Processes in the littoral and nearshore zone are crucial for the overall conditions and stability of lake ecosystems (Burks et al., 2006; Jeppesen et al., 2014). As observed in Lake Okeechobee (Havens et al., 2004) and elsewhere (Keto et al., 2008) changes in water levels can greatly affect biota in the littoral and nearshore zones. For example, SAV coverage (vascular and non-vascular species) has varied from as little as 9.0 km2 to over 240 km2 (2,223–60,268 acres) in a roughly 20-year period on the Lake. This two decade period included record low water levels and multiple hurricane events (Welch et al., 2021). Similarly, the size of the emergent littoral marsh has waxed and waned over the same period in response to changes in water levels.
Changes in water levels are an important factor affecting the functioning of lake and wetland ecosystems (Beklioglu et al., 2007; Burks et al., 2006; Coops et al., 2003; Jeppesen et al., 2014). Water levels and depth regulate the hydrodynamics, light attenuation, nutrient transport, littoral zone vegetation dynamics, limnetic zone algae dynamics, and other lake processes (Bakker and Hilt, 2016; Havens and Gawlik, 2005; James et al., 2008; Johnson et al., 2007; Mjelde et al., 2013). The five performance measures used in this study (Table 1 and Fig. 4) and Havens, (2002) address how water level and its seasonal variation affect the intrinsic ecological and societal values of Lake Okeechobee. The variable weighting of performance measures to indicate an overall level of stress and/or benefit reflects that not all hydrological events have similar effects. As discussed above, extreme or prolonged high water levels can affect numerous ecosystem attributes across the Lake (Havens and Gawlik, 2005; Havens and Steinman, 2015; Steinman et al., 2001), some of which may require periods of low water to offset impacts (e.g. extirpated SAV beds, loss of woody species), or at the very least, long return intervals between these stressful events. Meanwhile, low lake levels also cause harm to the Lake (and reliant downstream resources) but the impacts are generally isolated to the littoral and nearshore zones. Additionally, infrequent low lake stages can be beneficial in oxidizing organic detritus, facilitating fire management, and promoting seed germination and SAV expansions or recovery. Low water levels have also been implemented to counter plant community impacts resulting from extreme high events (Havens et al., 2001).
Under both baseline conditions, water levels were relatively low and rarely exceeded extreme and moderate-high water level thresholds; more often exceeding low stage thresholds (Table 3 and Fig S3); with overall weighted scores suggesting potential stressed conditions (Fig. 4). Meanwhile, the preferred alternative (PA25) showed more frequent extreme and moderate-high water levels, primarily through limiting discharges across a broader range of lake stages than under baseline conditions. This operational strategy makes conservative releases under most conditions, which permits water levels to fluctuate considerably; rather than targeting specific lake stages, which would require considerable fluctuations in discharge. However, prioritizing release rates over lake stage targets makes it harder to provide optimal water levels for lake ecology (Table 3, Figs. 3 and 4). The weighted score for PA25 suggests significantly stressed conditions from a hydrologic standpoint, which is primarily driven by high lake stage events (Fig. 5), an obvious effect of discharge constraints. Moreover, the expected return period of moderate and high stage events in PA25 is significantly reduced from both baseline conditions, suggesting less recovery time between impacts. This could lead to poorer antecedent conditions at the onset of impacts, and possible increases in overall impacts as a result (Fig. 6).
Ideally, return intervals between stressful or damaging events would be long enough to allow for recovery of affected resources, for example degraded SAV beds to recover root and shoot biomass, or for fish populations to have a strong spawn and recruitment year. The duration required of a recovery period can vary depending on the affected attribute and other circumstances (i.e. extent and duration of high/low events, climatic variability, light attenuation, nutrient load, other disturbances, etc.). The recovery of aquatic plants, for example, is a complex interaction of abiotic factors and species growth requirements (Bornette and Puijalon, 2011), and is often the first critical step to any subsequent faunal recoveries. After a regional drought that followed a period of prolonged high lake stage, Havens et al., (2004) characterized SAV community succession (based on vascular plant assemblages and biomass) on the Lake as having a recovery period of two to three years even when extremely low water levels occur, which was consistent with other studies (Scheffer and van Nes, 2007). When return intervals of stressful or damaging high water events are too short, or if periods of low water and recovery do not occur between them, relatively short-term impacts can stretch into multi-year, threshold events, even causing long-term population crashes for higher-level fauna (Essian et al., 2022; Fletcher et al., 2021; Havens et al., 2005). While PA25 is not intended to serve as a restoration project, but rather as a means to better balance water between Lake Okeechobee and downstream systems, this regulation schedule will affect the ecological function of the Lake, especially in wetter climatic conditions. As proposed, the regulation schedule has the potential to reduce the resilience of Lake ecological communities from baseline conditions, arguably moving away from the goals of CERP for Lake Okeechobee (Havens, 2002).
In the complex water management regime of south Florida, Lake Okeechobee is easily and often necessarily thought of as a natural reservoir. While the Lake does hold significant volumes of water, it is more than a waterbody encircled by a levee; it’s a complex, novel ecosystem that can support abundant fisheries and prolific avian-fauna (Johnson et al., 2007), despite the enormity of change endured over the last century and more. As envisioned in the CERP, water levels were expected to be managed up to 4.6 m NGVD29 with improved conditions from a hydrologic standpoint, with benefits afforded to water quality and biological components of the ecosystem (Havens, 2002). However, the revised Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual (this study) and future restoration projects (Lake Okeechobee Watershed Restoration Plan; (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2022) are expected to cause higher water levels and with greater frequency, potentially reducing earlier-concieved improvements and benefits of CERP for the lake. While climate conditions over the next decade will be the largest determinant of near-term lake health, this proposed regulation schedule has the potential to significantly impact the ecology of the lake, particularly through increased frequency of stressful events. As management of Lake Okeechobee and implementation of existing restoration projects move forward, more restoration projects are needed to improve water quantity and quality conditions that will benefit limnetic and near-shore environments, in turn building resilience in aquatic vegetation communities, fisheries, avian-fauna, and other wildlife on the lake.