3.1 Transmittance, reflectance and absorbance spectra
For the optical study, the transmittance T(λ), reflectance R(λ) and absorbance A(λ) spectra of these pure and doped LSMH crystals were measured along a-axis (100 plane). From T(λ) and R(λ) (inset) spectra of the pure and doped LSMH crystals as shown in Fig. 3, it has been seen that in the entire visible region (400–800 nm) the crystals show high transmittance (nearly 73%). However, it has been observed that the transmittance decreases with the doping of rare earth ions but the optical nature remains intact. Similar nature of reflectance spectra was observed as the reflectance increases with the doping of rare-earth ions in these crystals. The viable cause for the reduction in transmittance of these grown crystals is attributed to the creation of structural disorder and results in the generation of localized states when doped with Eu3+ and Tb3+ ions [28]. It has been revealed that the different types of disorders like structural and compositional defects can be associated with the charge localization presence in materials [29]. The micro-structural character got influenced because of doping once the structural defects are developed in these crystals.
The low absorbance (Fig. 4) and enhanced transmittance (Fig. 3) as shown by the crystals offer their viable usefulness for various NLO applications. The slight shift in the absorption edge in the direction of higher wavelength and increase in absorbance was due to the doping of these crystals. For the calculation of absorption coefficient (α) the relation which relates T with the α is given by;
$$\alpha =\frac{2.303\text{l}\text{o}\text{g}\left(1/T\right)}{d}$$
where T and represents the transmittance and thickness of the crystal respectively. In the case of direct band gap materials for the calculation of band gap we use the following Tauc relation between the α and photon energy (hν);
$$\alpha =\frac{A\sqrt{h\upsilon -{E}_{g}}}{h\upsilon }$$
Where A is a constant and Eg is the optical band gap of the crystal. The inset Fig. 4 shows the variation of (αhν) 2 versus hν and Eg was determined from the linear portion after extrapolation. The intercept on the energy axis provides the value of Eg (direct) for pure and doped LSMH crystals. From the plot, it was revealed that Eg of these crystals shows a decreasing trend with doping and is in agreement with the reported values [14]. Table 1 shows the determined values of Eg of these crystals. The creation of defects in such types of crystals produces structural disorder as a consequence of [31]. The defect states induced in the band gap, which is appearing as band edge and hence reducing the optical band gap [27, 32]. The wide band gap and elevated transmittance depicted by LSMH crystals projected them as desired candidates for optoelectronic application [33–35].
The doping of materials generally results in a phenomenon called band gap narrowing and band tailing. In the case of band tailing the band edges at valance band (VB) and conduction band (CB) are not well-defined cutoff energies, and it has been observed that above and below CB there are electronic states. From the band edges, the density of these states drops steeply with energy. In the present direct band gap crystals once these electrons get excited from VB below the Fermi energy (Ef) having a nearly parabolic band to the tail states below CB having a density of states showing exponential decrease with energy away from CB. Hence such excitations show that how α depends exponentially on hν and this dependence is known as the Urbach rule given by [36, 37];
$$\alpha ={\alpha }_{0}e\text{x}\text{p}\left(\frac{\text{h}{\upsilon }}{{\text{E}}_{\text{u}}}\right)$$
$$ln\alpha =ln{\alpha }_{0}+\frac{\text{h}{\upsilon }}{{\text{E}}_{\text{u}}}$$
where α0 is a material-dependent constant, Eu is called Urbach band tail width (Urbach energy/optical activation energy) and is also a material-dependent constant. From the plot of ln(α) versus hν (Fig. 5) near the absorption edge, the band tail width can be determined from the slope of the linear region of the plot for pure and doped LSMH crystals. The values of Eu calculated from this plot are given in Table 1. With doping the values of Eu increases from 1.37 to 1.43 and also Eu shows an increasing trend with a decrease in band gap in grown crystals. Due to doping the defects/disorders introduced in such systems enhance the localized states near or at the CB which results in increase in Eu [31, 38]. However, exponential band tailing can reveal the observed Urbach tail of ln(α) versus hν, it is also viable to describe the absorption tail response to high internal fields emerging from ionized dopants or defects.
