Socio-demographic Characteristics of Participants
Participants were total of twelve women aged 17–35 years old who were receiving abortion care services in two health centers of Wolaita Sodo town. Most of the women had safe induced abortion and only one participant had unsafe abortion due to loss of information (Table 1).
Table 1
Background information of participants on reasons of women who undergone repeat induced abortion in Wolaita Sodo town, April 2021.
Socio-demographic Characteristics of Participants
Age (Years)
Marital Status
Educational status
Diploma and above
Occupational status
Daily laborer
House wives
Government employee
Commercial sex worker
Frequency of induced abortion
Fourth and above
Time gap between current and previous induced abortion
< 1 year
< 2 years and ≥ 1 year
Types of previous induced abortion
Unsafe abortion
Safe abortion
Emerged Themes
Reasons that has led study participants to undergone repeat induced abortion have been categorized in to five main themes; maternal related, partner and family related, healthcare & educational institution related, community related, and policy related reason. In addition effects of induced abortion was identified as an independent team. Within each themes further sub-themes were identified (Fig. 1).
Theme 1: Maternal Related Reasons
Four sub-themes of contraceptive related, future plans, fear of challenges/difficulties in life and risky sexual behaviors have been identified under this main theme.
Sub-theme 1: Contraceptive Related
Contraceptive discontinuation due to fear of side effects, contraceptive failure, fear of if families knowing about their contraceptive usage, lack of information and poor knowledge about contraceptives, rumors/myth and non-adherence to the contraceptive method were stated as a reason for having unwanted pregnancies that ended with repeat induced abortion.
Participants have stated fear of side effects for discontinuation of contraceptive use repeatedly as a reason for having unwanted pregnancy and repeat induced abortion. A 25 years old woman who had unwanted pregnancy due to contraceptives discontinuation stated she has used contraceptive methods and discontinued many times because she felt it was not suitable for her. A 26 years old commercial sex worker, stated that she knows that contraceptive methods are useful but not happy using it because she associated contraceptive with side effects that can affect her day to day life. She also stated irregular menstrual bleeeding makes sleeping with male customer very dificult and affecting her daily income.
Women stated that they fear contraceptive failure and claims as ineffective. A 26 years old, commercial sex worker has stated that as she lost trust on contraceptives because of the past history of contraceptive failure. Again, 24-year-old married women stated, “I don't want to use contraceptive method because I don't think they prevent pregnancy effectively.”
Intention to hide their contraceptive use from other family members and community was also stated as reason for not using that lead them to unwanted pregnancy. These particularly reported by adolescents living with their families and married women who were not currently living with their partners. For adolescents, parents will not approve contraceptive use and as sexual intercourse before marriage is considered as misbehavior by the community.
On the other hand, a 24-year-old women who is currently not living with her husband mentioned “I can't feel free to use birth control methods because of the peoples around me. Most methods are visible and someone can see them easily.” She has expressed a soceity associate using family planning while the husband is not around with cheating.
These women were not even want to be recognized by health professionals. She added “Once I tried to use and went to the family planning service center but there was our neighbor nurse in the center. Then I hide from her and returned home without receiving the service.”
Lack of information about where to get family planning services was another factor that resulted in unwanted pregnancy among adolescents. In line with this, an 18 years old adolescent girl who had a history of rape has stated:
“When it [Rape] happened, I don't have any information about what to do and how to prevent pregnancy. I had no idea of using emergency pills. I had no idea what to do”.
Not only about different contraceptive methods, adolescents has also explained as they do not have adequate information about menstural cycle and the specific time of the cycle in which they will be at risk of getting pregnant. A 17 years old adolescent explained this by saying “I do not know when it is the most risky time of getting pregnant. I don't know if it is safer or not to have sex before or after monthly bleeding. I don't even know how to count those days of the menstrual cycle exactly.”
Some participants especially youths had reported to have inadequate knowledge about types of family planning methods. Most of them had knowledge of only short acting contraceptive methods. A 17 years old participant said “I only know emergency pills and tablets but never used any type”. Another 22 years old participant added “I know oral tablets, emergency post pills and condom.”
Rumors about birth control methods is one factor that hinders using contraceptives and cause unwanted pregnancy. A 35 years old woman stated as she heard peoples talking about contraceptives by saying "Many people spoke contraceptives as not good and scratches uterus". This misleading information includes, contraceptives cause harm on uterus, infertility and weight loss due to these rumors participants had bad perception and fear to use. A 25 years old participant stated as "Some peoples say contraceptive methods are good and some says it is not good, it causes weight loss. They spoke if woman use any type of contraceptive method she will become infertile."
