3.1 Moisture, morphology and elemental analysis of biomass
Moisture content percentage (%) is an important variable in the pectin extraction process. In the study samples, the moisture content percentage in wet base were 67%, 62%, 60% and 9% for mango, orange and tangerine peels and tamarind seeds respectively. The SEM photomicrographs of the four study biomasses show significant differences in size and morphology (see Figure S1, support information). In the case of the mango peels (Manguifera Indica L.) (Figure S1a), it can be seen a mixture of fibrous agglomerations and spherical structures. The spheres range in diameter from 0.68 micron to 2 micron. In the orange peel (Citrus sinensis) (Figure S1b), thick agglomerated fibers could be seen (18.7 micron to 50 micron long with variable thicknesses). On the other hand, tamarind seeds (Tamarindus indica L.) (Figure S1c), which had to be grinded due to their original size, present a heterogeneous morphology in shape and size, which goes from 3 micron to 30 micron structures. Finally, tangerine peels (Citrus reticulada L.) (Figure S1d), showed a homogeneous matrix of tangled roots like fibers (structures with lengths above 50 micron).
Also, it was possible to identify the presence of salts in the biomasses by means of an elemental analysis (see Table S3, Support information). In this study, we analyzed if the salt content influenced the process of pectin extraction, since it could have influenced the solution change of pH of the HCl and H2SO4 solution respectively. For the four biomasses, K was present, the largest amount contained in the tamarind seeds (1.74%w). The lowest amount was found in the orange peels with a 0.96%w (being almost twice smaller than the one in the tamarind seeds). Another element detected was Ca, which appeared only in the citruses (orange and tangerine) in 0.49%w for both of them. Finally, Mg was identified only in the tamarind peels in 0.66% in weight. However, the presence or absence of some salts in biomasses is attributed to biomass type, variety and cultivation region. In addition, the results obtained by EDS have sensitivity, not detecting relationships of small concentrations of the elements present [19]. The presence of salts in the solution may change of pH over the process duration and this may be not advantageous.
All biomasses showed variations in pH values at the end of the process. However, no trend was observed with the pectin yields obtained in this study. Therefore, the effect of salts on the process cannot be identified. However, citric biomasses were the samples with the greatest change in the pH value (2.2 to 2.9) and presented lower pectin yields than reported in other studies [40, 38, 4]. The tamarind seed was the biomass with the least effect on the pH values (2 to 2.2).
3.2 Pectin yield determination
Pectin yields go from 4–32.9%, the highest one was obtained from tamarind seeds using factorial design 23 by evaluating the influence of temperature, time and catalyst in hydrolysis. As can be seen in Table 2, the yields were affected by the three study variables and by the type of biomass. For some factorial design conditions, mango and orange peels showed unacceptable yields to be called biomasses that are rich in pectin (under 12%w in a dry base), as mentioned by Edwards et al. [12] (2012).
The maximum yields for the four biomasses were: mango peels 17.1% (Exp 7), orange peels 16.9% (Exp 7), tangerine peels 19.65% (Exp 7) and tamarind seeds 32.45% (Exp 6). For the first three biomasses the yields favored the same process conditions, experiment 7, at an 80ºC temperature, 60 minutes and HCl. Whereas for tamarind seeds it benefitted at 80ºC, 30 minutes and H2SO4 (Exp 6), a relative long period (Exp 8) of extraction would cause a thermal degradation effect on the extracted pectin [48].
As can be seen the pectin yield results (Table 2) of citrus peels, different trends in values. The orange peel requires more time for protopectin (insoluble) to solubilize and increase the production of soluble pectin [48, 49]. Pectin yields have been reported to be greater than those obtained in this study, using longer times. Reported pectin yields were: 25.8% (HNO3 and 100 min) [38] and 29.3% (H2PO4, 120 min) [19]. The maximum yield for the extraction of pectin from tangerine peel was the same as that reported by Chen et al (19.9%) [4]. The results of ANOVA are presented in Table S4 (Support information). The determination coefficient of yield of mango peels pectin, orange peels pectin, tangerine peels pectin and tamarind seeds pectin was 99.25%, 99.01%, 97.89% and 99.91%, respectively. The high value of R2, adj-R2 and pre-R2 (all biomasses) clearly stated that the relationship between the response and independent variables is well correlated (see Table S4, Support information) [8]. The higher model F-value and the associate lower p-values demonstrated that, the developed model was significant.
Figure 1 shows the variance Pareto diagrams (ANOVA) of the statistical analysis of a factorial design 23 in the pectin extraction process (yield, %), the sources: (a) mango peels, (b) orange peels, (c) tamarind seeds and (d) tangerine peels. The magnitude and order of the effects used, catalyst type, time and temperature (with a level of confidence of 0.05).
