Sexual selection is predicted to have consistent and detectable effects on the morphology of secondary sexual traits, and confirming these predictions in extant taxa, for which we have detailed information, is an important step in detecting it in extinct taxa. In this study we have shown that the sexually selected horns of the blue wildebeest, C. taurinus, fit hypothesised patterns of growth and variation, supporting the claim that secondary sexual traits may be readily detectable using morphology alone. Of the four hypotheses outlined in the introduction, three are supported by this study. First, skull shape differs significantly between sexes in C. taurinus; however, this difference is not significant after correcting for allometry. Second, the skull of C. taurinus has a modular structure, with the horns forming an internally integrated module which is weakly integrated with the remainder of the skull. Finally, the horns of C. taurinus show significant correlation with size and change shape at a higher rate than any other skull element. However, the fourth hypothesis, that the allometric trajectories of skull shape differ significantly between sexes is not supported. Our findings thus suggest that sexual dimorphism in C. taurinus is due to differences in size between sexes, with shape differences solely reflecting size differences due to allometry. Crucially, separating sexes within this dataset is impossible to verify without prior knowledge of sex, even with an exaggerated sexually selected trait which has been demonstrated to be sexually dimorphic. This issue is likely to apply widely unless sexual dimorphism is either in the form of presence/absence of sexually selected traits, or in extreme size dimorphism.
Intrasexual competition for mates often results in selection for larger size in the competing sex because larger individuals are physically dominant, and this may lead to the evolution of strong sexual dimorphism in size depending on the magnitude of this difference in selection (29). Weapons to aid in physical competition, such as horns, may also evolve in the competing sex, and the presence of these traits within a population is sometimes used to infer sexual selection (13). The evolution of strong positive allometry of these traits is consequently expected to evolve as a signal to amplify size and thus dominance (8). Our study supports this prediction with significant correlation of shape with size across the skull of C. taurinus, and the horns showing significantly higher rates of size and shape change than other skull elements. The increased variance of the horns compared to other skull elements, even when corrected for allometry, is another prediction of secondary sexual traits that is supported by our study. This is thought to be a result of relaxed functional constraints on the form of these traits compared with other traits (8).
In some circumstances, secondary sexual traits may be expressed in the non-competing sex, but for other reasons (16), and it might be expected that the degree of dimorphism in form may be amplified in such traits because of different selective pressures on each sex. When assessing sexual dimorphism in the dataset, however, our results were mixed. Although shape was found to be significantly sexually dimorphic, this was not the case when the dataset was corrected for allometry. This shift can be explained by the identical allometric trajectories of the sexes in C. taurinus. Similarly, the k-means clustering analysis performed well in identifying sexes in raw shape data (84% accuracy), but when shape data was corrected for allometry it performed no better than random (53% accuracy). Furthermore, the two methods employed for assessing optimum cluster number gave contradictory results that were not affected by either correcting for specimen size, or by removing either sex from the dataset entirely. These results have important implications for detecting sexual dimorphism; dimorphism can be strongly dependent on size, and allometry can act to magnify shape dimorphism between sexes.
Further complicating studies of sexual dimorphism, methods for detecting dimorphism, even in a large sample, have limitations. For example, similar to previous analyses of dimorphism, Hartigans’ dip test was particularly unsuccessful at detecting non-unimodality in this study (11). Our dataset fits the recommended criteria outlined by Hone and Mallon (32) for detectable dimorphism, in being a large sample size (> 35 specimens) and a taxon with rapid growth to asymptotic size. Nevertheless, despite being seemingly segregated in a principal components analysis (Fig. 1), the overlap in shape and size between males and females was sufficient to mask robust recovery of dimorphism using the dip test method (Supplementary Table S5 and Fig. S4). Although k-means clustering performed well in distinguishing sexes in the raw data, the number of clusters is pre-determined by the user. When assessing sexual dimorphism, two clusters will therefore always be recovered, even when assessing a single-sex dataset. Furthermore, clustering accuracy can only be assessed with independent knowledge of specimen sex, which is not available for many fossil taxa (11). In a dataset of adult specimens known to be significantly dimorphic, as in this study, this method works well in distinguishing sexes because of the difference in mean skull size between the two. In an ontogenetic study which captures the full range of morphologies from infant to fully-grown adult, it is more likely to separate juvenile and adult specimens by shape. K-means clustering analysis is therefore only appropriate where specimens are of a similar life stage, or when ontogenetic shape data are corrected for allometry.
Despite being an archetypal sexually selected structure in males, there is presently little agreement on the function of horns in female bovids (16), even in well studied taxa such as C. taurinus (28). Predator defence, male mimicry, and genetic linkage to males (28) are the most frequently cited explanations for the presence of horns in female bovids. However, predator defence is seldom observed in C. taurinus and is often ineffective (28), although horns may act as a visual deterrent to predators in the open habitat in which this species tends to live (15). Male mimicry in this species is predicted to allow younger males to benefit from remaining in the maternal herd for longer (28), but there are two main problems with this hypothesis. Firstly, older males apparently have little problem in distinguishing and routinely evicting older males from herds of females and young (28). Secondly, it is unclear exactly how this would lead to the evolution of male mimicry by females rather than the evolution of female mimicry by males, given that males would benefit from remaining in a (majority) female herd. Horns in females may occur through genetic linkage, and similar expression of linked traits in both sexes is expected in this case. This is possible, but is not universal among bovids because the females of many bovid taxa are hornless (26). The probable cost of growing and maintaining such large and apparently costly traits suggests that their presence likely serves some adaptive function (10), given the regularity with which they are lost in females of related taxa, and it is possible that female horns are maintained by a combination of factors in C. taurinus.
Our results reveal that the skull of C. taurinus has a modular structure, with skull elements forming discrete phenotypic modules which are able to grow and vary with some independence from other elements. Although the two modularity analyses we used gave different results, both supported low integration of the horn with the rest of the skull. This is likely in secondary sexual traits because this allows horns to respond to selection with some degree of independence (22). This can explain the strong positive allometric growth of this trait, and the considerably higher morphological variance of the horns, even when corrected for allometry (Fig. 4). Modularity may ultimately explain the evolution of a wide range of horn shapes across the bovid clade (25), and analysis of evolutionary modularity across Bovidae will help to support this prediction. Comparing modules across the entire skull is an important step in establishing the extreme growth of sexually selected traits, because it allows us to put the sexual trait in context with other aspects of anatomy and removes the tendency to focus on a single trait and introduce potential bias into the analysis.
Natural history collections have been shown to be biased towards male specimens, particularly in taxa with extreme secondary sexual traits (12), and in this dataset males outnumber females by 43 to 27. Although strongly male-skewed, subdividing this dataset into equal numbers of each sex, or into individual sexes alone does not affect the overall results (Supplementary Tables S2 – S4). Historical collecting biases towards larger ‘trophy’ specimens may have the effect of creating distinct peaks of the largest individuals of both sexes, and fewer smaller individuals, which may create an even more marked sexual dimorphism than found in a natural population by decreasing the overlap between sexes. Furthermore, the keratin horn sheath is known to vary in size across different taxa relative to the bony horn core it encloses (24), and measurements taken on the horn sheath may therefore further amplify horn allometry. It is therefore likely that in fossil or osteology specimens, where soft tissues such as keratin are not preserved, that the effects of allometry and dimorphism will be less pronounced than in the specimens used here.