Support Vector Machine Based Feature Extraction For Gender Recognition From Objects Using Lasso Classifier



The blind people has their difficulty to identify the object moving around them, therefore with a high accuracy score object detection and human face recognition system will helps them in identifying the things around them with ease. Facial record images are immobile an difficult assignment for biometric authentication systems due to various types of characteristics are dimensions, pose, expressions, illustrations and age etc. In facial and other united images includes different objects classifications. In this research article, a minimum distance trainer for feature selection by accessing SVM feature optimization process. For feature selection process SVM (support vector machine) was considered for improving its feature interpretability and computational efficiency., then LASSO classifier applied to perform object recognition and gender classification. Original face image database used for the gender classification. This approach was implemented with dual classification model (1) Recognizing or classifying human faces from various objects and (2) Classifying gender through face recognition] is made possible with the help of combining modified SIFT feature in combination with ridge regression (RR), elastic net (EN), lasso regression(LR) and lasso regression with Gaussian Support Vector Machines (LRGS) based classification. 

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