors (KNN)—with an optimized K number of 10 in this study—and a sequential minimal optimization support vector machine (SVM). During the model evaluation, ten iterations of ten-fold cross-validation were used in each data set, and the models’ overall classification accuracy percentages were compared.
3.1 Descriptive analysis
A total of 255 Thai communicable elder participants were assessed. The mean age was 67.72 years (SD 10.93, range 60–93). More than half (55%) of patients were male. The majority (90%) had completed more than four years of formal education. Nearly all (98%) practiced Buddhism. Approximately 10% had bed-bound functional status. Approximately 47 participants were diagnosed with cancer. Of the 255 elderly participants, 23% met the dementia diagnostic criteria (MMSE of less than 18). The patients were classified into three categories: moderate pain (55.4%), severe pain (24.4%), and mild pain (20.2%). Back pain was the most frequently experienced (33.8%). Lancinating or “sharpshooting” pain was the most prevalent type (40.2%). The patients’ demographic details are shown in Table 1.
Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to determine the correlation between different AUs. A weighted adjacency graph was created for highly correlated AUs with Pearson’s coefficients greater than 0.3, as shown in Figure 2. In the supplementing data 1 and 2 tables, association information is displayed
We used ANOVA to analyze the difference between the means of FAUs across the three pain intensity groups. Significant differences were noted in the average activities of AU4 (p = 0.04), AU7 (p = 0.005), AU10 (p = 0.03), and AU25 (p = 0.005) from the results of the AUC approach, which identified AU23 (p = 0.0045). The supplementary data 3, 4, and 5 were the box plots that represented these comparisons.
3.2 Classification models and model evaluation
Building pain severity classification models use two sources of features: pain-related AUs that have been consistently identified in previous studies (AUs 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 25, 26, 27, and 45) and selection by machine learning. Features selected using each machine learning method are shown in the supplementary data 6, and Table 2 showed the accuracy of each machine learning model. Machine-selected features provide the best accuracy. The SVM model for average activities of AU1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12, 20, 25, 45, and gender had an accuracy of 58%. The KNN model, which had an accuracy of 56.41% and measures the AUC of AU1, AU2, AU6, AU20, and female, is the second most accurate model. Multilayer perception (50%) and KNN (44.87%) have the highest level of accuracy among the features selected from pain-related FAU in earlier studies.
According to the confusion matrix between pain classified as mild, moderate, and severe by either WBS or PAINAD (actual severity) using the SVM and average value from the OpenFace© model, moderate pain is misclassified more frequently than mild or severe pain. The ROC areas for mild, moderate, and severe pain are 0.514, 0.408, and 0.496, and the corresponding F statistics are 0.651, 0.333, and 0.560, as shown in Table 3. The Model accuracy for correlation between algorithm-determined PSPI score and self-rating pain severity (no pain, mild, moderate, and severe) which categorized by age groups in supplementary data 7. It shows non-significant correlation (n =250, r= 0.12; p= 0.39). The classification performance is nearly similar for all age groups.
The model developed from OpenFace shows no robust classification of pain severity (mild, moderate, severe) for chronic pain in Asian elders. The best model is SVM for average activities of AU1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12, 20, 25, and 45, and gender, which had the best accuracy, at 58%. This result was expected and is consistent with previous studies [13]. However, this real-world study provided insight into the interpretation and expression issues that continue to pose challenges for automated facial pain ratings. First, the ground truth questions that are reliable on the frame-to-frame facial action unit movement. Second, the cultural influences and sets on the facial pain expression.
4.1 Classification model
Most of the participants in our study were Thai elderly people who were visiting a tertiary care hospital because of chronic pain issues. One-fifth met the MMSE’s dementia diagnostic criteria. In the network graph, the closely related AUs, called co-existent, are grouped. The AUC approach provided a more accurate grouping than the average approach. For example, AU1, AU2, and AU5 were anatomically related and were acknowledged as co-existing in a previous study [25]. Because a dependent relationship between each FAU was discovered, regression may not be appropriate for predicting pain severity. However, there is a relationship between the average activity of AU4, AU7, AU10, and AU25 AUCs of AU17, 23, and dementia, gender, and pain severity. Therefore, these features were included in the classification model. Pain severity-related FAUs was defined in two ways. The systematic review [5] and machine learning selection of the AUs “consistently” described pain-related features. We consistently overlapped AUs from these two methods, such as AU4, AU7, AU10, and AU45, which have already been described in human coding studies [3].
