Synthesis of Nano ZrO 2 − x by Anoxic-Flame Spray Pyrolysis. The concept of the novel anoxic-FSP process is outlined in Fig. 1. It consists of a single-nozzle FSP reactor with enclosed flame, where a mixture of Dispersion-gas [O2 and CH4] is used to create a reducing reaction atmosphere. In FSP-process35, ZrO2 particles are formed in three stages (Fig. 1). First, Zr-precursor droplets are sprayed by the FSP nozzle and combusted to generate the primary particles (PP)35. Then, primary particles evolve in the high-temperature area of the flame, i.e. up to 2800 K and form nanometric ZrO2 particles via sintering of PP’s35. In classical-FSP, used in the majority of lab studies and industry, pure O2 is used as dispersion gas through the spray nozzle, to form the droplets and primary particles. For example, by adjusting the combustion stoichiometry35 ratio P/D =[fuel/dispersion O2] = 3/3, we obtain fully oxidized, pristine ZrO2. In our anoxic-FSP, combustion of CH4 in the dispersion gas creates reducing agents which, as we show herein, can reduce the primary Zr-particle via formation of Oxygen vacancies (Vo). We also have considered the possibility of the formation of Zr-Hydride states36, however, none of our data support this, thus we do not discuss it further.
In this way, we have produced a library of ZrO2-x nanoparticles of varying Vo concentrations, see photos in Fig. 2. Herein we have codenamed the particles according to the dispersion [O2/CH4] ratio used, (see full details in Table S1 in SI). For example, the material codenamed [3/0.1] has been synthesized using a dispersion gas-mixture of [O2 flow = 3.0 lt min-1 and CH4 flow = 0.1 lt min-1]. Pristine ZrO2 is codenamed F.O. for Fully Oxidized, while material [1.3/1.7] was the most reduced. As shown in Fig. 2, going from pristine ZrO2 (F.O.) towards more reduced particles, i.e. [3/0.1] to [1.3/1.7], induced a change of particle color from crispy-white to pale grey/yellowish [3/0.1] and dark-gray for [1.3/1.7] material. XPS data (Fig. 2d) shows a progressive increase of Vo’s, detected by their characteristic signal at 532 eV37,38. We have verified that no-carbon deposition is evidenced by Raman data, (Supplementary Fig. S3), thus the observed color changes in the ZrO2-x materials (Fig. 2), are assigned exclusively to the formation of Vo’s via the anoxic-FSP process. According to XPS, Fig. 2d increased dispersion of the CH4 in the FSP process, promotes the formation of Vo’s. No Zr3+ states are resolved in Zr-XPS data, i.e., only the Zr4+ doublet was detected (181.9 eV, 184.2 eV) (Supplementary Fig. S4(a-d)).
The DRS-UV/Vis data, (Fig. 2c) show a progressive alteration of the band gaps as evidenced by the absorbance at intra-gap energies of 2.5 to 4.5 eV. All materials exhibit the primary bandgap 5.1 eV (243 nm) typical for monoclinic-ZrO218,20. Fully oxidized ZrO2 exhibited only the primary bandgap at 5.1 eV with no mid-gap states. Slightly-reduced [3/0.1] exhibited an additional absorbance tail band extending to ~ 3.1 eV. Low concentration of Vo’s, created by 0.1 Lmin− 1 CH4, (see XPS data Fig. 2d) [3/0.1], allows absorbance of photons near the middle of the primary bandgap, and creates a pale-yellow color, see photo Fig. 2. Increasing dispersion CH4 (materials [3/0.2], [2.3/0.7], [1.3/1.7]) causes a monotonous enhancement of the intra-band absorbances and grey-color intensification (Fig. 2c). Experimentally18,20,22,23,30 and theoretically29,34 the intra-band absorbances in the range of 2.8–3.5 eV, can be assigned to electrons being injected from the VBmaximum to approximately the middle of the gap, where extra DOS are made available through the introduction of Vo’s. For example, by removing one oxygen atom, a doubly occupied (diamagnetic) F-center39 can be created inside the bandgap ZrO2 − x at 3.3 eV39.
