The continued global emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) will lead to additional warming along with long-term changes in all components of the climate system, increasing the likelihood widespread and potentially irreversible in terrestrial system (Almazroui et al., 2021; Pachauri et al., 2014). With climate change running out of time to limit global warming to 1.5 ºC or to well below to 2 ºC above pre-industrial levels (Paris International Climate Agreement, 21st Conference of Parties), it is expected that the impact-related become more severe in developing countries mainly over those in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). In recent decades, the air temperatures levels in SSA have been warming at a rate comparable to that of most other continents, and thus somewhat faster than global mean surface air temperature. Additionally, the warming is higher than it was in the past century, and therefore the continent became one of the most vulnerable regions to global climate change (Russo et al., 2016). In the upcoming decades for both global warming levels (GWLs) of increasing 1.5 and 2 ºC and under Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs), air temperatures in Africa may rise sharply over most of African countries (Déqué et al., 2017; Lennard et al., 2018; Nikulin et al. 2018; State of the Climate in Africa, 2019). Along the extensive continent, there is observed a sharp geographical mean precipitation contrasts. Besides that, the Southern Africa is considered one of the few land-based regions in the world for which climate models are in agreement with precipitation (air temperature) decline (increase) as the global warming steps forward (State of the Climate in Africa, 2019; Pinto et al., 2020). Predictions of future climate change for Africa clearly suggest that the warming will continue and in average, the continent could be between 2 and 4 ºC warmer up to the end of this century. Meanwhile, over Southern Africa, there is a positive sign of change for temperature, with temperature rising faster at 2 ºC (1.5–2.5 ºC) as compared to 1.5 ºC (0.5–1.5 ºC) of global warming (Mavume et al., 2021). For instance, Dosio (2017) showed that under strongest radiative forcing scenario, warming of more than 3.5 ºC is projected in second quarter of the tropical summer season over most of the African continent. These statements are supported to those claimed in Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Assessment Reports (IPCC-ARs) (Hulme et al., 2001; Pachauri et al., 2014; Reay et al., 2007). Additionally, over the coastal and developing countries of Southern African region, such as Mozambique, there will likely experience increasing (decreasing) in frequency and intensity of heat waves (number of rainy days) and the spread of regions with extreme droughts, under future climate projections. Besides to these climate change signal most of Southern African countries have just experienced decreasing (increasing) in seasonal and annual mean precipitation (air temperature), and hence higher inter-annual variability (Déqué et al., 2017; Dosio, 2017; Maure et al., 2018; Pinto et al., 2020). Briefly, Africa is therefore a continent of high exposure and vulnerability, and within southern Africa, Mozambique is one of the “hotspots” for climate change-related impact. This situation is caused mainly by geographic location and high levels of poverty.
Studies focused on the evaluation of present and future climate change within Mozambique borders are scarce (e.g., Mavume et al., 2021). However, some regional climate modeling studies have been performed over extensive regions of the African continent, most of them considering generalized analysis for the Southern African region as a whole (e.g., Maure et al., 2018; Pinto, Jack, Hewitson, 2018). As stated by Steynor and Pasquini, (2019), if climate information’s are to be effective in building capacity to prepare for future climate change in Africa, understanding the local context of its impacts on African countries will be crucial to designing an effective adaptation framework. At small-scale, there is some local evidence of increasing mean air temperature and irregular distribution of precipitation within Mozambique borders, which partially support the global and regional results previously highlighted (INAM-Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia). However, it is known that the magnitude of climate change-related impact will not be homogeneous even on sub-regional scale. Whilst scores of global and regional studies for Africa has taken great strides forward, the ultimate goals of the sub-regional to local scale precipitation and air temperature variability that affects small countries such as Mozambique, remain little studied. Over Southern Africa, there are relatively few studies based on global climate models downscaled by regional climate models. For instance, in the last decades some studies have been using ensembles of high-resolution regional climate projections generated by Regional Climate Models (RCMs) within the Coordinated Regional climate Downscaling Experiment for Africa (CORDEX). In addition to the studies of Mavume et al. (2021), Queface (2009), as far as we know, there are no studies investigating the effects of climate change and responses to global warming under representative climate scenarios through a RCMs downscaled data at a sub-regional, countrywide and local scale in Mozambique. As stated in Mavume et al. (2021) the scarcity of dedicated studies on climate change projections at local levels in an undeniable fact.