Additionally, machine learning showed the contribution of gender and dementia but did not make the model applicable to older patients. This is consistent with earlier studies that suggested that gender influences how intensely people express their pain when they are more expressive [8] and possibly have fairer skin, which influences model accuracy in facial landmark detection [9]. Previous studies have shown that elders with dementia tend to exhibit more activity around their mouths than in their upper faces [26]. According to the confusion matrix, high misclassification in moderate pain is more accurate than obvious mild or severe pain. This nature of the pain classification model was previously discussed in a UNBC McMaster study on the accuracy of OpenFace© to classify pain severity [21]. Therefore, it might not be feasible to use the current automated pain severity classification model for critical decision-making, such as adjusting the opioid analgesics dosage. However, it might be preferable to augment grossly triage tasks, such as supporting evidence of self-rating severity.
4.2 Strength, limitation, and the further implication
This study is one of the few in-depth facial recognition studies on the elderly Asian population. Additionally, this study was conducted in a natural setting where stakeholders benefit from the solution. The information from our research may fill the current model’s representative bias. Furthermore, it deals directly with the issue of the need for a reasonable increase in accuracy in the current open-source facial analysis software and classification models to classify pain in the elderly. We also produced academically accessible data reciprocity to enhance further model optimization and validation.
This study provides insight into the obstacles to automated facial pain research and possible solutions to overcome them. The caveat of interpretation concerned whether human judgment ratings could be replaced by the value generated by an automated facial recognition algorithm. We estimated the value using the time-event series produced by OpenFace©. The algorithm was developed using the UNBC McMaster dataset, which has 80% frames devoid of any indication of pain [27]. Given this, OpenFace© might be effective at distinguishing between pain and no pain, but its accuracy in classification pain intensity is debatable. However, merely distinguishing between pain and no pain is insufficient for clinical decision-making when using automated pain assessment in health care. We compared two value transform methods: the average method, which theoretically could be influenced by “no pain” frames, and the AUC approach, where the activity correlates strongly with facial muscle anatomical movement and may mitigate this effect. However, our study shows no benefit in using this approach. Although the pain-related FAUs are well described, there is still no consensus on whether the pain severity could depend on the frame-to-frame facial action unit movement [1]. To address this important defect, further research is required to explore the value-generated association between computer vision and rating by a trained rater.
Limitations in generalizability could also prevent the algorithm from being used in clinical settings. The reliability of automated pain severity classification still not robust enough for medication dosage decision for every ethnic group. Few studies have explicitly trained and tested classifiers on various population databases [1]. Our study discovered many misclassifications of moderate to severe pain into “no pain.” This may explain the spontaneous pain nature, whose behavior expression is significantly influenced by culture and environment. Although a study demonstrated similar facial expressions during pain in Westerners and Asians [28], this finding might not indicate a similar degree of expression in particular pain intensity. According to some empirical evidence regarding the social context of pain expression, being around people or interacting with them can affect how much pain is expressed [29]. Currently, available data reciprocity including ours was insufficient to address the social context issue. Therefore, there is a greater need for algorithm training using datasets from various countries. An alternative approach involving “individualized” pain behavior pattern recognition may be more practical than using population data to estimate pain severity.
The advance in deep learning methods such as Long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural networks seems promising to detect temporal muscle activity[30]. Anyway, every approach algorithm will require extensive retraining, cross-validating, and the addition of social factors that may improve the model’s accuracy and feasibility. International collaboration in transferred learning and fine-tuning algorithm, as well as accessible and sharable data reciprocity, will help accelerate the clinical usability of automated facial recognition.
