Solid state grinding followed by ball milling has been widely used for mechano-chemical synthesis27,28. In solid state grinding, metal citrates were obtained from metal nitrates and citric acid, alongside evolution of nitric acid fumes. It was demonstrated that mechanical energy of solid-state grinding can break the chemical bonds in solid materials and produce dangling bonds, which are very active for chemical reactions. The reaction has been confirmed by nitric acid fumes, color change and FTIR characterization.
Fe and Zn content in citrates
The Fe and Zn contents in developed series of combined and individual citrates were estimated using XRF. The Fe content ranged from 6 to 33%, whereas the Zn content ranged between 3 to 20%, which finds potential good sources of Fe and Zn (Table 3) as plant nutrients. The Fe and Zn content available within citrates are in the range of market available micronutrients and nano nutrients.
Table 3
Fe and Zn content in citrates
Fe content (%)
Zn content (%)
FC (1:1)
ZC (1:3)
FZ (8:2)
FZ (6:4)
FZ (5:5)
FZ (4:6)
FZ (2:8)
FTIR, TEM, and DLS analyses of combined citrates
The ferric citrate is amorphous in nature as observed in XRD. The zinc citrate is crystalline in nature, but the peaks correspond to excess citric acid added during synthesis24. Similarly, for combined metal citrates amorphous or crystalline nature can be confirmed through XRD based on its composition ratio. The frequency assignment of IR spectra for the combined citrates collected after completely drying is shown in Supplementary Table 1, and spectra are shown in Fig. 1. The characteristic strong doublet peak between 1700 to 1400 cm− 1 in all the samples is attributed to carboxylate groups. The FTIR spectra confirmed the coordination of the metals Fe3+ and Zn2+ to the citrates and their ligand structures. Not many differences are observed in FTIR spectra of ball-milled citrates, which is proved in our early reports24. The lower shift in peak from 1750 cm− 1 in treatments FZ (6:4) and FZ (8:2) was observed. It could be due to the citric acid content present in the Zn metal citrate.
Fig. 2 visualizes the TEM image of combined citrates before ball milling and after ball milling. The TEM images of combined citrates indicate that the samples are aggregated and have a spherical morphology. Particle size decreased due to ball milling, and aggregation was observed in all images. Yuan et al.,29 reported similar results for aggregation in iron nanoparticles.
The hydrodynamic diameters of the combined citrates were ranging between 204.7 nm to 1455 nm based on ratios of Fe and Zn and ball milling duration; the zeta potentials were determined majorly to be negative except positive for two samples ranging between − 8.3 mV to 0.3 mV which were depicted in Supplementary Table 2. The samples with Zeta potential values between − 30 mV to + 30 mV exhibit aggregation30. It should be noted that hydrodynamic size and zeta potential will depend upon dispersion medium, pH and concentration etc31.
Sedimentation studies were performed to explain the stability of the nanoparticles in soil extracts. Higher sedimentation was observed immediately after 7 days of incubation which may be due to aggregation of particles. The sedimentation was again analyzed to reduce on day 15 and day 30. There was not much difference between sedimentation rates during 15th and 30th day for all the treatments. Although the sedimentation rates for 15th and 30th day remained the same, there were few exceptions for certain treatments. In BFZ (4:6)- 6, the sedimentation has been increased from 0.14 to 0.26. In few treatments, the sedimentation rate varied from 15 to 30 days in Fe-EDTA (0.22 to 0.12) and BFZ (4:6)- 10 (0.15 to 0.08). The change in sedimentation rates could be due to a change in the concentration of dispersed nanoparticles. This change in concentration may be due to rapid aggregation and disaggregation from soil extract during sampling after incubation32. The sedimentation was measured using normalized absorbance at different intervals as given in Fig. 3.
Changes in DTPA extractable Fe and Zn content during incubation
DTPA extractable Fe and Zn content in soil significantly varied with treatment. Maximum DTPA-Fe content was recorded before incubation 98.58 mg/kg in Fe-EDTA (commercial) whereas the highest Fe content in citrates is 65.81 mg/kg in BFZ (4:6)- 8 treatments (149.3 mg/kg after incubation). There was a reduction of DTPA-Fe content at the end of the incubation period followed by leaching in Fe- EDTA (35.23 mg/kg) (supplementary Table 3). In most of the citrates the Fe content was increased after incubation followed by leaching in all samples except few samples like FC (1:1) (reduced from 53.5 to 39.1 mg/kg), BFC (1:1)-6 (reduced from 46.5 to 20.1 mg/kg), and BFZ (4:6)- 2 (reduced from 62.7 to 60.6 mg/kg). As per the earlier reports, the gradual reduction of DTPA-Fe after incubation and leaching compared to initial days of incubation owing to the interaction of released Fe with soil components33,34.
