Several works have shown that stromal cells and their secreted factors can exert different and diverse effects on tumor development, influencing proliferation, invasion, and metastasis processes [23]. Experiments performed with conditioned media from adipocytes evidenced that secreted proteins have effects more pronounced on breast cancer proliferation than factors released by other cell types [24]. However, it is unknown which transcriptional factors and cofactors regulate adipokine expression in tumor microenvironment.
In this work we have demonstrated for the first time that NCoA3 coactivator expression in breast tumor-associated adipocytes is upregulated with respect to normal fat cells, according to the data obtained in all the used models: MAT adjacent to human breast tumors, murine MAT and cell line-derived adipocytes stimulated with BrCM and also, bioinformatics analysis of public datasets.
Previous studies have described a role for NCoA3 in adipose tissue at normal physiological conditions [25, 26] and we have recently demonstrated that NCoA3 levels diminish during adipogenesis [6], revealing the importance of this coactivator in adipocyte behavior.
In breast cancer, it was reported that the NCoA3 gene is amplified in 5–10% of human tumors and its protein is overexpressed in 60% of tumors [7, 27]. In the breast cancer context, our results showed that 59% of MAT adjacent to tumors overexpressed NCoA3, suggesting that the expression of this coactivator gives a growth advantage to mammary tumors and the surrounding adipose tissue itself.
Furthermore, the correlation of tumoral NCoA3 expression levels and breast cancer molecular markers is contradictory, however, breast cancer patients expressing high levels of tumoral NCoA3 showed poor prognosis and chemoresistance [28–31]. Despite our cohort size, we did not find an association between adipose NCoA3 levels and breast cancer molecular markers in accordance to literature [28, 30].
In our ex vivo model, we observed T-47D BrCM upregulates NCoA3 expression in adipocytes more than MDA-MB-231. Interestingly, NCoA3 expression levels in the breast cancer cell line T-47D are greater than MDA-MB-231 cells [32, 33]. Therefore, an association between NCoA3 levels in breast cancer cell lines and adipocytes is suggested but further studies are needed.
The differential expression of NCoA3 between T-47D and MDA-MB-231 cell lines could lead them to different secretomes. In fact, it has been evidenced these mammary tumor cell lines secrete distinct cytokine patterns [34]. For instance, T-47D cells release more TNF than MDA-MB-231 and, indeed, we have previously demonstrated that this cytokine stimulates T-47D proliferation [11]. Moreover, we have formerly reported TNF is able to induce NCoA3 expression via NF-κB activation [5] and this could explain high expression of this coactivator in adipocytes stimulated by T-47D BrCM. However, due to the heterogeneity of BrCM, other molecules should not be excluded.
Although in our model we used BrCM from human cell lines to stimulate murine adipocytes and the cross-reaction should not be guaranteed, the capability of human TNF to bind and stimulate murine p55 TNF receptor has been already validated [35].
Remarkably, although we observed that one of the non-tumoral samples expressed high NCoA3 levels, it was from a patient diagnosed with mastitis, characterized by localized inflammation. That suggests the relevance of the inflammatory context to NCoA3 expression.
NCoA3 was first identified as a coactivator for nuclear receptors [36], and later for other transcription factors, such as NF-κB [19]. In breast cancer, constitutive NF-κB activation is associated with poor prognosis and chemoresistance, as well as with hormone-independent breast cancer progression [37]. Furthermore, in a hormone-dependent breast cancer model, we have previously demonstrated that NF-κB, ERα and NCoA3 are part of the same protein complex and this induces cyclin D1 expression [11].
Considering NF-κB has an important role in breast cancer development and its activity is enhanced by NCoA3, we studied the implication of this transcriptional factor in our models. We found that adipocytes in tumoral context had greater NF-κB activation, which is consistent with the upregulation of NCoA3 expression levels. Even more, T-47D-associated adipocytes exhibited an increase in the expression of target genes of NF-κB, encoding inflammatory molecules.
Previous works have shown that adipocytes can produce cytokines such as TNF and MCP1, in the inflammatory context [4, 38]. Moreover, we found that fat cells in tumoral context not only did express more NCoA3 but also they were capable of secreting high TNF levels. This cytokine could act on adipocytes itself, in an autocrine way, establishing a positive feedback loop in addition to tumor-released TNF.
The dysregulated secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, such as TNF and MCP1, by adipocytes can lead to recruitment of macrophages and an increase in CLS [4, 22], as we observed in our results. CLS is a hallmark of chronic adipose tissue inflammation, and increased numbers of CLS in the breast have been associated with increased risk and poor prognosis of breast cancer patients in both obese individuals and those with normal body mass index [22]. CLS formation has been shown to enhance the expression of inflammatory cytokines/chemokines, further activating macrophages for clearing apoptotic adipocytes, generating positive feedback.
Of interest, in our results we observed that NCoA3 silencing or NF-κB inhibition reverted in a similar manner the cytokine expression, suggesting that these molecules are co-dependent in this process. These results are relevant considering that the evaluated cytokines favor tumor progression [11, 39] and contribute to the comprehension of the interaction between fat cells and breast cancer.
In conclusion, this is the first time that the expression of NCoA3 is reported to be increased in MAT adjacent to breast cancer. In Fig. 5, we propose that breast cancer-secreted factors, such as TNF, induce activation of NF-κB and upregulation of NCoA3 expression, which in turn power up the transcription of TNF and MCP1. Once these inflammatory cytokines are released, they could have effects on fat cells themself, breast cancer cells and also macrophages, propitiating an inflammatory context that promotes tumor progression and worse prognosis.
As adipocytes are involved in the development and progression of breast cancer, the modulation of NCoA3 levels in MAT and its possible role in inflammatory processes related to cancer deserve to be further investigated to improve future tumoral treatments.