4.1 Particle size distribution
Despite the sieving process, large particles can still be found in both the TWAP and the rubber powder. The TWAP showing particle sizes of up to 750 µm and the rubber powder even up to 1 mm (see Fig. 1). Reagglomeration after sieving and elongated particles which pass the mesh with their smaller width are leading to higher particle sizes. The particle size distribution of TWAP is significantly wider than that of the rubber powder and also exhibits much smaller particles. The abrasion process produces finer particles of the different materials than the grinding of rubber. This is favorable for the use of TWAP as a secondary raw material similar to rubber powder in rubber compounds.
4.2 Calcination
Calcination of the TWAP yields a quantity of approx. 62% mineral constituents. This agrees well with the observations made by TGA (s. 4.4, also for the chemical composition by elemental analysis). Further information with regard to the composition of the TWAP and the rubber powder is given by the TGA.
4.3 Thermogravimetric Analysis
The thermogravimetric analysis of rubber powder is shown in Fig. 2. From room temperature to approximately 330°C a mass loss of 5.24% can be seen. This is related to volatile matter, softener and other low-molecular additives. The next big mass change of 56.17% from 330°C to 480°C is due to degradation of polymers. The degradation temperatures of natural rubber and butadiene rubber, which are used typically in truck treads, lie around 370°C to 480°C. At 600°C the atmosphere is changed from pure nitrogen to nitrogen and oxygen. From this point on Carbon Black as well as other residuals consisting of carbon are oxidizing. This results in a further mass change of 29.93%. A residual mass of 9.77% is obtained which consists of minerals. The composition of the ash will be shown in the elemental analysis.
Figure 3 shows the thermogravimetric analysis of TWAP. In the first range up to 330°C a mass loss of 2.72% can be seen. Again, this can be related to volatile and low-molecular matter. In contrast to the TGA of rubber powder the graph of TWAP shows no clear change in degradation rate going from the degradation temperature range of volatile matter to the range of polymers. A mass loss of 12% up to 480°C is seen and a further 2.12% up to 600°C. Both can be related to polymers. While rubber powder consists mainly of NR and BR, a mixture of more polymers can be expected for TWAP. These other polymers can origin from road markings and asphalt. Again, the change of atmosphere leads to oxidation of carbon which leads to a mass loss of 16.17% for the TWAP. A residual mass of 68.61% is obtained.
To compare TWAP and rubber powder with their origin from tires, TGA-analyses of a truck tire tread respectively an aircraft tire tread were examined (see Fig. 4). The results of rubber powder and truck tire tread are similar. Differences of them can be derived from varying compound recipes of different tire producers. As TWAP contain a high amount of mineral residues, the mass changes for all TGA-measurements where normalized. The sum of all mass changes was set as 100% in order to eliminate the influence of the residual mass. The results of the normalized mass changes can be seen in Table 2. Again, the rubber powder and truck tire tread are very similar. The aircraft tire tread reveals a significantly higher portion of volatile and low-molecular matter as well as lower polymer content than rubber powder and truck tire tread. The amounts of Carbon Black are comparable.
In contrast, TWAP show a mass loss of volatile and low-molecular matter nearly like the aircraft tire tread. But a difference of 15–20% less polymer content in comparison to the aircraft tire tread respectively rubber powder / truck tire tread can be seen. Also, TWAP have nearly 50% carbon content which is much higher than in the aircraft tire tread. This may be due to additional organic matter coming from the pavement abrasion that contains bitumen.
Table 2
Normalized mass changes of thermogravimetric analyses
| Rubber powder | Truck Tire Tread | TWAP | Aircraft Tire Tread |
Up to 330°C | 5.74% | 5.73% | 8.24% | 9.15% |
Up to 600°C | 61.50% | 62.19% | 42.77% | 57.39% |
Up to 900°C | 32.77% | 32.08% | 48.99% | 33.46% |
4.4 Light microscopy and SEM
The microscopic image shows that the rubber powder is free from other particles. The particles have different sizes and morphology. The rubber powder has a rough, jagged surface (see Fig. 5) which originates from the ambient grinding process. Here, the grinding is done at room temperature, where the rubber is soft and elastic.
The TWAP, on the other hand, consists of particles of much more different sizes and composition. The dark particles come mainly from aircraft tire abrasion agglomerated with other particles. During landing, driving and braking, particles are released from the tread due to friction on the pavement. Here, temperature can come close to 200°C [15] Sand grains (1) and glass beads (2) from pavement and road markings are found. In the backscattered electrons (BSE) image they differ in brightness due to the different chemical composition (see Fig. 6).
The SEM images of rubber powder and TWAP also show the different particle sizes. The morphology is clearer in these images. The ambient grinding process of rubber powder from a tire leads to particles with a rough surface (see Figs. 6 and 7). On the surface of the rubber powder are some small particles found which reveal a higher density (brighter color in SEM). TWAP show some particles with a smooth surface like the glass beads (2) and some mineral particles (1, B) (see Figs. 6 and 7). The agglomerates of tire, break and pavement wear (C) are forming bigger particles (see Fig. 7). Rubber from tire wear alone is rarely found in the TWAP (A). The rubber particle shows an elongated shape and is smaller than rubber powder particles obtained by grinding. The abrasion process takes place under higher temperatures and loadings than ambient grinding. Due to their small size most particles form directly after abrasion agglomerates with other wear particles which adhere strongly.
4.5 Elemental Analysis
EDS-Measurements taken before and after the TGA measurements of TWAP and rubber powder show the elemental compositions of the starting materials and the remaining ashes. The different positions of the elemental analyses are marked in the SEM images before.
