Belemnite selection. The well-preserved belemnite calcite is mainly non-luminescence (Supplementary Fig. 2) and has relatively low Mn (< 30–50 µg/g) and Fe (< 150 µg/g) concentrations6,14,18 (Supplementary Figs. 3 and 4; Supplementary Tables 1–3). Previous geochemical investigations of modern and fossil mollusca have shown that Mn and Fe have low concentrations in primary biominerals, but diagenetic alteration causes enrichment of these two elements in biogenic carbonates26. Significantly, belemnite calcite with high Mn and Fe concentrations also has low Sr concentration27. Detailed examination of belemnite taphonomy showed that the lower Sr concentration are perhaps due to a vital and/or environment effect, and are not the result of a diagenetic effect. Electron microprobe elemental maps show that uniformly low Mn and Fe contents and compositional changes in S and Mg occur in the growth rings of the rostra (Supplementary Fig. 3). During progressive growth and calcite precipitation of the belemnite rostra, variations in S and Mg beyond the apical area were likely related to organic compounds incorporated into the carbonate biominerals. This phenomenon is attributed to a biomineralisation rather than a diagenetic process28.A total of 15 samples with high Mn and Fe concentrations were excluded in this study as diagenetic alteration has made these samples unsuitable for paleoclimate interpretations.
Biostratigraphy and strontium and carbon isotope stratigraphy. The detailed radiolarian biostratigraphy used in this study is shown in Supplementary Fig. 5, which is based on the unitary association zones (UAZs) of Baumgartner et al.29. The uppermost Berriasian to lower Valanginian part of the studied marine succession is well constrained by the occurrence of Thanarla pulchra, which characterises UAZ 15 in the Tethyan realm. Although radiolarians are less common, the interval of UAZ 16 is correlated with the co-occurrence of Acaeniotyle umbilicata, Godia sp., and Pantanellium squinaboli, and is assigned to the lower Valanginian. Previous studies of the evolution of Early Cretaceous radiolarians in the western Tethys have shown that positive CIE excursions coincide with the increase in the abundance of upwelling, high productivity-related Pantanellium during the upper Valanginian interval4. In the Manla section, the increase in abundance of Patanelliun squinaboli, along with the co-occurrence of Hemicryptocapsa capita, is interpreted to be the upper Valanginian interval. The base of the Hauterivian was placed at the base of UAZ 19 and is defined by the first occurrence of Cecrops septemporatus, which is a common specie in the Tethyan realm (Supplementary Fig. 5).
Although the radiolarian biostratigraphy is of relatively high resolution, and is consistent with the Tethyan ammonite zones and within ca. 9 Myr. Sr isotope data can yield significantly higher stratigraphic resolution and an improved geochronological framework. The 87Sr/86Sr isotope curve through the studied succession matches that of the uppermost Berriasian to lower Hauterivian interval, which was characterized by seawater Sr isotopic homogeneity in the Early Cretaceous. The belemnite 87Sr/86Sr ratios are characterised by increasing values from 0.707286 ± 0.000007 in the lowermost UAZ 15 to 0.707398 ± 0.000006 in the lower UAZ 19, which yields ages of 140.41 ± 0.33 Ma (1σ) to 133.46 ± 0.19 Ma based on the LOWESS model14,26, respectively. Our new stratigraphic sections of the Lower Cretaceous Gyabula Formation have tight chronological constraints based on the radiolarian and ammonite biostratigraphy and high-resolution 87Sr/86Sr isotope data (Fig. 1 and Supplementary Fig. 6), which allows these sections to be used for stratigraphic correlations and constraining global palaeoenvironmental changes through time.