For all the cases, independently of the biomass used for the pectin extraction, the most important factor to increase yield in acid hydrolysis is the temperature. In tamarind seed pectin, all the individual factors and interactions showed a statistic significance above 95%.
To evaluate the direction of the effects, standardized effect graphics were used; in Figure S2 (a, b, c, d) significant values (red squares) and not significant values (blue circles) were observed. Considering that the factors are: A (HCl o H2SO4), B (30 minutes and 60 minutes), and C (60ºC and 80ºC).
For mango pectin (Figure S2a), it could be seen that factor A, presented a negative standardized effect, whereas time (B) and temperature (C), had a positive standardized effect, that is, when the catalyst type variable high value (H2SO4) is used, the yield decreased. Opposite case for the yields of pectin obtained from tamarind biomass (Figure S2c), in which using H2SO4 is more convenient to increase yield. The type of catalyst did not influence the yield statistically in the systems where citric orange peels (Figure S2b) and tangerine peels (Figure S2d) were used. On the other hand, regarding the variables time and temperature and using high levels (60 minutes and 80ºC), the yield was increased for the four biomass types.
It has been found in previous studies that temperature is an important variable in the process of pectin extraction [25], as can be seen in the results. The yield increase due to the temperature increase can be explained by means of the enhancement of solubility and diffusion of the acid in the solid matrix at higher temperatures [39]. Also, increased temperature was shown to enhance the solubility of protopectin.
The other study variable was time (30 minutes and 60 minutes), the yield increased when using 60 minutes; which was favored by contact, that is, the penetration between the extractor and the biomass’ solid matrix was longer. This larger penetration caused and increases in the mass transfer of pectin with the liquid [25, 38], which aids in disruption of cell wall structure and separation of protopectin is achieved.
Finally, the type of catalyst was influenced by the type of biomass that was used. In the case of the orange, tangerine and mango peels the yield increased in relation to HCl, and in the case of the tamarind seeds in relation to H2SO4.
The analysis of the effect of the salt mineral presence, type and morphology on the process was studied using only the tamarind seed pectin (eight experiments). The selection was based on the fact, that this biomass showed the best yield ant the lowest moisture content. Table 3 shows the absence or presence of potassium or calcium for each pectin. The presence of Ca and Al in the pectin is because the proportion of these elements increased with respect to total sample [19]. Consequently the Ca and Al could be detected by EDS. In the systems where the conditions were a longer time and sulfuric acid in the extraction process, the salts were released from the pectin surface. For short times, they appear in the samples. This could have been because they were dragged during the long time of exposure to the solvent during hydrolysis.
In the case of the use of HCl, the experiments showed only the presence of potassium. Based on the morphological analysis (Fig. 2), several changes were observed based on the catalyst type. When using HCl, micrographies of A-D, showed heterogeneous structures and agglomerated lumps of different sizes. It is worth mentioning that in pectin C, a thinner morphology than in the other samples was observed. The SEM images using H2SO4 are showed in the micrographs E-H. Different forms are shown in these pectins; systems E and G presented structures shaped like fine, thin, and long sheets, which could be the most easily broken. It is worthwhile to mention that these sizes are larger than those of pectins with HCl. In system F, a pectin with a robust surface and variable sized porosity was obtained, also, it showed to be thicker than pectins E and G. Finally, pectin H was seen as fibrous tubular shaped agglomerated pectin fluctuating about 900 µm approximately.
Finally, the image and element analysis by SEM-EDS, lets points out that using HCl minimized the pectin yield, and that the time and temperature factors, did not influence the presence of calcium and the morphology in a significant way, opposite to the case when H2SO4 is used.
3.3 Determination of Pectin DE
The DE determination was done by means of ATR-FTIR characterization; it was compared to commercial pectin (apple, Aldrich Sigma) and used as a reference. Figures S3, S4, S5 and S6 showed the peaks that are characteristic of the absorbance for each pectin in the study. In each case, the pectin was analyzed according to the experiment on Table 2. According to Gananasambandam and Proctor [50] (2000), the peaks can undergo some shifting or changes in the samples intensity due to a small difference in the structure and the composition of the molecules. That is why we can expect that the biomasses of different origin presented spectral variations (Table S5). The main characteristic peaks are seen in Table S5, where the absorbances assignments corresponding to the wave length for pectins were shown, based on study references [3, 25, 50]. The samples are: PM (mango pectin), PO (orange pectin), PTn (tangerine pectin) and PT (tamarind pectin).
Some changes were observed in the characteristic peak for stretching O-H, being samples E2, E5, and E7, the ones that showed lower intensities (Figure S3). Based on the vibrations at 1738 cm-1 and 1637 cm-1, there were some significant changes too. Nevertheless, the vibration at 1738 cm-1 had the most variations (esterified structure).