Other contraceptive related reason resulting in unwanted pregnancy and subsequent abortion is non-adherence to contraceptive methods to which they were using. An 18 years old adolescent girl mentioned "Most of the time I used emergency pills and sometimes oral tablets. Mostly I may miss one or two pill, once I missed, in the next day I stop taking the pill. I think that they may not help after missed."
Some participants expressed that they were using oral tablets as emergency pills. They took for few days after unprotected sex and didn't finish full 28 pills. A 22 years old participant stated "I used oral monthly tablets and post pills. I was taking oral tablets for six or seven days after unprotected sex. I stop taking pills mostly after one week."
Partner refusal to use condom during sexual intercourse also caused women to engage in unprotected sex and resulted in unwanted pregnancy.
It is perceived that only women are expected to use contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancy and men prefer unsafe sex. A 22 years old participant stated "Males only expect us to use contraceptive pills; they do not want to use condom, they prefer to have sex without condom."
She also stated that there was free condom supply in the university but males don't want to use and said as "There is free condom in the university but everyone can see you while taking the condom; they do not even feel comfortable taking the free condoms offered by the university clinic, it lacks privacy." A 21 years old woman stated "males prefer sex without condom and female don't use condom rather expect the male to have it"
Sub-theme 2: Future Plans
Respondents have mentioned desire to continue education, their future goal/ambitions to have better and improved life, need to limit and spacing children as their reason to seek repeat induced abortion. It was perceived that adolescents fear school dropout due to unwanted pregnancy. So girls who faced unwanted pregnancy seek abortion to continue their education and high level of fear of being mom while they are in school.
An 18 years old girl stated that her family especially her mom may accept her to give birth but she decided to terminate her pregnancy to continue her education. Another 22 years old girl added "I do not want dropping out of school due to child birth, I have to finish."
Participants expressed having a child may interfere with their future ambitions/goals and hopes to have improved life. They feel as not ready, not owning or being established with better life to have a child currently. A 26 years old commercial sex worker mentioned that she doesn't want to have child with her current life and work, she needs to improve her life before having child. She stated "Imagine if I had children and what they going to feel when they knew what I do for living. I think it harm their emotion. So, before having child I have to change my work, have better and stable income to afford at least my child’s basic needs."
Need to limit children among married women is another reason for seeking repeat induced abortion. Participants stated they preferred to have repeat induced abortion than to have more child. A 35 years old woman who already had seven children described "Even though my husband wanted to have more child, I decided not to have more child and aborted the pregnancy." She has also history of failed abortion attempt and added about difficulty of nurturing even available children.
Women need to space or stop child birth temporarily and terminate unwanted pregnancy to improve their profession/career. A 27 years old participant who had three children and decided to space birth in order to improve her educational status said "Even though I may have one or two child in the future, I want to pause giving birth temporarily. I have to complete my education to hold my degree so that I can improve my job, my income and I can give better life to my children."
Sub-theme 3: Economic Factors
As mentioned by most participants, economic problem was their major reason to seek repeat induced abortion service. Majority of women were dependent on family, sexual partner or someone else; this makes them to feel less capable of raising their unborn child. A 20 years old university student mentioned even if she wants to give birth, her boyfriend opposed because they both are dependent on their family. She said they cannot take responsibility of raising a child at this time and it is risky and difficult for them. A 25 years old woman who had two children stated as she preferred to have abortion rather than having more children. She said "I don't hate to give birth, but I don’t have myown income to raise the baby(...Crying...)." A 26 year old commercial sex worker also stated she will not have adequate income to provide even food for her new born. She mentioned as she can’t even feed herself. She stated "Within these two weeks, I didn't even have money to buy food for myself because I can't serve my customers due to this abortion." Another mother also stated as she prefered to have repeat induced abortion because she were worried and confused whether or not they can provide better life for their children.
Sub-theme 4: Maternal Risky Sexual Behavior
Youths, especially university students engage in abusing addictive substances due to lack of recreational places in the city where youths can spend their time; and low cost and easy access of addictive substances. After abusing, they practice unprotected sexual intercourse and having multiple sexual partners due to impaired decision-making ability and not considering risks related with multiple sexual partners. Respondents criticized concerned government or university bodies for not seriously enforcing rules and taking action to eradicate houses that provide addictive substances such as khat, shisha, alcohol and cigarettes.