We obtained stable isotope data for belemnite rostra from three Lower Cretaceous sections (Qiabu, Longma, and Manla) in southern Tibet. The carbon isotope values of belemnite calcite (δ13Cbel) throughout the studied succession range from − 2.03‰ to 0.73‰. Our studied sections exhibit near uniform secular trends consistent with global δ13C stratigraphy, and can be divided into four successive intervals according to offsets in δ13Cbel values (Fig. 2; Supplementary Tables 1–3). In the pre-CIE interval, the δ13Cbel data are derived from the genera Belemnopsis and Hibolites, and exhibit slight variations about an average value of − 1.64‰ ± 0.30‰ during the lower to middle UAZ 16. This rather stable period is interrupted by a large positive CIE that lasted ca. 2 Myr, which is known as the Weissert CIE. The highest δ13Cbel values (+ 0.73‰) are reached in UAZ 18. From UAZ 18, the δ13Cbel data tend to delineate a distinct negative excursion up to the top of the sequence, and were mainly derived from the genus Hibolites.
Belemnite carbon isotope records and correlation with the global Weissert event. Our δ13Cbel data suggest that a major positive CIE is evident from the belemnite calcite data in the southern Tethyan Ocean, which is consistent with bulk organic carbon (Corg) and carbonate (Ccarb) data for the northern Tethyan Ocean5, Boreal Realm30, western North Atlantic Ocean31, and Pacific Ocean4, including shallow marine, hemipelagic, pelagic, and continental settings (Fig. 2; Supplementary Fig. 7 and Table 4). In the southern Tethyan Ocean (~ 53°S), δ13C values of bulk carbonate show long-term variations between − 2.5‰ and 1.5‰30. This variation of 4‰ is larger than the Valanginian (2.5‰) documented by belemnite calcite data from southern Tibet (~ 48.5°S; this study). In the Northern Hemisphere, where the stratigraphic records and geochemical data for belemnite calcite are near complete, a minimum δ13Cbel value at the base of the lower Valanginian is followed by a pronounced increasing trend in the lower part of the upper Valanginian30. The major δ13Cbel excursions of ~ 0.5‰ and 1.9‰ above the base of the S. verrucosum zone in Spain have been correlated to peaks at a similar stratigraphic level in France (i.e., the northern Tethyan Ocean)19. These δ13Cbel maxima can also be correlated to studied sections in Germany and England (i.e., the southern Boreal realm) and Russia (i.e., the Arctic Boreal realm)5,30, where similar positive excursions are found in the middle of the P. hollwedensis and D. crassus zones, respectively (Supplementary Fig. 7). Comparison of the belemnite isotope curves for these different regions suggest that the δ13Cbel data exhibit similar long-term trends, but differences in the amplitudes of excursions and absolute values, which may be explained by the biogeographic separation of the sites and preservational and/or taxonomic characteristics. The Valanginian belemnite assemblages exhibit distinct regionality, and can be attributed to two biogeographic realms, which are the Boreal and Tethyan realms. The stable isotope data for the Boreal realm are mainly from the genera Arctoteuthis, Cylindroteuthis, and Lagonibelus, while the Tethyan data are mainly from Belemnopsis, Castellanbelus, Duvalia, and Hibolithes32.
The magnitudes of the CIEs in the different exogenic carbon pools vary widely. A comparison of 35 median carbon isotope values for the Weissert event shows that the smallest CIEs is 1.8‰ for marine carbonates. Intermediate CIEs of 2.2‰ and 2.4‰ are recorded by benthic foraminifers and belemnites, respectively, and the largest CIE of 5.4‰ is recorded by terrestrial plants (Fig. 3a; Supplementary Table 3). An important question is which of these archives provides the most robust data. In general, the CIE recorded by terrestrial plants8 is substantially larger than the CIE recorded by bulk marine carbonates and belemnites5,30, but similar to that recorded by marine bulk organic matter at mid- to high-latitudes33. Reconciling these discrepancies requires either that the CIE preserved by terrestrial plants and bulk marine organic matter has been amplified relative to marine carbonates, or that marine carbonates and belemnites do not accurately record the full magnitude of the CIE. It has been suggested that increases in plant productivity associated with the humid climatic conditions during the Valanginian CIE would have amplified the carbon isotopic fractionation5. This model is supported by the widespread coal occurrence of dense conifer forests at high latitudes16. Published total organic carbon (TOC) and hydrogen/oxygen index (HI/OI) data for Valanginian marine sediments suggest that terrestrial organic matter was preserved in distal pelagic settings, which represents a surplus of terrestrial Corg that was exported into the oceanic system34. Therefore, records from bulk marine organic matter are prone to biases due mixing of marine and terrigenous Corg or changes in the algal/plant community in the bulk marine TOC pool.