3.2 Refractive index and extinction coefficient
By using the theory of reflectivity of light refractive index (n) and extinction coefficient (k) can be determined from the R(λ) and T(λ) spectra by using the given relations [39];
$$\text{R}= \frac{{(\text{n}-1)}^{2}+{\text{k}}^{2}}{{(\text{n}+1)}^{2}+{\text{k}}^{2}}$$
For insulating materials k = 0, hence above equation can be written as;
$$\text{R}= \frac{{(\text{n}-1)}^{2}}{{(\text{n}+1)}^{2}}$$
$$k= \frac{\alpha \lambda }{4\pi }$$
Here α is the absorption coefficient and λ is the wavelength. In the case of non-magnetic materials, the relation between refractive index and relative permittivity proved to be useful for correlating the electrical and optical properties of materials at any desired wavelength. Apart from dispersion an electromagnetic wave while passing through a material medium suffers attenuation that is it loses its energy due to the creation of phonons (lattice vibrations), photo-generation, free carrier absorption and scattering. In these, materials, the refractive index is a complex function of frequency. The variation of n and k with wavelength (300-800nm) for pure and doped LSMH crystals is shown in Fig. 6. At a low wavelength, n shows high value which is possibly due to the absorption of radiation and resonance effect in this range by the crystals. At higher wavelength λ > 400 nm, n shows normal dispersion as its value decreases and is found to be around 1.79 (pristine) at 800 nm. Also, the value of n decreases with rare-earth ion doping in these crystals. The lower value of k as shown in inset Fig. 6 is attributed to the low attenuation due to absorption and scattering though the wavelength range. A similar type of response is exhibited by other crystals of this family in our earlier work [40]. It has been observed that there is a correlation between the n and Eg, the value of n increases with decreases in band gap that is the crystals with higher refractive index have narrow band gaps. In other terms, enhancement in the absorption coefficient for photon energy near and above the Eg also results in the increase in n in this region [8].
3.3 Cauchy and Wemple-DiDomeenico (WDD) dispersion relation
In the case of transparent materials like insulators and glasses which exhibits very small optical absorption we can use Cauchy’s dispersion equation in the following form as;
$$n\left(\lambda \right)=A+\frac{B}{{\lambda }^{2}}+\frac{C}{{\lambda }^{4}}+\cdots \cdots \cdots$$
where A, B and C are material dependent fitting parameters. A is a dimensionless parameter when \(\lambda \to \infty\) then\(n\left(\lambda \right)\to \infty\) and B (nm2) is associated with the amplitude and curvature of n for the medium wavelength in the visible region. Parameter C (nm4) also affects the curvature and amplitude of n in the lower wavelength UV range. However, in general, it has been observed that\(0<\left|C\right|<\left|B\right|<1<A\).
For normal dispersion of refractive index in case of different optical glasses in the visible region of the wavelength spectrum we mostly use this Cauchy’s dispersion equation. For simplification purpose, only the first two terms of this Eq. (8) have been taken into account to fit the refractive index to a two-term Cauchy’s relation in the wavelength region (300-800nm) [41].
$$n\left(\lambda \right)=A+\frac{B}{{\lambda }^{2}}$$
Figure 7 shows Cauchy’s fitting of the dispersion relation for pure and doped LSMH crystals. The values of A and B determined from Cauchy’s fitting are tabulated in Table 1. The dispersion of n in terms of λ and frequency (ω) of the incident light is expressed as;
$$n={a}_{0}+{a}_{2}{\lambda }^{-2}+{a}_{4}{\lambda }^{-4}+{a}_{6}{\lambda }^{-6}+ \dots \dots \dots \lambda >{\lambda }_{h}$$
$$n={n}_{0}+{n}_{2}{\lambda \omega }^{2}+{n}_{4}{\omega }^{4}+{n}_{6}{\omega }^{6}+ \dots \dots \dots \omega >{\omega }_{h}$$
where \(\hslash \omega\) = incident photon energy, \(\hslash {\omega }_{h}=hc/{\lambda }_{h}\) is the optical excitation thrush hold (energy band gap). Here a0, a2. .. . and n0, n2. .. . are constants. Over a wide range of energies Cauchy’s relation in terms of photon energy is written as;
$$n={n}_{-2}{\left(\hslash \omega \right)}^{2}+{n}_{0}+{n}_{2}{\left(\hslash \omega \right)}^{2}+{n}_{4}{\left(\hslash \omega \right)}^{4}$$
In the case of insulating and semiconductor materials refractive index shows a decreasing trend with an increase in the band gap. Different empirical and semi-empirical rules and expressions have been used to relate n and Eg.
