P. cubensis isolate identification and inoculum production. An isolate of P. cubensis, SS-01,was recovered from a symptomatic leaf of cucumber cultivar Silver Slicer in June 2019 at the Clemson University Coastal Research and Education Center, Charleston, SC. Inoculum of SS-01 was increased and maintained as in Toporek et al. (2021), with the exception that sporangia were spray-inoculated onto 2-week-old leaves of ‘Silver Slicer’ grown in 50-cell trays (Pro-trays, Hummert International, Earth City, MO) instead of ‘Waltham’ butternut squash. Five lesions from the initial leaf were randomly selected, and DNA was extracted using a Synergy™ Plant DNA Extraction Kit (OPS Diagnostics, Lebanon, NJ) following the manufacturer’s instructions.
DNA concentrations were quantified using a Nanodrop ND 1000 spectrophotometer and NanoDrop 2.4.7c software (NanoDrop Technologies Inc., Wilmington, DE) and normalized to 7.5 ng/μL for downstream applications. The qPCR protocol developed by Rahman et al. (2021) was used to identify to which clade an isolate belonged, with fluorescence quantified using a Stratagene Mx3005P (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) quantitative PCR system. The conventional PCR protocol developed by Dr. P. S. Ojiambo (personal communication) was used to determine mating type. Mating type gene amplifications were performed with a PTC-200 thermal cycler (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA), and amplicons were visualized on a 1.5% agarose gel to verify amplicon size. Amplicons were sequenced bi-directionally by Sanger sequencing using Big Dye V3.1 chemistry and run on ABI 3730XL instruments (Functional Biosciences, Madison, WI). Resulting sequences were trimmed and aligned to mating type A1 and A2 reference gene sequences in Geneious R11 (Geneious, Auckland, NZ).
Plant materials. The U.S. Vegetable Laboratory (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service) generated a cross between CDM resistant breeding line MR-1 and susceptible cultivar Ananas Yoqne’am (AY) (Paris et al. 2013) to create a RIL population (F6–F11) through single seed descent from an F2 population, resulting in 169 lines that segregate for resistance to P. cubensis. (Daley et al. 2017, Branham et al. 2018). A hierarchical nested design was used to screen seedlings of each RIL against SS-01 in two separate experiments in a greenhouse and two separate experiments in a growth chamber (Toporek et al. 2021).
Seeds of each of the 169 RIL, MR-1, AY, and F1 hybrids were sown into 50-cell propagation trays and placed on heating pads for 48 h at 32ºC to encourage uniform germination. Experiments included two replications of five plants of each RIL, with two replications of five plants of MR-1, AY, and the F1 hybrid included as controls. Five days prior to inoculation, seedlings were fertilized with Peters 20-20-20 (N-P-K) water-soluble fertilizer (JR Peters Inc., Allentown, PA) prepared at 2 g/L to promote a dark green leaf to increase contrast between healthy and diseased tissue. Both growth chamber experiments were conducted at 25ºC and 65% relative humidity (RH) with a 12 h photoperiod under LED lights. Greenhouse experiment 1 was seeded October 19, 2020 and rated November 9, 2020. Temperatures ranged from 22°C to 38.5°C, with an average of 25.3°C, and RH ranged from 24.6% to 82.8%, with an average of 62.8%. Seeds for greenhouse experiment 2 were sewn November 23, 2020 and rated December 21, 2020. Temperatures ranged from 16°C to 35°C, with an average of 21.6°C, and RH ranged from 20.5% to 85.5%, with an average of 57.7%.
Phenotyping. Inoculations in all four experiments were performed using freshly produced SS-01 sporangia collected from diseased 2-week-old ‘Silver Slicer’ seedlings as previously described (Toporek et al. 2021). For each seedling, the first true leaf was inoculated with 2 ×104 sporangia/ml and placed into the humid chamber for 24 h, then transferred to either the greenhouse or the growth chamber. Symptoms were allowed to develop for 7 days, then the first true leaves were carefully removed with scissors, placed on a dark blue felt background, and photographed from above with a mounted camera. Photographs of each replication of an inoculated seedling were loaded into the image analysis software program Assess 2.0 (American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN), and the total percentage of discolored leaf area of each leaf was quantified.
