Increasing concentrations of essential elements such as Fe, Cu, and Zn, which are vital for animals at a certain concentration, and very low concentrations of non-essential elements such as Cd and Pb, which are not biologically required, cause accumulation and toxicity in tissues. In the study, the gill, liver, spleen, muscle, kidney, and gonad tissue levels of essential (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Cr, Sr) and non-essential (Al, As, Pb and Cd) elements of A. supercilious were determined. Among the essential elements, Fe was found at the highest level. Tissue Fe levels of the species were determined as Liver > Gill > Spleen > Gonad > Kidney > Stomach > Muscle, respectively (p < 0.05).
Iron is responsible for many biochemical reactions, takes part in oxygen transport by participating in the structure of hemoglobin and myoglobin, and takes part in the electron transport system by participating in the structure of cytochromes in animals. In animals, 60% of the total Fe is found in blood hemoglobin, 3–7% in myoglobin in muscle tissue, while the rest is in the liver, spleen, kidney, bone marrow, and muscles. The excretion of Fe, whose absorption in the body is very low, is controlled by Fe homeostasis. The level of iron in animals varies depending on the species, developmental stage, sex, feeding preference, and disease. Muscle Fe levels in Prionace glauca, Carcharhinus falciformis, and A. pelagicus sampled from the Mexico coast were determined as 445.3 ± 673.63, 420.0 ± 393.22, 396.3 ± 306.50 mg kg− 1 ww, respectively, and muscle Fe levels were found to be higher (41–61%) in females compared to males (Álvaro-Berlanga et al. 2021). In the present study, the muscle Fe level of A. supercilious was determined as 48.27 ± 7.03 µg g− 1 dw. Fe was found at the highest level in the liver of A. supercilious among the other tissues. The liver is the most important iron reserve area. The gills have the highest Fe levels after the liver. The wide capillary network that provides gas exchange during respiration explains the high level of Fe in the gills. Spleen is a hematopoietic tissue and Fe level was found to be high in the third place. Fe, together with Cu, is an essential element responsible for reproduction. “Sertoli and Leydig cells” in the male reproductive system are important sources of ferritin and serve as a ready source of Fe for developing spermatozoa as well as protecting testicular tissue (Toebosch et al. 1987; Wise et al. 2003). Fe level in A. supercilious gonad tissue may indicate that the individual is either in the reproductive period to reach reproductive or maturity. It is known that the known reproductive maturity range of the species is 154–341 cm, with an average of 253 cm (Compagno 1984). The kidneys are responsible for homeostasis and excretion in fish (Goldstein and Schnellmann 1996; Wendelaar Bonga and Lock 2008). Since cartilaginous fish are hyperosmotic, freshwater and marine bony fish show kidney functions together. In this study, kidney tissue Fe level can be explained by homeostatic control. Heme iron is the most important source of Fe in top predator species with long lifespans such as sharks. Due to the low pH of the stomach, it allows Fe to be converted into ionic form during digestion, and cellular absorption of iron in ion form is faster. This may explain why the Fe level in A. supercilious stomach tissue is higher than the muscle tissue level.
Cu and Zn are trace elements that function as cofactors by participating in the structure of many enzymes in animal organisms, and they cause disturbances in metabolic and physiological events over a certain concentration range (Michalska-Mosiej et al. 2016). Zn participates in the structure of more enzymes than Cu so is generally found at higher levels than Cu in Teleost and Chondrichthyes fish species (Mendil et al. 2010; Olgunoğlu et al. 2015; Raimundo et al. 2015; Álvaro-Berlanga et al. 2021). Adel et al. (2017) reported that the muscle Cu level in Carcharhinus dussumieri was higher than the Zn, which could be explained by the antagonistic effect between metals. Cu and Zn levels in tissues of A. supercilious were determined as Liver > Gonad > Kidney > Spleen > Stomach > Gill > Muscle, respectively. The proportional similarity in the tissue levels of both elements can be explained by the functional role of the tissues and metal metabolism.
The arsenic originating from the earth's crust is highly involved in the aquatic ecosystem with anthropogenic sources (Kumari et al. 2017). Arsenic is a nonmetallic element and can be found in different forms in biological systems. The presence of organic arsenic compounds in fish and other aquatic fauna and flora has been reported in many studies (Francesconi et al. 1994; Schmeisser et al. 2004; Soeroes et al. 2005; Grotti et al. 2008; Rahman and Hasegawa 2012). It is known that arsenic, which is in the inorganic form in water, turns into a harmless form as a result of methylation with aquatic flora and is stored in the muscle and liver as organic compounds such as arsenobetaine and arsenolipid in biota (Duker et al. 2005; Bears et al. 2006). The liver has an important role in the biotransformation of inorganic arsenic and is stored in the liver in various bony fish species (Cockell et al. 1991; Suhendrayatna et al. 2002). However, it has been reported that arsenic is found at a higher level in muscle tissue than liver in some teleost fish (Cˇ elechovska´ et al. 2011; Tyokumbur et al. 2014; Çiftçi et al. 2021). Arsenic was found at the highest level in the liver and gonad tissues of A. supercilious and lowest in muscle tissue in the present study. The accumulation of high biotransformation ability elements, such as arsenic, in tissues, may vary depending on the species, life span, organization level, nutritional preference, and habitat. In this study, the gill and kidney tissue As levels were found to be higher than the muscle tissue, which may indicate that excretion is high.
