Resin composites are a common filling material because of their aesthetic qualities. However, the filling material should be harmless for dental pulp as well as aesthetic [22]. Several factors can contribute to temperature rise in the pulp chamber during dental procedures, including remaining dentin thickness, curing mode, and light energy per unit area [7, 23, 24]. In this in vitro study, an attempt was made to examine the effect of three different curing modes of a high-powered LED LCU on temperature rise under human primary teeth dentin with different thicknesses during resin composite polymerization.
A one microhybrid resin composite with shade A3 was used to eliminating any possible variation in thermal conductivity [25]. Moreover, a resin composite specimen size of 2 mm thickness was selected to be clinically practical [26]. We used exposure times of 20 s in all groups according to resin composite manufacturer instructions [27]. According to Hannig and Bott [13] there were no statistically significant differences between temperature rise of the pulp chamber during composite resin polymerization with and without previously applied bonding agent. We relied on these results as justified to perform our experiments without use bonding agent.
Many in vitro studies have used non-carious dentin to measure temperature rise during polymerization of resin composite [28, 29]. In this study, caries-free primary molars with physiological root resorption were used, although structural changes of primary teeth dentin may be affecting the temperature transmitted to the pulp [30, 31]. However, young caries-free primary teeth cannot be obtained from an ethical point of view [23].
In the current study, K-type thermocouple was used based on previous studies, which have stated that it is an appropriate technique to measurement of temperature changes [32] because of its accuracy in point measurement [18]. We placed the light guide tip in direct contact with the resin composite. The resin composite was also in direct contact with dentin. In addition, high-powered LED was used to cure resin composite specimens. These factors boost heat of reaction. Therefore, this study represents a worst-case situation for temperature rise during polymerization of resin composite, especially with little dentin thickness groups.
Zach and Cohen [6] stated that 5.5°C is the critical value to pulp damage. The peak values recorded in this study were lower than 5.5°C in all conditions. This could be attributed to LEDs are photonic devices based on semiconductors that convert electrical energy into radiation of light [33], and do not generate infra-red rays [12]. Based on the results of this study, it may be suggested that high-powered LED could be used safely in primary teeth with similar clinical situations.
In the current study, the mean temperature rise of the dentin discs was affected by various curing modes. Our results indicate there were no significant difference between ramp mode and standard mode. These results disagreed with the work of Al-Qudah et al [34] who recorded significantly lower temperature values when using Optilux 501 (Kerr, Peterborough, UK) in the ramp mode as compared with the standard mode. This can be related to differences in the exposure time between ramp mode (20 s) and standard mode (40 s) they used.
The light energy produced by the curing related to exposure time and radiant exitance [35]. Loney and Price [36] observed that the energy produced by LCUs is a main factor for the different temperature rises of the different polymerization modes. Aguiar et al [37] studied temperature rise under third molar dentin. They obtained a dentin disks from human third molars with thickness of 1, 2 and 3 mm. Then they cured a 2 mm thick layer of composite with five curing modes. Their results showed that standard mode caused lower temperature rise than ramp mode. It may be because of high radiant exitance of the ramp mode (1280 mW/cm2) compared to the standard mode (560 mW/cm2) in their study. The ramp mode used in this study began at radiant exitance of 0 to the maximum power (1100 mW/cm2) for 5 s. Thus, there was no enough time for the suppression of the heat. This could explain why the ramp mode exhibited higher temperature rise than the pulse mode.
The lowest temperature rise under dentin discs was recorded with the pulse mode. These data were in agreement with those of Hubbezoglu et al [15] who evaluated the effect of three curing modes on temperature rise in permanent teeth dentin during polymerization of six resin composites and their bonding agents. They observed that pulse mode gave lower temperature rise values than soft-start and standard modes in all conditions. However, the values obtained were lower than those of the current study, which could be due to the short exposure time (10 s) they used.
Our results do not agree with Chang et al [38] who studied temperature rise during polymerization of flowable resin composite placed in a Teflon block with six modes. They reported that the pulse mode caused no significantly higher temperature rise (58.6 ℃) than standard mode (51 ℃), which could be due to settings of the LCU used in that study; as the radiant exitance of the pulse mode (1200 mW/cm2) is twice what it is in the standard mode (600 mW/cm2).
The lower rise in temperature recorded with pulse mode is related to pause phases between the irradiation phases. These lower values of temperature may be clarified by the failure of the pulse mode to achieve the same degree of polymerization obtained with standard mode. In this manner, the results of this study suggest that the pulse mode produced lower temperature rise and also produced a less polymerized resin composite.
The second part of the study investigated the effect of increasing dentin thickness on the recorded temperature rise. According to Guiraldo et al [39] dentin thickness is a critical factor that influences the amount of heat reaching the pulp, because of the low thermal conductibility of dentin [35]. The present study confirmed this because differences were observed in the temperature rise among dentin thicknesses. Our study reported that the temperature rise of dentin with thickness of 2 mm were significantly lower than those with thickness of 0.5 mm and 1 mm in samples cured with standard (p < 0.05). When resin composite cured with ramp mode, we observed that dentin discs with thickness of 0.5 mm exhibit significant higher temperature rise than 2 mm thick group. However, there was no statistically significant difference in the temperature rise between dentin thickness when resin composite cured with pulse mode (p > 0.05).
In view of physics, thermal diffusivity is the ratio of thermal conductivity to volumetric heat capacity and the density of the material [40]. Studies suggested that pulse mode allowing slower formation of the polymeric chains because of pause phases, which mean polymerization of resin composite with pulse mode resulted in lower cross-link density and lower heat capacity [41], so that the ability of resin composite to dissipation of heat during polymerization increase. This could be explained why pulse mode produced the lowest values of temperature rise, and no significant rise in temperature among different thicknesses of dentin.
The results of our study show that the effects of curing modes on temperature rise were statistically significant. The first null hypothesis has been rejected that there were no significant differences in temperature rise among curing mode. With respect to the dentin thickness, we found a statistically significant difference between 2 mm dentin thickness when compared with 0.5- and 1-mm thick groups in samples cured with standard and between 2 mm thickness when compared with 0.5 mm thick groups in samples cured ramp mode. In this respect, the second null hypothesis has been partially rejected.
The limitation of this study is the thermocouple method, which will alter the temperature recording accuracy because it involves contact with the surface tested [34]. In addition, this study neglected the regulatory role of pulpal microcirculation which acted as a refrigerant to heat [42]. Also, a cavity made from Teflon molds used instead of cavity prepared in human teeth. Thus, it did not fully mimic in vivo conditions.
Further studies should be performed to confirm the safety of high-powered LED during polymerization of bonding agents.