Demographic data and general characteristics
Table 1 shows the demographics and general characteristics of the participants. Among the 1447 elderly people, there were 46.4% male and 53.6% female, respectively. The population of elementary school and below was 86.5%, and health insurance coverage was 100%. The overweight population accounted for 29.8%.
Table 1
Demographic data and general characteristics
Projects | Frequency |
Gender | N (%) |
Male | 672 (46.4) |
Female | 775 (53.6) |
Education level | |
Never went to school | 507 (35.0) |
Primary School | 745 (51.5) |
Junior high school and above | 195 (13.5) |
Medical Insurance | |
Publicly funded medical care | 9 (0.6) |
Basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents | 1438 (99.4) |
BMI | |
< 18.5 | 89 (6.1) |
18.5–23.9 | 927 (64.1) |
≥ 24 | 431 (29.8) |
Total | 1447 (100) |
Prevalence Of Chronic Diseases
Table 2 shows the prevalence of chronic diseases. The top three diseases with chronic disease prevalence were hypertension (40.2%), dyslipidemia (8.4%) and diabetes (7.0%). Many elderly people were unaware of their diseases, with 2.8%, 1.7%, 3.2%, and 5.7% of them not knowing whether they had coronary heart disease, stroke, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer, respectively.
Table 2
Prevalence of chronic diseases
Projects | Frequency |
Hypertension | N (%) |
Yes | 582 (40.2) |
No idea | 5 (0.3) |
Diabetes | |
Yes | 102 (7.0) |
No idea | 16 (1.1) |
Dyslipidemia | |
Yes | 122 (8.4) |
No idea | 245 (16.9) |
Coronary heart disease | |
Yes | 61 (4.2) |
No idea | 40 (2.8) |
Stroke | |
Yes | 17 (1.2) |
No idea | 25 (1.7) |
Chronic respiratory diseases | |
Yes | 38 (2.6) |
No idea | 47 (3.2) |
Cancer | |
Yes | 13 (0.9) |
No idea | 83 (5.7) |
Unmet Needs Of Health Service Demanders To Obtain Disease-related Knowledge And Lack Of Health Concepts
Table 3 shows that the demand side of health services had unmet needs for disease-related knowledge and lacked health concepts. 74.5% of the elderly did not know the criteria of high-risk groups for chronic diseases, 31% did not know which diseases were chronic diseases, and only 18.7% knew their blood glucose levels, indicating a low awareness rate of chronic disease-related knowledge and disease-related knowledge needs are not met. Only 27% of patients with dyslipidemia received lipid-regulating medication within the past 2 weeks, with low medication adherence and unmet need for safe medication use.
Table 3
Health literacy - basic knowledge and concepts
Projects | Frequency N (%) |
Don't know the criteria for people at risk for chronic diseases | 1078(74.5) |
Don't know which diseases are chronic diseases | 448(31.0) |
Don't know what factors are associated with the development of chronic diseases | 426(29.4) |
Believes that a healthy lifestyle can effectively prevent chronic diseases | 965(66.7) |
The most important thing to prevent and control cardiovascular diseases is to prevent and control risk factors such as high blood pressure | 860(59.4) |
Most cancers are considered preventable and treatable | 523(36.1) |
Considering that the prevention and control of chronic diseases requires the participation of the whole society | 914(63.2) |
Hypertensive person treated with antihypertensive medication within the last 2 weeks | 544(93.5) |
Diabetic treated with glucose-lowering drugs or insulin within the last 2 weeks | 89(87.3) |
Dyslipidemia treated with lipid-regulating drugs within the last 2 weeks | 33(27.0) |
Know your waist size | 943(65.2) |
Know your blood pressure | 1069(73.9) |
Know your blood sugar | 270(18.7) |
The demand side of health services reasonable exercise, diet and nutrition needs are not met, lack of healthy lifestyles and behavior
As seen in Table 4, the demand side of health services for reasonable exercise, diet and nutrition was not met and lacked healthy lifestyles and behaviors. Smoking and alcohol consumption accounted for 21.2% and 18.3%, respectively. Only 17.9% of people do physical exercise in their spare time. Many elderly people lack exercise, and reasonable exercises needs have not been met. The proportion of those who do not eat fish, shrimp, eggs and fruits every week is about 10%, and the proportion of those who do not eat dairy products every week is as high as 84.9%, with unreasonable dietary structure and unmet dietary nutritional needs. Only 57.3% of the elderly would take the initiative to go to medical institutions when they are sick, lacking the awareness of taking the initiative to seek medical treatment.
Table 4
Health Literacy - Lifestyle and Behavior
Projects | Frequency |
Smoking or not | N (%) |
Smoking | 307 (21.2) |
Have quit smoking | 131 (9.1) |
Whether to drink alcohol | |
Drinking | 265 (18.3) |
Have quit drinking | 77 (5.3) |
Exercise in your spare time | 259 (17.9) |
Walking | 671 (46.4) |
Bicycling | 135 (9.3) |
Doing housework | 936 (64.7) |
No pork, beef or poultry per week | 55 (3.8) |
No weekly consumption of fish and shrimp | 106 (7.3) |
No eggs per week | 125 (8.6) |
No fruit per week | 170 (11.7) |
No weekly consumption of soy products | 267 (18.5) |
No dairy products per week | 1229 (84.9) |
No nuts per week | 1301 (89.9) |
Go to a medical institution for treatment after getting sick | 829 (57.3) |
The demand side of health services health information access, use of unmet needs, lack of basic health skills
Table 5 illustrates the unmet needs of health information acquisition and utilization and the lack of basic health skills on the demand side of health services. About 70% of the elderly do not know the daily intake of salt and cooking oil, and only 10.3% of the elderly pay attention to the nutrition labels on food packages when they buy food, so their needs for health information acquisition and utilization are not met, and they lack basic health-related skills.
Table 5
Health Literacy - Basic Skills
Projects | Frequency N (%) |
Know the daily salt intake of healthy adults | 535 (37.0) |
Know the daily cooking oil intake for healthy adults | 390 (27.0) |
Know the food nutrition label | 176 (12.2) |
When buying food, look at the food nutrition label on the bag | 149 (10.3) |