To our knowledge, this study is the first to examine changes in muscle deoxy[heme] during an incremental test in youth with obesity using near-infrared spectroscopy. Current pediatric litterature suggest that a minority of children with obesity can achieve VO2max during an incremental test, whether using a cycling (9) or a treadmill walking (3–5) protocol. While limitations of peripheral origin seem to be involved during high-intensity aerobic effort in youth with obesity (11), no study has yet measured the changes in muscle deoxy[heme] during to this type of protocol. Thus, the main of this study was to characterize the breakpoints in calves’ muscles deoxy[heme] to investigate if the breakpoints could be related to the inability to continue an incremental treadmill walking test in youth with obesity.
To assess the balance between O2 delivery and utilization capacity, the breakpoint deoxyhemoglobin (BPdeoxy[heme]) is a valid and reproducible method (36–38). The breakpoint in deoxy[heme] would represent a transition from which there is a mismatch between O2 delivery and O2 utilization in the explored tissue. During an incremental cycling test, it was hypothesized that the breakpoint in deoxy[heme] was due to the ceiling of muscular O2 extraction capacity (20). However, another study showed the existence of an O2 extraction « reserve » (40), suggesting that O2 delivery rather than O2 extraction caused the deoxy[heme] to reach a plateau. According to the latter hypothesis, this phenomenon could result from an attenuated need to increase fractional O2 extraction until the end of the test due to a local surplus of blood flow, supporting previous hypothesis that blood flow redistribution to the active tissues causes O2 extraction to plateau rather than the ceiling of muscle O2 extraction capacities (40). In the vastus lateralis during a cycling exercise, this event would occur at intensities close to the maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) and the respiratory compensation point (RCP) (20, 23, 41) from which the accumulation of metabolites triggers the release of vasodilatator compounds such as ATP, [La] and nitric oxide (40). However, since our protocol was not appropriate to detect RCPs (change in incrementation during the test and starting at an intensity ~ 60%HRpeak), we failed to detect RCPs in the present study.
The novel finding of this study is that in youth with obesity performing an incremental treadmill test, a breakpoint in calf muscles deoxy[heme] occured at ~ 75–80% VO2peak, as previously found is the vastus lateralis (36–38) and other muscle of the quadriceps (39). Interestingly, the breakpoint occured at lower intensities (~ 75–80%VO2peak) than those found in the vastus lateralis during a cycling exercise in children without obesity (~ 90%VO2peak) (23), suggesting a better matching between O2 delivery and utilization in the gastrocnemius during walking than in the vastus lateralis during cycling. Since the pattern of deoxy[heme] is closely proportional to the level of muscle activation (39), it is possible that the gastrocnemius medialis was activated to a lower extent in our treadmill protocol than the vastus lateralis in the cycling protocol of Vandekerchkove et al. As previously suggested, this might be due to the fact that the gastrocnemius medialis contains more slow-twitch type fibers than the vastus lateralis (39). Unfortunately, our interpretation remains limited by the absence of concomitant NIRS measurements at the level of the vastus lateralis during our protocol, as well as a lack of EMG data during the test. Furthermore, since no blood flow occlusion was performed, it is not possible from the present results to check whether or not the maximal O2 extraction capacity was reached during the test.
The secondary purpose of this study was to compare the deoxy[heme] profile between those who achieve a VO2 plateau or the secondary threshold criteria for verifying VO2max (i.e., a HR > 95% theoretical HRmax and a RER > 1.0). Current pediatric litterature suggests that children with obesity are not achieving VO2max during an incremental test (3–5, 9), thus is it relevant to suspect that peripheral rather than central limitations occur during these tests in this population. Our results found no differences regarding the BPdeoxy[heme] between VO2max criteria achievers vs. nonachievers, suggesting that BPdeoxy[heme] was more related to the performance in our treadmill test than the attainment of a VO2 plateau or the threshold criteria for verifying VO2max. However, we are not able to ascertain whether BPdeoxy[heme] was related to the fact that some participants do not achieve VO2max during the test because the criteria used in this study are not appropriate to verify VO2max (6, 9, 30–31). In this context, further studies should compare BPdeoxy[heme] between participants who achieve VO2max and those not by verifying the VO2max using a supramaximal test as recently recommended in young people.
There are two mains’ reasons why we have decided to use calf muscles as a measurement site. The first reason come from the scientific rational according to which calf muscles are more involved than thigh muscles during walking exercises (12). The second and more obvious reason is that the skinfold is ~ 25% lower in the calf than the thigh in children (42), allowing the signal to get more easily into the muscle tissue. In our study, the skinfold was ~ 14 mm, which is under the 20mm estimated depth penetration of the light (half the distance between the light source and the detector (43), which is 40mm in the Portamon NIRS device). Furthermore, NIRS has already been used to measure leg muscles hemodynamic adaptations to a prolonged moderate-intensity cycling exercise in adolescents with obesity whose skinfold averaged ~ 13mm (44). This study showed that a 3-months exercise training programs was associated with an improvement in microvascular hemodynamics responses during a prolonged submaximal exercise. Thus, we estimate that the light effectively penetrates the muscle tissue during the experiments and that the presented NIRS data mostly reflected the variation in muscle deoxygenation responses.
Our study has limitations. Firstly, the present results only apply to treadmill walk tests, during which both the speed and the slope increase. The breakpoint in calf muscles deoxy[heme] might occur at different intensities during other types of walking or running protocols used in children with obesity, such as the 20m shuttle-run test or the recently validated Spartacus test. Secondly, the plateau in muscle deoxy[heme] makes it possible to characterize the achievement of a critical intensity from which the aerobic metabolism is no longer able to meet the energy demand within the muscle tissue. Indeed, to determine whether maximal O2 extraction capacity was reached during the test, we could have performed a blood flow occlusion just after the end of the test. The main strength of this study is the use of NIRS in youth with obesity which is under-evaluated and the combination of a local (NIRS) and global (indirect calorimetry) measure of metabolism. The present data shed new light on the musculoskeletal responses to an incremental treadmill test in youth with obesity and offers new insights into the factors determining aerobic performance in this population.