This nationwide retrospective cohort study of US Veteran patients with documented SARS-CoV-2 infection after vaccination identified clinical and demographic variables associated with risk of severe disease, defined as either death within 28 days or hospitalization with evidence of respiratory failure or hypoxemia. We took a “high-altitude” approach to a broad range of possible risk factors in a large population, rather than attempting to dissect the details of individual comorbidities, immunocompromised states, or factors specific to vaccine products and variants. Risk was reduced among patients who received a booster vaccine or had a history of infection before vaccination and was lower during the omicron period. Increasing age had the most substantial effect on risk, which rose steadily at least above age 50, but a large number of comorbidities remained associated with risk of severe disease in the adjusted model. In light of high rates of vaccination and prior infection, research on these details in breakthrough infection and re-infection, focused on severity and sequelae, has the most potential to inform clinical practice through risk-stratification of individual patients.6
Immunization during periods of immunocompromise has been theorized to negatively impact vaccine response rates and predispose to risk of infection and severe outcomes. In this large cohort, an immunocompromised state conferred increased risk of severe outcomes; the impact of the immunosuppressive drugs was stronger if present after vaccination (I.e., producing an immunocompromised state at the time of exposure and subsequent infection) than if present only prior to vaccination. These data suggest that many patients receiving immunosuppressive medications at the time of vaccine develop durable protection, and the causal risk factor is immune status at the time of exposure.
The comorbidities most strongly associated with risk of severe disease include those identified early in the pandemic as the key risk factors for severe disease before vaccines were available.7–9 Comorbidities indicating pre-existing organ disease (e.g., heart failure, chronic kidney disease, COPD, dementia) or a globally tenuous or frail state (e.g., pressure ulcers, mobility impairments, low BMI) were more important than factors that contribute to future organ dysfunction (e.g., hypertension). However, age was so much stronger as a risk factor for severe outcomes that the magnitudes of risk associated with any source of immunocompromise, or the most important comorbidities were similar to the difference in risk between vaccinated persons aged 60 versus 50. We cannot explain the apparent higher risk among the small number of Native Americans in the cohort (N = 890), but the similar risks among white, Black/African-American, and Hispanic/Latino groups likely reflects the VA providing similar access in most regions.10
We also identified factors that were protective against severe outcomes; consistent with prior studies, boosters, or a history of infection prior to initial vaccination significantly reduced (to a similar degree) but did not eliminate risk of severe breakthrough in all subcohorts defined by age or presence or absence of immunocompromise. Although time since initial vaccination appeared to be predictive of severe outcomes in the unstratified analyses, different effect estimates in the subcohorts suggested confounding. Among non-immunocompromised patients who did not receive boosters – a lower-risk group overall – there was no trend toward reduction in risk of severe disease. This study does not provide insight into optimal timing for repeated boosting, or if repeated boosting is necessary for all individuals, as only 5 months of data on risk were available after boosters were recommended for non-IC patients with other risk factors, and less for the general population; during this limited follow up period, no clear trends toward reduced benefit were identified.
The CDC published a report of N = 189 severe cases among 2,246 breakthrough infections and found that risk factors for hospitalization and death among vaccinated patients included age ≥ 65, immune-compromise, and heart, liver, kidney, neurologic disease and diabetes; all patients who died had multiple comorbidities.11 Most studies of patients in immunocompromised states have focused on laboratory-based studies rather than clinical outcomes.12 A recent study of breakthrough infection in immunocompromised patients focused on comparing the conditions causing immune dysfunction and did not attempt to determine risk factors for severity.13 Multiple studies have shown decline in protection after initial vaccination in the general population, with some incorporating severity3,14,15 and others showing improvement after boosting.1,2
This study has important limitations. As with all VA studies, the population was predominantly male and older (mean age 62, and greater than 70 among patients with severe disease), and with a high burden of chronic medical problems. Our use of a nationwide database curated from electronic health records produces additional limitations: uncertainty about the accuracy of Covid-19 as the reason for hospitalization, imperfect algorithms for comorbidities, and missing data, most likely regarding prior infection, boosters, hospitalization at facilities not contracted for reimbursement by the VA and use of monoclonal antibodies. To address these limitations, we focused on questions that would not depend on data that might be missing. The use of a cohort rather than a matched case-control design, which has been commonly used in studies to estimate vaccine effectiveness, with 90% of patients having non-severe disease, is less likely to pick up uncommon risk factors and may be more susceptible to residual confounding considering differences such as younger age and fewer comorbidities. Our pre-specified analysis of patients with immunocompromising conditions addresses a group that has been widely discussed but under-studied with regard to clinical protection via vaccination.12,13,16 A limitation in that analysis is that these drugs are highly diverse, which necessitated grouping drugs with very different mechanisms of action, e.g. into “leukocyte-inhibiting” or “cytokine-blocking.” In addition, our ability to assess the impact of immunosuppressive medications was limited by our inability to identify systemic use of certain medications (e.g., tacrolimus) and inability to determine glucocorticoid doses.
Strengths of this study start with use of a large, nationwide dataset with granular data on vaccination, clinical and demographic risk factors, and SARS-CoV-2 with an assessment of severity. Inclusion of objective metrics to assess hospitalization severity is a strength compared to studies that do not account for in-hospital screening practices that impact the “hospitalization plus a diagnostic test” definition used by COVID-NET; prior work demonstrates that controlling for hospitalization severity is important for accurately assessing vaccine effectiveness, as vaccinated and boosted patients are differentially represented in non-severe hospitalizations.17,18 Limitation to patients with documented vaccination and documented breakthrough infection avoids bigger problems with missing data and unmeasurable confounders that can plague population-based studies trying to compare “vaccinated with infection” (our cohort) to either “unvaccinated with infection” or “vaccinated without infection” (including test-negative designs). VA data have high accuracy for distribution of medications, thus assessments of immune status at the time of infection and vaccination are likely to be reliable. Finally, our analyses of immunocompromised patients and patients under 50 provide novel findings in groups that have not been previously studied rigorously on a large scale.
In conclusion, this study provides insight into the demographic, clinical, and vaccination-related risk factors for severe compared to non-severe breakthrough Covid-19 infection. These results could be used to bolster guidelines for use of pre-exposure and post-exposure anti-viral treatments that are in limited supply. Development of models to estimate the probability of a patient progressing to severe disease for individual risk assessment, to guide treatment and prophylaxis planning and outreach, will require more sophisticated machine-learning approaches. The history of the Covid-19 pandemic has indicated that the results of this study will continue to be relevant in future waves in multiple countries with different variants and in populations with different degrees of immunity from vaccination and/or prior infection.