A 21 years old university student explained how easy accessibility of these substances within and around the university compound had put her at risk of having unprotected sex, multiple unwanted pregnancies which ended with having repeat induced abortion. She said, "After using shisha and drinking alcohol I mostly engage in unprotected sex because it is less likely to think about the use of condom; even though I regret about my action the next morning." Another 17 years old adolescent girl said "After chewing khat and drinking alcohol, we had sex every time when he want without thinking about the risk...I never thought of getting pregnant but it happened." A participant also mentioned that because of the substances they used, their decision making ability hindered and because of these, they are less likely to use condom.
As described by participants, students who abuse addictive substances have multiple sexual partners. A 21 years old participant who has multiple sexual partners to get money for her expenses and addiction; and said "I have boyfriends with whom I goes to nightclub, I drunk different types of alcohols; I stayed longer until it gets so late and I slept together simply may be with eight or more boys in a single room." The girl mentioned that due to substances abused, she had sex with multiple boys and said "sex happens and it may be with more than one male in single night." She didn't know from whom she became pregnant. In line with this she said "I have three or more sexual partners: the one who give me money, the one who is romantic/can give good love and so on."
Substance use resulted in unprotected sex without considering the risks of unwanted pregnancy due to reduced cognitive ability to make rational decisions of using condom. Youths especially adolescents don't think of practicing safe sex and girls leave responsibility of using condom mostly for males. A 21 years old girl said "Mostly it is unprotected sex because it is less likely to think about the use of condom; in the next morning I ask myself and I regret after all."
Theme 2: Partner and Family Related Reasons
Under this theme four sub-themes were identified. These are abusive partner and family member, relationship status, risky sexual behavior of partner and family relation.
Sub-theme 1: Abusive Partner and Family Member
Study participants has listed experience of intimate partner violence, rape and pregnancy from family member/relative as a cause for seeking repeat induced abortion.
Women who experienced intimate partner violence seek repeat induced abortion. When their partner is abusive especially while they were pregnant, they perceived that giving birth to that pregnancy may worsen the violation. A 35 years old woman mentioned this by saying "I decided to have abortion because my husband became hard for me, and we had disagreement between us." Another 25 years old woman stated she had repeated abortion because her husband hits and insults her while she was pregnant because of her dependency on his income. She said "When he hits me, I become exasperated, irritated…I am even suffering a lot to raise two, why should I give birth to that man's (abusive husband’s) baby?"
Participants mentioned that mostly women/young girls are abused, raped and impregnated by family members who were near to them or someone who was trusted and never expected as 'he never do this' or by their boyfriends. In line with this 24 years old married woman who is currently not living with her husband rather living with his families said "I got pregnant by my husbands' younger brother." She added that her husbands' brother insults, abuses and threatens her and said "He always scares me, abuses me. I had no choice, when I say no to have sex with him he starts beating and insulting me. He tells lies about me to his families." She perceived that girls are not trusted by the community, families, if they tell to someone about violence they faced; therefore she couldn't tell anyone to get help. Another 18 years old adolesecnt girl said:
"I was raped by my older brother's best friend. I couldn't tell to anyone because he is known like well-mannered person by our family and he is assumed family member or like brother."
A 17 years old adolescent girl stated that even if she was impregnated by her boyfriend, it was against her will to have sex. She thought that people may not perceive as a rape because they were couple almost for one year. She said "We were like couple for almost one year...It was rape, but people may not think it as a rape. Of course we were lovers but I want to stay. I have refused to have sex but it happened."
Sub-theme 2: Relationship Status
As participants stated, men are irresponsible, denying and reluctant to take responsibility after impregnating women. A 19 years old participant stated that her boyfriend left her and broke up after he knew about her pregnancy. In line with this another 17 years old adolescent girl mentioned that her boyfriend left her after the pregnancy and said "He said it is not mine, where did you get it? Go and search the father for your child." Another 22 years old participant stated:
"He blamed me for getting pregnant; he run away from me but during sex he always refuses using condom."
Sub-theme 3: Risky Sexual Behavior of Partner
Participants have mentioned knowing as their partners having multiple sexual partners as causes to have repeat induced abortion. As they described, their partners’ behavior of having multiple sexual partners puts their marriage or relationship insecure. Because of this, they preferred to have abortion than having child from doubtful relation or marriage. In line with this a 35 years old woman who had children mentioned "My husband is hard and not good for me. He sees another women." She stated, after she knew her hasband started of seeing another women, she perceived that her marriage is indanger and don't want to have another baby.
