The results substantiate that counting RR for 60 s has the lowest mean absolute deviation and therefore the highest level of agreement with the values measured by the RR sensor regardless of the level of RR. Counting for 60 s differed from the RR sensor by an average of 1.8 breaths with a standard deviation of 2.02. The second highest level of agreement can be attributed to counting breaths for 30 s, followed by stopping for 10 breaths (Fig. 1). Up to an RR of 25 bpm, counting 5 breaths was more accurate than counting breaths for 15 s. At a higher RR, counting breaths for 15 s became more accurate than counting 5 breaths. Overall, the deviation from the RR sensor was on average smaller at a low RR and increased with rising RR for all methods, except for counting for 60 s. At 60 s, the deviation remained approximately constant regardless of the RR (Fig. 2).
In our experiment, the average RR was 30 bpm; thus, counting 5 breaths corresponded to an average observation time of 10 s, and counting 10 breaths corresponded to an average observation time of 20 s.
Moreover, it was noteworthy that for all methods, the RR was on average underestimated at a low RR and overestimated at a high RR. However, the position of the cow (lying or standing) had no influence on the detectability of the RR, and the mean absolute deviation from the RR sensor was approximately the same for both positions.
Regarding the CCC, all methods achieved a CCC > 0.8 (Table 1). However, there were differences concerning the single methods: the level of agreement of the investigated methods proved to be in the same order as with regard to the mean absolute deviation. There are different approaches for the interpretation of Lin´s CCC (Akoglu 2018): According to McBride (2005), only the counting of breaths for 60 s achieved a substantial agreement (0.95–0.99).
Concerning the reliability, the five observers differed only slightly when comparing the CCC of the different methods (Table 1). All five observers reached a substantial agreement with the RR when counting breaths for 60 s. Therefore, we conclude that the reliability of this method is sufficient.
Table 1
Agreement of different counting methods for the respiration rate with the measurement of an RR sensor using Lin´s concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) for all observers (n = 230) and for the best and worst of five observers (n = 46)
Method | All observers CCC (LCI-UCI) | Best observer CCC (LCI-UCI) | Worst observer CCC (LCI-UCI) |
Counting RR for 15 s | 0.84 (0.80–0.88) | 0.87 (0.79–0.93) | 0.79 (0.66–0.87) |
Counting RR for 30 s | 0.93 (0.91–0.95) | 0.95 (0.91–0.97) | 0.90 (0.83–0.94) |
Counting RR for 60 s | 0.96 (0.95–0.97) | 0.97 (0.94–0.98) | 0.95 (0.92–0.97) |
Stopping time for 5 breaths | 0.82 (0.77–0.86) | 0.88 (0.80–0.93) | 0.78 (0.64–0.87) |
Stopping time for 10 breaths | 0.90 (0.87–0.92) | 0.93 (0.87–0.96) | 0.86 (0.77–0.92) |
(LCI: lower confidence interval, UCI: upper confidence interval) |
Overall, the hypothesis that longer observation times result in a more accurate RR measurement was confirmed. Therefore, we would generally recommend using counting for 60 s as the standard method in future studies because it is the most accurate method regardless of the level of RR. An exception are very restless animals, where a longer observation period would distort the results due to cow movements and make counting flank movement more difficult, for example, in calves (Lowe et al. 2019).
Although the average RR in cattle is between 24 and 36 bpm (Stöber et al. 1990), RRs of 78 bpm are not unusual in summer (Ruban et al. 2020). At these high RRs, we consider counting 5 or 10 breaths to be too inaccurate due to their short observation time. The accuracy of counting for 15 s and 30 s deteriorated less in our experiment at higher RRs than counting by breaths (Fig. 2). Consequently, for a basic acquisition of RR in daily work in practice, counting breaths for 30 s can be a good alternative to counting for 60 s considering validity, reliability and feasibility (less work).