4.1. Geochemical surveys of EC and heavy metals
The heavy metals concentrations, pH and electrical conductivity (EC) values in the groundwater samples of the Davarzan aquifer are listed in Table 1. The pH of the samples varies from 8 to 8.6. The pH values in the aquifer indicate the slightly alkaline nature of the water in general. The EC is used to characterize groundwater circulation. The EC values of the collected samples vary from 300 µS/cm at the recharge zone in the north to 3500 µS/cm in the southwest of the aquifer. In general, an increase of the EC is observed from the recharge area to the aquifer outlet in accordance with the direction of the groundwater flow (Fig. 3).
The average heavy metals concentration in the groundwater of the area was in the order of: Cr > Fe > As > Ba > Pb > Zn > Cu > Ni (Table 1). Among them, Cr is the main heavy metal, and its content ranges from 32 to 277 µg/L, with an average of 145 µg/L. Totally, the average value of heavy metals concentrations varies from less than 6 to more than 145 µg/L in the groundwater samples. The average concentration of As, Cr, Fe and Pb elements are higher than the WHO standard values for drinking waters.
The inverse distance weighted method (IDW) for spatial interpolation in ArcGIS was employed to determine the spatial distributions of heavy metals (Fig. 4). The Fe, Ba, Pb, Cu and Zn metals have an increasing trend from the east to the west of Davarzan aquifer, while, As and Cr ions represent an increasing trend from north to the south region. Nickel metal has the lowest concentration compared to the other elements in groundwater samples and does not have a regular trend. Correlations of the heavy metals were evaluated using Pearson correlation coefficient and their significances were established at 95% confidence level (Table 2). The highest correlations are related to Lead and Zinc (0.60), Lead and Barium (0.58), Arsenic and Nickel (0.54), Arsenic and Chromium (0.50), Arsenic and Lead (0.46), Copper and Nickel (0.45) and Chromium and Nickel (0.42). The strong correlation values are aligned with the spatial distribution of heavy metals. In the following, the spatial distribution of the dominant elements and possible sources in the study area are discussed.
- Copper (Cu)
The Cu concentration varies from 2.86 in the northeast to 25.69 µg/L in the northwest of the aquifer, with an average concentration of 9.13 µg/L, which is much lower than WHO reference values. Copper is a chalcophile element that founds in ultramafic rocks, basalts, intermediate rocks and granites (Vincent, 1974). Among sedimentary rocks, black shale has the highest average of copper value (McLennan and Murray, 1999). In general, the concentration of copper element in all parts of the study area is very low compared to other elements, because of lack of copper-rich rocks in the recharge area.
- Iron (Fe)
Iron is one of the most abundant metals in Earth’s crust. The range of Iron element in natural fresh waters varies from 0.5 to 50 µg/L. The iron concentrations in the groundwater samples of Davarzan aquifer range from 20 to 547 µg/L with an average of 127.19. Its concentration is almost less than WHO standard, except, in the western part of the aquifer (Fig. 4). The iron metal mainly originates from andesite-basalt rocks that occurring in the Northwest of the study area (Fig. 1).
- Nickel (Ni)
The Ni concentration (in µg/l) ranges from 0.5 to 13.7 in Davarzan aquifer (Table 1), which is less than WHO standard. Nickel element could exist in dissolved form in groundwater according to the pH and Eh conditions (Vallée, 1999). In natural environment, groundwater has generally very low Nickel ion value (Bernard et al., 2008) and its main geological source is Ultramafic rocks (Kudelasek, 1971). In the Davarzan aquifer, there is a small amount of Nickel that does not be dispersed regularly. However, most concentrations of Nickel are measured in the southeastern and northwestern parts of the aquifer (Fig. 4). The outcrop of Ophiolite complex in northern part of Davarzan plain can be the most important source of Nickel element in the groundwater samples of the area.
- Lead (Pb)
The concentration of Pb ranges from 9.55 to 52.93 µg/l and its average is 19.99 µg/l. (Table 1). The average concentration of Lead in groundwater samples is higher than the safe limit provided by WHO. The highest concentration of Lead is measured in the western part of the aquifer, where the Davarzan city is located (Fig. 4). Therefore, due to existence of sewage wells (anthropogenic source) and also outcrop of the limestone and sandstone units (terrestrial source) (Fig. 1) in the northern part of the area can be the most important sources of enhancing Lead concentration in the groundwater samples of this area.
