Circ_0072088 knockdown inhibited EMT and fibrosis in AML12 hepatocytes
In order to explore biological effect of circ_0072088 in AML12 hepatocytes treatment of TGF-β1, we first investigate the levels of circ_0072088 expression in AML12 pretreated with or without TGF-β1 by RT-qPCR. We fould that circ_0072088 was time-dependently increased in AML12 hepatocytes treated with TGF-β1 compared with that in control group (Figure 1A). What’s more, RT-qPCR assay was accomplished to verify high transfection efficiency of si-circ_0072088 in AML12 hepatocytes (Figure 1B). Western blot assay showed that circ_0072088 deficiency can augment E-cadherin, and reduce α-SMA and vimentin proteins in AML12 hepatocytes (Figure 1C-F). Next, the levels of collagen-1 and collagen-4 protein (EMT markers) expression were performed using western blot assay. We manifested that collagen-1 and collagen-4 proteins were decreased by knockdown of circ_0072088 (Figure 1G-I), suggesting that circ_0072088 knockdown inhibited ECM accumulation. Meanwhile, under-exprssion of circ_0072088 aggrandized cell viability in AML12 hepatocytes using CCK-8 assay (Figure 1J). Overall, circ_0072088 knockdown might inhibit liver fibrosis and EMT development.
Circ_0072088 directly targeted miR-330-3p
CircInteractome dataset was implemented to predicte the targets binding to circ_0072088. We found that circ_0072088 could firsthand bind with miR-330-3p sponges (Figure 2A). Next, RNA pull-down and dual-luciferase reporter assays were applied to identify the conclusion. Luciferase reporter assay indicated that miR-330-3p obviously restrained luciferase activity of circ_0072088-WT. Nevertheless, the luciferase activity of circ_0072088-MUT was unchanged in HEK 293T cells (Figure 2B). Moreover, RNA pull-down assay proved higher improvement of circ_0072088 and miR-330-3p in Ago2 group than those in IgG group (Figure 2C, D). Meanwhile, we also found that the expression of miR-330-3p was time-dependently reduced in TGF-β1 induced AML12 hepatocytes (Figure 2E). At last, we studied the influence of circ_0072088 on miR-330-3p level. The RT-qPCR results demonstrated that the expression level of miR-330-3p was augmented by knockdown of circ_0072088 in AML12 hepatocytes (Figure 2F). These data indicated that circ_0072088 could directly bind with miR-330-3p sponges and might play critical roles in liver fibrosis.
Circ_0072088 gived play to its role by targeting miR-330-3p
To evaluate whether circ_0072088 influenced EMT process by targeting miR-330-3p, AML12 hepatocytes was transfected with pcDNA3.1-circ_0072088, miR-330-3p mimic and NC. We found that e-cadherin protein was markedly decreased, and α-SMA and vimentin proteins were observably increased in AML12 hepatocytes with transfect circ_0072088 using western blot assay. Moreover, miR-330-3p upregulation weakened circ_0072088 effect (Figure 3A-D). Meanwhile, the expression levels of collagen-1 and collagen-4 (ECM markers) were decreased in AML12 hepatocytes co-transfected with miR-330-3p mimic and pcDNA3.1-circ_0072088. These research results indicated that the effect of circ_0072088 induce ECM accumulation was suppressed through upregulation of miR-330-3p (Figure 3E-G). Cell viability was significantly decreased by circ_0072088 treatment, whereas miR-330-3p mimic significantly reversed this effect compared with NC group (Figure 3H). Collectively, circ_0072088 regulated EMT and hepatic fibrosis by targeting miR-330-3p.
MiR-330-3p bind CDK1 3′-UTR
To obtain further explore the undering mechanism, the TargetScan database was applied to comfirm gene targets. We found that a binding site for miR-330-3p was ensured on the CDK1 3′-UTR (Figure 4A). Meanwhile, miR-330-3p obviously restrained luciferase activity of CDK1-WT. Nevertheless, the luciferase activity of CDK1-MUT was not affected using luciferase reporter assay (Figure 4B). Based on the bioinformatics analysis and luciferase reporter assay, we evalated the role of miR-330-3p on CDK1. Firstly, we obtained that CDK1 protein was time-dependently augment in the TGF-β1 treated AML12 hepatocytes (Figure 4C). Besides, miR-330-3p could reduce the expression level of CDK1 at protein (Figure 4D). We also found that miR-330-3p knockdown by AMO‑330-3p increased CDK1 protein level compared with control and miR-NC cells (Figure 4E). Therefore, it was concluded that miR-330-3p directly targeted CDK1 3′-UTR.
Knockdown of circ_0072088 indirectly restrain CDK1 expressionby miR-330-3p
To explored whether miR-330-3p regulate EMT process through CDK1 changes, pcDNA-CDK1, miR-330-3p mimic were transfected to AML12 hepatocytes. We found that e-cadherin protein was markedly increased, and α-SMA and vimentin proteins were observably decreased in AML12 hepatocytes with transfect miR-330-3p using western blot assay. Moreover, CDK1 upregulation weakened miR-330-3p effect (Figure 5A-D). Meanwhile, miR-330-3p overexpression inhibited collagen-1 and collagen-4 at protein level, which was restored by CDK1 (Figure 5E-G). Taken together, miR-330-3p regulated EMT and fibrosis in AML12 hepatocytes, which could be reversed by targeting CDK1.
We further elucidated the regulate mechanism of circ_0072088 regulate CDK1 expression in hepatic fibrosis. AML12 was transfected with si-circ_0072088, AMO-330-3p, and AMO-NC. Circ_0072088 silence reduced the expression level of CDK1 at protein, while knockdown of miR-330-3p could restore the effect (Figure 5H). Collectively, our data suggested that circ_0072088 deficiency could restrain CDK1 expression acting as miR-330-3p sponges.