Belemnite and bulk marine carbonate were affected by externally derived carbon during the Weissert event, including carbonate platform- and terrestrial-derived dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), atmospheric CO2, and/or methane4,7,8. The different magnitudes of the CIE in the bulk marine and belemnite carbonate have previously been explained by the different habitat distributions of coccolithophores and belemnites, which broadly represent the epipelagic and bathypelagic DIC pools, respectively35. Moreover, our clumped isotope-derived temperatures, along with other studies of belemnite rostra, suggest that the belemnites lived in deeper and colder waters than indicated by TEX86 records. In the Wawal core, a CIE of 2.2‰ recorded by the benthic foraminifer Lenticulina reflects the change in deep-ocean DIC36, which is similar to the median magnitudes of the CIE obtained from the belemnite rostra (2.4‰) (Fig. 2a). In contrast to coccolithophores, belemnites were predators that hunted small-sized faunas beneath the epipelagic zone at ocean temperatures of 10℃–30℃. A different vertical distribution of these two faunas is a viable hypothesis to explain the different magnitudes of the CIE recorded by bulk marine and belemnite carbonate6,35. Given that most exogenic carbon is stored as DIC in the marine water column37, our δ13Cbel data reflect the dynamic coupling of the oceanic carbon pool and global carbon cycling. An increase in both continental and oceanic CO2 sequestration could have contributed to the observed late Valanginian decrease in atmosphere pCO2, regardless of the precise mechanism that triggered ice sheet expansion.
Reconstruction of seawater temperatures and δ18O values. Global climatic perturbations have been previously documented across the Valanginian interval by oxygen and clumped isotope13,14,18, TEX866,7, and Mg/Ca14,19 palaeothermometry. This decrease in seawater temperature is also recorded by our Δ47 values for the belemnite rostra (Figs. 3 and 4). The belemnite Δ47 values vary between 0.653‰ ± 0.010‰ (1σ) and 0.692‰ ± 0.008‰, and yield seawater temperatures of 19℃ ± 2℃ to 31℃ ± 2℃ (Supplementary Table 5). This range of Δ47 values can be attributed to seawater temperature fluctuations recorded by the belemnite rostra. The temperatures are consistent for a variety of taxa, indicating there are no significant intra-specific vital effects. Our data reveal there was a long-term warming trend in the pre-CIE interval of 5.4℃ and an abrupt temperature decrease of 5.1℃ at the onset of the CIE interval. This abrupt cooling was enhanced by an additional cooling of 4.9℃ in response to the Weissert event, which corresponds to a total temperature decrease of 10℃ that lasted for < 2.4 Myr (Fig. 4). In addition, the entire Δ47 record for the Weissert CIE is suggestive of cooler conditions, although a few samples have lower Δ47 values suggestive of short-lived warming events within a much cooler interval. Our data also show that average seawater temperatures (24℃) for the Valanginian Weissert event at mid-latitudes (~ 48°S) are lower than the average BAYSPAR-derived SSTs of ~ 27.8℃ for the Weddell Sea (~ 54°S)7 and global-average TEX86H-derived SSTs of ~ 35℃2. This also suggests that the Hibolithes investigated in this study records cooler waters and lived in a habitat below the thermocline6,35.