- Zinc (Zn)
The Zn concentration varies from 1 in the east of aquifer to 25.72 µg/l at the west of aquifer (Table 1). The amount of Zinc element in the all groundwater samples is much lower than WHO standard. Nevertheless, similar to lead ion, the highest amount of Zinc element was observed in the western part of Davarzan aquifer (Fig. 4). Since Lead and Zinc generally have the same geological source, the presence of limestone and sandstone units in the northwest of the aquifer (Fig. 1) probably leach lower Zinc concentration into the groundwater along with Lead ion.
- Barium (Ba)
The Ba concentration ranges from 13.89 to 121 µg/L (Table 1) with an average of 39.30 µg/L. Barium concentrations in the all groundwater samples are less than WHO standard. The highest concentration of barium is measured in the western part of the aquifer (Fig. 4). Barium is exist as a trace element in the both igneous and sedimentary rocks (Mokrik et al., 2009). The outcrop of Andesite-basalt rocks in the northwest of the Davarzan aquifer (Fig. 1) can be the most probable source of increasing Barium ion concentration in this area.
- Chromium (Cr)
The amount of Cr ranges from 32 to 277 µg/L and its average is 145 µg/L (Table 1), which is the dominate heavy metal element in the area in comparison to the others. The concentration of chromium in the Davarzan aquifer is higher than WHO standard values, which is similar to other ultramafic and ophiolitic environment in the world (Nriagu and Nieboer, 1988; Emsley, 2011; Chrysochoou et al., 2016). Among geological formations, ultramafic rocks and serpentine in ophiolite complexes are the most enriched ones in Cr element (Ozeet al., 2007; Vasileiou et al., 2019). The measured Cr concentration in the ophiolite complex at the northern part of Davarzan plain was varied from 2340 to 7754 mg/kg (Shojaat et al, 2003). Weathering of ultramafic and ophiolitic rocks has been linked to the occurrence of elevated concentrations of hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) in soils, sediments, and groundwater (Fantoni et al., 2002; Chrysochoou et al., 2016). The soil samples of Davarzan plain have geogenic Cr concentration of 700 to 1400 mg/kg. The sediment of salty pan at the southern part of the area also most probably has been linked to the occurrence of elevated concentrations elements such as Cr ion. Chromium is found in natural waters in both trivalent (Cr3+) and hexavalent (Cr6+) states. Cr3+ is insoluble and immobile in an alkaline and oxidative environment, while in comparison, Cr6+ is mainly soluble and mobile in such conditions (Sharma et al., 2008). Chromium in groundwater is usually present in hexavalent form (Cr6+), such as the study area (Sperling et al., 1992; Kotaś and Stasicka, 2000; Vasileiou et al., 2019). The Cr concentration distribution is shown in Fig. 4. High concentrations of Cr were distributed over the whole studied area. The ophiolite complex, leaching from topsoil and salt pan are the main probable origin of elevated Cr ion in the area.
Chromium was demonstrated to occur naturally in waters and soils during dissolution and weathering of rocks, especially in ophiolitic zones. The Cr concentration of the discharged spring from the ophiolite complex of the area was about 35 µg/L. The lowest Cr concentration in the groundwater was measured near the ophiolite area in the northern part of the plain, which is in the range of the discharged springs. It can be concluded that the groundwater in the recharged area with lower residence time has the lower Cr concentration. Generally an increasing trend of the Cr concentration is observed from the recharge area to the aquifer outlet in accordance with the groundwater flow direction (Fig. 5). The highest concentration of chromium is in the southern part of the Davarzan aquifer (Fig. 5). The Cr can be released in the groundwater of the area mainly through dissolution of its minerals in the groundwater flow path and also the leaching from topsoil during the direct recharge and agricultural return water, too. They are the most important natural sources of chromium entry into bodies of groundwater.