In Moss rule, n and Eg are correlated by;
$${n}^{4}{E}_{g}=K=\text{c}\text{o}\text{n}\text{s}\text{t}\text{a}\text{n}\text{t} (\approx 100 \text{e}\text{V})$$
In Herve-Vandanme relationship n and Eg are related as;
Here A and B are constants (A ≈ 13.6 eV and B ≈ 3.48 eV). The value of n calculated from these empirical/semi-empirical equations (13) and (14) are in agreement with the values calculated from the experimental data for pure and doped LSMH crystals. The calculated values are given in Table 1.
It is possible to determine the group index (Ng) in these crystals which are given by the ratio of the velocity of a group of waves in free space to the dielectric medium (Ng = C/Vg). Ng simply represents the factor by which the group velocity (Vg) of a group of waves in a dielectric material medium is decreased with respect to the transmission in the free space. The Ng can be evaluated from n by using the given equation;
$${N}_{g}=n-\lambda \frac{dn}{d\lambda }$$
The inset Fig. 7 shows the variation of the Ng with λ for pure and doped LSMH crystals. From the plot, it was observed that Ng > n for these crystals. Since n is defined in terms of phase velocity VP asit means that group velocity of waves is less than phase velocity (Vg < Vp) in these crystals and shows normal dispersion [8].
The dispersion parameters of optical materials provide useful information for their application in different optical dispersion and optical communication devices. The Wemple-DiDomeenico (WDD) dispersion relation is a semi-empirical relation based on a single effective oscillator model to determine the refractive index, dispersion energy and single oscillator energy of different materials for photon energies below the inter-band absorption edge given as [42];
Here Eo (single oscillator energy) and Ed (dispersion energy) are vital parameters for controlling this WDD model. It has been observed that Ed is the measure of the mean strength of inter-band optical transitions such that\({ E}_{d}=\beta {N}_{c}{Z}_{a}{N}_{e}\left(eV\right)\). Here Nc is the effective coordination number (Nc = 6 in LSMH), Za represents anion valency (Za = 1 in LSMH) and Ne is the iconicity of the material that is the effective number of valence electrons per anion excluding the cores (Ne = 8 in LSMH). β is a constant (βi = 0.26 ± 0.04 eV if inter-atomic bonding is ionic) and (βc = 0.37 ± 0.05 eV for covalent bonding). In the present case, the LSMH crystals are ionic crystals and after substitution of these values, Ed was calculated to be around 11.52 eV (pristine LSMH). Empirically the value of Eo is calculated by using the relation\({ E}_{0}=D{E}_{g}\), where D (constant) ≈ 1.5 and Eg is the direct band gap. The information acquired from the Eo is different from the Eg of the materials. Eo gives quantitative information on the overall band structure of the material or the average electronic energy gap of transition [43, 44].
From the plot of E2 versus (n2 -1)−1 as shown in Fig. 8 the dispersion parameter Eo and Ed can be calculated and the values are given in Table 1. The value of Ed = 11.53 eV calculated from this plot agrees with the value determined from \({ E}_{d}=\beta {N}_{c}{Z}_{a}{N}_{e}(=11.52 eV)\)equation for pure LSMH crystal. The condition for the calculation of these parameters from this model is that n should show inverse relation with E2 (normal dispersion).