Our study on open-source automatic video clip’s FAUs’ analysis in Thai elders who visited a university hospital is not robust in classifying elder pain. This finding may provide evidence for the need for algorithm training using datasets from various countries. Retraining FAU algorithms, enhancing frame selection strategies, and adding pain-related functions may improve the model’s accuracy and feasibility. International collaboration to support accessible and sharable data reciprocity is required to enhance this field.
Data reciprocity
De-identified data, which does not violate confidentiality, can be made available with the research team’s consent, upon reasonable request from the publication date, and can only be used for research purposes, and not for product-related work. Additionally, it cannot be disclosed to a third party. Further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.
The CSV file can be downloaded at
We would like to thank Ms.Napassakorn Sanpaw for assisting with the data collection process. This work was supported by a grant received from The Thai Society of Neurology 2019 and a publication fee granted by Chiang Mai university. The authors declare no conflicting financial interests.
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Table 1 :Demographic data (N=255)
Characteristic |
N (SD or %) |
Age (mean (SD)) |
67.72 (10.39) |
Sex = Male (%) |
140 (54.9) |
Education (%) |
No or less than four years |
27 (10.8) |
Less than a college degree |
112 (45.0) |
College degree or above |
110 (44.2) |
Religious (%) |
Buddhism |
250 (98.0) |
Christian |
2 ( 0.8) |
Islam |
3 ( 1.2) |
Physical status (%) |
Walking |
162 (63.5) |
Wheelchair |
66 (25.9) |
Bed bounded |
27 (10.6) |
Underlying disease |
Cancer (%) |
114 (47.1) |
Diabetes (%) |
54 (21.5) |
Depression (%) |
31 (12.4) |
Dementia (%) |
60 (23.5) |
MMSE score(%) |
0-10 : severe dementia |
17 ( 6.9) |
11-18 : moderate dementia |
37(15.0) |
19-25 : mild dementia |
101 (41.1) |
26-30 : no dementia |
91 (37.0) |
Characteristics of pain |
N (SD or %) |
Pain severity (%) |
mild |
52 (20.2) |
moderate |
141 (55.4) |
severe |
57 (22.4) |
Site of pain |
Head (%) |
16 ( 4.1) |
Face (%) |
14 ( 3.6) |
Chest (%) |
30 (14.9) |
Abdomen (%) |
44 (17.4) |
Back (%) |
80 (33.8) |
Hip (%) |
11 ( 5.1) |
knee (%) |
31 (11.8) |
Foot (%) |
24 (9.8) |
Quality of pain |
Burning (%) |
63 (23.8) |
Troubling (%) |
73 (28.4) |
Lancinating (%) |
112 (41.2) |
Dull (%) |
18 ( 8.2) |
Sore (%) |
40 (14.5) |
Spastic (%) |
52 (20.7) |
Paresthesia/difficult to explain (%) |
19 ( 7.7) |
Table 2. The features selected by each machine learning method
Selected features Classification |
Logistic regression |
Gender, Dementia ,AU01, AU02
Dementia, AU01,AU02,AU04,AU06
Multilayer perceptron |
Gender,Dementia,AU01,AU04,AU05 |
Gender,AU05, AU07,AU10,AU12
Decision tree |
Gender, AU4,AU12,AU15,AU45
Naïve Bayes |
Gender, AU9, AU12 |
Gender, AU4,AU12,AU15,AU45
KNN (K =10) |
Gender, AU7,AU9,AU20, AU25 |
Gender, AU1, AU2, AU6, AU20
Gender, AU20, AU45
Table 3: Confusional matrix between actual severity and model classification for the task classify pain severity.
Model classify
Actual severity |
Mild |
Moderate |
Severe |
ROC area |
F measure |
mild |
85 |
3 |
10 |
0.496 |
0.651 |
moderate |
46 |
23 |
30 |
0.408 |
0.333 |
severe |
13 |
32 |
54 |
0.514 |
0.560 |
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