The occurrence of salty playa in the southern margin of the plain may the other possible source of the a few elements in the groundwater samples of the area. Figure 6 shows the relationships between the Cr ion concentrations and the EC values of the groundwater samples. The Cr samples show a direct relation with the EC value indicating that salinity is probably the cause for the increased Cr concentration. Salinity can affect the mobility of some heavy metals. An increase of ionic strength by any salts promoted a higher release of Cr in the groundwater. Due to the invasion of saline water from this area into the aquifer, there is a possibility of intrusion of some elements in this part of the aquifer. The hypothesis needs to be further investigated. Also, a few metal concentrations may enter the aquatic environment during the cation exchange process due to increasing salinity in the southern part of the plain.
- Arsenic (As)
The arsenic (As) concentration in the groundwater samples varied from 26.78 to 58.81 with a mean value of 44.331 µg/L (Table 1), which is higher than the WHO’s guideline value. The Phosphate sediment and Shale are the most common natural sources of dissolved Arsenic element in the water. Phosphate fertilizers used in agriculture is also another important source of Arsenic ion (Jayasumana et al., 2015; Lin et al., 2016). As shown in Fig. 4, the highest As ion concentration is measured in the southern part of the Davarzan aquifer; where there is a focus on agricultural activities and pumping wells (Fig. 7). Therefore, agricultural return waters containing toxins and phosphate fertilizers can be the main cause of pollution in this area.
4.2. The principal component analysis (PCA)
In order to determine the origin of the studied elements, multivariate statistical method of principal component analysis (PCA) was used. The compositional bi-plot generated from PCA on clr-transformed heavy metal data is presented in Fig. 8. The three main components have been able to explain about 76% of the total variances and the first component with a justification of about 36% of the total variances is the most important component studied and influencing changes in heavy metal concentrations. The first feature that emerges from the bi-plot is the association of the variable vectors of As, Cr and Ni on one side, and Ba, Zn, Cu and Fe on the other part. The first group (As, Cr and Ni) is probably coherent with the geochemical reactions responsible for release of these elements into the groundwater along with the agricultural activity in the area. Short links between arrow heads of Zn, Cu and Fe represent proportional constituents commonly originating from weathering of ophiolite outcrops. The results of the PCA analysis confirm the main role of anthropogenic and geogenic activities in Davarzan region.
4.3. Groundwater conceptual pollution model
Based on the above results, the conceptual model of the groundwater pollution in Davarzan plain was investigated (Fig. 9). The springs and adjacent alluvial aquifer is mainly recharged from a nearby ophiolitic complex area and to a lesser with direct recharge and agricultural return water. The heavy metal, especially Cr and As elements are added to the groundwater of the area mainly through these recharged mechanisms and leaching from topsoil. They are the most important natural sources of the metals entry into bodies of the groundwater. Also, due to the invasion of saline water from this area into the aquifer, there is a possibility of intrusion of some elements in this part of the aquifer.
4.4. Heavy metal pollution index (HPI)
Heavy metal pollution index (HPI) is a method for ranking that shows the combined effect of each heavy metal on the overall quality of water (Sheykhi and Moore, 2012). To calculate the HPI of the groundwater samples in the area, the concentration of selected metals (As, Br, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn) is considered (Table 1). In the HPI index, weights (Wi) between 0 and 1 were assigned for each metals. Details of the calculations of HPI with unit weightage (Wi) and standard permissible value (Si) are shown in Table 1. According to the HPI values, the groundwater samples were classified in to two groups of medium (HPI = 50–100) and high (HPI > 100) contamination (Bhuiyan et al., 2010). The HPI value in the sample numbers of W1, W2, W3, W4, W5, W9, W10, W18, W19, W23, W24, W25 and W26 was less than 100, and in the remained samples it was more than 100. The spatial distribution map of the HPI value is presented in the Fig. 10. The HPI value of the collected samples varies from 50 to 100 at the recharge zone in the northern to more than 100 in the southwest of the aquifer. In general, an increase of the HPI is observed from the recharge area to the aquifer outlet aligned with the groundwater flow and increasing salinity trend. The higher HPI value in most parts of the aquifer is representative of high risk of groundwater that cannot be used for drinking. In other parts of the aquifer with HPI values below the critical pollution (100), is indicative of low risk water that is suitable for human consumption.