By using the concept of Sellmeier oscillators it is possible to determine the value of single oscillator strength (So) and oscillator wavelength (λo) by using the the relation for refractive index at low energies given as [45];
$${\left({n}^{2}-1\right)}^{-1}=\frac{1}{{S}_{o}{{\lambda }_{o}}^{2}}-\frac{1}{{S}_{o}{\lambda }^{2}}$$
From the inset plot between (n2-1)−1 and (λ)−2 as shown in Fig .8 we can get the value of So and λo from the intercept (1/λoSo) and slope (1/So) of the straight portion of the graph. These values for pure and LSMH crystals are given in Table 1. The value of the static refractive index (n0) can be determined from Eq. (17) as \(E=h\upsilon \to 0\) by substituting the values of Eo and Ed.
Table 1
The band gap, Urbach energy and dispersion parameters for pure and doped LSMH crystals.
The estimated parameters
LSMH: Eu3+
LSMH: Tb3+
Optical band gap Eg (eV)
Urbach energy Eu (eV)
Oscillator energy E0 (eV)
Dispersion energy Ed (eV)
Static dielectric constant ε0
Static refractive index n0
Oscillator wavelength λ0 (nm)
Oscillator Strength S0 (m− 2)
Cauchy constants
Refractive index (n)
Moss rule
Herve-Vandamme relation
4.03× 10− 5
3.70× 10− 5
3.33× 10− 5
3.4 Optoelectrical constants
For the determination of optoelectrical constants the complex dielectric constant (ϵ*) performs vital job. The ϵ* is expressed as;
where ϵ1 (real part) and ϵ2 (imaginary part) of dielectric constsnt are associated with the dispersion and absorption/scattering of electromagnetic waves while passing through the dielectric medium ( crystals) respectively. The value of ϵ1 and ϵ2 can also be determined from n and k by using the given relations [46];
Figure 9 shows the variation of ϵ1 and ϵ2 (inset) with the incident photon wavelength for pure and doped LSMH crystals. From these plots, it has been observed that ϵ1 > ϵ2 as n > k and the small value of k results in the decrease of nk product which in turn reduces the value of ϵ2 in comparison to ϵ1. Up to λ ≈ 450 nm both the real (ϵ1) and imaginary (ϵ2) parts of the dielectric constant show a decreasing trend while above that wavelength ϵ1 seems to remain constant while as ϵ2 increases slightly at higher wavelengths which gives us a clear idea about the interaction of incident photons with the charge carriers (free electrons) in these crystals. In Fig. 9 ϵ1 and ϵ2 (inset) shows an evident enhancement with the doping which becomes the possible reason for the decrease in the transmission/propagation of em waves in these crystals due to dissipation and absorption effects.
A low-frequency em wave can interact with free charge carriers in material and can drift these carriers. It has been seen that the loss of energy takes place from the em wave to the lattice vibrations (phonons) by the carrier scattering process when the interaction occurs. In the non-absorbing (transparent) region, the variation of ϵ1 = n2 with λ2 and ϵ2 with λ3 can be observed by using the Drude model and are given by the following equations [47, 48];
$${{\text{ϵ}}_{1}=\text{n}}^{2}= {\text{ϵ}}_{\text{L}}-\frac{1}{4{{\pi }}^{2}{{\epsilon }}_{0}}\left(\frac{{\text{e}}^{2}}{{\text{c}}^{2}}\right)\left(\frac{{\text{N}}_{\text{o}\text{p}\text{t}}}{{\text{m}}^{\text{*}}}\right){{\lambda }}^{2}$$
$${\text{ϵ}}_{2}=\frac{1}{4{{\pi }}^{3}{{\epsilon }}_{0}}\left(\frac{{\text{e}}^{2}}{{\text{c}}^{3}}\right)\left(\frac{{\text{N}}_{\text{o}\text{p}\text{t}}}{{\text{m}}^{\text{*}}}\right)\left(\frac{1}{{\tau }}\right){{\lambda }}^{3}$$
where ϵL = lattice dielectric constant, e = electronic charge, ε0 = permittivity of free space, Nopt/m* = ratio of free carrier concentration to the effective mass, c = velocity of light and τ = relaxation time.