The climate change concept is more useful in practice if the impact assessment is implemented at sub-regional and local scale. As claimed by several studies (e.g. Déqué et al., 2017; James and Washington, 2013; Lennard et al. 2018), the sub-regional and local air temperature warming is not determined only by the mean global warming. The spatial pattern of warming also strongly depends on region and season, as the regional air temperature response to global warming in Africa is very pronounced, although it is also strongly modulated by sub-regional and local scale processes. Local magnitude of warming can be much higher leading to more extreme and severe regional footprints of global warming than what could be expected from directly considering global warming (Nikulin et al., 2018). It is essential to understand the sub-regional climate response to global climate change over Mozambique as warming or drying rates across the country are likely to be faster or not than the regional and/or global average. Such as underlined by Steynor and Pasquini (2019), through a better understanding of climate change-related impact over local-scale, there is scope to design climate services that more readily fit the specific sub-regional context.
As stated by Hulme et al. (2001) for Africa context, but also true for Mozambique, the climates are both varied and varying: varied because they range from humid near equatorial regimes, through isolated seasonally-arid tropical regimes, to a narrow sub-tropical climate type, and varying because all these climates exhibit differing degrees of temporal variability. The geographical location of Mozambique make the country prone to frequent droughts and uneven precipitation distribution with two distinct seasons: a hot and wet summer season that extends from October to March, and another extremely dry and winter season from April to September. From this point of view, the trend line of observed weather stations indicate that the annual cycle of air temperature over this country of the tropical region is less contrasted than the precipitation. It is important to note that, this low annual air temperature amplitude results from a “harshless” winter season. Meanwhile there is a significant difference between dry and rainy season, consequently there is a greater amplitude of annual precipitation (Morishima and Akasaka, 2010). The spatial and temporal distribution of air temperature and precipitation pattern in Mozambique are combined in a similar annual and seasonal trend line response. However, the seasonal cycle of precipitation is not homogeneous over the country. There is observed delay or lag in onset of rainy season over central and northern regions relative to early onset in the southern region (Engelbrecht, Engelbrecht, 2016; Lumpkin, 2021; Monerie et al., 2019). Hence, the precipitation (air temperature) distribution and variability in this country is shaped as a remarkable northward-southward (eastward-westward) gradient. From the point of view of their connection with the seasonal trend and interannual variation during tropical summer season for example, it is observed a remarkable increasing (decreasing) trend of seasonal mean surface air temperature (annual mean precipitation) around the eastern coastal region of the Southern Africa. Means that, the annual mean precipitation (annual mean surface air temperature) has shown a decreasing (increased) trend across the whole region (Abiodun et al., 2020; Maure et al., 2018; Monerie et al., 2019; Morishima and Akasaka, 2010; Pinto, Jack and Hewitson, 2018; Tadross, Jack and Hewitson, 2005). Another point resulting from some research and worth highlighted is that, there is a well-pronounced hot semi-desert zone in present-day climatology over a restricted areas in southern region of Mozambique that is projected to expand around the region under projected global warming (Engelbrecht, 2016). The aforementioned changes may replace the current climate pattern with the consequences arising from.
