Bardiau 1999 [30]
Fields 2019 [31] Lee 2017 [32] Neuman 2019 [33]
Patient education
Presence of preoperative patient education materials on perioperative pain and pain management, risks of opioids
Bongiovanni 2020 [34]
Hopkins 2020 [35]
Staff education
Presence of multi-professional education materials for staff on opioid stewardship and need for multimodal analgesia
Brat 2017 [36] Cron 2017 [37]
Fields 2019 [31]
Gan 2020 [38] Hilliard 2018 [39]
Truong 2019 [40]
Preoperative identification and optimisation for patients with opioid tolerance
Opioid tolerant definition: if opioids used for more than 7 days in the 60 days prior to surgery/ any opioid use in 12/12 prior to surgery, any opioid medication on admission meds list
System to identify preoperative opioid use in elective population
Specialist pain referral pathway to enable opioid weaning and perioperative analgesic planning for preoperative optimization in opioid tolerant population
Brummett 2016 [41]
Clarke 2014 [42]
Fields 2019 [31] Jiang 2017 [43] Lee 2017 [32] Macintyre 2014 [44] Stafford 2018 [45]
Identification of patients at greatest risk of persistent postoperative opioid use (PPOU)
Opioid Risk Tool (ORT), Screener for Opioid Assessment and Patients with Pain (SOAPP) and Brief Risk Interview (BRI) may be of use in acute pain setting
Presence of screening tool to identify risk factors for persistent postoperative opioid use (PPOU) defined as use of opioids at 90–180 days postoperatively
Identified prevalence of PPOU risk
Minkowitz 2014 [46]
Identification of patients at risk of opioid related adverse drug events (ORADEs)
Presence of screening tool to identify preoperatively those at greater risk of postoperative opioid related adverse drug events (ORADEs)
Felling 2018 [47]
Yap 2019 [48]
Use of multimodal analgesia
Presence of protocol to reduce perioperative opioid use with preoperative multimodal analgesia
Lee 2017 [32] Macintyre 2014 [44]
Concept of ‘universal precautions’ in the use of perioperative opioids
Adoption of ‘universal precautions’ when initiating perioperative opioids
Bardiau 1999 [30] Brandal 2017 [49]
Cheung 2009 [50] Felling 2018 [47] Keller 2019 [51] Mujukian 2019 [52],
Neuman 2019 [33] Stafford 2018 [45]
Thiele 2015 [53]
Truong 2019 [40]
Wick 2017 [54]
Yap 2019 [48]
Use of multimodal analgesia
Presence of opioid-sparing protocol for intra operative use including minimally invasive surgery, regional blocks and multimodal analgesia
Adherence to intra-operative opioid sparing protocol
Fields 2019 [31]
Identification of patients at greatest risk of PPOU
Presence of review/ re-screen with new risk factors for PPOU including formation of a stoma
Bardiau 1999 [30] Brandal 2017 [49] Cheung 2009 [50] Felling 2018 [47]
Keller 2019 [51] Mujukian 2019 [52]
Neuman 2019 [33] Stafford 2018 [45] Thiele 2015 [53] Truong 2019 [40] Wick 2017 [54] Yap 2019 [48]
Use of multimodal analgesia
Presence of opioid-sparing protocol for recovery/ immediate postoperative use including regional blocks and multimodal analgesia
Adherence to recovery/ immediate postoperative opioid sparing protocol
Bardiau 1999 [30]
Brandal 2017 [49]
Access to acute pain service
Availability of an acute pain service
Delivery of a daily pain review
Bardiau 1999 [30] Brandal 2017 [49] Cheung 2009 [50]
Felling 2018 [47]
Gan 2015 [55] Keller 2019 [51]
Mujukian 2019 [52] Neuman 2019 [33] Stafford 2018 [45] Thiele 2015 [53] Truong 2019 [40] Wick 2017 [54] Yap 2019 [48]
Use of multimodal analgesia
Presence of opioid-sparing protocol for postoperative use including regional blocks and multimodal analgesia
Adherence to postoperative opioid sparing protocol
Rate of postoperative ileus
Keller 2019 [51] Kessler 2013 [56] Lee 2010 [57] Oderda 2013 [58]
Tsui 1996 [59]
Presence of ORADEs
Scoring of frequency, severity, and distress of
opioid-related side effects as 0 to 60 on the Perioperative Opioid-related
Symptom Distress scale
Presence of review for ORADEs
Rate of ORADEs, severity of ORADEs detected, impact of ORADEs on length of stay
Greco 2014 [60]
Neuman 2019 [33]
Syrowatka 2021[61]
Protocolised opioid prescribing in hospital
Procedure-specific protocol for use of in-hospital opioids, promoting avoidance of long acting opioids
Electronic clinical quality measure
