African savannas are traditionally classified as arid-eutrophic (nutrient-rich) and moist-dystrophic (nutrient-poor) (Huntley, 1982; Charles-Dominique et al., 2016; Mukwada, 2018). The classification is based on whether soil nutrients or soil water limit plant productivity and quality (Bell, 1982; Scholes, 1990; Colgan et al., 2012; Case and Staver, 2018). In savannas with low precipitation, moisture usually limits plant growth before soil nutrients are exhausted, leading to the production of little plant biomass of high nutritive value (Huntley, 1982; Staver et al., 2017). Where precipitation is high plant biomass production is high, however, leaching of soil nutrients decreases the nutritive value of the forage (Olff et al., 2002). On a large scale, the division follows annual precipitation, but on a landscape scale many factors are important, such as position in the soil catena (Scholes, 1990), former human land-use (Fox et al., 2015), and fire and herbivory itself (Fritz et al., 2002; Sankaran et al., 2008). Soil nutrient status plays a role, and where mean annual precipitation is comparatively low, nutrient-rich soils carry eutrophic savannas, while nutrient-poor soils carry dystrophic savannas (Scholes, 1990). This condition offers two savanna types with similar rainfall, as with Serengeti National Park on soils derived from volcanic ashes (Anderson et al., 2008) and Mikumi National Park on poor sand soils (Backéus et al., 2006).
The difference in quantity and quality of forage between the savannas determine herbivore composition based on the Jarman-Bell principle (Bell, 1971; Jarman, 1974; Augustine and McNaughton, 2006). Small to medium-sized ruminant herbivores with relatively high metabolic requirements need high quality forage, thus, dominate the eutrophic savannas (Olff et al., 2002; Owen-Smith, 2013). By taking many small bites, the small herbivores reduce the plant biomass leaving too little for the large herbivores (Augustine and Mcnaughton, 2004). Large-bodied species of ruminants and hind-gut fermenters with low metabolic requirements need much forage each but tolerate low quality forage, thus dominating the dystrophic savannas (Fritz et al., 2002; Olff et al., 2002).
African elephants, Loxodonta africana, are hind-gut fermenters and mega-herbivores (adults weighing > 1 ton) (Owen-Smith, 1992). They are flexible regarding their diet, consuming large quantities of forage and drinking water (Owen-Smith, 1992; du Toit et al., 2014). Elephants are less selective in dietary choice because they have low nutrient requirements per unit of body mass due to the differential scaling coefficients of metabolism and gut size (Jarman, 1974; Demment and Van Soest, 1985; Owen-Smith, 1992). Being hindgut fermenters elephants have a high passage rate of the ingesta, allowing them to utilise large quantities of fibrous forage (Bell, 1971; Clauss et al., 2003; Clauss et al., 2007). These factors make elephants good inhabitants of the dystrophic savannas where they constitute half or more of the metabolic biomass (Owen-Smith, 2013; Skarpe et al., 2014a). However, elephants are sexually dimorphic, where males are bigger than females (Owen-Smith, 1992; Stokke and du Toit, 2000). Based on the body size hypothesis, female elephants and calves have higher nutritional needs per unit body mass compared to males (Stokke and du Toit, 2000; Shannon et al., 2006; Woolley et al., 2011). As a result, the nutrient rich savannas meet the nutritional demand of the female elephants and the young elephants (Mramba and Mlingi, 2021).
Elephants utilise grasses during the wet season, switching to more browsing during the dry season when grasses are mature and depleted (Codron et al., 2006; Kos et al., 2012). Despite their tolerance to low quality forage, elephants seem to be affected by nutrient insufficiency and plant secondary metabolites (Jachmann and Bell, 1985; Owen-Smith and Chafota, 2012). They prefer forages with high protein (Ward et al., 2017) and minerals (Holdo and McDowell, 2004); avoiding plant secondary compounds (Owen-Smith and Chafota, 2012). Our feeding study in Serengeti and Mikumi National Parks showed differences in the feeding behaviour of elephants between the parks (Mramba et al., 2019). While Serengeti elephants switched to browsing in the dry season, Mikumi elephants utilised grasses in all seasons, possibly avoiding chemical defences of the miombo.
