Our study discovered that elevated serum level of hsCRP was associated with a higher probability of depression after 6 months of hospital discharge in adult mTBI patients. Furthermore, the association between elevated hsCRP levels and the occurrence of depression was maintained in patients with fever at ED arrival. This research contributes to understanding the relationship between systematic inflammation after injury and the incidence of depression. It will help in developing strategies to improve clinical outcomes in mTBI patients.
Post-concussion syndrome has been reported weeks, months, and even years after recovery from mTBI (24). The symptoms associated with the post-concussion syndrome are subjective and varied. Although headache, sleep disturbance, and mood disorders such as irritability, anxiety, and depression are the most commonly reported symptoms of post-concussion syndrome, among the symptoms following mTBI, depression severity is strongly associated with the overall quality of life (24, 25).
Depression is one of the most common psychological sequelae of TBI, and in a study of moderate to severe TBI patients, major depressive disorder was observed in 53% of patients within the first year after injury, compared to 7% in the general population (26, 27). Additionally, in the study of mTBI and concussions, depression was reported in 22% of patients within 6 months after injury (28). In our study, depression with a BDI score of 10 or higher was reported in 28.7% of patients, which is higher than that reported for the general population.
Post-TBI depression, like depression in the general population, affects various aspects of life. When mTBI patients return to the workplace after injury, they are reportedly less productive and make more errors compared to before the injury (25). This reduced job performance originates from depression but not physical symptoms (29), indicating that some specific mechanism of depression following injury affects other cognitive functions.
Previous studies have described several biological and pathogenic mechanisms that cause depression after mTBI. A history of mood disorder and other comorbidities before the injury, drug abuse, and psychological factors may contribute to the risk of depression manifestations after injury (24). Although the mechanisms responsible for these association have yet to be elucidated, accumulating evidence indicates that inflammatory pathways contribute to depression in the general population and in patients after mTBI (25, 30).
Evidence for the role of inflammatory marker elevation has been building over the past 30 years. Many biomarkers, including cytokines (e.g., TNF-a, IL-1, IL-6) and acute phase reactant proteins (e.g., CRP) (31, 32) have been implicated. CRP is a sensitive but non-specific biomarker of systematic inflammation in response to infection, surgery, burns, trauma, tissue infarction, and chronic inflammatory conditions. It is a prognostic biomarker for poor survival outcomes and psychological outcomes, including depression (33, 34). Some studies reported that elevated levels of CRP were associated with worsened cognitive function and increased psychological distress and depression (35, 36). Consistent with the results of previous studies, our study also observed an increased risk of depression with a BDI score of 10 or higher when hsCRP levels increased to more than 1.0 mg/L.
Previous studies suggested several possible effects of elevated CRP levels, indicating low-grade systemic inflammation causing various psychological problems such as depression. Systemic inflammation might trigger neuroinflammation in several densely populated microglia brain regions. This may lead to an increase in indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase expression (37), which in turn may be involved in cognitive impairment and physiological and psychological problems (37, 38). Systemic inflammatory processes can also activate the neuroendocrine hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, resulting in chronic stress-associated anxiety and depression (39).
Since CRP is not a perfect biomarker for predicting inflammation, we performed an interaction analysis to determine whether there is a difference in the predictive power of hsCRP on depression in the presence of fever, another predictor of inflammation. We found that an elevation of hsCRP level was associated with depression only in the presence of fever. We think that this result emphasizes that systematic inflammation is a risk factor for depression rather than denigrating the predictive power of CRP.
Although the exact mechanisms linking inflammation to depression are still unclear, our study reinforces the results of previous studies that depression occurs through the inflammatory pathway after injury in TBI patients. In addition, since CRP is a non-specific biomarker, the study has made a new observation that when fever, another marker of inflammation, is present, the risk of depression occurence increases. The results of our study provide a theoretical basis for applying a strategic intervention to reduce the occurrence of depression when an increase in hsCRP level and fever are observed in mTBI patients.
Our study has several limitations. First, our study population included mTBI patients presenting with aGCS score of 13 to 15. However, there were cases of severe TBI involved, thus increasing the possibility of affecting the study outcomes. Second, the serum levels of hsCRP were divided into two groups based on a cut-off value of 1 mg/L. Other studies have shown that this standard value is variable. Third, the incidence of depression might have been over- or under-estimated because patients who were lost to follow-up or those who died were excluded. Finally, as this was not a randomized controlled trial, there might have been some potential bias that could not be controlled.