Structural Characterization. XRD (Fig. 2a) shows that our FSP-made Zr-particles consisted of monoclinic (m-ZrO2 in Fig. 2a) and tetragonal (t-ZrO2 in Fig. 2a) phases, at a ratio [t-ZrO2]: [m-ZrO2] = 4:1 and particle sizes 22–29 nm (monoclinic) to 16–20 nm (tetragonal phase) (Table S2). At ambient P, T, ZrO2 has monoclinic (m) structure with Zr4+ atoms 7-fold coordinated by O-anions (space group P21/c). TEM images, (Fig. 2b, 3), show that all ZrO2 − X nanomaterials have quasi-spherical shapes, with highly crystalline Miller planes t-{101}. The more reduced ZrO2 − X nanomaterials show some degree of surface distortion, see Fig. 2b. STEM images (Fig. 3a,b,c) indicate that the particles retain a high degree of crystal quality even at the more reduced ones. In some cases, formation of vacancies could be evidenced in the STEM images, (Fig. 3c). EDX data (Fig. 3) confirm a strong decrease of the Oxygen/Zr ratio in the more reduced [2.7/0.3] and [1.3./1.7] materials. BET analysis (Table S2) shows progressive SSA-decrease upon increase dispersion-CH4. attributed to increased aggregation of the particles at increased CH4, i.e. methane creates hotter flames i.e. methane heat of combustion = 50–55 MJ/kg (
Raman spectra (Fig. 4b) exhibit the vibrational modes from both monoclinic and tetragonal crystal phases40–43 (Fig. S2 and Table S3) and absence of carbon peaks (Fig. S3). In ZrO2 − x materials, certain Raman modes are shifted (see Fig. 4b(I-III) and Table S4). More particularly, material [3/0.1] exhibits downshifts of 3 cm− 1, 6 cm− 1 and 9 cm− 1 at 264 cm− 1, 320 cm− 1 and 641 cm− 1 modes respectively (Table S4). Material [2.3/0.7] exhibits downshifts of 5 cm− 1, 6cm− 1 at 320 cm− 1, and 641cm− 1 respectively (Table S4). Material [1.3/1.7] exhibits downshift of up to 10cm− 1. Such downshifts can be attributed to tensile stress44 effectively lengthening the bonds, see Fig. 4a, i.e. due to loss of oxygen atoms from the lattice. Raman downshifts prevail in the t-ZrO2 phase; thus, the tetragonal phase is more responsive in the reductive atmosphere in anoxic-FSP. This can be explained by the existence of two different/non-equivalent Zr-O bond conformations in t-ZrO244 corresponding to 4-coordinated Zr(O4f), and 3-coordinated Zr atoms (O3f) respectively44. For comparison, the t-ZrO2 matrix consists solely of O4f Zr atoms while the m-ZrO2 matrix consists of both O4f and O3f44. Accordingly, the present Raman data indicate that removal of oxygen from the ZrO2 matrices is also non-equivalent, thus is easier to extract oxygen from an O4f site rather than an O3f site by 0.1 eV22, therefore it is easier to reduce t-ZrO2.
Photocatalytic H 2 Production at [millimole gr− 1 h− 1]: Fig. 5a presents the photocatalytic H2 production from H2O, for all our ZrO2 − x materials, under Xenon-illumination. In each panel in Fig. 5a the as-prepared photocatalysts are marked as “a.p”. The time indication in each bar, refers to the post-FSP oxidation-time at 4000C (see also XRD data in Fig. S1 in S.I.). First, we discuss the as-prepared ZrO2 − x materials i.e., see the first bar in each column group in Fig. 5a. Pristine, (F.O.) ZrO2 was practically non-photoactive in H2 production, with a yield of 20 µmol g− 1 h− 1.
In contrast, a slightly reducing FSP atmosphere, i.e., as-prepared [a.p. 3/0.1], enables an impressive amelioration of H2 evolution of 1700 µmol g− 1 h− 1. This demonstrates that anoxic-FSP can provide as-prepared ZrO2 − x material exhibiting millimoles per gram per hour H2 production. Further increase of O2/ CH4 ratio impacted negatively the H2 photogeneration with a tendency towards a steady production near 500 µmol g− 1 h− 1 of H2 for the highly reduced as-prepared materials (see the first bar in each group in Fig. 5a). Soft oxidation by calcination at 400 0C under ambient O2, exerted a dramatic influence on the H2-photoproduction: a characteristic bell-shaped dependence was observed for the [3.0/0.2] and [2.3/0.7] materials. The optimum oxidation time was 90min for [2.3/0.7] ZrO2 − x which, achieved a remarkable yield of 2428 µmol H2 g− 1 h− 1. The best performance of the [3.0/0.2] ZrO2 − x material was 1500 µmol H2 g− 1 h− 1 (Fig. 5a).
The catalyst with the higher H2 yield, [2.3/0.7]-90, is highly recyclable, (Fig. S8a), retaining 100% of its activity after two reuses and > 96% after four reuses. XRD (Fig. S8b), shows that the [2.3/0.7]-90 crystal remains intact after 4-uses. Concurrently, DRS-UV/Vis (Fig. S8c), demonstrates that its light-absorbance profile remains also intact. As we discuss hereafter, optimization of monomeric Vo-concentration is determinant for photocatalytic activity. In [2.3/0.7]-90, the monomeric Vo’s is optimized, see EPR and XPS data in Fig. 5d,e, and Fig. S5a,b see also the trends in XPS, EPR for [2.3/0.7] in Fig. 5d,e. After photocatalytic use of [2.3/0.7]-90 material, the monomeric vacancies are not altered, neither the ZrO2 − x crystal. Thus, the ZrO2 − x provide a robust reusable photocatalyst.