The recorded δ18Obel values throughout the studied succession fluctuate around 0.0‰. Starting with values of about − 0.3‰ in the lowest UZA 15, there is a slight increase of about 0.3‰ up to the upper part of UAZ 16. A progressive warming interval between the K. inostranzewi and S. verrucosum zones is characterised by average δ18Obel values that are slightly negative at the onset of the Weissert CIE, and then increase abruptly to ~ 1‰ in the N. peregrinus zone. In the southern Tethyan Ocean (~ 48.5°S), δ18Obel values increase steadily towards a maximum of + 0.81‰ in UAZ 18 above the Weissert CIE at approximately the S. verrucosum–N. peregrinus boundary. Thereafter, δ18Obel values decrease by approximately 0.6‰ up to the top of UAZ 18 and remain relatively uniform at 0‰ up to the Valanginian–Hauterivian boundary. In addition, our seawater temperatures and the equilibrium relationship of Kele et al.38 between temperature and αcc/w allow the δ18O of the fluid that the inorganic calcite formed in to be determined. Changes in the oxygen isotopic composition of seawater (δ18Osea, relative to Vienna standard mean ocean water [VSMOW]) are ~ 2‰ (− 1.3‰ to 0.4‰) (Supplementary Table 6), based on the δ18Obel values of − 0.73‰ to 0.81‰ and temperatures of 18℃–28℃.
Implications for Early Cretaceous ice sheets Multiple proxies have revealed oceanic cooling and positive CIEs that have previously been associated with increases in carbon burial and primary productivity that likely resulted in an abrupt decrease in atmospheric pCO2 and ice sheet formation7,13,14. The Mesozoic to Cenozoic ice sheet history is partly constrained by δ18O records because large (i.e., tens of metres) and rapid (< 1 Myr) global sea level fluctuations should be associated with changes in δ18O values due to variations in global ice volume39,40. The lowest sea level in the Cretaceous10 was associated with glacial polar conditions, based on present-day-like seawater δ18O values13,41, cool temperatures13,42,43, and occurrence of glendonites17, which together suggest that glacio-eustatic occurred at this time. Our reconstructed palaeotemperatures derived from clumped isotope palaeothermometry and calculated δ18Osea data provide evidence for coupling of ocean temperatures in the Tethyan Ocean with the potential increase in ice volume, which suggests this drove climate change at mid- and southern latitudes.
To reconstruct the sea level fluctuations in deep time from the belemnite δ18O data, we used isotopic data from the Eastern Tethys, which contained deeper waters that were less affected by a freshwater input. During the Valanginian warm interval, seawater temperatures of 21°C coupled with a δ18Obel value of − 0.69‰, represent an ice-free condition. This was determined from a calculated δ18Osea value of − 1.3‰, which is broadly equivalent to the value expected for an ice-free world (i.e., sea level of 0 m) (Methods). This and the relationship between δ18Obel and sea level change proposed by Nordt et al.44 allow us to reconstruct sea level fluctuations across the Early Cretaceous Weissert event. Applying this approach to our stratigraphic sections yields an average sea level low stand of − 13 m that coincides with a positive δ18Osea value of − 0.1‰ during the pre-CIE interval (Fig. 4). An abrupt rise in sea level may have occurred due to the increase in global seawater temperatures near the boundary with the main CIE, which is also linked to an increase in atmosphere pCO27.
After the main CIE, seawater temperatures decreased and sea level fell by 32 m, indicating the expansion of ice sheets and a return to another marine low stand for nearly 1 Myr. It is unlikely that the total ice volume during the Early Cretaceous was similar to the present-day, because of the warm mid-latitude seawater temperatures and the evidence that glacial events were limited in terms of the stratigraphy (thin deposits in thick formations) and geography (both polar regions). The present-day Antarctic ice sheet contains enough ice to change global mean sea level by 58 m45. Our calculated sea level change in the Early Cretaceous ranges from 1–32 m, which is equivalent to 0–53% that of the present-day Antarctic ice sheet. We suggest that the Valanginian ice sheets were probably located on both poles. Assuming an ice thickness of 1.5 km and approximately ~ 40% of the land area being in high-latitude regions, this yields 16.5 × 106 km3 of ice volume, equivalent to an isostatically adjusted glacio-eustatic component of ~ 30 m (Fig. 4; Supplementary Fig. 8 and Table 7). Ice may not have covered the entire land area within the polar circles, which is consistent with the relative warmth in northeast Siberia and coastal Australia and North America at this time, including continental thermophilic vegetation5,46. This possibly indicates the ice sheets were thicker than assumed in the highlands.