Figure 10 shows the variation of n2 with λ2 for pure and doped LSMH crystals. From the slope and intercept after extrapolation, the value ϵL and Nopt/m* can be determined. Also from the inset of Fig. 10 the plot of ϵ2 versus λ3 helps in evaluating the value of τ from the slope after using the value of Nopt/m* in it. The other associated optical constants like optical mobility (µopt) and optical resistivity (ρopt) can be determined by using the relations as [49];
$${\mu }_{opt}=\frac{e\tau }{{m}^{*}}$$
$${\rho }_{opt}=\frac{1}{e{\mu }_{opt}{N}_{opt}}$$
The value of these determined parameters ϵL, Nopt/m*, τ, µopt and ρopt are listed in Table 2. It has been observed that the value of lattice dielectric constant (ϵL) varies from the value of static dielectric (ϵ0) which may be attributed to the free carrier absorption [50]. The value of ϵL increases with doping while other parameters also show an evident change in their values as a result of doping with rare-earth ions.
The other Drude parameters like plasma frequency (ωp) of charge carriers and damping frequency (ωd) can also be determined for such materials by using the equation which relates dielectric constant (ϵ1) with ωp and ωd [51–53] as;
$${\text{ϵ}}_{1}={\text{ϵ}}_{\text{L}}-\frac{{{\omega }}_{\text{p}}^{2}}{{{\omega }}^{2}}$$
$$\frac{1}{{{\omega }}^{2}(1-{\text{ϵ}}_{1})}=\frac{{{\omega }}_{\text{d}}}{{{\omega }}^{2}{{\omega }}_{\text{p}}^{2}}+\frac{1}{{{\omega }}_{\text{p}}^{2}}$$
The variation of ϵ1 with 1/ω2 is shown in Fig. 11 for pure and doped LSMH crystals. From the intercept and slope of the linear portion of the graph, we determined the value of ϵL (high-frequency dielectric constant) and ωp respectively. The values of ϵL determined from equations (26) and (22) are in agreement. Inset Fig. 11 shows the plot between \(\left[\frac{1}{{{\omega }}^{2}(1-{\text{ϵ}}_{1})}\right]\) and \(\left[\frac{1}{{{\omega }}^{2}}\right]\) for these crystals. Again from the slope \(\left[\frac{{{\omega }}_{\text{d}}}{{{\omega }}_{\text{p}}^{2}}\right]\) and intercept \(\left[\frac{1}{{{\omega }}_{\text{p}}^{2}}\right]\) we have determined the values of ωp and ωd given in Table 2. The effect of doping on ωp and ωd is evident from the plot and their determined values. Also, the value of ωp calculated from equations (26) and (27) shows slight variation but is of the same order.
3.5 Volume, surface and dielectric energy losses
The characteristic energy loss is observed in materials when the charge carriers (electrons excited due to plasma oscillations) propagate through them. The optical properties of these materials have a direct association with these energy losses via the dielectric constant. Most probably the electrons will lose energy in two possible ways one while passing within the material called volume energy loss function (VELF) and the other on the surface of a material termed as a surface energy loss function (SELF). The relation of ϵ1 and ϵ2 with VELF and SELF is given by equation [54, 55];
Figure 12 shows the variation of VELF and SELF (inset) with the photon energy for pure and doped LSMH crystals. From these plots, it was observed that both VELF and SELF shows an inverse relation with photon energy and also both of them decrease with doping. However, it was also evident that VELF > SELF for pure and doped LSMH crystals indicates that most of the energy loss takes place within the material.