The gills are one of the main uptake routes of metals in the aquatic environment by fish, and especially the uptake and transport of + 2 valence elements in the body occur at a higher level. Aluminum is added to aquatic ecosystems mostly with the effect of anthropogenic factors. Its main uptake by fish takes place through gills, which are in direct interaction with the environment. Aluminum has a valence of + 3. This situation weakens the competition of aluminum with the + 2 valence elements that can be easily taken from the Ca channels in the gills (Rosseland et al. 1990; Exley et al. 1991; Monette et al., 2008). Its low water solubility is another factor limiting its accumulation. Acidic environments increase Al solubility and cause toxic effects in aquatic organisms. Wauer and Teien (2010) stated that gill tissue is a bioindicator for Al accumulation in fish. Al was found in the highest concentration in the gill tissue of A. supercilious (p < 0.05) and there was no statistical difference in other tissues (p > 0.05). The most important reason for this may be the limited transport of aluminum between tissues as a result of binding to functional groups located both apically and within the lamellar epithelial cells on the gill surface (Exley et al. 1991). Muscle tissue Al level was reported as 0.83 µg g-1 dw (Marques et al. 2021) in Scylorhinus canicula sampled from the Atlantic Ocean, and 1.34 mg kg-1 ww in Mustelus mustelus sampled from Langebaan Lagoon, South Africa (Bosch et al. 2016). Muscle Al level in A. supercilious was found to be 5.67 µg g-1 dw in the present study. Our findings were higher than in previous studies.
In cartilaginous fish, tissue Pb level varies depending on the species. The muscle tissue Pb level was reported as 2.89 in P. galuca, 4.08 in C. falciformis, and 2.61 mg kg− 1 ww in A. pelagicus (Álvaro-Berlanga et al 2021). The muscle tissue Pb level of A. supercilious was determined as 3.56 µg g− 1 dw, and no statistical difference was found between the other tissues in terms of Pb level (p > 0.05).
It has been determined that liver Cd levels are high in studies conducted with various shark species around the world. In P. glauca sampled from Baja California Sur, Mexico, liver Cd level was 34.66 mg kg− 1 ww (Barrera-Garcia et al. 2013), in C. calciformis 284.55 mg kg− 1 ww (Terrazas-Lopez et al. 2016), 86.53 mg kg− 1 ww in A. pelagicus (Lara et al. 2020) and 19.77 mg kg-1 ww in Sphyrna zygaena sampled from the Mediterranean (Storelli et al. 2003). In this study, the liver Cd level of A. supercilous sampled from the Northeast Mediterranean was found to be 57.37 µg g− 1 dw. High liver Cd levels in sharks may be related to their longevity, being top predators, and feeding preferences. One of the possible reasons for the high level of Cd in the liver is the synthesis of metallothionein and glutathione, which are low molecular weight, rich in cysteine, and function in metal binding, mainly in the liver.
Due to the functional properties of the liver, they can accumulate biologically required metals at high concentrations. Especially at the beginning of the developmental stage, Cu and Zn levels in the liver are quite high (Mull et al. 2012; Corsolini et al. 2014). Among these essential elements, Zn, besides its basic functions, has an important role in reducing Cd toxicity with its capacity to activate metal transcription factor (MTF-1), which stimulates metallothionein synthesis (Di Giulio and Meyer, 2008; Hahn and Hestermann, 2008). Barrera-García et al (2013) emphasized that liver Zn level may be related to Cd level in P. glauca, for the reasons specified. The high level of A. supercilious liver Zn and Cd in this study may also be due to the same mechanism. In this study, Cd was found the second-highest level in the gonad after the liver. Metals are actively transported to the gonad tissue during the reproductive period. In this study, the high level of Cd accumulation in the gonad tissue by A. supercilious can be explained by the tendency to accumulate Cd at high levels in the gonad tissue due to its similarity to Ca in order to reach reproductive maturity of the individual.
Strontium was found at higher levels in the stomach, gonads, and kidneys of A. supercilious than in other tissues in the present study. It is possible that this element, which is responsible for the mineralization of bone and cartilage tissue and invertebrate shells, may have been taken by food.
Cr and Mn were found at the lowest level among the metals examined in this study. Rhincodon typus has been reported as Cr 5.21 µg/g ww and Mn 4.45 µg/g ww in muscle tissue (Pancaldi et al. 2021). Muscle Cr and Mn levels in A. supercilious were found to be lower than in previous studies. This may be related to the concentration of these metals in the environment, their level in the food chain, or their metabolism in the organism.