Global palaeoclimatic reconstruction for the Early Cretaceous. Our reconstructed palaeotemperatures derived from Δ47 thermometry suggest that the Valanginian CIE was characterised by climatic cooling, although a slight warming event occurred near the onset of the CIE. This global cooling trend was not interrupted by the end of the Valanginian CIE, and the coolest conditions coincided with the post-CIE interval. The proposed increase in global carbon burial, which coincided with a substantial drawdown of atmospheric pCO2, may have contributed to ice sheet growth7,8. The inception of an ice sheet may be sensitive to atmospheric pCO2, based on analogous major Phanerozoic glacial events39,44,47. Previous global circulation model (GCM) simulations for the Early Cretaceous indicate that small-scale continental glaciation can survive in Antarctica at pCO2 = 840 ppm40. The Δδ (δ13Ccarb–δ13Cplant)-based pCO2 reconstruction also indicates there was a ~ 40% decrease in atmosphere CO2 levels during the Valanginian Weissert event8. Although there are palaeogeographic and climate ice sheet coupling model uncertainties, our results indicate that the existence of small- to medium- sized ice sheets (~ 0 − 16 × 106 km3; 0 − 30 m glacio-eustatic equivalent) required atmospheric CO2 levels to decrease to ~ 500 ppm during the Mesozoic.
Recent stratigraphic and palynological investigations have shown that a cool moist climate, probably in an open sub-tundra-like setting, similar to the modern taiga in northern North America, alternate with a glacial climate in Antarctica during the Early Cretaceous17. The present study and palaeoclimatic reconstructions5,7 imply that the Early Cretaceous ice sheets were transient, and grew and decayed rapidly. As such, estimates of the extents of the polar circles under the greenhouse conditions are more complex and variable than for the present-day polar conditions. The late Valanginian cool interval might have been the results of enhanced nutrient influx, silicate weathering rates, organic and inorganic carbon burial, and primary productivity that led to CO2 drawdown and subsequent global cooling5,7,8,14. This caused ice sheet expansion and led to the long-term, Early Cretaceous, greenhouse conditions transitioning into relatively short-lived glacial periods were preceded by warm conditions that favoured formation of widespread coal deposits or black shales7,46 and, consequently, positive CIEs (Fig. 2).
In contrast, the initial Early Cretaceous glaciation was associated with little or no cooling in both the tropical and subtropical oceans, and the prevailing high seawater temperatures were not a barrier to the initiation of polar ice sheets. Previous studies have suggested that orbital dynamics during the Late Cretaceous enhanced the activity of the hydrological cycle, which may have contributed to ice sheet formation39. However, unlike the extreme warmth of the Turonian, the late Valanginian interval was characterised by an associated global cooling trend, possibly because the cold episodes at both northern and southern high latitudes allowed ice sheet expansion13. Alternatively, the growth of the ice sheets may have been due to increased sequestration of CO2 in the deep ocean, similar to the reduced oceanic upwelling during Pleistocene glacial periods47. Regardless of the exact mechanism, the temporal association of the decrease in seawater temperatures with ice sheet expansion indicates there was close coupling of the temperature of the Tethyan Ocean and polar ice volume. Our results suggest that perturbations in the carbon cycling and/or atmospheric pCO2 had a more direct role in driving Early Cretaceous climate as compared with a coolhouse interval.