Authorization of the use of GeneXpert equipment by SUS
The members of the National Commission for Technology Incorporation at SUS (Comissão Nacional de Incorporação de Tecnologias no SUS - CONITEC) present at the 11th ordinary meeting in plenary on 12/07/2012, unanimously recommended the assay Xpert MTB/RIF realized by GeneXpert equipment as a test for diagnosing TB and for detecting resistance to RIF(12).
However, the following year, they conducted a public consultation between January 15 and February 04, 2013, characterized as suggestion and questioning, respectively. Finally, on March 7, 2013, the final decision of CONITEC members was to recommend the incorporation of the GeneXpert MTB/RIF Xpert assay for TB diagnosis and detection of resistance to RIF within the scope of the PNCT and according to the criteria established for its implementation (12).
Ordinance No. 48, of September 10, 2013, made public CONITEC's decision to incorporate the assay Xpert MTB/RIF into SUS for TB diagnosis and detection of RIF resistance(14).
Quantitative analysis of GeneXpert in Brazil
In the first year (2014) of introduction of RMT-TB in SUS there were (n = 88 laboratories) with 149 RMT-TB equipment, in 2020, this number increased to (n = 203 laboratories) with 257 RMT-TB equipment, the identified increase was 130. 68% in the number of RMT-laboratory and 72.48% in the amount of RMT-TB equipment in the evaluated period. Furthermore, by Friedman's test, it only had a significant difference (p < 0.0001) in the number of RMT-laboratories between the years 2014 versus 2018; 2014 versus 2019 and 2014 versus 2020.
To evaluate the distribution of RMT-laboratories among the regions, we considered that there would be proportionally, 20% RMT-laboratories per region, however we observed that in the Southeast Region it was about twice as much 39.41–45.93% (Fig. 2A). Regarding the federal units, the equal distribution would be about 4% RMT-laboratory for each, but the state of São Paulo alone had 20.20% − 34.09% (5.0 to 8.5 times the value) of RMT-laboratory in the evaluated period (Fig. 2B). There were significant differences (p < 0.0001) in the frequency of RMT-laboratory in all years of the historical series.
The RMT-laboratory ratio/population in the Brazilian regions over the evaluated period demonstrates that in the last three years the highest ratio was obtained in the North region, which varied approximately from 60–80% more than in the Central West region, the second region with the highest ratio, and about 80% more compared to Brazil as a whole (Fig. 2C). Calculating for the federal units individually, Rondônia was the one with the highest ratio in the last three years, surpassing Acre and Roraima (Fig. 2D).
In addition, we can observe the number of RMT-laboratory in some states in which the TB incidence coefficient ranged from high to very high as in Acre (0–3 laboratories); Roraima (1–2 laboratories); Pernambuco (5–11 laboratories) and Pará (3–6 laboratories) (Fig. 3).
In seven years, (n = 508,381 new cases of MTB) were registered in Brazil, RMT-TB was responsible for detecting 205,585 (40.44%) of these new cases. The Southeast region had the highest number of new cases of MTB (n = 232,242 cases), 106,631 (45.91%) cases were detected by RMT-TB. The state of São Paulo, among the federal units, had the largest number of new cases (n = 121,748 cases), 59,150 (48.58%) cases were identified by the equipment.
There was a higher number of tests for MTB (n = 1,117,645) by RMT-TB in the SUS in the Southeast Region, where 106,631(9.54%) were positive. Regarding the federal units, the state of São Paulo, was the one that tested the most for MTB (n = 842,557 tests), obtaining 59,150 (7.02%) positives using only RMT-TB.
The state of Amazonas presented a very high incidence (> 50 cases/100,000 inhabitants) in all years of the historical series and an increase in the detection of positive MTB by RMT-TB in the year 2016 (Fig. 4). On the other hand, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, which also showed very high incidence (> 50 cases/100,000 inhabitants) in all years of the historical series, the detection of positive MTB was higher in two years of the historical series (2017 and 2020) (Fig. 4).
In states where TB incidence ranged from high to very high during the period evaluated, Roraima in 2019 had an increase in RMT-TB positive MTB detection that coincided with highest moment of TB incidence (> 50 cases/100,000 population) in that state (Fig. 4). In Acre, MTB positive detection was highest for the first time in 2017, the same year that the state first had TB incidence at the highest level (> 50 cases/100,000 population) (Fig. 4). In Pernambuco, MTB-positive detection experienced an increase for the first time in 2020, one year after the state showed very high TB incidence (> 50 cases/100,000 population) for the second time (Fig. 4). Whereas in the state of Pará, in the year 2019, when the incidence of TB was very high (> 50 cases/100,000 population), the detection of positive MTB in those tested by RMT-TB was lower compared to the previous year (2018) when the incidence of TB was lower (25-49.9 cases/100,000 population) (Fig. 4).
RIF resistance was detected by RMT-TB in (n = 8,209 positive MTB) in all seven years. Given this scenario, we observed, that in 2020, the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, in the Central West region, the detection of RIF-resistant MTB was about (20.1–30.0%) of the MTB detected in the state by the RMT-TB, a higher percentage than those detected in the states of Amazonas, Rio de Janeiro and Acre, where the incidence of TB was very high (> 50 cases/100,000 inhabitants) in the same year, as well as, of those detected in the other federal units in the previous years in the historical series (Figura 5).
Furthermore, it was possible to infer that in Regions North; Southeast; South; Central West and Brazil, there was a significantly increasing trend in the frequency of positive MTB detected by RMT-TB in SUS laboratories, on the other hand in Region Northeast this trend was significantly decreasing (Supplementary Fig. 1A, Supplementary Table 1). This scenario also showed that the frequency of RIF-resistant MTB detected by RMT-TB in SUS in Regions North and Southeast, showed a significantly decreasing trend. However, a significant increasing trend was observed in the Central West Region (Supplementary Fig. 1B, Supplementary Table 1).
Considering the correlation between health indicators, we analyzed by Spearman's correlation, that there was a significant correlation (p = 0.0452) between the frequency of MTB and the number of RMT-laboratory in the federal units only in 2014 and, a significant correlation (p = 0.0080) between the number of RMT-laboratory and TB incidence by region in the historical series.