It was considered that the PO samples (Figure S4) were the ones that underwent fewer changes in the substances, that is, they presented better stability to the study variables in the extraction process.
For the PTn samples study, significant changes were observed in Figure S5 The intensity of the stretching O-H was affected in the vibration corresponding to the 3350 cm-1 wavelength. A larger magnitude prevailed for experiments E1 to E4 and for sample E5 a decrease regarding the other samples was seen. In the same way, the peak corresponding to the vibration C-H (2929 cm-1), attributed to methyl ester [40] suffered changes in intensity, mostly significant for E8. Also, it could be that for pectins (obtained from PTn), the vibrations at 1736 cm-1 and 1636 cm-1 were more stable to the other biomasses.
In the PT samples (Figure S6), the stretching corresponding to O-H (3329 cm-1) could be seen, they did not present any significant alterations. The same happened for the 2925 cm-1 peak. The most relevant changes were seen in the 1737 cm-1 and 1630 cm-1wavelenghts.
Generally, the comparison of the shiftings shown in PM, PO, PTn and PT, were more evident in the peak characteristic to the stretching O-H, representing a structural difference in the samples in the inter and intra molecular bond of the galacturonic acid spine. On the other hand, the range about 1500 − 800 cm-1 represented by each pectin’s ¨finger print¨, where different peptic substances can be distinguished by this region, showed a significant difference for each pectin extracted from the biomasses. These bonds are unique to a component and their interpretation can be difficult [21, 51].
To determine the % DE we took into account the absorbances of the characteristic peaks around the ranges of 1733–1738 cm-1 and 1630–1637 cm-1, which are associated respectively to esterified and non-esterified pectin [3, 42, 45].
As it could be seen in Table 2, in the %DE value of the pectins from the study biomasses, high and low DE results were obtained. It was observed that the tamarind seeds, independently from the conditions of the factorial design, they all presented a low %DE excepting Exp 5. All tangerine peel pectins presented high %DE, whereas pectins extracted from mango and orange peels presented both low and high %DE. Pectin from tangerine peels had the highest %DE (Exp 4) with 67% regarding all the biomasses. Variations of high and low %DE in biomass can be attributed to controllable factors (conditions in the extraction process) and uncontrollable factors. An uncontrollable factor in this study was the degree of fruit ripening [48, 52]. The ripening degree of the waste was not controlled. Samples were obtained in large quantities from the food industry and commerce.
Many studies have been carried out to measure the DE o pectin extracted from mango, orange and tangerine peels. Nguyen et al [49] (2019), Girma and Worku [48] (2016) and Banerjee et al [18] (2016) found 52.6%DE, 72.17%DE and 69.1%DE of pectin from mango peel, respectively. The values reported were approximate to those obtained in this study (61.1%DE). However, the value of %DE may increase by using the sonification method as reported by Banerjee [18] or increasing the time of process [48]. For citric pectin the %DE was reduced, which can be attributed to the type of acid used (organic or mineral) or/and process. DE values were 1.7–37.5% using the microwave process [21].
The % DE showed an effect to the factorial design for the four types of biomass. Two of the biomasses presented a single pectin with high %DE (mango peels and tamarind seeds). The commercial grades of pectin generally suggested for food grade, have a DE value > 50% for the gelation in the presence of sugars. Some applications include fat replacers in spreads, salad dressings, ice cream, jams, jellies and emulsified meat products [8, 21]. Typically, low DE pectin has higher value than the higher DE products. In many recent studies low DE pectin was found to be useful in low calorie and low fat products, since it requires calcium for gelling and little or no sugar. Low DE pectin was also found to be beneficial in lowering serum cholesterol level in humans [18].
In Figure S7, we can see the Pareto graphics for the analysis of the effect each %DE study variable had.
Mango peel pectin, Figure S7a, showed the most significant effect with the interaction catalyst type- temperature; whereas orange peel pectin showed (Figure S7b), the %DE value showed a bigger effect regarding the interaction catalyst-time. Pectin extracted from tamarind seeds (Figure S7c), showed sensitivity in the %DE based on the interaction of the three factors (catalyst type-time-temperature). Finally, tangerine peel pectin (Figure S7d) showed that the %DE turned out to be more sensitive regarding time in the hydrolysis process.
Figure S8 shows standardized effects graphics, showing the following results. Figure S8a, showed that %DE for mango pectin, the individual effects such as catalyst type and temperature (H2SO4 y 80ºC), increased the %DE value. In the case of time, it is established that the longer the time (60 minutes) galacturonic acid undergoes deesterification. Orange pectin (Figure S8b) and tamarind pectin (Figure S8c), showed the same tendency as in the previous case. Nevertheless, tangerine pectin (Figure S8d), was the biomass that reached the highest %DE values using the catalyst H2SO4 and longer time, favoring %DE. The temperature did not show a meaningful statistical tendency in the %DE values in this last case.