Sub-theme 4: Family Relation
Respondents mentioned that absence of good family relation, lack of having free and open discussion made them curios of their body changes during development of secondary sexual characteristics. Due to lack of good family relation, mostly adolescents are challenged by peer pressure. During adolescence period, body changes trigger to try and experiment everything around including early and unsafe premarital sex. These trials and engaging in sexual activity early without awareness of prevention way and its consequences made adolescents face unwanted pregnancies which ended with repeat induced abortions due to lack of discussion.
Participants perceived that don’t having good family relation, free and open discussion with family made them to have unwanted pregnancies in early age and made to seek repeat induced abortion. A 17 years old adolescent girl expressed "Not having habit of open discussion in my family about the risk of early, unsafe and premarital sex and how to abstain; put me to have unwanted pregnancy and subsequently abortion." She added that there should be open discussion between parents and their children about secondary sexual characteristics, risk of premarital sex and early pregnancies.
Theme 3: Healthcare and Educational Institution Related Reasons
Under this theme three sub-themes have been identified. These are schools and educational institutions services, healthcare institutions not providing post-abortion counseling and health care institutions provide ineffective post-abortion family planning (PAFP) counseling.
Sub-theme 1: Schools and Educational Institutions Services
Absence of education about sexuality, reproductive health and life skill; and not user friendly services by clinics in educational institutions was stated as a reason for having unprotected sex which resulted in unwanted pregnancy.
Participants mentioned that having sexuality and reproductive health related education in schools helps to avoid early sex and unplanned pregnancies. In contrast not having education about sexuality and reproductive health predisposed to have unplanned pregnancies which made participants to seek repeat induced abortion. A 17 years old adolescent girl said
"I had no information source about how to prevent unplanned pregnancy…If there was any education about sexual and reproductive health issues in our school, I may not got pregnant and seek abortion services repeatedly…"
Participants reported that clinics in higher educational institution/university provide health counseling and condom distribution but students don't feel comfortable because it is not user friendly and lacks privacy. A 21 years old woman who is university student stated "Condom distribution at university was available but I do not felt comfortable to use it; I was afraid because the place was not user friendly or suitable to seek the service; there were students who works there, they knew me…I got pregnant…" She added "I didn't want to be seen by my friends who work in the student clinic…"
Sub-theme 2: Unavailability of Post-abortion Family Planning Counseling
Participants expressed that most of the healthcare providers in abortion and family planning rooms were busy, exhausted and hard to approach. These are listed by participants as a reason for not receiving post-abortion family planning counseling service, had unplanned pregnancy and seek repeat induced abortion.
Regarding being busy, participants stated that they have observed staff shortage and the providers had no adequate time to provide post-abortion family planning counseling and services. An 18 years old adolescent girl expressed "When I got at the clinic, they had no time to talk and tell me about anything, they were too busy." A 19 years old participant added that she didn't received post-abortion family planning counseling and the healthcare providers simply sent her to home. She also stated as she didn't heard about post-abortion family planning counseling and that was the reason for her to seek repeat induced abortion.
In addition the participants stated that healthcare providers' approach made them not to receive post-abortion family planning counseling. According to the participants service providers were hard to approach and the way women were treated by staff affects women’s willingness to get post-abortion family planning counseling and services. It is perceived that healthcare providers should provide adequate informations about contraceptives. A 22 years old woman stated "I don't understand why healthcare professionals don't give adequate and appropriate information to women who had an abortion about family planning methods and other related issues and let us decide which type of contraceptive method to use." She added that healthcare providers judges women who seek abortion.
A 20 years old woman mentioned that providers were also unhappy and not friendly to counsel about contraceptives after abortion. Another 18 years old participant stated that healthcare providers didn't provide psychological support and even don't want to see unmarried girls who came for abortion and family planning services.
Sub-theme 3: Ineffective Post-Abortion Family Planning Services
Under this sub-theme participants listed contraceptives unavailability, family planning service not preference of women and poor family planning counseling by providers as causes for subsequent unwanted pregnancies and abortion.
It is mentioned that participants left the institution without receiving family planning services because of unavailability of suitable contraceptive.
A 26 years old woman stated "They [Healthcare providers] told me that contraceptives are not available at the health center and sent me to buy from private pharmacies. I had no money at that moment, I went home to buy another day then I got pregnant in between...” A 27 years old woman mentioned that she was unable to get family planning method at the health center. She said "I visited health center to use contraceptives, but there was no depo and they told me to return next week. I went to the health center after three weeks, then the nurse ordered me to have urine test and it was positive for pregnancy"
Another 35 years old woman mentioned even though she was advised to receive a family planning method, the available method in the health center was not the method of her choice.
