1.1 Background
Soil erosion is the dominant one among the most significant environmental degradation processes that affect the landforms(Assefa, et al., 2018).Soil erosion is a natural process that causes mobilization, transport and off-site sedimentation of mineral and organic soil particles, as well as associated chemicals and non-sustainable soil erosion rates(Dagnew,et al., 2018).Deforestation, urbanization and agricultural intensification are the major factors which influence the rate of erosion and sedimentation(Bhattarai, 2010).Soil erosion is the detachment, movement, and deposition of soil by water, wind or landslides. Modelling of the processes governing erosion and sedimentation can further help our understanding of the basin-wide issues in terms of the critical factors controlling erosion and associated sediment transport (Peden et al., 2013).Strategic watershed management interventions should focus on erosion sensitive portion of the catchment to prevent further land degradation(Assefa, 2015).
In Ethiopia highlands, considerable amount of soil is being lost by water erosion every year particularly in Andassa watershed is tremendous. Rates of soil erosion documented in Ethiopia ranges from 16 to 300 tons/ha/year. Water induced soil erosion is the most prevailing form of land resources deterioration in the highlands of Ethiopia, where huge amount of fertile soil is being lost annually (Yesuph, 2019).Sediment in the Nile is mainly originating from the Ethiopian Highlands with large quantities of eroded soil (Ahmed, 2008). The Nile Basin watershed is undergoing severe soil erosion that has led to a deterioration of soil and water resources mainly due to a loss of soil fertility on the hill slopes and an excessive transport of sediment in the river. Modeling and identifying soil erosion source areas represent as powerful tool in order to predict the effect of induced and natural environmental changes on sediment dynamics and to evaluate scenarios of changing land use management. Estimating soil erosion rates using geospatial data have a great role in the decision making and to recommend soil and water conservation measures for hot spot area (Tadele et al., 2020).
GIS is capable of efficiently storing, retrieving, transforming, displaying and analyzing spatial data(Assefa, 2015). It provide the decision-maker with a powerful set of tools for the manipulation and analysis of spatial information (Carver, 2007).It is important for processing, manipulating, and storing geodatabases when integrated with Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA)which could help users to improve their decision-making processes. Soil erosion assessment using remotely sensed data and GIS is less time, labor and capital intensive and effective in generating essential quantitative information on soil erosion (Assefa, et al., 2018).The rate of soil erosion in a particular catchment depends on particular factors on a catchment such as intensity of rainfall, topography, vegetative cover, soil type, and land-use practices and catchment shape. GIS combines this different soil lose factors as impacts that contribute to the development of soil erosion qualitatively and RUSLE as quantitatively. With integration of GIS RUSLE model has the potential to estimate rate of soil erosion while the multi criteria evaluation with integration of GIS have the ability to rank or rate alternatives and analyze spatial information based on selected criteria or factors that would affect soil erosion. Areas of application of MCDA models are identified in water resources management; catchment management; ground water management; infrastructure selection; project appraisal; water allocation; water policy and the planning of supply; water quality management; and marine protected area management (Odu, 2019).
A number of researchers who have conducted erosion hotspot analysis by implementing geospatial methods provides basic information about erosion prone areas and characteristics of watershed in terms of qualitative and quantitative models(Mekonnen, 2011).In qualitative model a problem needs a hierarchic or a network structure to represent that problem and pairwise comparisons to establish relations within the structure (Saaty, 1987). Quantitative and qualitative analysis of water induced soil erosion and its spatial variation plays a decisive role for better evidence and priority-based implementation. Thus, this study aimed to estimate potential soil loss and identify hotspot areas, and prioritize for conservation measures in Andassa watershed using RUSLE, GIS and remote sensing techniques. Water induced erosion has been continued to threaten the land resources in highlands of Ethiopia ( Tsegaye, 2019).
The main objective of this study was the identification of vulnerable erosion areas by RUSLE and MCDA in Andassa watershed by GIS extension tool. MCDA are important in solving complex problems based on the various criteria considered. This technique within GIS environment uses to identify the actual source of erosion and map sensitive areas based on spatial dataset analysis this study can serve as a reconnaissance input for soil and water conservation related planning activities. Weight of decision factors are assigned based on their relative effect to erosion process which would be very important for downstream dams like Great Ethiopian Renascence dam and other downstream projects which need up stream management for prevention of sediment loading risks.