The highest DTPA-Zn was recorded in nano Zn (210.6 mg/kg) followed by zinc sulfate (117.9 mg/kg) and BZC (1:3)- 6 (66.2 mg/kg) as given in supplementary Table 3. A drastic reduction or even negligible amounts in DTPA-Zn after incubation followed by leaching could be due to washing out during leaching or retention of Zn in soils35. The retention of zinc could be due to adsorption in soil particles because of fixation or aging and is the cause of reduction36. The availability of DTPA- Fe and Zn contents varied with the ratio of Fe and Zn in citrates, their particle size, mobility, etc. There was a decrease in DTPA-Fe content with an increase in DTPA-Zn irrespective of composition of the combined citrates (Supplementary Table 3). The maximum Zn content was coupled with the minimum Fe content and vice versa, irrespective of treatment. In combined citrates, Fe content decreased with the increase of DTPA-Zn content and vice versa owing to the formation of franklinite type of minerals37. Maximum Zn+ 2 solubility was furthermore related to the solubility of franklinite (ZnFe2O4), which was controlled by the availability of Fe+ 3 being limited by the pH-dependent solubility of Fe(III) hydroxides38.
Leaching effect
Leaching studies indicate the solubility and mobility of nutrients in soil. The leaching studies give an idea about nutrient availability at very different rooting depths. Soluble Fe and Zn contents of nitrates, sulfates, and commercial nanonutrients varied significantly with different samples. In citrate samples, very less Fe leaching of below 10 ppm was observed in the BFZ (8:2)- 8 and BFZ (4:6)- 8 treatments, and Zn leaching of 2 ppm was observed in the treatments like BFZ (8:2)- 2, nano Zn, BFZ (5:5)- 4, BFZ (8:2)- 4, BFZ (2:8)- 6, BFZ (6:4)- 2, and BFZ (2:8)- 8. Soluble Fe content was highest observed in samples like Fe-EDTA (855.3 mg/l), FZ (6:4) (382.6 mg/l), ferrous sulphate (134.9 mg/l) and nano Fe (159.5 mg/l); whereas in case of Zn, the highest soluble content was observed in Zn-EDTA (280.4 mg/l), ZC (1:3)- 0 (172.77 mg/l), zinc sulphate (141.63 mg/l) and nano Zn (164.41 mg/l) as shown in Supplementary Table 3. On average, the amount of soluble Fe content varied from 3.87 to 855.33 mg/l and soluble Zn content varied from 0.34 to 280.43 mg/l. The type of soil, organic matter, and easy water movement through the soil provide less time for Fe or Zn sorption resulting in a high amount of Fe and Zn leaching39. Sometimes, the percentage of nutrient leaching does not depend upon the nutrient application rate but on a specific soil's nutrient retention capacity. As per previous reports, any micronutrient's availability, sorption, leaching, and release depend upon soil properties40,41.
Evaluation of effect of combined Fe and Zn citrates on plant growth of groundnut
Groundnut seeds responded variably towards treatment with various Fe and Zn citrates along with commercial samples. Significant highest germination (80%) was observed in samples like FZ (8:2)- 0, BFC (1:1)- 6, BZC (1:3)- 6, BFZ (2:8)- 2, BFZ (4:6)- 2 and nano Zn and highest seedling vigor index in BZC (1:3)- 6 (3012.84) treatment. The seedling quality of all samples including the commercials and the untreated ones are presented in Supplementary Table 3. The germination was 40%, and the vigor index was 727.33 for untreated groundnut seedlings. However, although we have observed improvement in the germination and vigor index of almost all samples, few samples performed even less than the values of control experiments. Lin and Xing42, reported such inhibitory effects of nanoparticles on radish, grape, and ryegrass. The germination and vigor index improvement could be ascribed to higher precursor activity of plant growth enzymes due to Fe and Zn. Fe and zinc are some of the essential nutrients required for plant growth. It is an important component of various enzymes responsible for driving many metabolic reactions in all crops. Moreover, germination enhancement of ball milled samples may be due to increase in water uptake capacity of seed. This increase in water uptake capacity may be promoted by nanoparticles which create new pores on the seed coat43. Even though the prepared citrates are water soluble, with increase in ball milling duration, the solubility of the citrates has been reduced. The reduction in water solubility of ball milled citrates will keep it in nanosized and its entry into plants as nanoparticles.
