In this section, step by step analysis of the proposed circularly polarized THz antenna is described. At the THz frequency range, spatial distribution in the graphene-based patch is expected to be absent [10]. Now, with the assistance of Kubo’s formula, the thickness of the graphene layer i.e. 0.34 nm is placed over the SiO2-based substrate. In the THz frequency range, the energy of a photon is negligible as compared to Fermi energy [11]. Therefore, the value of interband conductivity of graphene is quite low as compared to intraband conductivity. Its intraband conductivity can be mathematically given as follows [12]:
$${\sigma }_{intraband}\left(\omega ,{\mu }_{c},\varGamma ,{\rm T}\right)=-j\frac{{e}^{2}{k}_{B}T}{\pi {h}^{2}\left(\omega -j2\varGamma \right)}\left(\frac{{\mu }_{c}}{{k}_{B}T}+2\text{ln}\left({e}^{\frac{{\mu }_{c}}{{k}_{B}T}}+1\right)\right)$$
In CST-MWS simulation software, graphene material is placed with relaxation time \(\tau =\) 1ps, temperature T = 300k [13]. Figure 2 shows the variation of intraband conductivity of graphene with different values of chemical potential. The main observation obtained from Fig. 2 is that the conductivity of graphene alters with variation in chemical potential. This indicates the tunable feature can be achieved in a graphene-based patch with the alteration of chemical potential. Figure 3 displays the variation in |S11| with and without a tilted dumbbell-shaped slot. From Fig. 3, it can be observed that the loading of the slot over the graphene patch shifts the resonance peak to a higher frequency range. It is due to a reduction in the effective permittivity of the radiator [14]. The proposed dumbbell-shaped aperture is the diagonally perturbed circular-shaped aperture. Figure 4 shows |S11| optimization of the radius of the circular-shaped aperture. From Fig. 4, it can be observed that as the radius of the slot increases, resonant frequency shifts in a forward direction. It is due to a reduction in effective permittivity. On the other hand, impedance matching degrades with radius increases. The optimum value of R is taken as 2.0 um.
Figure 5 displays the axial ratio variation with and without a tilted dumbbell-shaped slot. It is perceived from Fig. 5 that CP waves are obtained with the loading of the proposed slot within the desired frequency band i.e. 5.85 THz to 5.95 THz. To produce the CP feature in any radiator, two conditions must be fulfilled: (i) creation of degenerated orthogonal modes; and (ii) 900 phase shift between the modes [4]. For satisfying this condition in the proposed radiator, a circular aperture is loaded first. It can create two orthogonal degenerated modes with the same amplitude. After that, the circular aperture is perturbed diagonally. The degree of perturbation creates the path delay between the orthogonal components, which in turn creates the desired phase difference i.e. 900. Figure 6 shows the optimization of a degree of perturbation of the circular aperture. From Fig. 6, it can be observed that the optimum value of AR is obtained, when the circular aperture is perturbed diagonally with an angle of 450. In other words, it can be said that the dumbbell-shaped slot is tilted at an angle of 450.
Figure 7 displays the magnitude of E-field variation on graphene patch with and without slot at 5.9 THz. From Fig. 7, it can be observed that the variation of the E-field is uniform about the X-axis in the absence of a slot, while it is distorted after loading the dumbbell-shaped slot. It is allied diagonally. This phenomenon indicates the creation of CP waves. TM41 mode is supported by the proposed graphene-shaped aperture [7].
Another important significance of the graphene patch is its capability of tuning by simply varying the chemical potential. Figure 8 and Fig. 9 show the reflection coefficient and axial ratio variation with change in chemical potential (uC). As the value of chemical potential increases, resonance frequency shifts towards the higher frequency band. AR values also change in the same way. Change in chemical potential does not create many effects on orthogonal mode formation. However, some small changes may occur in the amplitude of the modes, which will create a small effect on the value of AR.
Easy controlling of the sense of circular polarization is also an important feature of the proposed antenna. Figure 10 displays the LHCP and RHCP pattern in the XZ plane at 5.9 THz with a proposed aperture as well as a mirror image of the proposed aperture. From Fig. 10, it is clearly observed that the antenna is left-handed circularly polarized (LHCP) with the proposed aperture, while it is right-handed circularly polarized with a mirror image of the proposed aperture. That means, a change in orientation simply changes the orientation of the field.