Amongst numerous reasons of hydrological modifications in a river like climate change (IPCC 2014; Chang et al. 2015), arresting water for hydro-electricity generation through the dam (Pal 2015), diversion and lifting of water for irrigation purposes across the river (Kingsford et al.2011; Arfanuzzaman and Syed 2018; Saha and Pal 2019b), hydrological alteration triggered by dam and barrages are prominent throughout the world (Tebakari et al. 2012; Pal 2015; Talukdar and Pal 2017). The increasing frequency of dams for taming the river for human use has been mounting the problem (Csiki and Rhoads 2010; Li et al.2013). As a consequence, in most cases, flow availability in the downstream section of the river is reduced. For example, in river Ganga, flow volume is reduced by 48% in the Post-Farakka period (Rahman and Rahaman2018); in Punarbhaba river of Barind region of India and Bangladesh, it is attenuated by 36% in the Post-Komardanga period (1992). Walling and Fang (2003) documented that nearly 22% of the world’s rivers registered a noteworthy diminishing tendency in annual stream-flow in recent decades and the decrease of the annual stream-flow which cause great environmental problems as reported in the study of Pal(2015),Pal(2016),Rahman and Rahaman(2018),Talukdar and Pal (2017a), Pal and Talukdar (2018a),Pal and Saha (2018), Talukdar and Pal (2018).Graf (2006) inspected 36 US rivers detained by very large dam(s) and communicated that rapid maximum flow is diminished by 67% based on evaluations between river gauge records for unregulated stream segments and experimental regulated reaches. Such attenuation often causes flow below ecological needs. Eco-flow depicts the amount of flow, periodicity, quality of water that are needed to sustain the existing ecosystem and socio-ecological system depends on it (Li et al. 2020; Morid et al. 2019; Gosselin et al. 2019; Gostner et al. 2019). So, it is important both from an ecosystem and livelihood point of view. Improper maintenance of the downstream ecological flow sometimes exerts crisis on the existing ecosystem (Macpherson and Salazar 2020; O’Sullivan et al. 2020), species richness (Jarvis and Closs 2019), fish passages (Asaeda et al 2005; Dockery et al. 2019; Magaju et al. 2020; Moser et al. 2019; Plesinski et al. 2020), breeding, spawning of fishes (Harris et al. 2019; De-Miguel-Gallo et al. 2019; da Silva et al. 2020; Klopries et al. 2020), dependent likelihood of the stakeholders (Gallagher et al. 2020). It also imparts influence on changing channel morphology (Pal 2015), flood characteristics (Talukdar and Pal 2019), cropping pattern (Hao et al. 2020) and so on. As a consequence of damming, the water-rich area has turned into a water scarce area as modelled by Pal and Sarda (2021), Khatun et al. (2021) and such low flow persuaded eco-deficit causing species loss in the river and riparian wetland. Saha et al. (2021) has clearly predicted the influence of damming on the areal extent and depth of water in riparian wetland explains the fact that damming is not only the cause for hydro-ecological deterioration of the river itself but beyond that. Dam-induced eco-deficit is distinguished in Tangon river (Pal et al. 2018), Punarbhaba river, Yantez river (Wang et al. 2017). Talukdar and Pal (2018) documented 11 faunal and 7 floral species loss in the post-Komardanga dam period, Rahman and Rahaman(2018) identified 109 species that were lost in the Post-Farakka period. Eco-deficit is caused not only for reducing stream flow but also for turbulence in timing, high and low flow pulses, hydro-duration and flow fluctuation consistency of seasonal flow (Lin et al. 2014; Li et al. 2017; Talukdar and Pal 2019; Vega-Jácome et al. 2018). Artificial flow directive is principally caused for such indiscretion inflow and growing unpredictability in ecosystem stability (Friberg 2010; Rolls etal. 2012).
