Skin is the largest organ of the body, having many functions, including protective, sensory, thermoregulatory, metabolic, and sexual signaling. Histologically, it is composed of epidermis and dermis and overlies hypodermis. The epidermis consists of stratified squamous epithelium composed mainly of keratinocytes, melanocytes, langerhans, and merkel cells. The dermis is a layer of connective tissue that consists of the papillary and the reticular dermis. It also contains hair follicles, sweat glands, and different sensory receptors. Melanoma and nonmelanoma are known as the most frequent malignant tumors among whites.
BCC is the most common malignancy, found predominantly on the sun-exposed skin of the elderly. Microscopically, it includes islands and nests of basaloid cells. Peripheral palisading of tumor cells and clefting at the tumor-stroma interface are noted where the stroma may be myoxid. Sometimes calcification and amyloid deposition is observed in BCC. Various histological subtypes have also been defined, including nodular, micronodular, superficial multifocal, adenoid, infiltrating, sclerosing, keratotic, infundibulocystic, metatypical, basosquamous, and fibroepitheliomatous.
On the other hand, SCC is the second most common skin malignancy. It mainly occurs in sun-exposed areas of skin among older people. Histopathological examination reveals nests of squamous cells in the dermis connected with the epidermis. The tumor cells have abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and larger vesicular nuclei. Sometimes keratinization and keratin pearl formation is noted in the center of the nests. The tumors can be divided into well, moderately, and poorly differentiated groups.
In comparison, malignant melanoma accounts for the majority of mortality due to skin cancer. The most common histologic features include superficial spreading melanoma, lentigo malignant, acral lentiginous, and nodular melanoma. Generally, some microscopic findings in melanoma include ill-defined borders, the pagetoid spread of melanocytes, epidermal consumption or ulceration, and architectural and cytological atypia in the junctional nests. The dermal component may also be noted, whether involving the papillary dermis or extending beyond it.
Photo-micrographs are usually taken using a fluorescence microscope, and CLSM images are also employed to diagnose cancerous cells25. Dermatologists almost encounter suspicious cancerous tissues with subtle pathological discrepancies. The diagnosis of tissue may be virtually challenging. Hence, the proposed SSFM can be coupled with a CLSM as a valuable accessory unit to improve the prompt diagnosis of lesions.
The fluorophore bindings to mitochondria occur at the attendance of Rd6G molecules around the cell, thus reducing the entire activated fluorophore population inhibiting mitochondrial metabolic activity. Subsequently, the respiratory chain functioning becomes blocked, and the cell would suffocate and eventually be destroyed. Rd6G-induced active mitochondria would selectively kill malignant but spare normal cells. Unlike normal, the malignant ones demonstrate notable reduced mitochondrial numbers alongside aberrant metabolism. In other words, melanoma undergoes rapid cell growth while the fluorophores are attached to ample mitochondria, damaging the entire cells. Note that the malignant cells are selectively demolished at low Rd6G doses, whereas the healthy ones may notably survive52.
The healthy mitochondria also derive most adenosine 5’-triphosphate (ATP) by metabolizing the consumed glucose to carbon dioxide and water, but the malignancy directly gives out lactic acid affecting the interaction with the fluorophores. Figure 3 displays the graphical representation of Rd6G interaction with normal/cancerous skin tissues according to the schematic function of Rd6G + mitochondria. Rd6G conjugation in melanoma tissues is much more pronounced, giving rise to cell damage alongside a relatively blue-shifted fluorescence emission. Conversely, the rare attachments with healthy cells lead to their survival with a characteristic redshift. Similarly, the nonmelanoma lesions are located in the middle because a relatively smaller number of bindings are involved.
Stokes shift is the spectral separation between the excitation and emission, taken into account as one of the essential properties of the fluorophores. This addresses a narrow spectral spacing for most antitumoral fluorophores to change the emission wavelength maxima against the concentration. In general, the spectral shift arises from the propagation of photons in the material due to several events such as self-absorption, reabsorption, as well as fluorophore aggregation/bondings to the cells and the surrounding molecules. These events may vary the wavelength peak, a valuable property used to form the spectral fluorescence images. The spectral shift due to the fluorophore population is considered a diagnostic measure in highly scattering media (human tissues). It is shown that the signal intensity measurements do not provide adequate information regarding the tissue structure. It sometimes may scale up noise, leading to undesired false signals or low signal-noise ratio as dilute/dense fluorophore contents may give out similar emission signals.