Statistical analysis. Phenotypic means were collected across all seedlings of each RIL from each test, excluding any RIL with less than two seedlings per test.Datasets were created for each of the four independent tests, combined data from both tests in an environment, and all tests combined from both environments, resulting in seven different phenotypic datasets. These datasets were tested for normality using Shapiro-Wilk tests in JMPPro, Ver. 14 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). Datasets were non-normal and correlations among tests were analyzed using Spearman’s correlation coefficients in JMP Pro. To calculate variance components, a mixed model was fit using a restricted maximum likelihood algorithm in the lme4 package in R (Bates et al. 2015). Model variables were treated as random effects: RIL (varRIL), environment (greenhouse or growth chamber) (varE), test (varT), the interaction of RIL and test, the interaction of RIL and environment, the interaction of test and environment, the three-way interaction of RIL × environment × test, and block nested within test. Broad-sense heritability (H2) was calculated as the variance of RIL divided by the overall phenotypic variance (Branham et al 2019).
QTL mapping. In conjunction with the C. melo genetic map created by Branham et al. (2018) for this population, comprised of 5,663 binned SNPs spanning all 12 C. melo chromosomes, the seven phenotypic datasets were individually used to identify QTL for CDM resistance. Cross objects of the genetic map and phenotypic data were analyzed using the ‘qtl’ package in R (Broman et al. 2003; R core team 2021). Standard interval mapping with Haley–Knott regression was performed with the ‘scanone’ function (Haley and Knott 1992), followed by forward selection, to determine the optimal number of QTL for downstream modelling and to generate LOD profile figures. The function ‘stepwiseqtl’ was then used to identify the optimal model with five or less QTL for each trait using an automated forward and backward selection algorithm (Broman and Sen 2009; Manichaikul et al. 2009). Genome-wide LOD significance for each dataset was determined with the function ‘scantwo’ based on 1,000 permutations.
KASP Marker Development and Validation. Whole genome resequencing of the parents generated 304,864 SNPs (Branhma et al. 2020) which were used to design KASP markers for the major QTL associated with resistance to P. cubensis Clade 1 / mating type A2 (Toporek et al. 2021) and Clade 2 / mating type A1. These SNPs had been assigned functional roles according to the reference genome annotation (Garcia-Mas et al. 2012) using ANNOVAR version 2017 (Wang et al. 2010). Candidate genes could be identified within the 1.5 LOD were prioritized by the functional annotation of the SNPs.
Ten KASP markers per QTL were designed across qPcub-8.3 and qPcub-10.3-10.4, the major QTL identified in this study, as well as qPcub–8.2 and qPcub–10.1, the major CDM resistance QTL identified in Toporek et al. (2021) associated with resistance to P. cubensis Clade 1 / mating type A2. SNPs were chosen that flanked the QTL peak, were greater than or equal to 50 bp away from each other, preferentially not part of an intron, and within different haplotype blocks, if possible. Preference was also given to SNPs that were non-synonymous or fell within a promotor region.
These SNPs, with the base pair of both parental alleles and their flanking 60 bp regions defined, were supplied to LGC Genomics (Teddington, Middlesex, UK) for “KASP™ by design” services (Online Resource 1). LGC Genomics then developed KASP marker assays for each SNP. PCR reactions (5 µl volume) consisted of 0.07 µl of primer mix (LGC Genomics; fluorophore-labeled allele-specific forward primers and a reverse primer), 2.5 µl of 2X master mix (LGC Genomics) and 20 ng of sample DNA. A PTC-200 thermal cycler was used for a touchdown PCR reaction with a 94°C hot-start activation step for 15 min, then ten cycles of 94°C (20 s) and a starting annealing temperature of 61°C, dropping by 0.6°C each cycle. Twenty-six additional cycles of 94°C for 20 s and 55°C for 60 s followed the touchdown steps. Fluorescence was visualized on a Stratagene Mx3005P and genotypes were called using MxPro v4.10 software.
KASP markers were initially screened using genomic DNA extracted from 2-week-old seedlings of MR-1, AY, and the F1 hybrid using a Synergy 2.0 Plant DNA Extraction Kit, following the manufacturer’s instructions. DNA was quantified using a Nanodrop ND 1000 spectrophotometer and NanoDrop 2.4.7c software and normalized to 20 ng/ul. Each KASP marker was evaluated against six replicates of each parent and the F1 hybrid, as well as six non-template controls, using the previously described PCR protocol. Markers were evaluated based on genotypic clustering profiles. Successful markers were then screened against the entire 169-RIL population and resulting genotypes were added to the GBS-generated genetic map. QTL mapping was conducted as previously described.