A 27 years old participant said "after my previous pregnancy termination they offered me to use loop or implants but I didn't want to use these methods" A mother has also stated the level and quality of counseling was not adequete enough to convince her to use FP immidiatly after abortion. Another 17 years old adolescent girl mentioned that care providers only told to avoid sex but not how to prevent unintended pregnancy.
Theme 4: Community Related Reasons
Two sub-themes were identified under this theme. These are traditional gender norms of community and keeping pregnancy as secret due to fear of unacceptability and stigma.
Sub-theme 1: Traditional Gender Norms
According to participants, a lot of responsibilities community has assigned to women and should be carried out by them and unacceptability of unmarried and young women using contraceptives in the community are another reasons to seek induced abortion.
Participants have expressed as they decided to have repeat induced abortion because it is assumed that dealing with unwanted pregnancy was the role of women. It was also noted that men were reluctant to help women. A 20 years old woman stated women were solely blamed for getting pregnant. She said that men are not held accountable for their action. She mentioned "They [community members] don't understand there is somebody who is called 'man' and responsible for his action." Another 35 years old woman added that women are responsible to raise children and generating income by saying "Women are mostly responsible for raising children, getting income. If the partner is not willing to participate in the process of child growth." In addition it was mentioned by the participant that contraceptive use by unmarried women was not acceptable by the community.
Sub theme 2: Fear of Pregnancy Unacceptability and Stigma
Participants seek repeat induced abortion due to the reason that premarital pregnancy is not acceptable by community and fear of stigma.
A 19 years old participant stated that family don't agree with having pregnancy out of marriage and said "Families doesn't accept premarital is taboo, so I aborted it. In our community becoming pregnant out of wedlock is taboo." A 22 years old woman added that she kept pregnany as secret "I do not want to be known about my pregnancy that is out of wedlock while studying in university."
Theme 5: Policy Related Reasons
One sub-theme of law enforcement was identified under this theme.
Sub-theme 1: Law Enforcement
Participants has listed ease of the law or not having exemplary punishment as a reason to be raped repetitively and seek repeat induced abortion. Women expressed that criminals are not taken to courts or left without appropriate punishment, this worsens the life of raped girls/women with repeated rape, violence, unwanted pregnancy and multiple abortions. A 17 years old adolescent girl stated "If a person who raped or had sex with a girl without her agreement was taken to court and imprisoned strictly, others may not do this…but it is not in such way; they don't care about the law or prison because it is not strict."
Theme 6: Effects of Induced Abortion
I is additional theme of post-abortion feelings, effects and complications women faced. Under this theme two sub-themes were identified. These are emotional feelings and physical pain and sufferings.
Sub-theme 1: Emotional Feelings
Participants stated that they had sense of guiltiness and hopelessness after they had abortion, missing of good oppurtunities in life that put them in current life.
A 20 years old woman stated "I do not feel free, it makes feel guilty." Another 25 years old participant added that abortion doesn't give good feelings even to seek the service. A 24 years old woman expressed that she left only with regrets due to abortion:
"Simply I left with only regrets. If I had studied my education seriously, I would probably have had better life" She added it is all about pretending.
A 27 years old participant mentioned that she considered herself as cruel for her family and and felt guilty for not avoiding unwanted pregnancy.
Participants mentioned that they had feeling of hopelessness after having induced abortion. An 18 years old participant who has history of rape said "I am moving with my pain hopping one day everything will be alright." She had suicidal thought and expressed as:
"I was just afraid, scared and I don't even know what I have to do when the nurse told me I was pregnant. At that time the only thing that I saw as a solution was suicide."
Sub-theme 2: Physical Pain and Sufferings
Participants stated bleeding and severe pain associated with abortion. An 18 years old girl mentioned "The nurse gave me pills to swallow but she doesn't explained detail...she simply told me that it would expel the pregnancy after few hours." She added that healthcare providers didn't provide detail about the procedures. Due to this most of women were scared. She said "I was a bit dizzy, almost fainted..."
Participants expressed that some peoples talk about abortion as it is easy but it is not true. A 17 years old participant stated "It was painful, scary, the room was also so scary." She added that care providers didn't gave analgesics to relief pain during procedure. A 21 years old woman stated as "you may finish the procedure in few minutes but the pain stays longer especially the emotional pain."