One more loss that arises in dielectric materials due to phase difference when an em wave propagates in a medium at a particular frequency is the dielectric loss factor (tanδ). Actually, it is relative loss which is the ratio of energy lost to the energy stored in a material and is given by the ratio of imaginary (ϵ2) to the real (ϵ1) part of dielectric constant [56].
$$\text{t}\text{a}\text{n}{\delta }=\frac{{\text{ϵ}}_{2}}{{\text{ϵ}}_{1}}$$
The variation of tanδ with photon energy and the effect of doping on tanδ for pure and doped LSMH crystals are shown in Fig. 13. It has been revealed that tanδ decreases with photon energy. However, it was seen that tanδ increases with the doping and indicated that there is an increase of loss with doping which may be due to the incorporation of Eu3+ and Tb3+ ions into the LSMH crystal lattice. As we have observed a dielectric loss peak in the tanδ versus energy graph, hence the systems exhibit the properties of dipolar systems and it is suggested that LSMH systems do not show low-frequency dispersion (LFD) behaviour because loss peak was observed in the dielectric dispersion [57].
3.6 Optical conductivity and electronic polarizability
The optical conductivity is associated with the dielectric function of materials that is with the dielectric loss and refractive index which is responsible for conductivity and propagation of light in materials. It has been observed that absorption coefficient (α), refractive index (n), incident photon frequency (ω) and extinction coefficient (k) are some of the important parameters accountable for the optical conductivity given by;
$${\sigma }= \frac{{\alpha }\text{n}\text{c}}{4{\pi }}$$
Here c is the velocity of light. Figure 14 shows the graph of optical conductivity versus wavelength for pure and doped LSMH crystals. At low wavelength (high energy) the high absorbing behaviour shown by these crystals and the possibility of excitation of electrons by the incoming photons is attributed to the enhancement in optical conductivity. Also, the optical conductivity increases with doping in these crystals and such kind of behaviour is shown by various crystals mentioned in literature [38, 58].
The non-linear optical NLO behaviour shown by materials is mainly controlled by average electronic polarizability which is a vital characteristic of any material used for NLO applications. The information about the nature of materials (covalent/ionic) and other related optical parameters can also be obtained from polarizability [59, 60]. The behaviour shown by electron cloud while interacting with the applied field in the materials is expressed by electronic polarizability (αe). From dielectric constant αe can be calculated by using Clausius-Mossoti equation [61] as;
$${{\alpha }}_{\text{e}}=\left[\frac{{{\epsilon }}_{1}-1}{{{\epsilon }}_{1}+2}\right]\left[\frac{\text{M}}{{\rho }}\right]\times 0.395\times {10}^{-24}{\text{c}\text{m}}^{3}$$
Here M = molecular weight and ρ = density of crystals. In the wavelength range of 300–800 nm αe changes from 20.38×10− 24 to 10.88×10− 24 cm3 as shown in Fig. 15 for pure and doped LSMH crystals. αe can also be determined by using empirical relation given by Reddy et al [62] in which they use band gap parameter as;
$${{\alpha }}_{\text{e}}= \left[1-\frac{\sqrt{{\text{E}}_{\text{g}}}}{4.06}\right]\frac{\text{M}}{{\rho }} \times 0.396\times {10}^{-24} {\text{c}\text{m}}^{3}$$
From this Eq. (33) the value of αe = 12.34×10− 24 cm3 was calculated for pure LSMH crystal after substituting the value of Eg =4.49 eV and this value of αe is in agreement with the Clausius-Mossoti Eq. (32). The same agreement was observed in the case of doped crystals and also αe increases with doping in these crystals.
3.7 Optical electronegativity and Optical susceptibility
The optical electronegativity (ηopt) is also one of the important parameters while discussing other different physio-chemical parameters of the materials put forward by Duffy [63]. Electronegativity is used to describe the nature of bonding in materials and is used for their application in optoelectronics. The relationship established between refractive index (n) and ηopt is stated as [64];
$${\eta }_{\text{o}\text{p}\text{t}}={\left[ \frac{A}{n} \right]}^{1/4}$$
where A is a dimensionless constant ≈ 25.54 for all materials [65]. In semiconductors mostly have covalent nature which is attributed to the smaller value of ηopt, while as in the case of ionic crystals the ionic nature is attributed to the larger value of ηopt [66]. In the present case, the values of ηopt calculated from the above equation seem to decrease with doping from 1.95–1.93 and the values are given in Table 2. The decreasing trend observed in ηopt is due to the increase in the value of n as ηopt shows inverse relation with n. thus ionic nature attributed by these pure and doped LSMH crystals is related to the larger values of ηopt and comparatively smaller values of n shown by these crystals [65].