3.4 Thermogravimetric properties of pectin
The weight loss in pectin thermograms reflects the variation on sample degradation in accordance with the % DE difference (Figure S9). The thermal degradation of pectin (tamarind, tangerine and mango) displays a characteristic three-step thermal degradation, in contrast with orange pectin that shows a one-step degradation. The first gradient in weight (%) is attributed to the moisture content present in the pectin [52]. For citrus pectin the have 3.3%, mango pectin 4% and tamarind pectin 5.3%.
Pectin presented a good control of the moisture content during the storage inhibits the growth of microorganisms, which directly influences the quality of pectin. The established maximum limit for moisture in quality pectin is 10% [19]. In pectin samples with high DE, a higher thermal stability up to 338ºC is observed. The higher thermal stability can be attributed to galacturonic acid deesterification, a reaction that needs to occur before the glyosidic bond can be degraded.
3.5. Furfural production
The furfural production was evaluated using the pectin extracted from experiment 8 conditions (H2SO4, 60 min at 80°C). These conditions agree with other studies reported in the literature [45, 53]. The following sections discuss the two furfural production pathways and the impact of catalyst and the reaction time over the furfural yield.
3.5.1 Alkaline Hydrolysis
The two types of alkaline catalysts here studied, Ca(OH)2 and CaCl2 were selected due to low cost, abundance and low toxicity [54, 55]. In Fig. 3, the furfural concentrations obtained from Ca(OH)2 as catalyst are displayed, it can be observed that the tangerine pectin has the highest DE among all the samples. The tangerine pectin displays the highest furfural formation at all times when compared to the rest of the samples, the maximum concentration of furfural (54.7 g/L) was achieved at the end of the reaction time 120 min. Orange pectin developed a similar behavior than tangerine pectin during the initial stages, it reached a maximum yield at 90 min and remained stagnant at 120 min. Mango and tamarind pectins showed lower furfural conversions than the citrus pectins, this could be due to the cleavage of the bond between galacturonic acid and the ester instead of the glycosidic bond among the galacturonic chain; by not breaking the glycosidic bond the available monomers for furfural production is reduced, which is in agreement with the results published by López-Mercado et al. [3] (2018).
Figure 4 presents the furfural concentrations (g/L) obtained from the pectin alkaline hydrolysis with CaCl2 as catalyst. The orange pectin sample generated the highest furfural concentration of 55.3 g/L at 120 min, followed by tangerine pectin with 50.5 g/L at 120 min, then mango pectin obtained 31.6 g/L at 120 min, and lastly tamarind pectin with 24.1 g/L at 120 min.
3.5.1 Alkaline Maillard reaction
The Maillard reaction can be divided in 3 stages, pectin depolymerization, Amadory rearrangement and Schiff base formation. Every stage of the reaction is strongly dependent on temperature, pH and type of reactant (i.e. monosaccharide and amino acid employed) [56]. The Maillard reaction is an alternative way to produce furfural that has been reported in acidic conditions, in the present work the Maillard reaction is performed in an alkaline environment achieving higher yields than the acidic Maillard reaction previously reported [3].
Figure 5 displays the furfural production with Ca(OH)2 as catalyst in the Maillard reaction. The highest furfural concentration was achieved with tangerine pectin that reached a maximum (70.3 g/L) at 90 min, followed by the orange pectin with a maximum (67.9 g/L) at 120 min, mango pectin maximum (46.9 g/L) is found at 120 min and lastly the tamarind pectin had its maximum furfural concentration (24.7 g/L) at 90 min. The higher furfural yields are observed in the citric pectins, such behavior could be due to the presence of organic acids in the solution formed as byproducts during the reaction from decomposition reactions of polysaccharide [57]. The acidic media improve the base Shiff formation and with it the furfural production [56].
The Maillard reaction catalyzed with Ca(OH)2 seamed to reached a plateau behavior by the end of the reaction, the orange pectin is displaying the slowest transition to this behavior. The stagnant furfural concentration could be due to the presence of galacturonic acid in the reaction or an increased stability of furfural in the reaction mixture.
Figure 6 contains the furfural concentrations through time when CaCl2 is used as catalyst in the Maillard reaction. The trend observed is similar to that observed in Fig. 6, with similar values which suggested that both catalysts promote the glycosidic bond cleavage between the galacturonic acid monomers, that one released reacts with the amino group from lysine and develops the reaction cascade that leads to furfural formation.