Diarrhea is the initial of three and more movable or liquid stools per day, or additional repeatedly than is common for the individual people. It is commonly a sign of gastrointestinal poison which can be happen by a multiplicity of bacteriological, disease-causing, and sponging organisms [1]. Universally diarrhea is the second major cause of mortality among under-five children and responsible nearly one in five children deaths, and accounts for around 1.5 million children losses each year. Cumulatively, diarrhea only murders more childhood than acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), malaria, and measles [2, 3].
Globally diarrhea is the key causes of childhood illness and death, mainly in emerging countries like Gambia. It is accountable for 525,000 losses [4], and 1.7 billion cases [5] among under five children each year. The microorganisms which are a source of diarrhea disease spread through unimproved water and contaminated food. They can also transferee from one individual to another individual. Microorganisms are usually common in situations with unimproved intake water and hygiene [6].
In emerging countries, a child involves three or more happenings of diarrheal illness per year [7]. Diarrhea becomes a severe reason of undernourishment and undernourished youngsters have a chance to fall ill from diarrhea [8]. Maximum losses from diarrhea happen among children less than two years of age living in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa [9]. Minor rotavirus poisons can be preserved successfully in the similar method as other forms of diarrhea, by giving liquids and salts (verbal rehydration treatment). But, children with severe rotavirus diarrhea can come to be dehydrated and regularly want intravenous solutions or they risk to dying. [10]
The possibility reasons for diarrhea incidences different from place to place among children included the size of child at birth, type of toilet facility[11], quality of drinking water and lack of hygiene services reason the loss of millions of the world’s poorest individuals through diarrheal illnesses each year [12, 13]. Additionally, studies shows that age of child [14, 15], maternal education [14, 16, 17], lack of awareness of mothers/caregivers [18, 19], lower socio-economic status [16], distance and source of drinking water[14, 20, 21], latrine and hand washing facilities [22, 23], breast feeding [22, 24], place of residence [11, 23, 25], disposal of children’s stool [25, 26], family size [17, 18, 27], number of under-five children in the household [17], maternal age [18], and maternal employment status 16 as the determinant factors of diarrhea among under-five children. Rotavirus vaccines have to be announced as measure of a widespread method to control diarrheal illness, alongside with additional involvements including oral rehydration therapy, breastfeeding, zinc treatment, and improvements in water and hygiene.[28]
Even though still illness and death of youngsters due to diarrhea is high in Gambia; the occurrence of diarrhea among under five children increase from 17% in 2013 to19% in 2019-20 [29, 30]. The increases in the incidence of diarrhea is due the change of population growth in the country [29]. The problem of crucial attention in this study is just in what way of the variation is basically due to the enhancement of behavior suggesting the concrete raise in diarrhea occurrence and just how much is due to a compositional variation in the population distribution. Therefore, to end and control diarrhea, it is vital to differentiate the trends of diarrhea over time, source of deviation, the fundamental features for the variation in occurrence of diarrhea precisely and factors of diarrhea using appropriate statistical technique of analysis. Since unsuitable result clues to confusing deduction and involvement. But there is no suggestion that displays studies done at national level to determine main factors of diarrhea prevalence by considering the regional effect using mixed effect model method and that study the causal factors for the variation in the occurrence of diarrhea among youngsters through decomposition analysis. Therefore, the current study aimed to analyze the trend and determinants of diarrhea prevalence among under-five children within the Gambia for the last five years. Knowing the trends and determinants of diarrhea incidence could aid policymakers, and followers to take evidence-based involvement to reduce effectively the incidence of diarrhea.