Sample site
The sample sites are located on a private farm (Leliekloof farm) situated within the Great Winterberg mountain range, 55 km south-east of Cradock, Chris Hani District, Eastern Cape (32°19'37.4"S, 26°01'08.0"E). The naturally recovering old crop fields selected for this study are located on a plateau region on the farm at an average elevation of 1,658 m above sea level (m.a.s.l.). These crop fields were first established in 1963 (J.M. Coetzer, personal communication, April 2021). This area falls in the Grassland Biome and is represented by the Karoo Escarpment Grassland vegetation type (mixture of shrubs and grasses; 36). The geology of the region is represented by the Adelaide subgroup of the Beaufort Group of sedimentary layers, as well as Karoo Dolerite intrusions (37). The average annual rainfall for the region is 547 mm per year (1970 - 2000; 38), with the average rainfall over the last 5 years for the farm recorded as 365 mm (J.M. Coetzer, personal communication, April 2021).
On the study site several naturally recovering old crop fields reside which have not been planted or worked since 1989, 1997 and 2009 respectively (Fig. 1). These old fields have started to slowly recover in terms of natural vegetation. The old fields are surrounded by natural grassland, which has never been used for croplands, and the whole camp is used for grazing by sheep, goats and cattle, on a rotational grazing system. Upon visual inspection it can be seen that the old crop field sections show a difference in vegetation composition compared to the neighbouring natural areas. The old crop fields are mostly dominated by Eragrostis grasses and Chrysocoma ciliata dwarf shrubs, whereas the surrounding natural veld is dominated by Merxmuellera (Tenaxia) disticha and Themeda triandra grasses.
Soil sampling
Four sampling localities were selected for this assessment. Soil samples were collected from three sites in each of three recovering old crop field sections of three age groups (1989, 1997 and 2009) and a control site of natural grassland (Nat) bordering the fields, which has never been used for croplands. Each soil sample consisted of three subsamples to account for any variability within each locality, and collected in a 20 m transect, at 10 m intervals. Each subsample was collected with an auger to a depth of 10 cm. This gave us a total of 12 soil samples across all four localities.
An additional 12 samples were collected with a 4.5 cm diameter PVC pipe corer, to a depth of 4 cm. The samples were immediately placed in separate sealable bags, to minimize water loss. These samples were used to determine soil density. Each sample was taken by carefully pushing the corer into the soil and limiting soil disruption as much as possible.
Soil analysis
The 12 composite samples were dried at 60 °C for 72 h prior to analyses. All samples were sieved (2mm) to remove stones and large plant material prior to drying. Soil texture was assessed by determining the sand, silt, and clay composition of each composite sample following the Hydrometer Method (39). Soil pH (1:2 soil to water suspension) and TDS measurements were performed by weighing out 15 g of soil into a 50 ml falcon tube and adding 30 ml of reverse osmosis (RO) water. The mixture was thoroughly mixed, and the pH, TDS and electrical conductivity (EC) measurements were taken using a ExStik ® II pH/Conductivity meter (Extech Instruments, Waltham, MA, USA).
Soil density were determined by calculating the volume of each sample using the known corer diameter and depth sampled, as well as the dry weight of each sample. These samples were dried at 100 °C for 72 h to ensure total evaporation of any soil moisture. The soil bulk density (BD = g/cm3) was calculated by dividing the dry weight (g) by the sample volume (cm3; V = πr2h).
Total C and total N was measured from the sieved composite samples by dry combustion (40) using a TruSpec Leco CN analyzer (LECO Corp., St Joseph, MI, USA). The results were obtained as carbon percentage (C %) and nitrogen percentage (N %). Carbon and nitrogen stock values were calculated using the C % and N % estimates and the soil density values. The total amount of carbon and nitrogen per hectare (tC/ha and tN/ha) were calculated by multiplying the sampling depth, the calculated soil density and the C % and N %, respectively.
The soil water-holding capacity (WHC) was measured by calculating the amount of water present in a completely saturated soil sample. First, a Whatman® qualitative filter paper (Grade 113; 30 µm; ø 125 mm) was saturated in reverse osmosis (RO) water, weighed, and then folded and placed in a clean funnel. The funnel was then placed in a collection container to catch the water filtrate. Twenty grams of dried soil was added to the filter, with 25 ml RO water carefully added to the soil. The funnel was covered with foil to reduce evaporation, with five small holes punched into the foil to facilitate drainage. The soil was then allowed to drain for 30 min at room temperature. The saturated soil sample was then weighed with its filter. The weight of the filter and the initial soil weight was subtracted to calculate the amount of water. The value for the amount of water was divided by the initial soil weight and multiplied by 100 to calculate the water holding capacity.
Statistical analyses
A Mantel test (41) was performed to test for spatial autocorrelation in our data, using the ade4 package (42) in R (43). The GPS coordinates of each sample site was used to calculate a distance matrix for comparison to a distance matrix estimated from all soil characteristics. The soil characteristics measured from this study were compared between old crop field age groups (1989, 1997 and 2009) and the natural grassland using a Multivariate linear regression assessment in PAST v4.01 (44). The measurements for soil density, pH, TDS, N %, C %, N stock, C stock, WHC and soil texture (sand, silt, clay) were set as dependent variables. The age class was set as the independent variable. The ages since abandonment was calculated for each site, with an age of 60 years selected for the natural habitats, as the first crops were planted in 1963 (J.M. Coetzer, personal communication, April 2021). Setting the age of the natural habitats to 40, 100 or 150 did not have any significant changes to the regression analysis results.
Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) was performed to visualise similarities between treatments using the R package VEGAN (45, 46). The NMDS plot was produced using a Gower’s dissimilarity matrix (47) produced from all calculated measures. Gower’s index was selected as it has been shown to be reliable when using several types of variables (48, 49).