Female elephants are social, forming family groups of 2 to 20 or more animals, consisting of genetically related females and young animals of both sexes, often accompanied by one or two non-family adult males (Moss et al., 2011). Males that have left the family groups at puberty form small bachelor groups or range independently (Chiyo et al., 2011; Moss et al., 2011). Family groups are flexible and may split into small groups or merge into large clans, depending on resource availability (Wittemyer et al., 2005; Couzin, 2006; Vance et al., 2009). The patchy distribution of food resources in savanna ecosystems and elephants’ bulk forage requirements make them prone to intraspecific and interspecific competition (Wittemyer et al., 2005). Thus, where plant biomass is low, like in the dry season and in the arid-eutrophic savannas in all seasons, elephants live in small groups to minimize the cost of competing for forage within the group (Vance et al., 2009). Moreover, the small and medium-sized species of herbivores in the arid-eutrophic savannas outcompete the larger herbivores by feeding selectively on the high-quality plant parts (Murray and Illius, 2000; Skarpe et al., 2014b). Therefore, differences in plant biomass and herbivores between savannas are expected to influence the feeding and reproductive output of female elephants. Grouping patterns of male elephants are also driven by primary productivity because males are larger than females, thus, need larger quantities of forage (Stokke and du Toit, 2000; Shannon et al., 2006).
Female elephants start reproducing at > 10 years of age and have a gestation time of 22 months (Gough and Kerley, 2006; Moss et al., 2011). The calving intervals differ with resource availability, where under good conditions females can have a calf every 3rd to 4th year (Moss, 2001; Foley and Faust, 2010; Wittemyer et al., 2013). The intervals tend to be much longer when resources are limited (Gough and Kerley, 2006; Freeman et al., 2009). The calving intervals and time of first calving affect population structure of elephants (Moss, 2001; Wittemyer et al., 2007a). The proportions of calves and young animals tend to be high in populations which females have short calving intervals (Armbruster and Lande, 1993; Wittemyer et al., 2007a). Thus, differences in resource availability between savannas drive demographic variations in terms of reproduction (Foley et al., 2001). While Mikumi has bulky forage of lower nutritional value, Serengeti has inherently nutritious forage which is also utilised by abundant and diverse community of small and medium size herbivores (Morrison et al., 2019). The influence of the savannas may be different in males because male elephants are bulk feeders and less selective (Shannon et al., 2006; Mramba and Mlingi, 2021).
Adult elephants do not have natural predators due to their big body size, but calves may be prey to lions (Panthera leo) (Loveridge et al., 2006; Power and Compion, 2009). However, humans are the main threat to adult elephants through poaching (Wittemyer et al., 2014; Wasser et al., 2015; Schlossberg et al., 2020a). Poaching disrupts the association patterns of elephants when members of a group are killed by poachers (Gobush et al., 2008; Archie and Chiyo, 2012). Females elephants in populations disturbed by poaching form small, less cohesive groups from genetically unrelated individuals (Archie et al., 2006). Stressed females tend to have long calving intervals (Foley et al., 2001; Gobush et al., 2008).
The aim of this study was to determine the size/age structure, group size, and habitat utilisation by elephants in Serengeti and Mikumi National parks, in Tanzania (hereafter Serengeti and Mikumi respectively). The savannas are considered eutrophic and dystrophic respectively (Bell, 1982; Halsdorf, 2011; Vedeld et al., 2012; Goldenberg et al., 2018). I predicted larger family and bachelor groups in Mikumi than in Serengeti due to larger plant biomass production and less interspecific competition in Mikumi. I predicted the elephants to occur and form larger groups in closed habitats than in the open habitats in both sites because elephants browse during the dry season, when this study was conducted. I also predicted Mikumi elephants to have shorter calving intervals and earlier first calving due to food resource availability, and hence a larger proportion of young elephants in Mikumi than the Serengeti.