The geographical location in the tropical region and along the coast strip of Southern Africa, besides to a rugged topography makes Mozambique a territory with single climate characteristics. However, in SSA countries there is not a place of great consensus among global or regional models which attempt to project the sign of precipitation change at the end of the 21st century, although as far as air temperature the results converge to an almost generalized warm-response (Déqué et al., 2017; Maure et al., 2018; Pinto, Jack and Hewitson, 2018). Therefore, to address the challenges of better and deepest understanding of the real impact of climate change in the small-scale through this country, Regional Climate Models (RCMs) became sophisticated and important tools used in the last decades to improve the coarse resolution of the Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Models (AOGCMs). Climate change projections of high quality are performed by downscaling techniques and are often required in climate change impact assessments studies at regional and local scales (Mavume et al., 2021). Furthermore, the dynamically downscaling of AOGCMs simulations not always improve the skills and make better performance to simulate the present and future climate. The regional models add values, especially allowing to resolve small-scale processes that are influenced by e.g. topographical details, coastlines and land-surface heterogeneities. When used for climate change projections, RCMs not only can introduce finer resolution to identify signals of local climate characteristics, but may also simulate some significant different regional and subregional climate patterns (e.g., Dosio, 2017; Giorgi et al., 2012; Otieno and Anyah, 2012; Sylla et al., 2010; Sylla, Giorgi and Stordal, 2012). Although these advantages, besides to the initial and boundary conditions, it is known that the output of numerical models can be strongly affected by the local characteristics of the study domain (Diffenbaugh et al., 2005; Giorgi and Mearns 1999; Koné et al., 2018; Maity, 2020; Mariotti et al., 2014; Önol, 2012; Ozturk et al., 2018; Steiner et al., 2009; Sylla, Giorgi and Stordal, 2012). In Africa, there are relative significant studies (e.g. Hulme et al., 2001; Monerie et al., 2019; Pinto et al., 2016, 2020; Tamoffo et al., 2019; Yuan et al., 2014) whose discussion has received permanent attention on global and regional scale. Few if any of these studies have focused on the Southern African region, and none have relied on the use of dynamic regional climate models to simulate future climate under representative pathways scenarios over Mozambique domain in detail. Thus, researches aimed evaluating the performance of the regional models and quantifying the simulated air temperature and precipitation changes in the 21st century within Mozambique boundaries are currently lacking.
As stated before, there has been relatively little studies published on future climate change scenarios for Mozambique. Unfortunately, the downscaling of AOGCMs outputs to finer horizontal grid spacing has received relatively little attention in Southern Africa region. Although the efforts from CORDEX and CMIP projects for Africa to fill these gaps, Creese and Washington (2016) argued that some ensemble models are not appropriated to model precipitation due to the divergences of climatology features across models. Thus, as claimed by Tamoffo et al. (2019), the downscaling using a common RCM is a plausible option to overcome this issue, in the case the RCM exhibits a good skill to reproduce the real climate. Therefore, the International Center for Theoretical Physics - Regional Climate Model (ICTP–RegCM) used here is one of the most reliable regional model to simulate climate of the tropical regions. Rather than considering the global warming levels (GWLs) 30-year mean surface air temperature increase 1.5 and 2 ºC ( e.g. Engelbrecht and Engelbrecht, 2016), here was used a single regional model driven by AOGCM under Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) scenarios. This was made through the fourth generation of ICTP-RegCM, hereafter RegCM4, to evaluate and quantify the present and future climate over Mozambique, through two experiments: moderate radiative forcing (RCP4.5) and strong radiative forcing (RCP8.5). The latter one is considered here as the most realistic business-as-usual scenario given the current trajectory of GHG emissions. Additionally, rather than simulations with different future time periods and fixed global background warming value with respect to pre-industrial level of mean air temperature, in the present studies were considered a single and traditional 2070–2099 relative to 1971–2000. One of the most pragmatic challenges to the prospect of long-term climate change-related impact for most of the Southern Africa countries is the wish to strengthen scientific basis on national-scale. Thus, for the first time to our knowledge is provided an analysis based on the response of air temperature and precipitation to climate change simulated through a regional model under two radiative forcing’s for Mozambique. Thus, considering these assumptions, we have investigated not only the seasonal climatology of the mentioned climate factors, but also, relates its signal with probability density function for both, present and future climate. Additionally, the simulations presented here were also focus on amplitude and seasonal characteristics of the abovementioned key climate variables at sub regional level. The paper is organized as follows: in section 2 it is made a brief description of the model structure and setup, details of observed and simulated dataset for Mozambique, the draft of simulation experiments and metrics used to assess model performance. Section 3 discusses the validation of the CRU data and model performance in simulating the reference climatology. The projected changes simulated by the RegCM4 model are then discussed in section 4, and in section 5 are outlined the summary and conclusions.