Growing intervention on river flow through damming often causes lowering flow below ecological minima and it is of great concern. In the last few decades, environmental flow appraisal has obtained priority. Many scholars have quantified ecological flow across the globe intending to flow reinstatement and long term supervision of the river, riparian ecosystem and the livelihood of the stakeholders (Liu et al. 2011; Beilfuss and Brown 2010; Joshi et al.2014; Adams2014; Liu et al. 2016; Pastor et al. 2014). Table 1 shows the methods concerning the assessment of the ecological flow of a river. Among these techniques Range of Variability Approach (Richter et al.1997), Flow Duration Curve Analysis (Tharme 2003) are frequently used techniques are present. The application of the Global Environmental Flow Calculator for calculating environmental flow for diverse ecological management classes is one of the signposts in this progress (Smakhtin and Anputhas 2006; Salik et al. 2016; Abdi and Yasi 2015). If all the existing methods are taken into consideration and categorized, there are four types i.e. (1) Hydrological or historic flow methods (2) Habitat methods (3) Hydraulic methods and (4) Holistic methods. Hydrological or historic flow methods are based on the records of the historical flow regime. Tennant (1976)method, for example, determines the EF as a percentage of the average annual flow. Hydraulic methods are dealt with the hydraulic geometry of a channel. Collings(1974) method is a customary one that defines the minimum flow based on the relationship between discharge and wetted perimeter. Habitat methods are based on the physical habitats simulation concerning flow. The stream-flow incremental methodology suggested by Bovee (1998) is a quite good example of this group. Holistic methods focus on water resource management about the riverine ecosystem as a whole. Precise estimation of eco-flow can extend an appropriate scope for restoration of the river and riparian ecosystem. So, this task is quite essential. In the developed nations, such work has been done affluently but there is an acute dearth of such work in the developing nations (Pal and Talukdar 2020). A clear report about the flow condition and ecological needs of each river should be in hand of the concerned policy makers for designing and implementing suitable strategies for its restoration and prevention.
Table 1
Different methods of Environmental flow estimation exercised across the world
Organisation | Source | Category of Methods | Sub-category/Example |
IUCN | Dyson et al. (2003) | Look-up table | Q95 index |
Tennant method |
Desktop | Richter method |
Wetted perimeter |
Functional analysis | BBM |
Expert panel assessment |
Benchmarking method |
Habitat modeling | PHABSIM |
IWMI | Tharme (2003) | Hydrologic index | Tennant Method |
Flow duration curve (FDC) |
Hydraulic rating Habitat simulation | Wetted Perimeter Method |
Holistic methods | Building Block Methodology |
The World Bank | King et al. (2003) | Prescriptive | Tennant method |
Wetted perimeter method |
Interactive | IFIM |
Eco-flow measurement about present flow condition is not only a prudent task. Since the flow alteration is observed in a particular direction, flow prediction and comparing predicted flow with the ecological needs are essential to make the strategies long-standing and effective (Gao et al. 2018). Flow prediction and eco-flow estimation have been done by the scholars separately (Lamouroux et al. 2015; Forio et al. 2015) lacking the integration of two vital issues for long-term inclusive hydro-ecological management of a river. This gap of research was the source of inspiration to carry on this research to estimate environmental flow, forecast flow and integrating these two issues for inclusive planning support. It will help to compare whether the predicted flow will be able to meet the needs of ecological flow requirements. Flow simulation and predictions based on statistical and mathematical predictors have got appropriate concentration over the last two or three decades. Although diverse methods are there, the use of machine learning techniques in this field has made new options for precise prediction of flow believing not only its net rise but also timing, high and low flow pulses, duration (Hoang et al. 2010; Wei et al. 2012; Yaseen etal. 2018; Zahiri and Azamathulla 2014). Few popular machine learning techniques are Support Vector Machine (SVM), Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Random Forest (RF). Table 2 shows brief pieces of literature on the application of machine learning methods in this regard and their success. In most cases, the applications of these methods have been done in developed countries and these are rarely applied in the country like India and Bangladesh. Considering the success of predictability, the present study has also relied on ANN, SVM and RF methods for flow forecasting and simulating. However, focusing on the issues of integration between eco-flow and flow forecasting for supporting effective strategies to the policy makers, the present work has tried to estimate eco-flow about historical flow and forecast flow to judge whether the predicted flow keeps in parity with ecological needs.