The effect of Fe and Zn citrate nanoparticles and as prepared citrate particles on root and shoot length of groundnut is presented in the form of root to shoot ratio in Supplementary Table 3. Data of the table depict that root length of citrate-treated groundnut is drastically less in almost all samples, with the least root to shoot ratio observed in BFZ (8:2)- 4 (0.34), whereas few samples exhibited a higher root to shoot ratio as in BFZ (4:6)- 4, BFZ (6:4)- 10, BFCZ (1:1:1)- 10, FeSO4 and BFZ (5:5)- 2. The highest root to shoot ratio in BFZ (5:5)- 2 nanoparticle treated plants was only 1.14, but more than that of plants in the control experiment. (0.76). The root to shoot ratio decreased with increasing ball milling duration up to a certain level and decreases later on. The root to shoot ratio decreased with ball milling duration time between 4–6 hours and then it increased further up till 10 hours. This could be due to aggregation and moisture sensitivity in 10 h ball milled samples. This trend was observed in hydrodynamic diameter (Supplementary Table 3).
An increase in fresh and dry weight of treated plants was observed in all samples compared to control experiments except for very few samples (Supplementary Table 3). The samples that exhibited the highest and lowest fresh weights were FZ (8:2) (12.52 g) and BFZ (8:2)- 4 (2.42 g), followed by BFZ (6:4)- 4 (1.88 g) and BFZ (8:2)- 4 (0.3 g). The control samples exhibited fresh and dry weights were 3.53 g and 0.34 g respectively.
Fe and Zn Uptake by plants:
The total Fe and Zn content in the groundnut plants significantly increased due to citrate presence, the uptake is even more pronounced in nanocitrates which is more than their respective as-prepared counterparts (Supplementary Table 3). More Fe was taken up by plants than Zn, probably because Fe is required from the initial germination stage of the plants, and at the same time, the Fe content is more than Zn content in the samples. Fe uptake was higher in the BFZ (2:8)- 8 sample (0.48 mg of Fe/ pot) and Zn uptake is higher in nano zinc (commercial) (88.47 µg of Zn/ pot) followed by ZC (1:3)-0 (82.32 µg of Zn/ pot) samples. The control values were (0.02 mg of Fe/ pot and 2.05 µg of Zn/ pot).
The Zn accumulation is higher in nano zinc treatment, which is due to its lesser leaching effect. In ZC (1:3) treatment, the high Zn accumulation in the plant is due to its high percentage of Zn content and also less affected due to leaching. The Fe content is available in the soil even after leaching. The total Fe and Zn content observations revealed that the Fe and Zn contents in shoots were less in commercial samples (ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, nano zinc, nano iron, chelated Fe, and chelated Zn) compared to metal citrates, indicating that citrate NPs and their as prepared counterparts promoted the groundnut plants. The growth promotion in the case of nanocitrates could be due to the size of the particle, mobilization, and availability and less fixation (Fig. 4). Instead of analyzing the total Fe and Zn content in a 20-day plant, further study should focus on the Fe and Zn contents at different phases of the plant till crop duration, which can provide more information on complete usage.
The data for all 14 characters are represented in Supplementary Table 1 and were studied for all 53 samples, which were validated by principal component analysis (PCA) and ranking index.
Principal Component Analysis
The data obtained for 53 treatments including different mole ratios of ferric nitrate, citric acid and zinc nitrate was formulated and coded as FCZ (1:1:1) and FCZ (1:2:1) were subjected to PCA. These samples were ball milled at different durations as like other ratios, were subjected to PCA to unravel the underlying relationship among various plant and soil nutrient parameters. The weight ratio Fe and Zn is almost unity and thus similar to FZ(5:5). Eigenvalue obtained from PCA for plant quality characteristics, soil nutrient, and plant nutrient content is presented (Fig. 5A). The PC1, PC2, PC3 and PC4 contributed 31.2%, 21.8%, 10.5% and 10.1% of total variation, respectively (Fig. 5A). The important variables in principal component analysis were total fresh weight (gm), leachate- Zn (mg/kg), leachate- Fe (mg/kg) and plant Fe content (mg/ pot) for PC1, PC2, PC3 and PC4 respectively. The cluster analysis was performed to divide data into clusters (Fig. 5B) and represent the board groups and performance. Cluster- I and cluster- III contain the most of samples. Cluster- II contains samples that are equivalent to control treatments. Cluster I contains the best zinc treatments and cluster III the best iron treatments.
Ranking index
The samples for the studied characters were ranked through the ranking index and are represented in Fig. 6. The highest performer in all characters was FZ (8:2), followed by BFZ (4:6)- 2. There were some negatively ranked (11 samples) among 53 samples. Negative ranking means lower performance compared to untreated and commercial checks. The studied characters like germination (%), vigour index, fresh weight and dry weights played major role in ranking index.