Various malignant human lesions are examined against the normal tissues. At first, the specimens are stained in Rd6G solution at a certain concentration. Then pixel by pixel laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectra is collected by scanning the area of interest. The normal stained tissues undergo a lucid redshift (relative to the laser line at 532nm) versus Rd6G concentration, whereas the stained nonmelanoma demonstrates a relatively blue shift against healthy ones indicating a small redshift with respect to the laser line regarding the type and degree of neoplasia. It is worth noting that the dermatologist may make a hard decision due to the significant commonalities and subtle dissimilarities in the nonmelanoma cases, so SSFM may act as a valuable but rather inexpensive instrument to carefully differentiate suspicious skin lesions to resolve the correct decision. Furthermore, the color code determines the fluorophore distribution over a certain spectral emission of ∼25nm, segmenting each type by certain spectral width. The color code distribution of a typical normal micrographs looks reddish. This notably shifts from red to yellow/green and green/blue, favoring SCC and BCC specimens discriminating in several distinct widths of 5nm, respectively. Regarding the melanoma lesions, the color code resembles blue in comparison. Simultaneously, \({I}_{ij}\) magnitude fluctuates in conjunction with the red/blue shifts. Each pixel contains an emission peak having a corresponding signal amplitude, altering from one pixel to another. In other words, Rd6G molecular bindings with mitochondria of cancerous lesions are notably high to form plenty of conjugates leading to faint signals. In contrast, normal tissue features dense active fluorophores and intense emissions. Similarly, a couple of typical pixels with diluted and dense Rd6G concentrations may exhibit similar signal intensity. Normal tissues may show strong signals because of ample active fluorophores; however, faint signals arise from the quenching effects at dense concentrations. The normal tissue enjoys a partitioning effect to prevent the aggregation or resonance energy transfer (RET) effect45. Melanoma experiences more binding, giving rise to less active fluorophores content, indicating faint (blue) signals accordingly. Thus, strong signals most likely appear in median concentration. In addition, SSFM acquires the fluorescence data, including signal intensity Iij and the emission wavelength \(\lambda\)ij, to reconstruct \(\text{C}\)ij spatial micrographs.
Figure 4 depicts Rd6G emission wavelength (548-575nm) and the corresponding concentration (0-200µM) in terms of signal intensity. This notably attests to a couple of values of emission wavelengths for a single signal intensity, hence unable to determine the true concentration generally. Thus, the signal intensity cannot map the accurate concentration while the emission wavelength does. For instance, intense signals may correspond to 10 or 40µM. Therefore, the intensity mapping may be necessary but not sufficient to determine the local Rd6G distribution differentiating dilute/dense concentrations in practice. Figure 5a depicts the relative population of active Rd6G stained in various samples from melanoma to healthy ones indicating the fluorophore congestion in descending order. Note that the pathologic discrepancies of nonmelanoma lesions arise from the local fluorophore concentrations. On the other hand, Fig. 5b illustrates a relative number of deactivated Rd6G fluorophores attached to the cells according to FE-SEM assessments. Those images indicate that the abundance of fluorophore conjugation/bondings favors each type of lesion against the normal tissues. Melanoma lesions contain heavy fluorophore conjugations to the cells highlighted in the blue color code for most pixels. Note that the emission wavelength peak ranges from 548-575nm except for benign nevus (576-588nm). Figure 5c shows the scatter data of all samples of interest, emphasizing a well-defined spectral segmentation. The spectral width corresponding to specimens’ data scattering is found to be 2nm (melanoma), 4nm (BCC), 3.3nm(SCC), 4.1nm (healthy), and 14.8nm (nevus). Benign nevi undergo a larger spectral area characterizing with longest emission wavelength (largest redshift) over 576-588nm (∼12nm width). The nevi spectral region is well-separated from normal/cancerous tissues because of the attendance of many melanocyte pigments within the nevi, which results in high amplitude accompanying larger spectral emission (width).
Pigmented nevi contain nevomelanocytic nevus cells derived from the neural crest that share with normal skin melanocytes to produce melanin53. The absorption spectra of melanin in skin vary wide from UV to visible spectral range54. Melanocytic nevi are benign neoplasms or hamartomas composed of melanocytes55. Nevus cells are a variant of melanocytes56, which include endogenic fluorophores to elevate the relative intensity values of fluorescent maxima53. The fluorescence spectra of skin with a high level of melanocytic nevi activated by green light excitation reveal the fluorescence emissions ranging from 550-700nm with maxima ∼600nm. Thus, melanin autofluorescence strongly affects the Rd6G fluorescence property leading to intense emission alongside a wide extreme redshift57.
According to RGB codes, the dominant blue, green, and yellow appear in neoplasia against red, featuring normal tissues. These lucidly attest to the SSFM competence to discriminate various cancerous lesions against healthy ones based on the solid Rd6G affinity to mitochondria. Eventually, in vivo SSFM is supposed to comfort the patients from the biopsy facilitating prompt diagnosis in the near future by choosing appropriate bio-compatible fluorophores with a high quantum efficiency.