This work demonstrates for the first time that a volumetric wireless coil inductively coupled to a BC can be effectively applied for the wrist imaging at 3 T with expected RF safety improvement and image quality comparable with that of a standard dedicated volumetric coil. Numerical simulation results and in vivo studies demonstrated that the wireless coil focuses the magnetic flux of the large BC within the relatively small ROI, thus, increasing the transmit efficiency more than 8-fold. A little difference between the numerically predicted 8.9-fold and the experimentally obtained 7.9-fold increase in the B1+ efficiency is due to the different coil load (different hand sizes) and imperfect tuning of the wireless coil to the Larmor frequency. In the meanwhile, the B1+-field distribution homogeneity in the ROI slightly improved in the experiment in the presence of the wireless coil. The obtained experimental B1+ maps (flip angle maps) were in good agreement with the numerical ones, and confirmed the correctness of the RF power calibration procedure.
An introduced disconnection of one of the tubes led to the detuning of the wireless coil from the Larmor frequency. In other words, the coupling between the wireless coil and the BC became weaker, and the effect of magnetic field focusing was reduced. At the same time, the amplitude of the electric field that is mostly localized within the capacitive load also became smaller. In addition, as the wireless coil structure consists of a set of strongly coupled elements, the coupling between the middle elements is higher than that between the side ones. Thus, a broken side tube only slightly affected the resonant frequency of the wireless coil, and in these cases, the B1+-field was higher than for a broken middle wire. In the meantime, in the case of a broken side tubes, the maximum local SAR was reduced faster than the whole-body SAR value. Thus, it turns out that the broken side tubes almost did not affect the global RF safety, while the local RF safety was increased in comparison with the normal operation of the wireless coil.
The wireless coil may be rotated when it is required for comfortable patient positioning. The numerical simulation results show when the rotation angle increases, the RF safety characteristics decrease. However, even when this angle is very large (60°), the RF safety characteristics remain better than for the BC working without the wireless coil, with a 2.1-fold and 3.6-fold raise in the local and in the whole-body SAR efficiency, correspondingly. Considering that in a real experiment such a big rotation does not seem likely, we may conclude that a possible minor rotation cannot cause unsafe situations. Thus, the coil RF safety characteristics are robust to minor imperfections of the experimental setup that may occur during actual scanning.
Taking into account a significant enhancement of the image quality in comparison to the dedicated commercial extremity coil, the proposed setup can be considered as safe and effective alternative. The other benefits of the wireless coil are the absence of an RF cable, i.e., less time required for coil positioning and dismounting, its light weight, robustness to possible damages, and compatibility with clinical scanners of various manufacturers. Due to the increased RF safety, the wireless coil can be potentially helpful for increasing the safety of MR scanning of patients with implants and in the situations when high-performance pulse sequences are required for improving the MR image quality [13, 14].