(eCQM) to assess potentially inappropriate high dose postoperative opioid prescribing practices e.g an average daily dose
≥ 90 MME for the duration of postoperative opioid prescription in preoperatively opioid naïve patients
Brandal 2017 [49] Bromberg 2021 [62] Chen 2018 [63] Fields 2019 [31] Fujii 2018 [64] Hill 2017 [65] Hill 2018 [66] Hopkins 2020 [35] Lee 2017 [32] Macintyre 2014 [44] Neuman 2019 [33] Pruitt 2019 [67] Thiels 2017 [68] Wang 2021 [69] Wick 2017 [54]
Protocolised opioid prescribing on discharge
Procedure-specific MME centiles to reduce inter-prescriber variation
Presence of a patient group specific guideline or algorithm for discharge opioid prescribing, opioid use in 24h prior to discharge to guide opioids prescribed on discharge aiming at prescribing the lowest dose opioid possible for the shortest duration
Procedure specific post op prescribing guidelines to provide enough doses to cover 75% of patients
Procedure specific prescribing limits built into electronic patient record
Procedure-specific mean discharge MME prescribed
Total milligram of morphine equivalents (MME) consumed during 24h prior to discharge
Opioid present on hospital discharge prescription
Frequency of slow-release opioids prescribed on discharge
Frequency of immediate-release opioids prescribed on discharge
Non-opioid adjuvant analgesia present on discharge prescription
Brandal 2017 [49]
Wang 2021[69]
Review of inpatient opioid use
Presence of recording tool for opioids used during inpatient stay
Total milligram of morphine equivalents (MME) consumed during hospital stay
Procedure specific mean daily inpatient MME used
Fields 2019 [31] Hoang 2020 [70]
Identification of patients at greatest risk of PPOU
Use > 90th centile MME opioids, or equivalent of over 50 5mg oxycodone prescribed at discharge as risk factor/ flag for PPOU
Hopkins 2020 [35] Macintyre 2014 [44]
Opioid de-escalation and tapering
Presence of a de-escalation plan for opioids prescribed on discharge
Use of ‘reverse pain ladder’ to guide de-escalation
Pain management plan and tapering strategies clearly communicated to primary care team in a timely manner
Bartels 2016 [71] Fujii 2018 [64] Lee 2017 [32] Hill 2017 [65] Macintyre 2014 [44] Neuman 2019 [33]
Patient education
Provision of patient education on safe storage and disposal of unused opioids and avoidance of opioid diversion
Opioid specific discharge advice, e.g. do not drive for up to 4 weeks until opioid dose is stable
Macintyre 2014 [44]
Identification of patients at risk of ORADEs
Identify those at risk of ORADEs when prescribing opioids for use at home. Male, obese, over 65, greater comorbidities, pre-op opioid use, concurrent sedative medication use.
Follow up
Agarwal 2020 72] Bartels 2016 [71] Bromberg 2021 [62] Howard 2019 [73] Meyer 2020 [74] Pruitt 2019 [67] Roughhead 2019 [75]
Review of opioids prescribed v used
MME prescribed and consumed
Presence of process to assess opioids prescribed v opioids used following surgical procedures to allow tailoring of opioid prescriptions to need for a patient group/specific procedure
reduce unused opioid in the community
Post op prescription considered to have been given if opioids dispensed between 2–7 days following discharge
Brat 2017 [36] Clarke 2014 [42] Fields 2019 [31] Hill 2018 [66] Pullman 2021 [76] Roughead 2019 [75]
Identification of patients at greatest risk of or with PPOU
In primary care, detection of opioid misuse/ PPOU after discharge, defined as at least one of the ICD-9 diagnosis
code of opioid dependence, abuse, or overdose
Hospital analgesic policies include strategies to support post-discharge assessment and follow-up
of patients at risk of becoming chronic opioid users
New or repeat opioid prescriptions within 30 days of discharge
Use of higher dosage of opioids at any time (> 50–60 MME)
PPOU: ongoing opioid use at 90–180 days post discharge
Incidence of opioid related re-admissions
Time to opioid cessation: a period without an opioid prescription equivalent to three times the estimated supply duration in preoperatively opioid naïve patients
Pruitt 2019 [67]
Staff education
Staff education: Prescribers sent quarterly reports on their prescribing v guidelines
Macintyre 2014 [44]
Management of those with PPOU
Presence of plan/protocol if opioid abuse or misuse is detected