Table 2
Literatures on applied ML methods for flow forecasting
Applied ML methods | Applied in river | Model performance/Validation methods with the success rate | Reference |
ANN, GP, MT | Narmada basin, Rajghat, India | R (0.7, 0.75 and 0.72), RMSE (3240.23, 3059.52 and 3204.34) | Londhe and Charhate, 2010 |
ANN, SVM | Changjiang River, EastChina | MAE (2922.15 and 2567.0), MRE (22.11 and 19.73) and R2 (0.795 and 0.834) | Guo et al., 2011 |
ANN, ARIMA, LSSVM, SOM-LSSVM | Bernam River, Penisular Malaysia | MAE (0.06, 0.076, 0.045 and 0.037 ), RMSE (0.083, 0.104, 0.061 and 0.049) and R (0.86, 0.584, 0.876 and 0.922 ) | Ismail et al., 2012 |
ANN | Upper White watershed, USA | NSE (0.7115) | Kasiviswanathan and Sudheer, 2013 |
ANN, ANFIS, SVM | Pailugou catchment, northwestern China | R (0.938, 0.936 and 0.947), RMSE (388.255, 392.530 and 364.555), MARE (12.802, 13.637, and 11.713) and NSE (0.871, 0.869 and 0.887) | He at al., 2014 |
ARIMA, LSSVM, WLSSVM | Klang River, Malaysia | RMSE (4.63, 3.47 and 2.71), MAE (3.56, 2.83 and 2.07) and R (0.66, 0.84 and 0.89) | Shabri, 2015 |
ELM, SVR, GRNN | Tigris River, Middle East | R (0.799, 0.761 and 0.468), NSE (0.578, 0.378 and 0.144), WI (0.853, 0.802 and 0.689), RMSE (87.906, 124.155 and 135.35) and MAE (71.544, 108.36 and 112.60) | Yaseen et al., 2016 |
ANN, SVM | Hunza river, Gilgit–Baltistan | RMSE (161.59 and 147.01) MAE (94.87 and 86.68) and R2 (0.869 and 0.872) | Adnan et al., 2017 |
SVR, M5, FOASVR | Aji Chay River, Iran | RMSE (9.22, 9.79 and 8.99), MAE (5.53, 4.62 and 3.71), R (0.53,0.75 and 0.81) and BIC (834.27, 771.78 and 703.64) | Samadianfard et al, 2019 |
ANN, SVM, HW-ANN, RF | Punarbhaba river, India and Bangladesh | RMSE (1.24, 1.16, 0.32 and 0.45), MAE (1.53, 1.27, 0.51 and 0. 63), MAPE (1.34, 1.22, 0.41 and 0.51), R (0.836, 0.853, 0.884 and 0.866 ) | Pal and Talukdar, 2020 |
Note: ANN: Artificial Neural Network; GP: Genetic Programming; MT: Model Trees; SVM: Support Vector Machine; ARIMA: Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average; LSSVM: Least Squares Support Vector; SOM-LSSVM: Self Organizing Map-LSSVM; ANFIS: Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System; WLSSVM: Hybrid Wavelet-least Square Support Vector Machines; ELM: Extreme Learning Machine; SVR: Support Vector Regression; GRNN: Generalized Regression Neural Network; HW-ANN: Wavelet ANN, RF: Random forest; M5: M5 model tree; FOASVR: Fruit fly Optimization Algorithm-SVR |
R: Coefficient of correlation; RMSE: Root mean square error; MAE: Mean absolute error; MRE: mean relative error; NSE: Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient; MARE: mean absolute relative error; MAPE: Mean absolute percentage error, WI: Willmott’s Index; R2: Determination coefficient; BIC: Bayesian Information Criterion. |