The elemental analysis shows a very high carbon content (C) for the rubber powder. This is logical for a rubber containing Carbon Black (pure carbon) as a reinforcing filler, polymers and plasticizers (consisting of hydrocarbons). Zinc (Zn) as zinc oxide is a typical ingredient in rubber compounds for activating the vulcanization process. In addition, the crosslinking agent sulfur (S) is also present. Traces of silicon (Si), calcium (Ca), sodium (Na) and potassium (K) are found (see Fig. 8 left). The mineral residue obtained after calcination consists mainly of silicon and oxygen. These may originate from the pavement and road dust that adheres to the tread. Again, the rubber compound ingredients sulfur and zinc as zinc oxide are found. (see Fig. 8 right). The elements calcium, sodium, potassium and aluminum are detected in small amounts and may originate from break wear [16–19].
Much like the spectrum of the rubber powder, the elemental analysis spectrum A of the TWAP shows a high carbon (C) content as well. In addition to sulfur (S), silicon (Si), oxygen (O), sodium (Na) and calcium (Ca), more aluminum (Al) and other metals such as iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K) and titanium (Ti) are also found (see Fig. 9). These may originate from silicon oxide (SiO2) as reinforcing filler in rubber compounds and brake wear that adhere to the rubber particles. Brake pads contain a huge variety of different materials [16–19]. Traces of chlorine (Cl) are found, which may be present as sodium chloride for deicing the pavement [20].
Spectrum B shows the elemental composition of a mineral particle. The main elements are silicon (Si) and oxygen (O). This indicates that the particle consists mainly of silicon oxide like a sand grain. Aluminum (Al), iron (Fe), calcium (Ca) and sodium (Na) are found (see Fig. 8). These are elements used in brake pads. Some brake wear particles may be agglomerated to the bigger particle. Carbon (C) can originate from diverse organic resources.
The elemental spectrum C) shows the composition of an agglomerate of different particles. Carbon (C), silicon (Si) and oxygen (O) are the main elements found which is consistent with spectra A) and B). Zinc (Zn) from the vulcanization activator and sulfur (S) as crosslinking agent are found. Again, aluminum (Al), iron (Fe) calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K) and titanium (Ti) indicate the presence of break wear particles. Traces of phosphorus (P) are measured. Phosphorus is used as phosphate in fertilizer and may originate from soil dust [20].
After calcination, silicon (Si) and oxygen (O) are still the most common elements found. These originate not only from the silica in the rubber particles, but also from sand and glass beads used in road markings (see Fig. 10). As seen in the spectra before calcium (Ca), titanium (Ti), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), sodium (Na), magnesium (Mg), aluminum (Al), potassium (K) and manganese (Mn) is found which may originate from brake pads.
Table 3
Weight percent of C, N, H and S in rubber powder and TWAP
| C | N | H | S | other |
Rubber powder | 82.39% | 0.42% | 8.19% | 1.29% | 7.73% |
TWAP | 26.47% | 0.21% | 2.79% | 0.61% | 69.95% |
As the previous elemental analyses cannot give quantitative values and is not able to measure light elements, the CNHS-analysis was used to confirm the previous results. Rubber powder reveals approximately 90% of carbon and hydrogen (see Table 3) which is reasonable because it consists of pure rubber filled with Carbon Black. This is consistent with the mass loss in TGA of volatile matter, polymers and Carbon Black. The low amounts of nitrogen can be part of vulcanization accelerators, the sulfur as mentioned before is used as curing agent. All other elements have a quantity of about 8%. This summed up with the amount of sulfur agrees well with the measured residual mass in the TGA.
The amounts of C, N, H and S in TWAP differ significantly from rubber powder. It contains only about 30% C and H, this is also in agreement with TGA-measurement. The low amount of nitrogen may also come from vulcanization accelerators and the sulfur from the curing agent. Other elements sum up to 70%, which presumably consist mainly of silicon and oxygen as seen in SEM/EDS analyses. This amount is also consistent with the residual mass and calcination results.
4.6 PAH analysis
The European Union regulation REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) set maximum amounts of PAHs for different products [21]. As the further aim of this study is to use TWAP as a secondary raw material for new products these limits have to be considered.
Table 4
PAH amounts of TWAP and rubber powder measured according to AfPS GS 2019:01 PAK
| TWAP | Rubber Powder |
| mg/kg | mg/kg |
Phenanthrene | 0,2 | 4 |
Pyrene | 0,7 | 14 |
Anthracene | < 0,2 | 0,4 |
Fluoranthene | 0,3 | 5,4 |
Naphthaline | < 0,2 | 1 |
Benzo(a)pyrene | < 0,2 | 0,5 |
Benzo(e)pyrene | < 0,2 | 1,2 |
Benz(a)anthracene | < 0,2 | < 0,2 |
Benzo(b)fluoranthene | < 0,2 | 0,3 |
Benzo(j)fluoranthene | < 0,2 | < 0,2 |
Benzo(k)fluoranthene | < 0,2 | < 0,2 |
Chrysene | < 0,2 | 0,3 |
Dibenz(ah)anthracene | < 0,2 | < 0,2 |
Benzo(ghi)perylene | 0,5 | 2,7 |
Indene (1,2,3-cd)pyrene | < 0,2 | 0,2 |
Sum 15 PAH | 1,7 | 30,0 |
TWAP exhibit significantly less PAHs than rubber powder. This is an advantage of TWAP versus rubber powder with regard to their use as a secondary raw material. One possible reason is that TWAP contain over 60% mineral residues and reveals significant less C- and H-content than rubber powder. But as the difference is more than these amounts can explain, there are more influencing factors.