The non-linear optical (NLO) nature exhibited by the materials is directly associated with its polarization. The hyperpolarizability values can be used to discuss the slight distortion of crystal structure due to the doping of crystals. As hyperpolarizability shows a direct propositional relation with the imaginary part of third-order susceptibility Im(χ3) and is used to observe the NLO nature of materials [67]. The value of Im(χ3) can be calculated by using the value of dispersion parameters (E0, Ed) and refractive index (n) in association with Miller’s generalized rule as [67];
$$Im\left({\chi }^{3}\right)= {A}_{0}\left(\frac{{E}_{d}}{{E}_{0}}\right)/{\left(4\pi \right)}^{4}={A}_{0}{\left(\frac{{{n}_{0}}^{2}-1}{4\pi }\right)}^{4}$$
Where A0 = 1.7×10− 10 esu and n0 is the static refractive index whose value can be evaluated by setting \(E\to 0\) in the Eq. (17) as;
The value of non-linear refractive index n2 can be evaluated by using the relation [67];
$${n}_{2}^{2}=\frac{12\pi {\chi }^{3}}{{n}_{0}}$$
It has been noticed that the values of optical non-linear susceptibility χ3 and non-linear refractive index n2 increase with doping and shows that the NLO behaviour of these crystals also gets affected by doping.
Table 2
The values of various optoelectrical parameters calculated for pure and doped LSMH crystals.
The estimated parameters
LSMH: Eu3+
LSMH: Tb3+
Lattice dielectric constant ϵ∞ (ϵL)
The ratio (Nopt/m*) ×1057 m− 3Kg− 1
Optical charge carriers, Nopt ×1026 m− 3
The relaxation time, τ × 10− 12 Sec
Optical mobility, µopt m2/V.s
Optical resistivity, ρopt × 10− 9 Ω m
The plasma frequency ωp × 1015 Hz (from Eq. 26)
The plasma frequency ωp × 1015 Hz (from Eq. 27)
The damping frequency ωd × 1031 Hz
Electronic polarizability αe × 1024 cm3
Optical electronegativity ηopt
Non-linear optical susceptibility χ3 × 10− 13
Non-linear refractive index n2×10− 12
3.8 Optical and chemical hardness
The role of material hardness is important in describing the strength of materials for different applications in terms of atomic/molecular and mechanical stability. The parameter which develops a relation between optical, chemical, and mechanical hardness of materials is the band gap and the association of these parameters with polarizability is important for discussing their optical applications. According to Pearson, the polarizabilities of acids and bases are directly related to chemical hardness [68]. The hard acids and bases differ from soft acids and bases in terms of low and high polarizibility shown by them respectively. In the majority of materials, it has been observed that chemical hardness is equal to half of their band gap and also show a correlation with electronic polarizability (αe) [69]. The optical hardness can be determined from the LUMO-HOMO band gap of materials and is capable of estimating the n besides having affiliation with αe [38, 70, 71]. The optically soft materials show a high value of n and a low value of the velocity of light in them. The relationship developed between n and αe of material from Lorenz-Lorentz equation is stated as;
$$\frac{{n}^{2}-1}{{n}^{2}+2}= \frac{4\pi }{3}\left(\frac{{\alpha }_{e}}{V}\right)$$
where V is the volume. The link of optical hardness with polarizability is exhibited in terms of n and this optical hardness shows an inverse relation with n or αe. The band gap parameter is the bridge to develop a relationship between chemical hardness and polarizability as [72];
$${\alpha }_{e}= \frac{N}{m}{\left(\frac{he}{2\pi {\Delta }}\right)}^{2}$$
where Δ = 2×chemical hardness = band gap, h = Planks constant, e = electron charge. Thus, the inverse link shown by polarizability with the chemical and optical hardness specifies that both of them enhance or diminish together with αe. The αe shows an increasing inclination with doping in these crystals, hence the optical and chemical decreases in these crystals with doping.