4.5. Human Health Risk Assessment
4.5.1. Non-carcinogenic Health Risk Assessment
The results of non-carcinogenic health risks assessment of metals across different age groups (adults, children, and infants) are summarized in Table 3. The non-carcinogenic health risk assessments were calculated by evaluating the Chronic Daily Intake (CDI) and the Hazard Quotient (HQ). The HQ values for heavy metals except As and Cr ions were less than 1 in the adult age group. HQ values for Cr and As ions in adults were 4.2 and 1.3, respectively. For the age class of children, in addition to the HQ of As and Cr metals, the HQ of Pb was more than 1 (14.8, 4.8 and 1.4 for As, Cr and Pb, respectively). HQ values for Infants in As, Cr and Pb metals increase to 22.2, 7.2 and 2.1, respectively (Table 3). If the HQ is greater than 1, heavy metals may be associated with a potential non-carcinogenic risk. (Giri and Singh, 2015) (Qiao et al., 2020). Thus, the high values of HQ observed in As, Cr and Pb can lead to non-cancerous diseases in the Davarzan area for all age groups (adults, children, and infants).
4.5.2. Carcinogenic health risk assessment
Estimation of carcinogenic health impacts from As, Cr, Ni and Pb (Table 4) revealed that concentration of these metals, except Pb, (which is only in adults) is relatively high to have carcinogenic health impacts on the consumers of groundwater in Davarzan area. According to Table 4, the Arsenic risk index is 1.9E-03 for adults, 6.6E-03 for children and 1.0E-02 for infants. Chromium risk index for adults, children and infants are 1.7E-01, 6.1E-01 and 9.2E-01, respectively. The Nickel risk index is 1.5E-04 for adults, 5.1E-04 for children and 7.6E-04 for infants. The Lead risk index for adults, children, and infants is 2.4E-05, 8.4E-05, and 1.3E-04, respectively. Based on the above results, almost, the average groundwater cancer risk index in the Davarzan aquifer is more than the ICRP limit (5x10− 5) for all age groups; except for Pb ion which is lower than the ICRP limit only in adults. An index value beyond the maximum acceptable level of the carcinogenic health risk index recommended by ICRP of 5x10− 5 indicates a high potential of carcinogenic health risk (Long et al., 2021). Therefore, there is a potential for cancer in all age groups of groundwater users including adults, children and infants at the study area.
4.6. Conclusion
The present study was conducted to investigate the origin of heavy metals of the groundwater samples in Davarzan region, northeast of Iran. Furthermore, the study was aimed to ascertain potential health risk of heavy metal concentrations to local population. The average heavy metals concentration in the groundwater of the area was in the order of Cr > Fe > As > Ba > Pb > Zn > Cu > Ni, among which the average concentration of As, Cr, Fe and Pb elements are exceeded standard limits recommended based on WHO’s guidelines. The Fe, Ba, Pb, Cu and Zn metals ions have an increasing trend from the east to the west of Davarzan aquifer, while, As and Cr ions aligned with the groundwater flow and salinity, have the north-south increasing trend. In general, an increase of the HPI is observed from the recharge area to the aquifer outlet, which is representative of high risk of groundwater that is not suitable for potable water. The northern heights of Sabzevar ophiolite and southern salty desert playa along with agricultural activities have most destructive effects on the quality setting of Davarzan crucial aquifer, which lead to increased health risks. Among carcinogenic substances, Cr, As and Pb metals have the highest carcinogenic risk and non-cancerous diseases in the Davarzan area for all age groups, which are close to the maximum acceptable risk value. It is necessary to pay high attentions to the dynamic changes of Cr, As, and Pb contents in the groundwater. Thus, the groundwater sustainable management is an effective way to control and mitigate the risks of groundwater pollution in the future. It is recommended to apply the comprehensive methods developed in this study to crucial aquifers with a deteriorating water quality, in order to prevent and control salinity and heavy metal pollution to reduce the human health hazards associated with heavy metals in the groundwater that pose threats to the environment.
4.7. Acknowledgment
The authors would like to appreciate the continuous support of Shahrood University of Technology and the Khorasan Razavi Regional Water Organization in this research.